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gaming What is the OLDEST video game console you've played/owned?


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I have owned and played a lot of the older systems, but currently I own a NES a SNES, pikachu nintendo 64, gamecube, gameboycolor, playstation, ds lite and a gameboy advance the rest of my systems are not considered old and they all still work would not give them up as nice as the newer systems and games are I still love the oldies and still play them.

Edited by chaosprincess



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The oldest I've played is a NES. I screwed up at Mario and beat the first dungeon in Zelda. I also did pretty well at Tetris and Kirby.


The oldest I've owned is a PS1 that only had one game that was like a racing game or something.

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I'm not sure. I have an Atari Flashback, haven't played it in forever. I'm not sure which was the oldest game, but I will tell you that I played Pong, Breakout, Adventure, Adventure 2, Save Mary, Super Baseball, and a lot of others.

Pennutoh has a gun

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My oldest system... The Game Boy Advance is pretty old. I'm kind of surprised that it still works perfectly. :catface:


I used to intensely game on it because of the Mario Kart game, or maybe the Pokemon Yellow. But now it's sitting on my desk at home. Might have to play it again. ^3^

  • Brohoof 1


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My grandparents had a PS1 that I loved to play on when I went to their house. They only had two games -- Hot Shots Golf and Wipeout 3. Needless to say, my brother and I played the HECK out of Wipeout 3.


...Now that I think of it, I remember playing on my dad's old Atari console back when I was just a kid. I'm pretty sure it was a 2600, although I don't remember what game we were playing, and I'm too lazy to research it. XD

  • Brohoof 1


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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oldest one i have ever played is PONG and the oldest i have ever owned "and still do" is the NES

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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Oldest thing i've played on was the ps2 and gameboy, i still use the ps2 to this day!

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If my memory serves me correctly, my first ever video game console that I played was a Super Nintendo that my uncle owned.


The oldest console I've ever owned was the Nintendo GameCube and I still play it to this day and it works perfectly still :)


RavenholmZombie - Brony since 2011

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The oldest console I've played was a SNES, got it from a yard sale, and I played the heck out of Super Mario World. Of course I did get this Atari throwback console, but I'm not counting that.

I was gonna put an inspirational quote here, but I'm too lazy to do it.

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