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12 Reasons Why Your Favorite is Best Pony

Deidre Asada

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I don't have twelve reasons why Rarity is best a great pony. But I did post a nice wall of text about her in the Rarity fan club thread a couple months ago. Some of you may have missed it the first time around so I'll repost it for your convenience.


1. Rarity is the most artistic pony in Ponyville. When we hear the word artist, the first thing that comes to mind is someone brandishing a pencil or a paintbrush. Rarity creates masterpieces with a needle and thread. As a dress designer and a fashion expert, Rarity makes beautiful garments for a living. Her handiwork inspires awe and garners widespread critical acclaim. Unlike other kinds of art which are meant to be enjoyed alone, stylish attire has to be able accentuate the pony that is wearing it. Rarity has an amazing eye for an ensemble that will bring out the best in any client. As Pinkie Pie once said about Rarity, “Fashion is her passion.” And just as Pinkie uses jokes, songs, and cupcakes to lift the spirits of a tired world, Rarity does the same thing through aesthetics. This is also the first of several ways the unicorn lives out her Element of Generosity. One of Rarity’s personal mottos is that a lady should be ready for anything. You never know when a special event will come up, so it’s best to be prepared with an adequate wardrobe. And Rarity’s belief in being prepared goes well beyond dresses and accessories as I will explain in point two.

2. Rarity’s artistry extends to martial arts. Watch out, this unicorn can kick your ass! You need to look no further than A Canterlot Wedding Part 2 to see why. Rarity didn’t have the firepower or superior strength her comrades did for fighting the Changelings. So how was she able to knock out several well-trained enemy soldiers and emerge relatively unscathed? Skill. Rarity holds a black belt in kung hoof. Ponder that for a moment. This prissy prima donna who detests dirt, perspiration and hard work endured years of sweat, grueling training, and pain to master a major martial art. Just as Pinkie will set aside fun and games to address serious matters, Rarity will disregard her deepest personal aversions to attain important goals. This shows just how much having the ability to protect herself and those she cares about means to her. The self-denial needed to attain those skills is another expression of her generosity. Rarity also engages in regular physical exercise and not just to retain her fillyish figure. It takes a significant amount of conditioning and flexibility to be able to deliver those punches and kicks. If she didn’t exercise at all, she would incur pulled muscles and other injuries any time she was forced to fight. Therefore Rarity always stays in shape. Being fit also allowed her to convincingly portray Applejack in disguise during the big Sisterhooves Social race. Everyone was fooled, especially Sweetie Belle! The only thing I don’t know is why a pony like Rarity chose to develop such valuable fighting skills in the first place. The cartoon doesn’t elaborate but she surely has her reasons. This is also one more clue that Equestria isn’t the all sunshine and rainbows playland of previous MLP generations satirically derided by Scootaloo in Sleepless in Ponyville.


3. Her gem finding spell is a tangible sign of her Element of Generosity. Rarity was minding her own business at school one day when her horn suddenly started to glow and led her far from town. Her “destiny”? A large, worthless looking boulder. But moments later, a flash of colorful light followed by a sonic boom cracked it to reveal a treasure trove of priceless gems. Rarity was never taught this spell. It simply came to her as a gift from her Element of Harmony. What’s even more amazing is that only high level unicorns like Twilight Sparkle are normally able to learn it. This isn’t idle speculation on my part; it’s common sense. If any old unicorn could do this, Equestria’s surface would’ve been completely stripped of precious stones centuries ago.


4. Rarity has unsurpassed beauty, style, and grace. By Equestria's standards, Fluttershy and Rarity are considered to be the prettiest ponies in Ponyville. But it is the glare of the spotlight that separates these two. Here, Fluttershy withers whereas Rarity truly comes to life. Self-confidence is a huge part of someone’s visual appeal. Rarity has a commanding presence whether she is on the runway, at a photo shoot, attending a major affair, or working in the boutique she owns. She is every bit as gorgeous as the dresses she makes. Simply stunning! img-1292103-1-wub.png


5. As time goes by, Rarity embodies the Element of Generosity more and more. A famous author had this to say about the different ways in which we give:


"You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give." – Kahlil Gibran


Rarity's material generosity is not a big issue as she does fine in that regard. Remember that in Suited For Success she didn’t hesitate to make two dresses for each of her best pony pals at no cost to them. Rarity’s main downfall is that she doesn’t always give of herself the way she should. She is often preoccupied with her business and other concerns. Critics call her a self-centered drama queen and an attention whore. And to tell the truth, these misgivings about her are occasionally justified. There is nothing generous about any of that. As a result, she is often called the pony who least lives up to her Element of Harmony. But all of this doesn’t mean that Rarity is a failure. It means she’s human. For most of us, there is a wide gap between the person we are and the person we want to be. But that doesn’t mean we should stop trying to close that gap. Many of us will struggle with this for our whole life. Lord knows Rarity hasn’t quit trying to improve herself. Despite backsliding from time to time, she continues to rise above her own temptations and faults to be a better daughter, sister, and friend. Rarity has grown significantly as a person, and part of the reason for this is clear. Along with Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack, Rarity is just as much a student of Princess Celestia as Twilight Sparkle is. All six of them have benefited greatly from the lessons learned about friendship. Twilight’s buddies aren't just along for the ride either. They're all on the same journey with a common destination. And for one shining moment, Rarity was as flawless as the most exquisite diamond. In Magical Mystery Cure she joined her closest friends to form the perfect love needed to carry out Star Swirl's special spell properly. To fulfill her role in that process, Rarity gave from her entire heart and soul. If that's not being generous, then what the hell is?

Edited by Wingnut
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In all seriousness though, I do really like Fluttershy, I just believe that Rainbow Dash is superior. 


There is no shame coming in 2nd to the most awesome pony in Equestria.


Heck, that's a silver medal!



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She also recovered very well after her parents were crushed in that horrible cider press accident and took care of Applebloom.

She's a mom / sister / worker / bumpkin / voice of reason / friend.


Also if she she was human she'd have muscular legs and I have a thing for that.

  • Brohoof 1
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Wow, what an awesome post, Sugar Cube! :D This is going to be a tough act to follow. This isn't likely to be locked, but what the mods may do is merge these threads with similar ones.


Now, in addition to everything ELSE I need to do this week, I'm going to have to write a 12 Reasons why Fluttershy is Best Pony essay. :PNever mind. I see Sir Flutterhooves has already posted one. I'll be sure to chime in on that later...

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Now I must say I disagree with all of your points and still have Fluttershy as dead last out of all the characters, but you gave an admirable try. *applauds*

Now I have to make one about Mayor Mare...

Ha, well I am glad I got a appaluse at the end. MAyor Mare is pretty cool, she is a misunderstood character. Thanks again. Fluttershy is best pony though.

Edited by Sir.Flutter Hooves



This fantastic signature is made my by awesome friend Rainbow Skywalker! :D

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One word: Flutterguy.



Well OK, I have to do more than one word because of the character minimum, but I almost died laughing when I saw that.  That, and Flutteryay.  I don't really believe in the mythical "Best Ponytm" so I'll probably end up arguing for all of them if these 12 Reasons threads keep coming up.  I would like to see more development on what appear to be some very intense suppressed-anger issues.  When she does express anger, or try to practice self-assertiveness (e.g. the Iron Will episode), she goes nuclear. 


Flutters is obviously the strongest in relation to Discord.  Not only was she the one to reform him, she was the only one who could actually resist his tricks, so that he had to just give up, shout, "Oh, for heaven's sake!" and just cheat by touching her and forcibly turning her gray and mean.

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Nopony has taken Rainbow Dash so I guess I'll do it


1. She's the element of Loyalty: Never leaving her friends for her own heart's desires, Rainbow Dash is always there when you need her


2. Coolness: She's just naturally cool. 


3. Voiced by Ashleigh Ball: Ashleigh Ball is the lead singer for the band Hey Ocean, which makes Rainbow Dash an awesome singer



 Her adorable and silly laugh. She's almost tied with Pinkie Pie for best laugh


5. Her go-getter atitude: Always striving to become the best she could, as shown in Wonderbolt Academy


6. Her consideration for others: Again, as shown in Wonderbolt Academy, Rainbow Dash always puts others before herself when trying to accomplish a task.


7. Her aspiring atitude: Rainbow Dash has said many times she wants to be a Wonderbolt. This atitude is what is needed to have a great future in one's life. Everyone has to have goals in their life, and Rainbow Dash has shown that if you put your heart into a dream, it can become a reality.


8. Her compassion towards Fluttershy: Despite them having two personalities, RD has shown much compassion towards Fluttershy. When Fluttershy felt humiliated, Rainbow Dash went to comfort her. She even herself, became upset when Fluttershy ran away crying. 


9. Her perseverance: Rainbow Dash never gives up. If it weren't for her perseverance, Hurricane Fluttershy would've never even happened


10. Her adorableness: In addition to her coolness and laughter, Rainbow Dash can have some super adorable moments, like the scene where she has the bucket on her head


11. Her catchphrases: Everypony has a catchphrase that defines who they are. To me, Rainbow Dash has many of them. One of them is "It needs to be about 20% cooler".


12. Her overall tomboy personality: Rainbow Dash is all about speed and awesomeness, which separates her from the rest of the mane 6. She'd rather be performing stunts than caring for animals or anything else. She even likes adventure stories as well.    

  • Brohoof 3
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Wow, what an awesome post, Sugar Cube! biggrin.png This is going to be a tough act to follow. This isn't likely to be locked, but what the mods may do is merge these threads with similar ones.


Now, in addition to everything ELSE I need to do this week, I'm going to have to write a 12 Reasons why Fluttershy is Best Pony essay. tongue.pngNever mind. I see Sir Flutterhooves has already posted one. I'll be sure to chime in on that later...



Thank you! I wanted to make sure I covered almost everything that I love about her. And even after I posted the topic, I'm still thinking of things I could have added. Oh well, it is still quite thorough enough. smile.png


Thanks for your thoughts everyone.

Edited by Sugar Cube
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Well now, there seems to be some debate over who is best pony over in Show Discussion. Shame the real best pony isn't even in the show.



1. She holds the virtue of sacrifice, and would gladly give up everything she has in life to help somepony else.


2. She has mastered telekinesis, and is so badass that she can carry every bit of gear she owns over her head without breaking a sweat.


3. The audiobook of her adventures is more than 62 hours long. That's almost triple the entire current length of the show itself.


4. With a little help from S.A.T.S., she can put a bullet between your eyes without breaking a sweat.


5. She fought a dragon. And killed it.


6. She owns a full set of Ministry Mare statuettes, and she found a second set to give to Velvet Remedy.


7. You thought your pipbuck was hard to remove? Try having it melted into your leg.


8. She fought another dragon. And turned it into a mouse.


9. Cannibalism? She holds a very strong opinion on the matter.


10. Her Zebra rifle shoots bullets made of fire.


11. She suffered through an addiction to one of the most dangerous drugs in the wasteland, and kicked it cold turkey.


12. Thirty-one. That is all.

  • Brohoof 3

Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary.

Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium.


Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector).

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I believe that since everypony around here thinks that their pony is the best and wants to describe their reasoning behind it, I feel that one thread should be good enough to pool them together. So we do not clutter this forum with the same topic for different characters. I can see how it's not the same as picking one's favorite pony whether it's Fluttershy or Sweetie Drops. So anyway, let me start by describing 12 reasons why Twilight Sparkle is best pony.


1) Twilight Sparkle is both the smartest and most intelligent: She loves the books and that is often a key contribution towards solving so many problems. It's how she was able to defeat the Ursa Minor. It's also generally awesome to be able to use intelligence to overcome problems instead of chance or using strength.


2) Twilight Sparkle had to learn the value of friendship: Learning how special friendship is makes Twilight special. She was the only pony that wrote letters to Princess Celestia about it for season 1. Speaking of that...


3) Twilight Sparkle is Princess Celestia's privileged student: That has to count for something. That makes her extra awesome. She's even friends with Princess Cadence.


4) Twilight Sparkle holds the element of magic which is the most important element.


5) Twilight Sparkle has a great attitude about things and has a general personality that is easy to compare oneself to. Friendly, adorable regarding her scientific ways and easy to get along with as well as honest.


6) Twilight Sparkle is a very determined pony and was the one able to overcome Discord's evil magic. She always does the right thing.


7) Twilight Sparkle has an awesome friend named Spike and she is likely the reason why he is such a perfect little dragon.


8) Twilight Sparkle is modest unlike some unicorns that doesn't have what it takes to be great without cheating.


9) Twilight Sparkle may be from Canterlot but she isn't uptight or arrogant.


10) Twilight Sparkle has best colors and cutie mark.


11) Twilight Sparkle has best house. Not the best pet like Gummy but her house is the best. It doubles as a library!


12) Twilight Sparkle has the best cutie mark origin story.





Edited by ILetThePoniesIn
  • Brohoof 6

:wub: Silver Letter!!! :kirin:
Silver Letter's MLP collection
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Why Dashie is the best:


1. She is really cute

2. She is really awesome

3. She is a very loyal friend

4. She is confident

5. She looks beautiful in her gala dress <3

6. She has an adorable fangirl squeal

7. She is athletic

8. She has an awesome sexy mane

9. She is 20% cooler than the rest of the ponies

10. She is the fastest pony in Equestria

11. She is badass

12. She is just amazing 

  • Brohoof 1



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12) Because it's Twilight Sparkle. Seriously, she's the best.




Seriously, that was funny the first time, but use legitimate reasons for crying out loud.



  • Brohoof 1


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I like Fallout Equestria more than I like the actual canon of the show itself, to be honest. Littlepip is one badass pony, and really is more interesting than most of them in the show.

  • Brohoof 1



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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It's counterpoint time!




1. She's the element of Loyalty: Never leaving her friends for her own heart's desires, Rainbow Dash is always there when you need her


Applejack may not be the element of loyalty but I think she's just as loyal as Rainbow Dash is at times. Ha! She's just as dependable as Rainbow Dash if you look at her character. 




2. Coolness: She's just naturally cool. 






Voiced by Ashleigh Ball: Ashleigh Ball is the lead singer for the band Hey Ocean, which makes Rainbow Dash an awesome singer

So is Applejack :D. Coincidence? I think NOT!




5. Her go-getter atitude: Always striving to become the best she could, as shown in Wonderbolt Academy


That's a trait about Rainbow Dash I like. Although she can be a bit hot-headed sometimes.




6. Her consideration for others: Again, as shown in Wonderbolt Academy, Rainbow Dash always puts others before herself when trying to accomplish a task.


I know there's a contradiction here somewhere.........




7. Her aspiring atitude: Rainbow Dash has said many times she wants to be a Wonderbolt. This atitude is what is needed to have a great future in one's life. Everyone has to have goals in their life, and Rainbow Dash has shown that if you put your heart into a dream, it can become a reality.


Once again something I liked about her whole character arch. (Cant really counter this.)




8. Her compassion towards Fluttershy: Despite them having two personalities, RD has shown much compassion towards Fluttershy. When Fluttershy felt humiliated, Rainbow Dash went to comfort her. She even herself, became upset when Fluttershy ran away crying. 


Her compassion usually switches from time to time. At least to Fluttershy sometimes. For an example in "Hurricane Fluttershy" she mainly wanted Fluttershy mainly to help get water to Cloudsale without much concern of her insecure feelings. 






9. Her perseverance: Rainbow Dash never gives up. If it weren't for her perseverance, Hurricane Fluttershy would've never even happened


Sometimes perseverance can hurt more than help.




10. Her adorableness: In addition to her coolness and laughter, Rainbow Dash can have some super adorable moments, like the scene where she has the bucket on her head


I don't remember this scene but I do agree Rainbow Dash does look super cute at some points. Although you have to admit she tries hard to NOT be cute. Especially when she nuzzles her pet tortoise Tank.





11. Her catchphrases: Everypony has a catchphrase that defines who they are. To me, Rainbow Dash has many of them. One of them is "It needs to be about 20% cooler".



That meme is one of the most overused memes ever! Rainbow Dash hasn't come up with any new material lately.




12. Her overall tomboy personality: Rainbow Dash is all about speed and awesomeness, which separates her from the rest of the mane 6. She'd rather be performing stunts than caring for animals or anything else. She even likes adventure stories as well.    


Being part of 6 different ponies of course she needs her own distinctive personality. Doesn't particularly mean it's the best personality out of the mane 6.

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That meme is one of the most overused memes ever! Rainbow Dash hasn't come up with any new material lately.

She's all about making faces now. Pretty subjective, but I think she makes some of the funniest facial expressions in the show, even outdoing Pinkie Pie




ok, almost outdoing Pinkie Pie

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Okay, Applejack has been my favorite pony since the start so get ready fillies and gentlecolts cuz I am going into fanboy mode.


1. Applejack is the most true to herself: I like people or in this case ponies who are real, genuine and true to themselves. Too many people put up these false fronts to hide who they really are so they won't be judged but Applejack dosen't care about any of that.


2. She has strong morals and is the best role model both for the young children and even the adults watching: Applejack is not perfect as her pride and stubbornness can sometimes make her fail to see the big picture but she always strives to keep her word, do the right thing. She can be a bit hard on herself when she falls short but her strong code of honor is very refreshing in a character.


3. She is very hard working and diligent: Applejack has a good can do attitude and a work ethic that is quite admirable even if she does overdo it sometimes.


4. Family is important to her: She has always been there for her sister, her brother and her grandmother.


5. She is the most inspirational character in this show: She has had to grow up way too fast after her parents died when she was just a filly by helping her older brother Big Macintosh run the farm and raise their younger sister Applebloom. She has survive a situation which would have destroyed many others and grown into a strong, honest and faithful young mare.


6. She is confident yet humble: Applejack is perhaps the most confident of the mane 6 but dosen't suffer from the arrogance which Rainbow Dash stuggles with though has improved greatly on.


7. Is a good example of an average character done right: Applejack dosen't have as many quirks or flaws as the other mane 6 but if you are willing to look deep enough you will find that she is a character that seems simple yet has a very compelling story to tell about coping with loss, dealing with the pressures of running a farm and a few other things such as her stubbornness which make her a more interesting character than she gets credit for.


8. Applejack is very friendly and welcoming: Applejack gave Twilight the warmest welcome to Ponyville of any of the mane 6 by treating her like she was practically part of the family and is always willing to lend her friends a helping hoof.


9. Applejack represents her element of honesty very well: She is honest often to a fault even when it seemed like the Flim Flam Brothers had won she said "a deal's a deal".


10. Applejack is no cheater: the only time she ever fell back on this was in Fall Weather Friends and it was only because Rainbow Dash was cheating.


11. Is mature yet knows when to let loose and have a good time: Applejack works hard as even the various people who think she is the "boring one" will admit but even she knows when to put that away and party every now and then.


12. Applejack is one of the most well balanced characters in the show: sure she has fewer flaws than the others but is written in a way to where she dosen't need as much to still be an interesting character yet still has realistic and well written flaws as well as strengths.

  • Brohoof 4
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Wow, what an awesome post, Sugar Cube! biggrin.png This is going to be a tough act to follow. This isn't likely to be locked, but what the mods may do is merge these threads with similar ones.


Now, in addition to everything ELSE I need to do this week, I'm going to have to write a 12 Reasons why Fluttershy is Best Pony essay. tongue.pngNever mind. I see Sir Flutterhooves has already posted one. I'll be sure to chime in on that later...

I know for sure you could do Fluttershy justice :D. If anybody can do her justice its surely Wingnut :D.


Anyways, I really enjoy reading these, sure I'm not moving AJ from her spot as current my last favorite mane 6, but I do have a better appreciation for her and thus get to enjoy the show more due to liking her all the more, same with all these threads really.


The way I see it the more I understand why others like this pony and that pony, the more I like them, and then the more I enjoy episodes as a whole. I think disliking anypony is a hindrance to enjoyment :P.


I love all the mane 6 ponies, most of my favorite's list has more to due with how I can relate to them, then if they are best pony. 


Anyways, Good job Sugar cube!

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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better apples than honeycrisps

Whoa whoa whoa, back up there.  This is not a thing that exists.  Honeycrisps are indisputably the GOAT apple, and they're literally perfect for anything.  Handfruit, sliced up, in caramel apple form, in pies, bobbing, as a target for archers, they are better at it.  Appleponi is pleb as hell for not devoting an entire orchard to them

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  • Brohoof 9

Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary.

Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium.


Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector).

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Applejack is best underrated pony in my opinion.


It's sad to see her very least liked since according to everyone, she already has a goal in life, which is at sweet apple acres, but she does more than that, she's honest, smart, sincere, pretty, and a great friend!


PS: Not to be a furry or anything, she ranks as #2 of the sexiest of the mane 6, but that's just me...


PSS: She's mighty adorable too! Not many say that about her sadly.



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Twilight Sparkle is definitely awesome. I approve of your reasons. Applejack is still my fave though.


However, I wouldn't want all of these threads to be merged. I know it's taking up space on the front page, but these threads have also provided a lot of discussion and are a lot of fun to read. As long as nobody starts flame wars over their fave, then it should be allowed. There's no rule against bumping other topics you'd like to see either. ;)


Poor Pinkie Pie. Left in the cold with no thread explaining why she's the best. Somebody's gotta fix that for our favorite pink mare. smile.png

Edited by Sugar Cube
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Well, 12 reasons why Twiley is best pony:


1. She's extremely intelligent and is a master at magical spells.

2. People can relate to her well. She's the intelligent bookworm and didn't care about friendship at first. 

3. Her color scheme is rather pleasant to look at.

4. She's always there to give advice to her friends; even if the advice isn't good at times.

5. She managed to become an alicorn after working so hard for it.

6. Her voice (courtesy of Tara Strong) is pleasant to listen to.

7. She cares deeply about her friends; including Spike.

8. She is a very determined type character. If she wants something done; she'll get it done.

9. She can be independent at times. Sure, she loves her friends but she can also function properly while alone.

10. She can have mental breakdowns that are interesting to watch.

11. She has flaws like everyone else; namely an OCD.

12. Her singing voice is amazing, nice job Rebecca Shoichet . 


So, that is why Twilight is best pony to me. happy.png

  • Brohoof 1


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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