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Tommy Oliver Rage Quits the Fandom

Moved to Elsewhere

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He posted a follow up that is relevant to him leaving the fandom.


You know, if he had posted this first and not posted the vid before, i would've respected that. Too bad that he now tainted his name with that vid that he posted before and that this current vid just seems like an attempt to cool the situation down. Sorry Tommy, sympathy is eternally lost from me.


And it's just like i thought. He did this for the money, because he was just too afraid to get a real job. But now he actually has to, because Patreon dosen't pay him enough. Hopefully the reality tastes good for you. Didn't he say in one of his videos something along the lines of "If you're in it for the likes/money/whatever, then you're in it for the wrong reason?" Hypocrite. Absolutely disgusting.


Again. Good Riddance. You don't need to go home, but you can't stay here.

  • Brohoof 12

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Digibro and Tommy are both great reviewers, and i like their review clips. And now, they leave the fandom, so sad... Hope no more talent reviewers will leave the fandom :(.


Well, I given time, I wouldn't be too shocked if others eventually left. Not everyone really sticks around a fandom that long, and it's something I've seen in other fandoms. Besides, the analyst and review community has plenty of talent to fill in the void; granted they've already done so. ^^


As for Digi and Tommy; Digi's passion lies more in anime, while Tommy (by his own words) never really like being a critique. As such, it was only natural for them to move on.

  • Brohoof 2

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This may be just a wild theory or a crazy hunch, but sometimes I get the feeling that many people joined this fandom because it seemed like the hip, cool thing to do, and then after while they get bored and start over-analyzing the show until it just makes them angry.  Then they leave.


Well, I'm not going to let this commercial brony ruin my Christmas.


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Something I wanted to address:

In storytelling there's a distinct difference between the audience not getting what they want and when the story fails to pay off or keep up consistency for a story element. Tommy understandably is frustrated with the inconsistency that has plagued the topic of cutie marks in MLP. Sometimes it's hard to not get mad a story when it betrays your expectations by contradicting itself.


(Sorry for not quoting or tagging here but for some reason IE doesn't let me do that in addition to not copy and pasting.)


First off, i'm astounded at your lack of understanding for how difficult it can be to get a job in some areas. He did say himself that the situation where he is is pretty screwed and I can relate.


Second, I'm tired of this condescending "Youtube content creating is not a real job" BS. Countless media sources utilize opinion pieces, reviews, video editors, and writing staff. I don't understand how what he does is considered "not a real job" when proffessional media companies make money doing the same exact thing (Just not as a one to two man team).


On a general note in this situation, I guess I want to defend him so much because I relate to his situation and experiences.

Over in the RWBY fandom I do artwork for my following and share opinions there. I do however run into countless zealous RWBY fans who condemn me for criticizing the show because they think I have some "entitled know-it-all" opinion, when my only motive is to see a show I love improve. To this degree I understand where Tommy is coming from and know that it's not easy repressing anger against those people.


Know that Tommy did state he was hesitant on releasing this video until the council of his friends urged him to do it. Which I can imagine consists of a few fellow reviewers (Brony or not) that believe that his points needed to be said.

Posibility and Potential are my two favorite words.

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I have watched some of his videos and though some of them were really good too.  I however do not agree with how he is "Leaving the fandom"  Its fine to say.. "I don't care for the community, show etc. and have some issues with how they are now compared to before."  But he basically slapped the fandom with broad sweeping generalizations. Even though he said its not everyone.. he painted a picture like it was 98% of the fandom.  As others have said the show and community has changed.  All for the better or just evolved is up to each person.  I have made great friends thanks to the show and community and am still happily active in it for the most part.  One point he mentioned about people skipping the bad stuff in his video.. I am not surprised.  Most people don't want to hear bad things about something they enjoy.  Is that bad?  Mixed bag at best.  Most people avoid things that make them angry, sad or upset.  (exception to it being haters not that I am calling him one though he did use some things they do sometimes)


He didn't have to release a video of him just short of attacking everyone.  If he wanted to he could have just said. "I am not interested in the show or the community any more.  I may not agree with a lot of things going on anymore but I am just going to bow out."  Instead he made almost a drama piece how he was leaving. 


Sorry to see a guy who seemed like a real smart person leave but I can't support with how he is leaving in the end.  Just my opinion.

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I wouldn't say 100% right at all. The goober actually called people who seek affirmation pathetic. Because I have some knowledge of psychology and genetics thanks to my wife, my perception is a bit different than his because of this. He ignorantly threw the entirety of humanity under the bus by suggesting that need for affirmation is inherently bad.



Funny enough, he was a Rarity fan. Rarity has a need for affirmation. (At least she seems like that. She became Nightmare Rarity because she was afraid of being replaced, and she asks how she looks.) Of course he doesn't like her anymore, but still. He basically said a pony he loved for a long time was pathetic. 



If he wants to quit, that's up to him. But there are better ways to quit. 



I must be pathetic, by the way. 


Rarity Fan Club

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Funny enough, he was a Rarity fan. Rarity has a need for affirmation. (At least she seems like that. She became Nightmare Rarity because she was afraid of being replaced, and she asks how she looks.) Of course he doesn't like her anymore, but still. He basically said a pony he loved for a long time was pathetic. 



If he wants to quit, that's up to him. But there are better ways to quit. 



I must be pathetic, by the way.


I don't think most of you guys are understanding the issue. Seeking affirmation is not inherently wrong, the issue is that the flood of affirmation seekers are more interested in that than in the discussion. Tommy and the analysis community criticize to open up discussion. Which gets annoying when affirmation seekers discourage negative criticism. He started realizing people were less interested in the actual content of the discussion and more in thoughts that support their own.


Hardly an environment for creative and constructive conversation.

Posibility and Potential are my two favorite words.

With the power of Turkish Kung-Fu!

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Wow... I cannot imagine trying to play a competitive game with this guy, he sounds like an egotistical troll. It also sounds to me that he used that episode as the spark of his reason for leaving. But after droning on about the fandom and what it had supposedly became, it sounds like he had many disagreements with people regarding MLP. Whether or not this may be the case (people will have to expose the evidence), he was taking everything entirely way too seriously regardless...

Edited by IJoinedForPonies
  • Brohoof 2

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I saw his video talking about his leaving the fandom/analysis-stuff behind, wasn't TOO disapointed as I was never very engaged in his videos in the first place.


It's just "Oh, mkay, too bad I guess." XD


The rant doe, didn't listen to the whole thing, but what everyone else has said about it has been enough.


Luckily for me none of this means anything... :D

Edited by baltosaa

This is a signature,


and that was a post...

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There seems to be a bit of misunderstanding going around that he "blames the fandom" and "puts 100% of the blame on the fandom". He doesn't, he says his lack of enthusiasm for the show is the majority of it. While he still does say the fandom has fallen from grace, that comes from HIS interactions with it. And his interactions are entitled viewers getting offended over his critiques of the episodes and the fact that they're so sensitive he has to make a skip button and his video watch times are significantly lower after having done so. Nothing wrong with not being thick skinned, but if you get in a tizzy about a little girl's TV show that when someone critiques it, it gets you fuming, you need to get a handle on your priorities. 

  • Brohoof 1
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To be fair, a lot of the ill will toward him seems to be the rant he went on and how he conducted himself. While he is indeed entitled to his opinion, we are just as entitled to form opinions of him based on his conduct. I, personally, don't care much about him either way, so all I can say is that if he wanted to leave the fandom, he could have done so with a lot more grace and the vilifying on this thread probably wouldn't be happening.


Just my take on things. Feel free to do with that what you will. I'm honestly amazed this thread is still going. It's just one guy leaving the fandom, not like the show was cancelled or anything. Woop de freaking doo.

  • Brohoof 1


"There will be silliness and you will like it!" KUbAnTY.png

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Meh, I never really watched his videos anyway past ones he did in his first year. And just watching that video, the second he calls out and insults MLP fans and says the show isn't good anymore, I just think "k see ya bye"

I think the show has gotten better over the years!

  • Brohoof 5

Happy and Renewed <3

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I never understood why these "analysts" had the following they did. This guy was simply a joke with delusions of academic grandeur. Always judging episodes on how much they contribute to world-building or connections to previous story arcs? Fucking stupid. What matters is entertainment value. Not every episode will be good on an objective level, but even with the existence of incoherent, confusing or even obtuse plot points, there's always going to be something for people to like. This IS primarily a slice-of-life show with humor and fun themes. DHX has a track record for producing seasons that the masses have enjoyed, and that's due in no small part to the talented writers that, by all rights, continue to pen whatever they damned well please. 

And I think it's hilarious that he'll scapegoat the fandom for killing his interest in the show. Maybe he was right about the people bashing him for having his own opinion. I don't like giving in to popular opinion myself. But can you think of ANY fandom that doesn't have its share assholes? I can't. But as someone pointed out in this thread, if the fans can drive him away, he never really cared for the product to begin with. He's a fake, and it shows in the way he carries himself. If anybody needs affirmation, it's him. He wants to be sure of his own self-worth by listening to the praise for his tiresome essays, all the while expecting hundreds of kiss marks on his ass.

I'll always hold Youtube critics like Dr. Wolf and Strebiskunk in higher regard. Tommy-boy won't be missed.

Edited by Lord-Pomegranate
  • Brohoof 4


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  • 3 weeks later...

Though he had some valid points (implying that you can have a clash of opinions with anyone anymore) the way he went about on that rant was poor. He was fed up and on the follow up video that ensued, he spoke about how it became more like a job that he didn't like but kept coming back because it was about the money. After reaching his boiling point, he decided to blow up on his "boss" and ultimately quit.


My two cents here would be:

1: If everybody hated their job/grind that had to do to get paid and finding a new job is nearly impossible, would you quit?

2. I was around the time when he was posting up his FiMpressions and if anyone else noticed that when he was posting his vids, it generally seemed like Tommy and Digi were enjoying what they were doing.


How times have changed...

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He posted a follow up that is relevant to him leaving the fandom.

If he wants to leave then we can go, but he will have a lot of haters on his shoulders

~My life is a bunch of Discord~
Yes, the pun was intended


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  • 2 months later...

I hate it when people blame the fandom for almost everything. What Tommy said was almost inexcusable and Jerry Peet is so much worse. At least Tommy could actually review an episode and talk about it without being so opinionated or objective, unlike someone I know.

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I hate it when people blame the fandom for almost everything. What Tommy said was almost inexcusable and Jerry Peet is so much worse. At least Tommy could actually review an episode and talk about it without being so opinionated or objective, unlike someone I know.

I agree that it was not a good idea to blame the fans. He probably burned all the bridges down.

I don't blame the fans for the episode. I'd rather call out the writer for the stuff.

  • Brohoof 1

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