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Females are more balanced

碇 シンジン

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Are females more balanced than males on their emotional behaviour control and system of thinging feelings and actions, managing systems and creating structures?


I personally think that females are more closer to perfection gue to religional reasons and  because males have been under the spotlight throughout the history. This tells me that females emotion and feelings were more adaptive and balanced which means more perfect on that behalf, males often are strong in one direction and weak in other whicj makes them incredibly easy to win against and it is much harder challenge to be male than female because of that.


I've experianced this personally trying to maintain the balance on my emotions and feelings has shown me how unbalanced the male structure of build is, body is weak  obstacle to males, if you cant control it you become an animal guided by your desires, the spirit is stronger in males it is why maintaining the balnce and becoming as one withyourself reaching the perfection is much harder task for males.


Females have much stronger body, but their spirit can be weaker which makes them very adaptive on changes on enviroment and spiritual challenges but it is easier to build upon that since your body is supporting, getting on the good spirit is much easier than defeating physical obstacles in my opinion. It is why I think god has given men the Priesthood so they can  defeat the nature of their filthy weak body and become more complete.


Females have already that ability built in their structure since their body can defeat the devils that attack them it is essential in teram of reproduction of humans since the body has to be strong to be able to do that. 


To conclude this I say that all males should look up to females and see what they are missing, and build up that strength in them  with priesthood and prayers because with that it is easier for us to feel whole again!





  • Brohoof 1
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No, they are not. If anything, women are more emotional unstable due to biological reasons. No woman is perfect; nor no man. 

  • Brohoof 12



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Actually women can become very emotionally unstable during pregnancy and that certain time of the month, it is not their fault but it is something I would like to point out. Every woman is different though so this all effects them in different ways. Aside from that I would say there are strengths and weaknesses to both genders, as well of course general exceptions. 

  • Brohoof 5
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Genetically men and women have their strengths and weaknesses, but they're very subtle usually. The most obvious difference is that men have a larger muscle mass.


Emotionally is, for the most part, up to the individual. I've met girls who are just as calm all the time as me. I have also met girls who really need to sit down rethink their actions.


Regardless I don't like thinking "woman>man" or "man> woman". That's a childish way of thinking. We are in control of our own emotions and, while there are factors that play into how we feel, nonetheless we are in control.

  • Brohoof 7


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Actually women can become very emotionally unstable during pregnancy and that certain time of the month, it is not their fault but it is something I would like to point out. Every woman is different though so this all effects them in different ways. Aside from that I would say there are strengths and weaknesses to both genders, as well of course general exceptions. 

Yea =)=)=)=)=)=)) I was just saying my feeling I want to gather more point of views from this subject =)


Genetically men and women have their strengths and weaknesses, but they're very subtle usually. The most obvious difference is that men have a larger muscle mass.


Emotionally is, for the most part, up to the individual. I've met girls who are just as calm all the time as me. I have also met girls who really need to sit down rethink their actions.


Regardless I don't like thinking "woman>man" or "man> woman". That's a childish way of thinking. We are in control of our own emotions and, while there are factors that play into how we feel, nonetheless we are in control.

Yea I dont like thinking like that either =)=)=)=)=)=)=) people are all the same =)=)=)=)=)


Women be like :).... Then they be like :(..... Then you be like :o

YEA =)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)

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To conclude this I say that all males should look up to females and see what they are missing, and build up that strength in them  with priesthood and prayers because with that it is easier for us to feel whole again!


I think looking up to and trying to imitate a certain gender is a mistake. It implies that one is better than the other. 


Instead, we should look up to people. It's the individual that matters. While both genders tend to think in somewhat different ways, what matters is what they actually do, and I don't think that should be defined by what gender they are. 

  • Brohoof 9


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I think looking up to and trying to imitate a certain gender is a mistake. It implies that one is better than the other. 


Instead, we should look up to people. It's the individual that matters. While both genders tend to think in somewhat different ways, what matters is what they actually do, and I don't think that should be defined by what gender they are. 

what i meant is that to better ourselves we mus realize that by observing the opposite we can mirror ourselves and see what lies within ourselves .


I also meant that  because  battling against the body is harder than  battling against your spirit because  spirit is perfct you need to be stronger to  get control of yourself as a male than as a female. we should observe them and see the strength and build that in ourselves if we are having problems with that

It depends on the person. Some females are slaves to their animal impulses, and some men have tremendous self-control. Just because the media tells you something is always true doesn't mean it is. In fact, very few things are ALWAYS true :P

yeah it depends on a person but I everyone is different and their own person but this topic is based on my thought of the situation in general sense

  • Brohoof 1
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The way I see it, one gender is not more balanced than the other. I don't think Females are more balanced than males. I also don't think Males are more balanced than females. Gender cannot determine your strengths and weaknesses. Let's say me and a girl have a race. The girl wins. Well obviously girls are better than boys then. Well, not really, you see strengths and weaknesses are determined by you (collective). Going back to the story before, the girl won, not because she is a girl but because she is more fit than I am and can run longer. I am not fit and therefore I lost. Simple as that, no gender is better.

  • Brohoof 6


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The way I see it, one gender is not more balanced than the other. I don't think Females are more balanced than males. I also don't think Males are more balanced than females. Gender cannot determine your strengths and weaknesses. Let's say me and a girl have a race. The girl wins. Well obviously girls are better than boys then. Well, not really, you see strengths and weaknesses are determined by you (collective). Going back to the story before, the girl won, not because she is a girl but because she is more fit than I am and can run longer. I am not fit and therefore I lost. Simple as that, no gender is better.

I agree it is all about the person, but I am talking about the base just a  body and the spirit no personality and observing those we can see they are at opposite balances but based on my experiences as a male and my religion I feel that females are more balanced

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Brony as a woman/girl/female i can say I'm not that balanced all the time,  woman are human,  we have pms (which is a bitch :angry: ) and if a girl gains weight at times,  some have a melt down,  or become over whelmed,  melt down and etc it just come down based on the  person or female/ and how they deal stress and anger or just strong emotion.  Don't get me wrong, I come from a line of tough ladies and I can hold my own in pain and a fight if called for but I get at times pushed into a corner and have to deal with strong emotions like any person does.

  • Brohoof 2


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I think it depend of the person itself. I know a lof of female whit strong personalities, very well balanced and others that are a mess (like me) but I also have male friends that sometimes are even worse that me at the point I need to stop to talk to them or I will be crazy too.

  • Brohoof 1

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I would say Females are better in pretty much everything, they look better, they act better, they are more clever, theyre awesome!


But this could also just be my simple minded male brain perhaps, that tells me that women are just the best that could ever happened.


But even if i look logical at this, it is most of the time that females just seem more logical and more in balance with their feelings. Some are more quiet and nice, normal and positive or seem strong and energetic. But never really like unbalanced or crazy or anything like that. Most of them are just nice and you can have good normal conversations with them.


On the other hand, most of the males ive met are often talking about disgusting things, telling each other how they sleep with they girlfriends, talking about which positions they try, are sometimes just talking about boobs or butts and dont even speak complete sentences. Its just like : " Wats up?" , "Cool" , " Hammer " , " Hot " like all this one word answers.I mean its not that thats so horrible but often it really doesnt help me understand what they mean because they say cool to pretty much everything.Most of them listening to rap and thats it. Like these special kind of songs, where they talking about sexy women...like these really stupid songs. And some men just look always so angry, also most of them at my schools were bullys and just unfriendly in general, they did beat me up for no reason...i dont know.I never really had a nice experinece with them..most of the time is just horrible..


Of course they are good males and ones that can even speak whole sentences from time to time ( Nice males are for example : Markiplier,Jacksepticeye, Peanutbuttergamer......uuuuh......some users here... or this one or two guys at school...piedislikerswag perhaps? )  but in reallife..i dont really seem to find that much  :lol:

I just find, from my experience, that women are more balanced, are thinking more and i just feel more comfortable around them.

And males did just bully me for half of my life...so there is that.  :okiedokielokie:


But then again, im not talking that much with people anyway, so....Meh.  :confused:


  • Brohoof 1


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I say two things:


1. There is no superior gender or sex. That's called sexism.


2. For me, personally, it probably wouldn't make a difference. I'm so feminine I may as well be female... Other than the fact I conceal it.

  • Brohoof 3


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I believe the great American philosopher Louis C.K. said it best.



Seriously though, the two genders are equal....but different. Two sides of the same coin really. What one lacks, the other has and vice versa.

  • Brohoof 6


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It depends on the individual, not the sex. I wouldn't say [insert gender here] is more balanced than [insert gender here] because [insert reasoning here].


Girls do some stupid shit, boys do some stupid shit. Such is life.

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it completely depends on the person in question, some women can be balanced emotionally. I tend not to be cause I can get mad at things or emotional about things but that is because I am passionate. Sadly though there are a lot of women that are worse because they desire to compete with one another over silly things (talking from experience) but again no one is perfect anyone who says anybody is is downright crazy but i think that's what makes us perfect simply being imperfect :)

  • Brohoof 1



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I'm not a fan of this type of gender essentialism, even when it is trying to praise women. It's narrow-minded and inaccurate. It doesn't make sense to generalize half the population simply based on what chromosomes they have.


People experience emotions differently for a lot of reasons. People handle emotions differently for a lot of reasons. Many men are emotionally unstable. Many women are emotionally unstable. Many people who identify somewhere ambiguous on the gender spectrum are emotionally unstable. Emotions are complex, and that's just part of being human. I don't think it has anything to do with gender at all.


Many sexist stereotypes (such as "all men are super aggressive!" or "all women are crazy!") are still pervasive in our society, and that influences how people interpret the world around them. It also is easy for people to internalize these stereotypes and behave according to those expectations. I think we would benefit more as a society if we stopped trying to push these limiting narratives and instead encouraged open-mindedness.

  • Brohoof 13


pleasant pegasister fluttershy fangirl cupcake connoisseur

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What the hell did I just read...?

A forum post by none other than ooBrony: The ultimate Rarity fan. No one, not even I, match him in his dedication to Rarity. >_>

Edited by Dark Rider
  • Brohoof 1


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Uh, how about this:


All genders are equals and should be equal.


People within the genders all act differently and saying stuff about the gender is in it of itself, a blanket statement


That and huh to the OP?

  • Brohoof 2



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A forum post by none other than ooBrony: The ultimate Rarity fan. No one, not even I, match him in his dedication to Rarity. >_>

Rarity is my favorite =)


Uh, how about this:


All genders are equals and should be equal.


People within the genders all act differently and saying stuff about the gender is in it of itself, a blanket statement


That and huh to the OP?

Gennders are equal but it depends on a individual  if they find it harder to battle against their body or their spirit to reach the perfect state of mind I nver said genders are not equal dont put words in my mouth i said my feeling on the situation and it is that battling against the will of my body is harder than battling agains the  spirit. 


I see the situation as that females have more stable construct of the body than  males, on the spirit it is other way around which  makes the egual when put together but because spirit is perfect  and the body is not male body is harder to control because it does not have  as strong base structure than female body. 


I'm not talking about personalities im talking about the base structure without the personalitites. Some personalities fins it easier than others some not I'm only talking about from my point of view. It is why I think my church offers priesthood to men to compensate the weakness of their body structure and so they can battle against themselves on the way to the perfection


I find it hard to defeat my body. I follow my spirit but its constant battle against myself these days.


I'm not a fan of this type of gender essentialism, even when it is trying to praise women. It's narrow-minded and inaccurate. It doesn't make sense to generalize half the population simply based on what chromosomes they have.


People experience emotions differently for a lot of reasons. People handle emotions differently for a lot of reasons. Many men are emotionally unstable. Many women are emotionally unstable. Many people who identify somewhere ambiguous on the gender spectrum are emotionally unstable. Emotions are complex, and that's just part of being human. I don't think it has anything to do with gender at all.


Many sexist stereotypes (such as "all men are super aggressive!" or "all women are crazy!") are still pervasive in our society, and that influences how people interpret the world around them. It also is easy for people to internalize these stereotypes and behave according to those expectations. I think we would benefit more as a society if we stopped trying to push these limiting narratives and instead encouraged open-mindedness.


im not talking about chromosomes I'm talking about base structure of a body and its will against the spirit of you  though i see in your message you know what im talking about but I'm not talking about the personalities or how you yourself battle agaist your body because everyone is an individual and you cant generalize the individuals because of that.


it is just how I see this subject on my own eye I can feel the strenght emerging from you my friend  its a strong post you posted =)<3 



Females are not better than males.


Males are not better than females.


But felines are better than males and females.


Hi =)


I say two things:


1. There is no superior gender or sex. That's called sexism.


2. For me, personally, it probably wouldn't make a difference. I'm so feminine I may as well be female... Other than the fact I conceal it.


im not talking abbout genders or sex im talking about the base structures of the bodies and their will battling against your spiri. I see genders and sex are built upon your feelings emotions personality body and spirit of your soul. Because of the many factoors that are in there  talking about genders or sex is irrelevant to this topic in my opinion. 


Due to the many factors of the gender  the small differences that reside within the structure of your body can often be  unseen and it is good =)=)=) beause then you dont have this issue that I am having my mistake was that i gave the strenght to my body without seeing this exploit and I have to suffer the consequences


I believe the great American philosopher Louis C.K. said it best.



Seriously though, the two genders are equal....but different. Two sides of the same coin really. What one lacks, the other has and vice versa.


Finally you get what i mean


What the hell did I just read...?




It depends on the individual, not the sex. I wouldn't say [insert gender here] is more balanced than [insert gender here] because [insert reasoning here].


Girls do some stupid shit, boys do some stupid shit. Such is life.


yeah it depends on teh individual, but i was talking more about the base structure of the bodies battling against your spirit. some individuals are stronger  in that battle than others but I gave my body too much power and I saw this issue in my  body. I am not 100% surte how the female body works but based on my observation I seen that  this is a possibility. it is why I made this post.


I would be needing female input on this topic to confirm this though it can be hard  beecause people only experience one gender


it completely depends on the person in question, some women can be balanced emotionally. I tend not to be cause I can get mad at things or emotional about things but that is because I am passionate. Sadly though there are a lot of women that are worse because they desire to compete with one another over silly things (talking from experience) but again no one is perfect anyone who says anybody is is downright crazy but i think that's what makes us perfect simply being imperfect :)


I agree =)


Brony as a woman/girl/female i can say I'm not that balanced all the time,  woman are human,  we have pms (which is a bitch :angry: ) and if a girl gains weight at times,  some have a melt down,  or become over whelmed,  melt down and etc it just come down based on the  person or female/ and how they deal stress and anger or just strong emotion.  Don't get me wrong, I come from a line of tough ladies and I can hold my own in pain and a fight if called for but I get at times pushed into a corner and have to deal with strong emotions like any person does.

It depends on the persona and individual completely =)<3

I think it depend of the person itself. I know a lof of female whit strong personalities, very well balanced and others that are a mess (like me) but I also have male friends that sometimes are even worse that me at the point I need to stop to talk to them or I will be crazy too.


Yeah it depends =)


I would say Females are better in pretty much everything, they look better, they act better, they are more clever, theyre awesome!


But this could also just be my simple minded male brain perhaps, that tells me that women are just the best that could ever happened.


But even if i look logical at this, it is most of the time that females just seem more logical and more in balance with their feelings. Some are more quiet and nice, normal and positive or seem strong and energetic. But never really like unbalanced or crazy or anything like that. Most of them are just nice and you can have good normal conversations with them.


On the other hand, most of the males ive met are often talking about disgusting things, telling each other how they sleep with they girlfriends, talking about which positions they try, are sometimes just talking about boobs or butts and dont even speak complete sentences. Its just like : " Wats up?" , "Cool" , " Hammer " , " Hot " like all this one word answers.I mean its not that thats so horrible but often it really doesnt help me understand what they mean because they say cool to pretty much everything.Most of them listening to rap and thats it. Like these special kind of songs, where they talking about sexy women...like these really stupid songs. And some men just look always so angry, also most of them at my schools were bullys and just unfriendly in general, they did beat me up for no reason...i dont know.I never really had a nice experinece with them..most of the time is just horrible..


Of course they are good males and ones that can even speak whole sentences from time to time ( Nice males are for example : Markiplier,Jacksepticeye, Peanutbuttergamer......uuuuh......some users here... or this one or two guys at school...piedislikerswag perhaps? )  but in reallife..i dont really seem to find that much  :lol:

I just find, from my experience, that women are more balanced, are thinking more and i just feel more comfortable around them.

And males did just bully me for half of my life...so there is that.  :okiedokielokie:


But then again, im not talking that much with people anyway, so....Meh.  :confused:


I think you see what im talking about

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Females are balanced emotionally?

Lmao. An unlikely story.


Well, I guess not, but guys tend to be more emotionally detached, so each has their ups and downs. Each gender has a specific role to play in society, as much as we wouldn't like to think, and to rebel against the system.

It's no denial to state that certain individual characteristics can be found in both genders, but general census would beg to differ.


Of course, all is theory in the end, I'm curious about what will occur in the next few decades having people more and more open to this sort of thing. :huh:

In the end, it comes down to the individual, in my opinion.

  • Brohoof 1


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