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12 Reasons Why Your Favorite is Best Pony

Deidre Asada

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@@Sugar Cube,

@@Sir.Flutter Hooves,


@@100 beasts kaidou,





Hello all. As you’ve noticed, the number of these threads ballooned pretty quickly. Such as not to create clutter in the Show Discussion section and stifle other topics, they have been merged together. This topic will serve as a location for giving reasons for appreciating whichever characters you think deserve some recognition.


Now then, Dashie is best pony because img-1591739-1-wink.png:


1: She is surprisingly cute and huggable. Her more pronounced insecurities about showing weakness or mushy behavior make her adorable moments even more wonderful. Just watch Read it and Weep, her freaking out about being seen as uncool and all her scampering around is the cutest dang thing ever. The voice cracks help.


2: For all that she’s been bashed for not living up to her element (she’s certainly made mistakes along the way, as all characters have), she can be extremely determined to do whatever possible to get the job done. Helping Fluttershy overcome fear of judgment, being focused on bringing Applejack home to her family, making sure Pinkie could get help when she was at her lowest, there’s a lot of good in her.


3: There’s a lot wrong with her. She has a massive ego, she’s insensitive, she can be a bit closed-minded. And that is good. Flawed characters are often the most captivating, simply because they are less predictable and there’s more room for growth.


4: She’s taken advantage of that. Season 2 went heavily into the problems that Rainbow Dash has to deal with, and Season 3 was so much fun because we could see how far she’s come. She can compete with any character for development.


5: She is a character driven by a dream. I would bet money that loads of little adorable pegasus kids would do almost anything to get into the Wonderbolts, but most all of them give up over time, beaten down by the impossible demands of the program and having to compete with all of the other hotshot daredevil fliers. Rainbow Dash is wonderful because she doesn’t quit.


6: Rainbow Dash is wonderful because she did quit, rather than go against her principles. The Wonderbolts were what she focused single-mindedly on for, so far as we know, her entire life. And she was willing to throw that all away if it meant that she could keep her integrity.




7: That character design. She’s very appealing visually as well, and seeing her dress up a bit for events like weddings or galas lets you see an entirely different side of her.


8: She’s got a big heart. Yes, she can be blunt and rude when there’s a problem to solve and somebody’s hindering that, but she can also be extremely caring and supportive. She genuinely didn’t care how bad Fluttershy was at flying, so long as she participated for her own sake. She took on the job of mentoring and caring for a filly that admired her and needed a role model. For all that she’d beat me up for saying it, she’s a big softy.


9: The general rock theme music that she has spices things up a bit.


10: While some may rip on her as "overrated", the fact that she so clearly breaks stereotypes of previous generations has brought a lot of people into the show. Even if some of these traitors move onto lesser other characters, I believe she's partially responsible for the size of the fanbase.


11: She is prone to doing unusual and interesting things that can brighten up an episode. For example, I thought that her self-insert novel genius work of literature that humanity will unfortunately never get the chance to read impoved an otherwise generally sub-par episode. She can be pretty unpredictable.


12: She has some pretty fantastic interactions with other characters. The Pinkie/Dash and Fluttershy/Dash friendshippings are some of my favorite parts of the show, and I feel that her personality just lends itself to mesh with others in fun and memorable ways. I really want a Rarity/Dash friendshipping episode in Season 4. That would have the potential to be one of my favorite episodes in the series.

Edited by DashForever
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1. Sports horse

2. Loves pie
3. Sweet hair
4. Bretty gud color scheme

5. Very good at what he does, got into the most selective flying team in Equestria

6. Uses puns, shows good sense of humor

7. Stylin' in that Wonderbolts uni

8. Generous, was the only one to buy stuff from Applejack

9. Courageous, flew after Rarity to try to save her from splatting.  Ended up getting knocked out and nearly dying trying to save her

10. Just seems like a total bro, like he would chill and watch games at the bar with you after work

11. Superior physical specimen

12. Did I mention the sports?


10/10 would befriend


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I'll give you 52 reasons why Rarity is best pony:

1. She's fabulous

2. She's such an individual

3. Her voice

4. Her singing

5. Her mane

6. Her mane is purple

7. Her eyes are best eye model

8. She's creative

9. Generous

10. She's got diamonds on her butt

11. Glasses Rarity is kawaii

12. Her sister is best filly

13. Art of the Dress is an amazing song

14. So is Becoming Popular

15. Heck, any song she's in is enhanced by her voice being in it

16. She knows Karate

17. She's clever

18. Personality is complex as hell

19. Best quotes ever

20. 'But I thought you wanted whining!'

21. 'I'll destroy her!'

22. Crystal pony design is the best thing ever

23. Made a hat out of 3 pieces of hay and a drinking straw work

24. Totally shined every moment she was in season 3 despite not having any dedicated episodes

25. Best EqG design

26. Can always tell when her friends need help

27. Has a cat

28. Was awesome as Princess Platinum

29. She's just gorgeous, okay?

30. She's a unicorn

31. The only remaining unicorn in the Mane 6, in fact

32. Her butt looks good with Rainbow Dash's cutie mark on it

33. Best wet mane

34. Still looks good with her tail cut off

35. Element of Generosity is best Element of Harmony

36. Dat white coat

37. BFF with Fluttershy

38. Totally owns a douchey prince

39. She's girly but not overly so

40. Has the best VA on the show

41. Best facial expressions

42. She is the answer to the universe ;)

43. Her relationship with her sister is amazing and realistic

44. Doesn't want to be anything like her parents

45. Owns and lives in a boutique

46. So beautiful she has a dragon fawning over her

47. Says fabulous a lot

48. Is friends with 5 other awesome ponies

49. Is just awesome whenever she's on screen for the most part

50. Her name is Rarity :D

51. She's yummy

52. She's a marshmallow

Yeah this is mostly copypasta'd from my blog, deal with it. Beat that!


  • Brohoof 8


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Sometimes I feel like I'm the only Zecora fan around.


Scratch that, I always feel like I'm the only Zecora fan around.
Here's why she is best pony zebra character:
1- Rhymes! Gotta love somone who can hold any kind of conversation entirely in rhymes.
2- She's a hermit. There's something fun and beautiful about living all alone in a large, wild area like the Everfree Forest.
3- I love the Witch Doctor character archetype.
4- Alchemy is one of the coolest types of magic(not as cool as geometric magic though).


5- Dat awesome zebra mohawk


6- She can kick your ass in a rap battle:




7- She has Yoda-like wisdom, and can give exellent advice.


8- She's generous and helpful, she made cures, entertained the foals, and helped defeat Trixie without asking for anything in return.


9- Just for Sidekicks. She only had a single scene, yet managed to give one of the most powerful lessons in the show, and the delivery was brilliant.


10- She's understanding and forgiving. She forgave the Mane 6 for thrashing her hut and Applebloom for stealing from her as soon as they realised what they'd done and apologized. She cares more about their personal growth than about petty grudges.


11- The whole African tribal aesthetic is awesome


12- Glorious zebra butt. That is all.








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Well, now that threads are merging, I'll tell you why Pinkie Pie is my favorite pony.


  1. She is hilarious!
  2. She never slows down.
  3. Party of One.
  4. Gummy is her pet.
  5. Party cannon.
  6. "Come on everypony, smile, smile, smile!"
  7. She's pink, dude!
  8. Poofy main is the best.
  9. Party cannon!
  10. She's been growing up quite nicely the past two seasons.
  11. There were going to make her a pegusi, but realized she was roit-nerfed enough.
  12. Did I meantion the party cannon?  BECAUSE PARTY CANNON!
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Pinkie Pie needs some love.


While I can't in good conscience call her Best Pony, I'll list 12 reasons why I think she's great. 


1) She defies the laws of physics on a regular basis.


2) She loves a good prank.


3) Even though she's a prankster, it's all in good fun and never targets a pony too sensitive to understand that.


4) Able to use her good friend as a gatling gun.


5) Her "Smile" song is one of the best in the show.


6) She will go to any and all lengths to make sure you have a great time at her parties.


7) The entire ending to Swarm of the Century.


8) She's *everyone's* friend.


9) My choice for the *funniest* pony on the show.  Appropriate given that her element is Laughter. 


10) Pinkie sense!


11) She's a more complex character than she lets on.  She's not just all about fun, she actually cares for her friends, and frankly I think her biggest fear is being alone. 


12) Her biggest passion is befriending people and cheering them up.  Which to me is a very noble and honorable passion to have. 

  • Brohoof 3


Sig by Thunderstorm

Check out my Rarity fansite!

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Taking a note from SBB64, have some copy pasta from my blog about why Dash is my 2nd favorite pony:


1. Ashleigh Ball is a fantastic voice actress. It's easy to

overdo the whole tomboy thing, but she's able to

balance all that arrogance and pride with insecurity and

humanity, or whatever the equivalent would be for



2. She has had the most character development out of

all the Mane Six, even more so than the one who grew

new limbs.


3. She's usually the best part of even the worst episodes. *cough*MMDW*cough*


4. She embodies her element better than any other.


5. Rainbows rock.


6. She has a clearly conveyed goal that she's working

towards over the course of the series. You want to see

her become a Wonderbolt and to live her dreams, and

thankfully, the show is actually allowing development on that front.


7. Incredibly cute. The mane, the voice cracks, the fangirl personality.


8. She's just so freakin' badass. She can clear skies in

ten seconds flat, has a black belt in karate, and is

making the laws of physics her punk on a daily basis.


9. FlutterDash is Best Friendship.


10. There's ton of potential regarding her character

development. She still has to learn how to become a

good influence for Scootaloo's sake, she still has to

become a Wonderbolt, she's always undergoing some

surprising change in personality or thinking, and she still has to finish that Mary Sue novel.


11. Much like Rarity, Dash's character is a great blend of likable, admirable qualities and rough edges and

sometimes negative attributes. She's stubborn, not

always thoughtful of other people's feelings, greatly self-assured of her own coolness, and her fear of being seen as weak or emotional can be all absorbing. But she's also courageous, loyal to a fault, and though it's rare, she can be deeply affectionate.


12. She inspires the best fan music.

Edited by CITRUS KING46
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Onwards to my DeviantArt page!

Sig by the illustrious Kyoshi!

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Rainbow Dash because

1. Cute

2. 20% cooler

3. Rainbows and stuff

4. Sonic Rainboom is epic

5. Arrogant, but in a but in a cute way

6. Awesome

7. Fast

8. Competitive

"In order to realize our true self, we must be willing to live without being dependent upon the opinion of others."

-Bruce Lee

My role-play character: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shawn-r3691

My favorite pony would be a tie between Rainbow Dash and Derpy Hooves.

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As far as I see, there hasn't been a post for him yet, so...


Twelve reasons why Spike is the best character:


1. Cathy Weseluck is a fantastic voice actress. When I listen to Spike, I don't hear an actor sitting in a booth and reciting lines as best they can. I just hear Spike.


2. He makes a perfect foil to whatever Twilight's attitude or mindset is at the time, and their scholar-assistant/sibling/mother-son  relationship is one of the more touching of the show.


3. He has a great design. Dem wubbable cheeks.


4. He's had the most character development besides Dash. Started off as the comic relief and sidekick, has grown into a full on chivalrous hero.


5. Dragons are awesome, even when they are wearing an apron.


6. He's a very engaging character, and most of that comes from just how inherently fascinating he is.


7. He also has a goal, like Dash, but his is a lot more ambiguous and personal: to attain a sense of being and purpose.


8. When's he not running away, he's actually really badass. Standing up to a gang of dragons four times his size, facing the Timberwolf King with nothing more than a pebble, jumping after a friend into an unknown dimension, delivering the Crystal Empire's salvation from on top a mile high tower with a lord of shadows on his tail, and if we include the comics, infiltrating Nightmare Moon's fortress and riding Celestia into battle against giant cokatrices. With a trident.


9. He's writes and performs his own music when the show refuses to give him some.



10. Sparity is Best Ship.


11. Whenever the show delves into what makes Spike tick, it's great.


12. He makes a mean batch of cookies, and nachos too, apparently.

Edited by CITRUS KING46
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Onwards to my DeviantArt page!

Sig by the illustrious Kyoshi!

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I actually would say two ponies are both my favorites.

And I can't make 12 for each. I'll just make 3.






Twilight Sparkle

1. I like how she changes throughout

2. I can easily relate to Twilight

3. Twilight also has great magic


Rainbow Dash

1. Tomboyish personality

2.  Hello, the RAINBOW?

3. "Sonic Rainboom"



(At least I didn't make absurd reasons lol)

Edited by Rainbow P.F. Sparkle
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1. He is Chaos embodied.

2. He doesn't physically harm anyone or anypony. He just does things for his own amusement.

3. He is as sarcastic as he is silly

4. He can wipe out the existance of all life but chooses to instead make houses float

5. His sunglasses are FABULOUS

6. He is voiced by Q

7. He gets off trolling others.

8. He loves pissing off Celestia for his own entertainment

9. He turned Ponyville into 4/chan




I also like Derpy because she's a sweetie and Vinyl cause I have a crush on her.


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1. She has a unique mane

2. Her cutie mark story was funny

3. She designed several outfits without a plan in seconds

4. She went out of her way to repair her relationship with SweetieBelle

5. She's like me

6. She has a fancy voice

7. She knows Kung-Fu

8. She applauded Fluttershy even when she failed

9. She beat the Diamond Dogs by whining

10. She has a sense of style

11. She's polite

12. She's generous

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All-pony is the best pony. Reason why?

1)She's beautiful just like Rarity.

2)She's smart just like Twilight Sparkle.

3)She's kind and sweet just like Fluttershy.

4)She's awesome just like Rainbow Dash.

5)She's cute and "derpy" just like Derpy.

6)She's hyper funny just like Pinkie Pie.

7)She's honest and hardworking just like Applejack.

Nuff said.

  • Brohoof 1

Mostly inactive.

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why rarity is best pony 



she has a purple mane 


stylish mane and tail 


pleasant voice 


best singing voice out of mane 6 


is generous 


girly by nature 


girly nature helps her with diamond dogs


she looks like a marshmallow


she kicks a manticor in the face


has a great scene of fashion


generally very adorable


will help friends in what ever way she can


diamond cutie mark


her sister is best cmc 


has tenancies to overreact 


attention to detail


shes a unicorn


is most adorable EqG character


has best eyes


has spike falling for her





signature made by DaReaper

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I have not read everyone's posts but going out on a limb here and saying Derpy Hooves.


1. She makes me laugh even when I feel down.


2. She dates Dr Whooves. (And travels through time)


3. She's controversial and has been edited. (I can so relate!) but she doesn't let other people's opinions of her stop her from being who she is.


4. She's loved and accepted by so many despite the above. She represents unconditional love and acceptance to so many people.


5. Bronies fought for her survival with passion. She brought the Brony family together in one accord to fight for her continued appearances in the show.


6. She's inspired so many artists, fanfics and song writers.


7. She likes muffins. (How can you beat that?)


8. She holds down a full time job of delivering mail despite any disabilities she is alleged to have. She succeeds, despite what some people have said about her.


9. She has a go at everything! She's often in the background trying her hoof at something new.


10. She's an encouragement to others who may not be perfect themselves in looks or behavior.


11. She admits she doesn't know what went wrong.


12. Her name, personality, traits and adventures are mostly Brony created. She's ours dudes!!!!


My case is closed.


Go Derpy! 




Reason number 13: (This is Derpy so she can have an extra reason) What other Pony could successfully do this and get away with it?



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*Only Trixie Fan? Hum, okay*




1.She made me fall in love with Boast Busters even when the cast was being a jerk. {I know, she lied, but I would believe this to be because of her status}

2.She's a fucking MAGICIAN in a world with UNICORNS and MAGIC. This job must be hard, especially when you must lie 24/7

3.Her past isn't known, and because of this, she shows a complex side we might never know, but we can speculate, must have been sad making her repeat her own name 24/7 when talking. 

4.Her way of speaking. Its amazing. It shows she's consciously repeating it, not by habit. This deepens her character. Why would she need to repeat it off stage? 

5. She's the only pony rival that the cast dislikes in the first two seasons until Lightning Dust. Haven't you noticed most of the antagonists are mythical beasts? Discord, Chrysalis, Nightmare Moon, Gilda, etc. Other then themselves and inner conflict, most happened to be mythical beasts.

6. She's the only rival to come back and challenge again. She clearly has a reason to challenge Twilight I can understand :
*She was blamed for the Ursa Minor she never actually brought out
*She was laughed at and mocked by ponies.

*She had to work for bits in a field that she wasn't comfortable with.

*She can't do her talent. Its like a crisis. Have you ever heard of a pony not being able to really do what they were /destined/ to do?

That must have hurt.

*I'm also assuming her home was destroyed by the Ursa Minor. Must have been a while before she made enough to buy another one, which is rather sad.

7.She has some of the best lines and her actress is amazing.

8. She actually had a unique design that ponies at the time she was made never had.

9.She can actually rival Twilight at least, a little in magic.

10.She's not a total jerk. Mostly, it was for show, to show greatness, but she's not always shown to be a complete jerk. Hell, in Magic Duel, it wasn't even her complete fault. 

11.She BEAT Twilight at magic at least once, none of the other antagonists were shown too, even if she had the amulet.

12.I admire her work ethic. Like Rarity, she must have had to built herself up, negatively to a degree, but her job was built by herself and only herself. Who really teaches somepony about something like what Trixie does?

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LUNA=Best Princess


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I already did one for AJ (was there any doubt I wouldn't?) which you can see here.




In addition to being a huge AJ fan I am also as many of you know from my sig and the Luna fanclub thread I started on here a bit of a LUNAtic so it is time for me to go into fanboy mode once again, this time for the princess of the night.


1. Luna is not your typical princess character: Luna is very humble down to earth, and dosen't seem to care much about protocol.


2. Luna has this mysterious vibe to her: A little air of mystery can make for a very interesting character and Luna is proof of this. We know that she became Nightmare Moon in part because she was jealous of her sister but we don't know what was going through her mind during this time. We know that there is more to the story but we don't know exactly what.


3. Luna is strong yet vulnerable at the same time: As the princess of the night she is one of most powerful beings in the MLP universe yet is also struggling to regain the trust of her subjects after her reform as the former villain Nightmare Moon.


4. Has a touching redemption story: I am a sucker for a good redemption story and Luna has one.


5. Is both cute and sexy at the same time


6. Tabitha St Germain is an awesome voice actor


7. The royal Canterlot voice provides for some awkward and hilarious moments


8. Can actually enter ponies dreams


9. Acts as a counterbalance to Celestia: Celestia is a good princess and pony but she does have some clear bias in favor of Twilight who we know is an awesome pony but is not perfect. We see some subtle example of Luna sort of playing devils advocate to Celestia though I wish we could see a bit more of it.


10. Is one of the most relatable characters: Luna is struggling to fit in as she readjusts to a society where many ponies still hate and fear her due to her past actions as Nightmare Moon.


11. Luna has a darkness that is usually reserved for villains and anti heroes: as the princess of the night she will always be associated with darkness but her character represents that darkness need not always be about evil but that it can also be beautiful.


12. Is one of the secondary characters with the most amount of potential: there are so many directions they could take Luna's character including the nature of her relationship with her sister.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I did one for Applejack




and one for Princess Luna




Now it is Twilight Sparkle's turn.


1. She has an inquisitive mind and a thirst for knowledge and learning: A healthy mind is one that is eager to learn and Twilight has shown this consistently throughout the series. She can be somewhat closed minded at times such as when she literally judged a book by its cover in Bridle Gossip for example but has improved greatly on this.


2. She does not let her status go to her head: As a pony from Canterlot, princess Celestias apprentice and most recently an alicorn princess she has not once despite her privelged background ever become stuck up or looked down on anypony.


3. She proves that you can still be cool even if you are a bit nerdy


4. Is a well balanced character: As the element of magic which is supposed to embody the other 5 elements of harmony Twilight Sparkle also in some subtle ways embodies some of the positive traits of the other mane 6 while having her own unique character strengths as well as flaws.


5. Is very dilligent and hard working: She may not buck apples and may not be training to be a Wonderbolt but she has perfected her skills as a mage through years of hard work and study. It is true that has some prodigious talents but talent means nothing unless you are willing to put in the work to nurture that talent.


6. She is so cute when she has a freakout: and I don't just mean the Lesson Zero level freak outs either even the subtle "woah" moment she had in Spike at Your Service when Applejack moved her inkwells around was adorable.


7. Tara Strong is one of the most awesome voice actors of all time: seriously she really brings Twilight to life.


8. Shows that hard work and diligence is good when tempered with balance: social interaction did not come easily to Twilight at first but as she slowly learned how to do it she realize that it is important to have balance in her life.


9. Is very relatable to people who struggle with social interaction: as someone who grew up with Autism I had to like Twilight learn how to interact with others because certain social cues did not come as easily to me as they do with most other people. Twilight may not have Autism but her struggles with social interaction still remind me of mine.


10. Has had some excellent growth as a character: she went from the socially awkward yet gifted student of Celestia to now one of the most respected ponies in Equestria. I didn't agree with twilicorn at first and don't agree with its execution so far but am now neutral yet optimistic after seeing Equestria Girls.


11. Can be a good voice of reason: Twilight and Applejack compliment each other very nicely as voices of reason and in some cases have kept the other in check.


12. Is a good sister/mother figure to Spike: I think that much of the reason Twilight treats Spike as her "#1 assistant" is out of his desire to feel useful and to want to contribute. Twilight indulges Spike in this though it may not be the best thing for him in the long run out of a genuine love for him.

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Why Fluttershy is best pony:


1. She's the element of kindness.


2. She cares for nature.


3. Her voice actress, Andrea Libman, voices Pinkie Pie as well.


4. She's shy, making her adorable.


5. She's sensitive.


6. She makes good episode plots.


7. She's a pegasus :D


8. She's a bit more generous than Rarity in my opinion.


9. She's forgiving of others.


10. She reformed Discord.


11. She's afraid of dragons. (( I am too. xD Like reptiles and stuff. ))


12. She's so innocent. (( LIKE ME :D ))




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12 reasons why I like Twilight Sparkle

1. She's smart, like me.

2. Confident

3. Organized

4. In alicorn form, ITS AWESOME

5. Always solves lifes problems

6. Always deals with problems coming her way.

7. Hangs with her friends.

8. Encouraging

9. She's awesome

10. Her mane is awesome

11. She's awesome!

and lastly...

12. She's has the same traits like me in real life! :D

Edited by soniccam1

Fours words, one goal: DROP DA BASS MAN. ~ soniccam1

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Pinkie Pie does not obey, submit, comply with, abide by, defer to, conform, or listen to any of those lame law of physics thingies.


And that's why Twilight Sparkle is the best pony. Maybe on the way back, I'll tell you how I got my cutie mark.


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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  • 3 weeks later...


Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy are currently having a knife fight to settle this question once and for all. I'll update once the victim returns from the Intensive Care Unit.

"Don't apologize when you can criticize!"

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12 reasons why Twilight is the best...okay, let's go!


1. She doesn't care what other people think of her. Remember her awkward dancing in Sweet and Elite? Awesome!!!!

2. She's into researching, and knowledge. Remember kids, knowing is half the battle!

3. She is purple, my favorite color! <3

4. She's awkward and nerdy...I can relate to that. Yay!

5. She's not your average lady, she's effing crazy! <3 (lesson zero, swarm of the century)

6. She's the element of Magic.  Oh, oh, oh, it's magic, you know. Never believe it's not so!

7. Tara Strong...'nuff said!

8. She isn't afraid to be herself. I like that.

9. Because of her, now when I hear the words Twilight and Sparkle I think of Technicolor ponies instead of a bad Vampire movie.

10. She chose to be Starswirl the Bearded for Halloween! That's so cool!

11. She's organized, confident, ect. She has a lot of good traits.

12. She's Twilighticious!


Edited by ReverseFaller
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Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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