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Things You Had to Learn The Hard Way


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I learned that proper love and relationships involves communication and feeling from BOTH parties involved, and trust is also key in a successful relationship.


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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Edited by Gone for good

"For every loud and idiotic kid in front of a computer, there's a quiet and passionate kid in front of a computer."

                                                                                                             --Einstein on Video Games,2014

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Frankly, I really didn't have to learn too much stuff the hard way...


...But one thing I did learn the hard way was that to never leave a cup full of juice by your laptop. I spilled juice on my laptop Freshman year of college and had to pay $800 for a new motherboard because the warranty was voided. 

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-It's better to not trust anybody but yourself


Maybe this is just me but as a kid, I was very trusting of everybody even when my Selective Mutism would seem to overtake me, I would still trust them with everything I had. Then... I noticed that everytime I would tell them what was on my mind, they would somehow use that against me in the near future. Around the end of Elementary School, I began to not trust anyone but myself, because since then, I thought that being linked emotionally to more than a handful of people would lead to more pain in the future than I needed.


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- My drawing style and its flaws (ugh, that feel when you look at old art)

- My disinterest in math, and how I got past my habitual tendencies to tune out the subject

- Taking things out of the microwave safely

- Holding too much value to your friendships- always be on guard for that just in case you're in a situation you might not have predicted



I didn't get to calculus. That was beyond trig.   :okiedokielokie:


Oh man, I'm pretty terrible at math too, Trob. I empathize  :rarity:

Edited by IncognitoKiwoy
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I learned that even though we should love and tolerate each other, a lot of bronies don't when it comes to online interactions.

You shouldnt post something complaining about that happened to you in the past that happened recently. Sure, you know its not related to that incident but others dont know or care.

Just because you're right doesn't mean you should tell someone...aka the truth hurts and if you want to stay friends with someone, telling a white lie is ok.

Always research horror games or watch a lets play of them. Friend tricked me into playing Five Nights at Freddies(back when no one knew about it) and I may or may not have wet myself.

Never friend a drama queen. I was friends with a guy and he caused drama all the time and made things about him. 

Relationships should always be equal. If you put in 80 percent they should put in 80 percent. If they put in 20 percent...then you should put in 20% or find someone who isnt immature and hopped up on illegal substances.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Don't leave muffins in the microwave for more than 30 seconds.

Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy.



Frankly, I really didn't have to learn too much stuff the hard way...


...But one thing I did learn the hard way was that to never leave a cup full of juice by your laptop. I spilled juice on my laptop Freshman year of college and had to pay $800 for a new motherboard because the warranty was voided. 

One of Dad's coworkers was stupid one day. She spilled some soda on her keyboard and then "dried" it with a hairdryer!! The keys were warped after that. So hilarious.

  • Brohoof 1
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Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy.



One of Dad's coworkers was stupid one day. She spilled some soda on her keyboard and then "dried" it with a hairdryer!! The keys were warped after that. So hilarious.


With an air dryer comes heat...and heat on a keyboard is not good at all...

  • Brohoof 1
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Do not write polite letters expressing a grievance or complaint unless you are prepared for a rather nasty fight.  


I wrote a letter of complaint to a college club complaining about the conduct of one of their officers after a club project he and I was involved with met with disaster.  They informed me that they regretted my bad experience and that they would investigate, and I should leave everything to them.  I did, and the next time they contacted me was to inform me that I was to have my membership revoked and I was to be barred from all future club events and activities for my acts of "disrespect" towards their officer, with no prior warning that they had any problems with my conduct and no second chances.  Circumstances prevented me from effectively fighting this nonsense, but in the future I will be prepared for the worst should I have the desire to commit the crime of speaking my mind again.

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- Having a degree doesn't really mean anything to most employers.


- There isn't someone out there for everyone.


- Optimism will only get you so far.


- Even if you give everything you've got, you can still fail spectacularly.


- In the end, the only person you can truly rely on is yourself. And even then not all the time.

Edited by Sonic Reindeer
  • Brohoof 2

Friendship isn't always easy. But it's definitely worth fighting for.


Twilight Sparkle is Best Pony!

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The other day at work I learned that it is actually illegal to return baby formula to the store, seriously. I don't know if it is a state or a federal law but either way I found this out when I tried to process a return this customer tried to do of this baby formula because she got the wrong one. Because I need a manager/front end supervisor over ride in order to process returns over a certain dollar amount I needed to call someone who then told me that it was illegal to return baby formula. I just wasted my time, that customers time as well as the time of several angry/impatient customers waiting behind her because some assholes thought it was a good idea to pass a law banning the returning of baby formula to the fragging store. This crappy dead end job is going to give me a heart attack someday.

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That "Forever" is a term not to be taken lightly. 

I had a friend I was close to for 6 long years, we grew up together, we were like twins, we told eachother we would be friends forever and he was the first person I ever loved, he was often abusive to me but I never confronted him because I just wanted the friendship to last, and eventually he discarded me for a new friend group :/ So I learned to stop saying "forever" so often because sometimes it really leads to a lot of heartache. 

People always forget that your friends can break your heart too ;;

  • Brohoof 1


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I had to learn that Trees aren't the strongest things in the world...

And that cactus' aren't made to be climbed (I was 2).

Just recently I learned not to keep the stove on when it's heating a pan full of oil.

That I needed a bucket of water whenever I do the burn pile.

That cats know how to get their revenge.

That drinking chocolate syrup in the middle of the night would have consequences.

Edited by FlootahBaby
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"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don´t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently, if you let it."

Amen, Rocky, Amen.


I moved from a sheltered life in a coastal city (Where I got top notch education, the best resources at my fingertips, and was surrounded by a very healthy environment) to a small town in the midwest. Here was the first time I experienced homesickness, legit racism, sexism, homophobia, and where I actually became friends with classmates who had smoked (most, not all). Coupled with a weak education system and a population that's practically 90% White (I'm used to a mixture of all races, coming from a big city), I was-- and still am-- completely out of my element. But you know what this whole darn thing reminded me? I've got to suck it up and keep moving forward. Granted, I already knew this, but it's good to get a hard reminder every now and again.

  • Brohoof 1

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EVERY. SINGLE. THING. I ever learned.

  • Brohoof 1

Hey come check me out at fimfiction! http://www.fimfiction.net/user/ButterKingPyromaniac

Nothing is impossible the word itself says I'm possible.

The Universe loves you for you are special.

You can change the world be that for worse or better is up to you.

Good and justice will always prevail over evil but only if you believe.

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You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd.


In all seriousness, I learned the hard way that shooting at a curved surface can ricochet. That very same day, I learned that getting shot hurts like hell, even if the bullet's only going at far less than muzzle velocity and if it's just a .22 round. Also on that same day, I learned that a bullet hitting skin that's only covered by denim jeans won't even pierce the skin or rip the jeans. I also learned that I can literally walk off being shot.

  • Brohoof 1
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I've stuck my finger in an electricity outlet when i was 7. The memories of getting shocked was one of the most physically painful experiences of my life and needless to say i did not repeat it.


I still have faded scarring on the area of my skin where the current hit me.

  • Brohoof 1
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I learned that taking your hands off of a swing while you're using it is a baaad idea. I learned that face down in the dirt... :P

You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd.


In all seriousness, I learned the hard way that shooting at a curved surface can ricochet. That very same day, I learned that getting shot hurts like hell, even if the bullet's only going at far less than muzzle velocity and if it's just a .22 round. Also on that same day, I learned that a bullet hitting skin that's only covered by denim jeans won't even pierce the skin or rip the jeans. I also learned that I can literally walk off being shot.

My gosh you're lucky. The worst I've had is being accidentally shot in the eyebrow by a BB gun... *~*

Logical people think 'What have I been told to do?'

Creative people think 'What I have I not been told not to do?'

I think 'What am I doing?'

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Dont stick two wires into a plug socket and put them together in the middle of physics class, do it elsewhere

Oh, and dont occidentally nearly kill the physics teacher - completely unrelated totes


Riding bikes downhill when the bike doesnt have breaks is a bad idea


When constructing things at a height, make sure everything is properly secured


Staying in your room can lead to a hedonistic lifestyle - bad 


Eat thine breakfast


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