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Do You Feel Out-Of-Place?

Osseous Rex

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Yeah, a little bit and that's been a thing for as long as I can remember. It used to bug me, but now, I'm actually pretty okay with it.

Edited by Cash_In
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I don't belong in society because to me society has a sickness. This sickness being conformity no matter how stupid. So in a sense the misfits or those who do not fit in the ones that feel out of place are probably the people I will feel the most in place with. Though yeah I don't mind staying isolated as I don't typically like people.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess I do, but that’s just how I like it. I don’t want to conform to a template of common ‘coolness.’ And no matter where I am, I feel sort of detached from it like this is all a non-reality that I’m just getting through as smoothly as I can.  

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  • 1 year later...


something that kinda comes along with being a queer person. 

But like the stuff that I'm into was already on the less "popular" side of things so im jist that much more left out. 

(Not to say I'm not into mainstream things or that I'm so underground or something but still.)

And even when I meet fellow queers or allies in those small spaces seems like they don't really try or care to connect with me then or afterwards, even if we had a good time together, and of course, as usual, even if i reach out first. 

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  • 3 months later...

Overtime, I feel more and more out of place. As if I was born from the ‘old era’ and being put (reborn) in this generation, not allowing me to rest. My body may be a 30 year old male born in the 90s, standing here alive in 2024, but my mind still stuck in the past written in a history book. I feel homesick sometime and my mind is often restless. I feel I have so much to share but do not have the obligation to do so due to never experiences it. It may be that I’m either just a dreamer or a nostalgist.

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I do feel out of place quite often. However, it seems like that sentiment is quite common, so that leads me to believe that I'm just imagining it. But I do think there is some merit to thinking I really don't fit in as I am neurodivergent. I generally try my best to not stick out. Or at least that's what I think. I dress normally and generally keep to myself. And perhaps that is because I know that if I do anything different I will stick out like a sore thumb. (Although, the way I dress is my natural style, so IDK.)

Old bubbly, chatty me got called "annoying", and lost many, many people I thought were friends. So, definitely, naturally I didn't fit in. That side of me is long gone now and that is saddening to me. I went from I suppose being overtly social to not knowing how to be social and becoming a bit of a recluse.


It's cliche for me to bring this up with me moving, but... I'm confident in saying that one way I know I've never fit has been living in the South. I am a Northeasterner at heart, and always have been. I do not match up with the South, like at all. I'm the polar opposite of the stereotypical southerner. I am politically left, I am non-religious. It is automatically assumed that you are conservative and Christian down here.

But that's not the sole reason I feel like an odd-one out down here. There's also differences in attitudes. I am a person who wants to be left alone when in public. I don't need random people getting up in my business when I'm just going to the grocery store. And Southern Hospitality is fake. It's all so fake, everything down here.

Lastly, obviously, the climate. People in my state joke around about tornadoes, and act like they're such a casual thing that you just go out on the porch to watch. Um... No. It's not just that, though, obviously - I absolutely hate the heat. And my idea of nice temperatures is far lower than other people in the South. People in the South think that a sunny 85 degrees is nice (obviously not EVERYONE thinks that way, but that is how so many people talk and it's literally how all our meteorologists talk, too). I think that's awful weather. I want temperatures in the 40s, 50s for a nice day. I am completely out of sync with people down here.

It seems like a really small way to be out of place among people (it's a big deal with living in the climate itself, obviously), but it's a lot more substantial then people may realize. There is an implicit assumption that everyone agrees on what is nice weather and what is not. And given Southerners' incessant need to make small talk with strangers, weather gets brought up a lot. When it's 80 degrees and sunny in March (which it should never be, ever. :angry:), people will just come up to you and assume that you think it's nice too and say "Nice weather we're having today, huh?" and I have to just nod along to keep the peace, because it's a silly thing to bring up that you disagree. But it really makes me feel like an odd-one out.

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