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Everyday Things People Do That Annoy You


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When old people in trains are the only ones that say Good Morning because... they are the only real normal people in this world.


I wasn't aware that minding my own business and not bothering strangers made me abnormal. Really, I think it's much more polite for me to minimize myself and not bother others in any way. Just as when I'm in public, I want to be left alone.

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This this this so much. I can still remember telling a close group of my classmates that I don't like being touched and what did they do? Started to do just that, poking and just touching in general. That's just an example though. There are more too.


I would never do that. Where I am from, I've seen people stabbed for shit like that. It's a dumb idea to poke at people whom tell you what is going to piss them off and not adhere to that warning.

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I wasn't aware that minding my own business and not bothering strangers made me abnormal. Really, I think it's much more polite for me to minimize myself and not bother others in any way. Just as when I'm in public, I want to be left alone.

Sure, I know when I should or shouldn't do that. But there are mainly three of them which I see every week.

Besides, it's kind of normal doing this. People ask you questions some times - I can imagine places where this is unusual.



Edited by Lightning-Twister
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Sure, I know when I should or shouldn't do that. But there are mainly three of them which I see every week.

Besides, it's kind of normal of doing this. People ask you questions some times - I can imagine places where this is unusual.


Tell me somewhere where it is unnatural, because I'd much rather live there than where I live. I don't need strangers trying to talk to me.

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Tell me somewhere where it is unnatural, because I'd much rather live there than where I live. I don't need strangers trying to talk to me.

Well it's pretty logical. In the most busiest cities it's unnatural since there are like hundreds of people walking around you. 


"Would you mind your own biz?" 

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Well it's pretty logical. In the most busiest cities it's unnatural since there are like hundreds of people walking around you. 


"Would you mind your own biz?" 


When I've had to take public transportation in the city closest to where I live, I had a number of people try to talk to me. Including one random individual who took it upon himself to make sure I followed Jesus. As if I had "atheist" painted on my forehead (I do not. Most people think because of my demeanor and innocence that I'm a good Christian girl LOL).


People should leave me alone, seriously. >.>

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When I've had to take public transportation in the city closest to where I live, I had a number of people try to talk to me. Including one random individual who took it upon himself to make sure I followed Jesus. As if I had "atheist" painted on my forehead (I do not. Most people think because of my demeanor and innocence that I'm a good Christian girl LOL).


People should leave me alone, seriously. >.>

Alright, stop quoting. I know right. 

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I would never do that. Where I am from, I've seen people stabbed for shit like that. It's a dumb idea to poke at people whom tell you what is going to piss them off and not adhere to that warning.


I believe not many people would, because I just think those people from my school are a bit mean-spirited in some cases.  :sunny:  It really is a dumb idea though, because it instantly gives off a bad impression of the person who's doing it.


Now I also remembered something else that annoys me: people being purposefully irritating. What I've experienced are just things like vaguely bumping into me when I'm drawing some tiny details. Messing me up when I'm counting by adding insignificant numbers. Going through stuff in my room when I've told them not to. Detaching the plug while I'm vacuuming. Bringing up something that they shouldn't be bringing up. Stuff like that.

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Well it's pretty logical. In the most busiest cities it's unnatural since there are like hundreds of people walking around you. 


"Would you mind your own biz?" 


Honestly I find that ruder than someone trying to talk to me. If someone says hello just wave and say nothing more. Going "would you mind your own business?" is implying they were prying when they weren't.

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I hate when people stop walking right in front of a door and block traffic behind them because they see someone they know, or they wanted to look into a window or something. Like seriously people, if you are moving and come to a stop, please check that you aren't blocking people!

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Any time someone breathes or chews loudly, I get ticked off to the point where I literally have to leave the room.

I have a friend who inhales extremely loudly every time she's putting food into her mouth, and she exhales just as loudly after. Not to mention she often chews with her mouth open which is both disgusting and rude. She just generally has bad table manners.

Another big one for me is when people ask why I don't to art commissions, or just randomly draw for other people in general. It's my art, it's my choice. Unless you're family or a close friend, you won't get Any art from me. Telling me this is rude crosses you off the list. I have a short temper when it comes to my art. This could end up being my job someday; I won't just do it for free.

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  • 2 years later...
  • I don't like it when random people I don't know try to randomly talk to me. Seriously, I don't find it as friendly as I do awkward and mildly irritating. Sure, I can see how it can be interpreted as a friendly gesture, but seriously, it irks me. Do they have any respect for boundaries? I'm not so sure they do. I'm lucky that my social anxiety doesn't do things like cause nosebleeds, because oh BOY would we have a clean-up on aisle 3 every time I go to the freaking grocery store in town!
  • I can't stand people who play their music too loud. I'd like to be able to actually think without all of that noise pollution. Of course my dad plays his too loud on purpose sometimes just to test me, because he knows I can't stand it when I can hear his tunes from across the house, and through SEVERAL walls and my freaking door... Worst of all, not all of it is even good music. Most of it is fairly good, but there's some Pearl Jam and Country mixed in... At least Clearwater Revival is decent... Sort of...
  • I can't stand it when people decide to start drama with other people. Seriously, I think it's well-documented at this point that it drives me insane. How I react to it has gotten me banned from a forum (well, most of that was due to the fact it was the forum's ONLY freaking moderator who was causing the whole thing!) and it actually got me pretty close to being banned from this one (because some people on here (no names) are FAR too confrontational).
  • People who drive too fast. First thing is, how? Seriously, I have problems getting to 40 without nearly having an anxiety attack, but 80 or 90? No. Not happening. Second thing is, do they have any regard for safety? Well, clearly NOT because they're going 15 miles an hour over the speed limit! Third thing is, why? Are they late to work, are they late to an appointment, or are they just freaking lunatics behind the wheel? None of those are adequate for nearly causing a car accident EVERY TIME YOU DRIVE.


  • Brohoof 1
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People with a lack of manners get filed towards the back of my social priority cabinet with the other impolite people.

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I have pet peeves but I don't get annoy much on everyday base in what people do. I don't pay too attention on them. As long they leave me alone, I'll do the same.

  • Brohoof 1
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I get annoyed by sheepish behavior. Like silly trends and stuff that matters so little, people forget about it completely in a week or so. But at the moment, omg greatest thing that ever happened...

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  • 3 months later...

Looks like I already kind of talked about it in this topic, but random strangers and other people I'm not really acquainted with (like coworkers that I don't work near or talk to) asking things like "How are you?". It's just super awkward, and no matter how many times it happens, my brain still can't process it, so I'm just quietly like "Fine" if even that comes out, which it doesn't usually.

There's just no need for that kind of thing. People where I live don't say that because they actually care about you or how you are doing, it's just a thing that they feel like they are supposed to do. Forced, empty "politeness" is so fake. When I'm out in public doing something like shopping, I'm just minding my own business. Leave me alone.

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When people exist too close to me. It's like... can you just not?

On a more serious note, interrupting me while I'm in the zone is a massive pet peeve of mine. Like "eff off, you just knocked me out of my focus!"

Not understanding my tone is another big one. If I sound pissy, don't continue asking me stupid questions.

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