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How Do Your Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Feel About You Watching MLP?

Jaxsie (Inactive)

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My family is supportive and broad-minded. My mother told me once, they don't mind what I like or do cuz they know I can be trusted(It had happened before I knew anything about ponies). She even watches a few episodes with me when I go home to visit them and she really liked Lullaby for a Princess(she kinda honor the fandom tbh). My father doesn't really care but according to the fact that he is a musician, when I show him a fanmade song, he gladly discusses his thoughts with me about it. My grandmother is the best, she doesn't even know what I'm talking about but she always asks about the ponies I watch on the computer :D

Edited by Kerberossz
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My mother or father does not know that I'm a Brony, even though that my Facebook Profile Picture is Sweetie Belle wearing Apple Bloom's bow. But my sister does know and she even gave me two MLP happy meal toys from 2012. The toys were Twilight Sparkle and Rarity.

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I keep this stuff secret for my own well being. Only a couple people I know actually know I have seen the show, and they're bronys anyway.

I keep this stuff secret for my own well being. Only a couple people I know actually know I have seen the show, and they're bronys anyway.

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My parents don't really know at this time, mainly because it would be really hard to explain the concept of an internet fandom to them. In the end, they'd probably misunderstand and think that I am the only one who watches the show. We didn't get high speed internet at home until last year, and my grandparents still don't have it, so their experience with the internet and it's phenomenons is very limited.

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I wasn't a brony after 2012 anymore, but this is how they reacted. I liked the fandom & the show, but I just couldn't watch any more episodes. I kinda kept up to date, but didn't watch anything: I'm a brony again now, but I intend to hide it from my family.


My mom was supportive of it and even considered buying some of these doll things.


My dad either didn't know (I only told my mom & one of my brothers) or if he did know, he didn't care. He never talked to me about it.


One of my brothers knew, and I even watched a episode or two with him once. He probably forgot about it.


I tried my hardest to hide my bronydom from my OLDEST brother. I have NO idea why, because he's the most supportive of my family, and is OK with basically every choice I make, even supports me on it. I don't mean illegal things, though....

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When I told my parents I was a brony, they actually supported me. My dad and my brother were perfectly fine with it. My mom actually became a brony too and started collecting the blindbag figurines. So not only do I have a supporting family, I have a person to talk about ponies with. :D

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My mom and dad seem to love that I have something I really enjoy and am passionate about, no-matter what it is really it seems... In fact, actually my mom sat and watched Appleoosa's Most Wanted with me when it was the newest episode. :fluttershy:

Oh, and they certainly know who my favorite pony is too. X3 (Considering I never shut up about Fluttershy sometimes. :3)

Edited by Nick1925
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My mother couldn't care less. She watched G1 mlp when she was 12 and had lots of Firefly stickers in her school diary.

Sometimes she posts some of my mlp drawings on Facebook

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They know I watch and love the show, in fact I talk about it to them a lot, in fact these days they are letting me record it on the tv. They even know what to buy me for birthdays and christmas.  :lol:  Of course my step-father doesn't get why I like it but my mother does. If my step-father approaches me to talk about I will get into defensive mode, but if my mom does I am completely ok with it! I just don't feel like my step-father would get it at all. Men..... Anyway, I don't think they care at all besides bothering me with it.

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My parents are pretty cool with it. My younger brother teases me a bit, but what do you expect from a family of hockey players? :P

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My parents use my like of the show to make fun of me, but i know it's just friendly banter! In the end, they are ok with it, although they aren't comfortable with me expressing it publicly! However, i dont care and i just ignore them (pony shirts for the win!)

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Neither of them have any idea, and I like it that way. My mum would probably be cool with it if she watched an episode or two.

Edited by Sky Flare
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My mom is okay with it. She always told me if it's something I love and enjoy then she will be all for it. My dad doesn't really say anything about it so I would say he is neutral towards it. He sometimes makes fun of me for it from time to time if I bring up the subject to him, but I try and ignore what he says as best as I can. My sister thinks it's weird even though she used to collect the first generation of toys and watched it back then when she was little. 

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I guess it's kinda complicated.

My dad is pretty clueless.


My mom... For starters, I did not tell her that there's an entire fanbase on the internet for this show. No, I had a different way of validating this. Back when she was getting to know this I had a rather valid excuse; I was in a relationship at the time -- a long-distance relationship but still and my parents knew about it. She was a "pegasister" even. I remember showing my mom the Smile song and I told her that this is something me and my gf enjoyed together. Some time later when my younger brother and father was away, I watched the episode Sleepless in Ponyville together with my mom.


She's happy that I'm into something so delightful and non-violent.


Well, I didn't bring this up again. Especially not after that relationship ended.


As for the reason why my dad was left in the dark despite having a good cover, let me give you an anecdote that explains everything. One night me and my younger brother were sitting together watching a show. Dad opened the door and saw us. "You're still watching cartoons? Aren't you two too old for this?"

We were watching South Park. That's right: South Park!

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My dad is really confused by this change. He's used to me watching more masculine or neutral shows, like Pokemon, Ben 10, etc. So when he saw me watching MLP, he was just like, "You don't like Pikachu anymore?"


My mom seems kinda annoyed that I'm watching MLP-- a kid's show-- so much. She makes a lot of jokes about it, but I joke along with her. I just tell her to be happy I'm not watching violent shows and learning about friendship instead.

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My Dad treats as no different than Power Rangers or Pokemon, something he knows I like but just isn't for him.


My Mom on the other hoof is very supportive of it. She sees what a positive impact it's had on my ability to make friends, and my direction in life. Plus I've shown her some brony accounts, songs, etc. and she's seen what an artistic group we are.

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My mom wants me to watch and delete them off the DVR ASAP. lol

I think it confuses her in a way because I'm trying my best to be an adult, but I'm very much obsessed with this show.

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Well, they don't care - though clopping is another thing - that I watch the show. And don't really care, the jokester dad will tease me and the one episode that he watched was Call of the Cutie, and that was pretty much fifteen minutes of screen time for the ass of a group of fillies and colts, and the occasional mare.


Trust me, he wouldn't stop laughing his ass off . . . I WISH that we watched the episode after that instead which happened to be Lesson Zero.


But, either way, they don't care if I like the show, clopping they just HATE with a strong passion, but . . . I ignore it . . . :blush: 

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