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Doctor Boojangles

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I'm 50/50 on this one. It's the obnoxious, rapid shippers that grind my gears. You know, the ones who are like, "I love these two characters. So they must be together" with little to no context or even an attempt to create some via decent writing and development. This goes double for OC ships. I'm okay with them if you have a well-developed OC with a purpose in the story and the character's life. I don't like it when people create OCs just to be love interests because they want to get with said character.  The need a story. A reason to be in the plot.


However, on the other hand, I'm a shipper myself and advocate that we are not ALL completely insane. I try my hardest to make my pairings make sense and work in context. This means I do a lot of research and watch the show again and again and try and make valid points as to why my pairing should be a thing. i.e. Silk


Anyway, the fandoms I have a problems with are Harry Potter, and any part of the SuperWhoLock fandom. Personally, I've hardly seen anything good come out of these fandoms. Just a bunch of obnoxious gifs and a need to make EVERYTHING about their fandom. There's not a sentence in existence that is not a reference to these people.


Also, 50 Shades simply because...I'm appalled that it's even a thing. That book was BAD and not even good bad. Just bloody BAD.

Is there really a 50 Shades fan base? Ugh...


Probably the Five Night's at Freddy's fandom. I never really got FNAF because all it is is chap jumscares. You are just stuck in a room closing doors and putting on a mask hoping that the stupid animatronics don't show up and scare you sh*tless. Yet, they seem to glorify it as "The Scariest Game in Years". It isn't even scary!  >_> And they pollute the internet with their "theories" about which animatronics are "possessed" and which ones are "hallucinations" or whatever. Don't get me wrong, I love coming up with backstories behind fictional characters. But when you spam it all over the internet, it just makes everything 20% less enjoyable (probably more than that. Oh and did I mention the porn? I can't even seem to look on Google Images without eventually running into that shit! Either they need to put their nasty-a** porn collection back at Rule34.net or Google just needs to improve their so-called "SafeSearch".  :eww:

Oh, and don't even get me started on the time watched a YouTube video, and a guy mentioned that he was born in 1987.  :okiedokielokie:

Oh my! A gift from the messaiah perhaps? Somebody else understands how bad FNAF is. I bought it on steam to see what the hype was about. I was so bored I have a total of 3 minutes logged in it. But hey, I'll give 'em credit for the back story and mystery, just please, PLEASE, keep it away from me.


Wait... There's actually... Porn? There is porn of robots in costumes with childrens corpses stuffed in them? I can't even... Just wow.

Trixie is best pone. Fight me.  :comeatus:

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Oh my! A gift from the messaiah perhaps? Somebody else understands how bad FNAF is. I bought it on steam to see what the hype was about. I was so bored I have a total of 3 minutes logged in it. But hey, I'll give 'em credit for the back story and mystery, just please, PLEASE, keep it away from me.


Wait... There's actually... Porn? There is porn of robots in costumes with childrens corpses stuffed in them? I can't even... Just wow.

Yes, it's Rule #34 of the internet, if it exists, there is porn of it. *shudders*  :eww:

"The question that drives me hazy:am I or the others crazy?"-Albert Einstein

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anyone who a fanboy white knight annoying drone....basically people who say PC MASTER RACE, CONSOLE MASTER RACE, PLAY STATION MASTER RACE, XBOX MASTER RACE, NINTENDO MASTER RACE And Ignore the flaws of there platform and make a big deal about problems on the other one  even through the one they love has a close to the same problem....nothing perfect i wish these fanboys would just accept that.....

Edited by Swoop Productions
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Youtube: Swoop productions

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Twilighters use to scare the shit out of me,  all the more once the movies came out....

Harry Potter fans,  the theories,  the pairings,  and the Harry/Draco yaoi girls...(shudders)

50 Shades of Grayers:   Ok this got gas to the flames....run while you can...


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Is there really a 50 Shades fan base? Ugh...


Yes. At least, I'm going to assume there is because of the popularity of the book. The reason I'm not 100% sure is because I so DO NOT go looking for this stuff. For good reasons. But I DO know there are people out there who defend this tripe.



 "I love all history because it's storytelling" - Natalie Dormer

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In my experience, I'd have to say Bronies, PC gamers, The Sims fandom, and the anime/manga fandom.


I've explained oh-so-many times my problems with the Brony fandom. I was so excited for the fandom at first... Like "OMG, guys who are secure enough in themselves to enjoy something made for little girls?! Amazing!" But then the "MLP is gender-neutral, now", "Is MLP even for girls anymore?" topics started appearing... As if a show for girls being actually good is somehow a contradiction. It's not, it's just that this fandom isn't everything I thought it was, hoped it could be. Of course, that's only scratching the very surface here... I've gone over this many times.


PC gamers... I could really say gamers in general, as gaming just attracts the whiniest little brats who can not accept others liking something that they don't. And yes, the gaming fandom in general is one of the worst fandoms ever. But I'll keep the emphasis on PC gamers, because with a good portion of them, it's taken to a whole new level. Too many bad experiences for me in regard to them, sorry.


The Sims fandom is simply too easily-amused. That seems okay enough, but the series has now been driven into the ground. TS4 should have never be successful, but the "EA can do no wrong" brigade is is in full-effect. But I can never hate the fandom. >.<


The anime/manga fandom is a whole 'nother can of worms. xD I need to be in bed, so I'll keep this short and sweet. There are two things I hate about the fandom: Elitism. Elitism within the fandom against Shonen titles and the like, as well as elitism against non-Japanese animation. Then there's the fact that many members of the fandom could never be satisfied with English releases even if they hit every single note right. I saw this full-force with One Piece. The dub, the simulcast ("How dare they don't offer me full-HD quality downloads with 'nakama' left untranslated for free!" - False entitlement gone wayyyyy overboard!), and then even the WSJ now released translated in the US the same day it is in Japan. Somehow even though the quality of the scans is far above what I ever saw in scanlations it's still "crappy (substituted word for another) quality scans".


The anime/manga fandom can not be satisfied ever. But I guess enough of us are around to keep dubs and WSJ alive.

Edited by Envy
  • Brohoof 2

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Bronies are the most annoying, but I'm talking about the ones that most bronies aren't. If you look of anything My Little Pony related, you're gonna get inappropriate stuff, because whoever brony made that viewable is quite messed up.

Pennutoh has a gun

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How comes no one mentioned the Warhammer 40K Fandom? I mean come on, we are the edgiest fandom ever!

We root for a faction that is basically a combination of Nazi Germany and Catholic church.


Aren't you all annoyed by "HERESY!" or "Oh yeah? The Imperium of Man will kick their assses....with one escort ship!".

"There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt."


"Prayer cleanses the soul, Pain cleanses the body."


"He who follows Chaos, shall suffer for eternity."

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the sonic and fnaf/five nights at freddy's fanbase puts a terrible taste in my mouth.
there are some cool people in there, yes, but everyone else is either drawing underage nsfw stuff and or completely missing the point of the game and drawing the characters like cute little animals.
the fans of hetalia are... weird. like i dont get the point of freaking out over someone saying italy or something.
and just no to "superwholock". those people are as stupid as a ball pit. they think they can do things only seen in a show when in reality, that can never happen and can get their butts in jail quicker than you can say "YOU'VE ANGERED THE WRONG FANDOM"

"every fighter down in smashville liked christmas a lot. but the wah, who lived just north of smashville... did not."

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Anime fans for sure, they used to be nice and quiet about it but now I can't go on a single music video without hearing "THIS NEEDS TO BE IN [insert japanese cartoon name here]". It doesn't help that I'm on another forum [not related to anime or fandoms in any way] where the weeaboos insert anime gifs and jpegs into every single post they make no matter how irrelevant to the topic at hand, and it's annoying as hell!

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The Attack On Titan fandom.


Sure, there are some great people in it, but the majority of the people don't even give a crap about the show. 


They care more about ships more then the plot of the show/manga itself.


The worst part is, pretty much the whole fandom ships "Ereri" (WITCH I HATE) and post disgusting pictures.


And they are rude to people who disagree with their ships.


It's disturbing and is really is getting on my nerves.


Friendship is not about whom you've known the longest..It's about those who've never left your side.

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(Obligatory #notallfandoms disclaimer that no fandom is entirely awful, there are nice and not nice people in all fandoms, etc, it just depends who you hang out with. Now the bitching~)


I find Pokemon fandom pretty tiresome - on the games side there's just so much complaining about everything, this or that Pokemon's design is the worst ever, the new games all suck because they don't have *ridiculously specific and implausible thing*, "genwunners" and don't even get me started on competitive battling - I don't do that stuff anyway, it sucks the fun out of it for me, but the one time I tried a battling simulator thing online all the competitive types I ran into were just so nasty and unwelcoming "lol noob" about it, it really put me off ever going near the competitive battling scene. And then there's the anime side, which has all the same complaining plus ridiculous shipping wars about who Ash should be with. It's just way too much negativity for me so I don't get involved in the fandom any more beyond looking at cute fanart.


Also pretty much all music fandoms, especially anything remotely "indie" - so much stupid elitism and ~judging other people because they happen to like different music to you, and even if you like the same band you probably like the wrong album or songs or whatever and you're not a TRUE FAN if you haven't been listening to them right from the start...ugggggh :ew: And the annoying thing is that this is apparently more socially acceptable than arguing over who's best pony or whatever (which is equally dumb, don't get me wrong) - I've had to give up on so many music magazines and sites and pretty much all discussion because I just can't stand how a lot of people talk about music (and films and TV etc) as being objectively "good" or "bad" and not something subjective because everyone has different tastes (and that's part of what makes it so awesome, for me!). It's a real pet peeve of mine, lol sorry -_-


And so, so many things about Tumblr fandom in general, but that's not specific to any one franchise, just this culture that seems to have developed over there where everything's ~problematic or ~so important or whatever...it just goes back to the whole "judging people for their tastes in entertainment" thing except over there (a lot of, not all etc) people are pretending it's about ~social justice~ so it's okay to bully someone for liking a different thing to you, apparently.


...wow, I can complain about fandoms a lot apparently :please:

  • Brohoof 1



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Fandoms that I find annoying are usually ones that I happen to be a part of. Such as Anime and the Metal Genre. pretty much fandoms that produce allot of elitist 


ANIME: I love anime. heck! allot of people do, but I feel the most of them hug on series such as Bleach or Naruto way to much. I'm not saying those series are bad, but I kinda consider those titles to be "Gateway Anime". There are tons of WAY better shows out there. Then there are the guys that       brag about how many different and obscure anime they have seen, and most the time they haven't even actually seen the titles they mention.

(so your the BEST anime watcher? No one actually cares)



Metal: I consider metal to be one of the most talented of music genres, But metalheads take themselves WAY too seriously most the time. As if metal is the absolute bastion of manliness. There are those guys that say "metal is the ONLY thing I listen to!" Then they list bands like Disturbed or Five Finger death punch. (I'm not gonna call them BAD bands, but as far as metal goes, that's straight up tween metal)

  • Brohoof 2


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The SuperWhoLock fandom.

I mean... gosh darn it. They're so bad.

I'm friends with people that like all three shows but at least they don't go online and annoy everybody. Guys, the Superwholock fandom is so bad.

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I'mma break the rules here. #Badass


No, but really, I often find myself most annoyed by bronies. Not all bronies, mind you. Just the extremist commando bronies.


The extremist commando bronies are the ones who are absolutely deadset on making eeeeeeeeeeeveryone a brony. And I am most annoyed by them solely for the fact that I, too, am a brony...believe it or not.

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Believe it or not... the J-rock fandom. Like, seriously. I maybe a j-rock addict and everything... but I will not take pride in being part of the horny fangirls who treat them like they are fricken gods! It's so sickening, and I hate everything about the fandom. I do agree there are very few who respect the fandom and what not though. They are often harder to find among the crazy ass fangirls. Let's just say I'm one of the ones that actually respect them. Aside from thinking they are absolutely gorgeous, but even i know they are still human!


@TheFunk: I don't even consider myself a metalhead. I just like metal, and that's all there is to it. *shrug* Thing is, I don't like saying I'm a metalhead either because I'm not into extreme screamo metal. Most of what I like is power metal/progressive metal/heavy metal/alt metal. I'm pretty happy with just that, but I don't feel the need to say I'm a metalhead because of it. Also, I do consider myself an otaku... but I'm not one of those who goes complete nuts over anime. I enjoy it like most people should. I also like cosplaying as well.

Edited by AdorbzFangirl

x Haruhi Suzumiya x


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The Deep House/Future House following. (not really a fandom so imma say "following.")


Holy shit can these guys argue. See, this is the problem; deep house and future house are very similar (though still have defining differences), which you can probably tell already - leads to arguments. If you go onto any future house/deep house song on YouTube, I can guarantee you that you'll see two or more people battling each other with insults and/or sometimes actual arguments over whether the song in question is classified as deep house or future house.


Here's a standard deep house song.

BPM is around 120~

Lots of traditional instruments used

Has a "soul" "deep" atmosphere



Here's a standard future house song.

BPM is 124

Mainly synthesizers used

Has a "club/hands up" feeling



Even though these genres have clear differences other than them both being house, having a 4-to-the-floor drum pattern and somewhat of similar tempos they somehow get mixed up and people fight over what is classified as what.

Edited by Flitter
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Alrighty then, prepare your butts for hurt because this is gonna be one of the longest and most fun posts I've ever made.


Let's start with the most annoying of all: WEABOOS AND OTAKUS


I'm so sick of it. SO SICK. I hate the art style, I hate the ridiculous stories, I hate hearing Japanese girls go "awooo I am so kawaii notice me Jotarutookugioh-chan senpai" So many of them are obnoxius, assholy jerks who will be a bully if you don't love their precious waifu shows. Not to even mention hentai, that's just sick, being attracted to girls that aren't even real and half of whom are underage. Then there's this kind of thing;




Of the sect, the three I find most annoying are NARUTO, ATTACK ON TITAN, and KILL LA KILL. FOR GOD SAKES, SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT. (I say this having two friends who like the latter two. I can listen to them talk about it, but anything more gets on my nerves). Furthermore, there are people out there who watch NOTHING BUT ANIME. And it pisses me off. 


"Hey, two people just got killed a town away. They'll be showing a picture of the murdered on the 6 o clock news."

"6 o Clock? I can't watch that! I gotta watch Super La Kill Kawaii Desu on Titan Alchemist 3! If I don't, I'll have to wait 5 minutes for it to be uploaded on the internet!"


Manga, on the other hand, I can occasionally enjoy if it's one I like (essentially, that includes Bleach and Dragon Ball) or based off a source material I enjoy (Ace Attorney, Kingdom Hearts) etc.


Homestucks - Ugh, this one is....ugh!  The comic is unfunny, nasty, unoriginal, and just ugly. The characters are stupid, the concept is stupid, everything about it is RETARDED. I physically got stupider seeing it.


Whovians - This one is one of my lesser hated, and the only reason it made the list is because I have quite a few aquaintances who love it. I don't really like Sci-Fi, and it's overrated. The plot just isn't that good.


Sonic Fanboys - Another one of the lesser, but it's because they are all like "herpderp Sonic is better than Mario" (I am a Nintendo fan, but Sonic's cool) - HOWEVER, the OCs are just awful. They comprise the majority of my hate for this one.


Furries - furrsonas. Anthro. Porn. Sexual Attraction to animals. All I have to say on this matter. (I know one furry. He's nice, and he's not quite that bad.)


PC MasterRace People - Shut up. Console games are more comfortable and have better titles to choose from. And no, emulators don't count.


Xbox Fanatics - The one thing Nintendo fans and Playstation fans can 100% see eye-to-eye on: XBOX SUCKS. Halo, Halo, Halo and Gears of War. Owned by Microsoft, who took two gems from Nintendo (Banjo-Kazooie and Conker's Bad Fur Day) AND DO NOTHING WITH THEM.


"Melee is the best Smash" - As a HUGE Smash fan, this one pisses me off. NOT EVERYONE plays competitively. I dabble in casual and competitive play. Half the competitive scene for Melee is glitches, which I consider cheating. Best part of Melee: Mewtwo, Roy, good Ganon. But Smash 4 has so much more.


Call of Duty fans - I hate shooter games (save for Destiny, that one's ok) and this is the armpitt/buttcrack of all shooters - 6 year olds screaming swear words when they get shot, poor ideas, and a rehashing of the franchise at least once a year (Black Ops, Black Ops 2, Modern Warfare 1,2,3,4)


Shippers - Romance has no place between 99.9999999% of the people you ship. *gets shot* CANON ROMANCE OR NO ROMANCE.


Minecraft Players - Ugh. The game is so boring.... why do you waste your time playing it.....


Twilight - Vampires are stupid. Teenage girl hormone stimulator. That's the only reason it makes money. The story is bad, the characters are bad, the merchandise is bad (might as well have a card for Valentines day saying "I vant you to be my Valentine #TeamEddyorwhatever)


Indie Music (NOT FAN MUSIC) - I don't care. Please stop.


And there you go. All my white hot rage at fandoms in one post.

Edited by Pinkie Pie Rules
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The MLP fans who think that they like MLP but they really are actually trolls and stuff.... It bothers me a lot because the MLP Fanbase is for MLP fans only!!!!

  • Brohoof 1


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