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food Do you drink tap water?

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

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So here is another random question from me. I am in a wondering mood tonight. XD TAP WATER. Something that is usually split on who drinks it. Some people do with no issues while others might avoid it like the plague. This could be for quality reasons, trust reasons, personal preference or a combination. Could be anything.


Makes me want to ask, do you drink tap water at all? Why or why not? Do you drink it only with a filter of some kind? Tell us your tap story! : D 


Me, I don't drink tap water. At least not in my town. Over 10 years ago, there were reports sent out that there might have been a decent amount of lead in the water. Yeah, sounds wonderful. Ever since then, I don't bother with tap water at all around here. Maybe if I get one of those uber fancy filters sometime, but I haven't done that yet. 

  • Brohoof 6


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Ehh, the tap water in this country is relatively clean and safe to drink, though there is that familiar taste of fluoride off of it. Me personally? I'll drink it if there's no bottled water on hand and I find myself in need of a quick refreshment. Nothing that quenches your thirst quite like a nice cold glass of water. :lol:


That being said, we do also have a decanter with a filter attached, so if I'm not in a rush I'll usually fill that up first and then drink, because it just tastes better. :P

  • Brohoof 3

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Every so often, we get these scary and confusing reports from the town hall that tell us what's in the water we've been drinking. xD  I do drink our tap water, but I refrigerate the stuff until it's as cold as I can get it.  Sometimes I'll use a powdered mix in a pitcher of the stuff.

  • Brohoof 1

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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No, I don't.

We share a community well, so the tap water I have tastes awful. That, and there are some dangerous chemicals in it. We buy bottled water and have a water....machine...thing that gives us clean water.

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I had these two water filters/pitchers I liked to use. They were always nice and cold in the fridge; when one emptied, I just refilled it and switched to drinking the other. I could have used just one, but I like my water cold. Technically I'm now on well water rather than municipal water, but I'm still not buying bottled.

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Where I live I don't have to worry about tap water because we have a well, and it has some of the best water you'll drink. When I'm in an actual town with tap water I usually don't drink it because I don't like the taste. It tastes too metallic if you ask me, but that's probably just because I'm used to pure water straight from the sky. If I lived in Flint, Michigan, I would just avoid water in general.

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The tap water here in Canada is general is very clean due to the amazing municipal water filtering systems we have here and also because of the fact that Canada has an immense abundance of freshwater.


To answer the question, yes I do. I am very used to the tap water, however, I also do like drinking bottled water as well.

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Nah, I don't. The reason of why comes from the fact that my tap water is shared between the community, and that water has a very metallic taste to it, which makes it taste awkard and is difficult to drink; not impossible to drink, but I'd rather stick to filtered water for the time being

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New York City tap water is delicious. It's what makes the pizza good. New Yorkers in other cities ship bottles of NYC tap water to make their dough, no joke. Whenever someone drinks a bottle of Poland Spring I question their sanity.


Also, San Antonio water was delicious too. The minerals from the aquifer make it very flavorful. 


On a side note, this Flint MI crap is so awful. I know that their hearts are in the right place in Washington, but why does Michigan let everything go to crap, from Detroit to the children in Flint? I don't have any ideas or ways to fix what happens there, but their local politicians are awful. Plus the federal gov wants to raise money to help them....when Michigan has millions of dollars stockpiled for a "rainy day" - this is a pretty large rainy day!  :angry:

  • Brohoof 1


Courtesy of @Sparklefan1234

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Water infrastructure in the US is incredibly old and prone to mineral leeching. I use a Brita filter on my tap at home, though where I currently live the water is much less mineralized than the last place I lived, which is only ten miles away.

Edited by captainborgue
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Sometimes, I live far enough from an urban area that i have my own ground water. If my filter pump is broke sometimes i'll have no choice but to drink it, but i boil it before then to try to remove whatever could be in it. 

  • Brohoof 1

Who you jiving with that cosmik debris? 

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New York City tap water is delicious. It's what makes the pizza good. New Yorkers in other cities ship bottles of NYC tap water to make their dough, no joke. Whenever someone drinks a bottle of Poland Spring I question their sanity.


Also, San Antonio water was delicious too. The minerals from the aquifer make it very flavorful.


On a side note, this Flint MI crap is so awful. I know that their hearts are in the right place in Washington, but why does Michigan let everything go to crap, from Detroit to the children in Flint? I don't have any ideas or ways to fix what happens there, but their local politicians are awful. Plus the federal gov wants to raise money to help them....when Michigan has millions of dollars stockpiled for a "rainy day" - this is a pretty large rainy day! :angry:

It's even worse than that. See, the water in Flint was fine when the utility was the same one that serviced other cities in the Great Lakes region, and pulled water from the lakes themselves. Governor Snyder broke up the water utility into smaller companies, and tried to say he did it to "save money". It would cost about 40,000$ a year to add chemical treatments to Flints water that would prevent the lead in pipes from leeching out (it leeches out because the water is acidic- neutralizing the Ph would prevent leeching).


So, since it actually costs MORE to use shitty acidic river water, why would the governor do such a thing?


Here's the worst part: to prove an ideological point. Snyder is a hardcore Republican, and has said on record that he wants to abolish regulations and privatize functions of government. By chopping the water utility into little pieces and deliberately providing poisonous water, his plan was to eliminate support for government utilities and allow private companies to operate as the municipal utility.


Interestingly enough, the documentation relating to the switch from great lakes water to flint river water were recently stolen, and liquor statements have implied it was an inside job. Or more accurately, there was a break in in the building where the documents were kept, and nobody has any clue what was taken.




Edited by captainborgue
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I prefer not to drink it unfiltered out of the faucet, but that doesn't mean I won't. It's water and if I don't have a better option at the time I still have to drink something, it's not really worth starting a problem over it in my opinion. Like if someone handed me a glass of tap water I'm not gonna just start complaining about it (perhaps if it tasted bad then I'd have a reason to not like it). I'll drink bottled water as well, not to say its automatically better than tap water but there's worse things out there.


Anyway I can use a water filter that's installed next to the kitchen sink with its own faucet so as of now I don't have to use the unfiltered tap for drinking water.

Edited by ElectronicGamerBrony
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I'm perfectly fine with tap water. Tastes fine in the state I live in and there is no real issue with it here, they usually cut the water if there is something wrong with it that may have adverse health effects. Only places I have not drank the water is when on vacation and we are explicitly told not to drink it. I really don't have the luxury of using a filter where I live right now unless I get a filtering pot(IDK what the name is) or I use my Keurig.

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Tap water from where I live in is mostly clean to drink straight from the tap, but I usually use a pitcher with a filter mechanism to place into the fridge before drinking.


I enjoy drinking my water cold. :)

  • Brohoof 2

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I recently move and the place I'm at has a side by side fridge with a water dispenser dealio with a filter. So it's technically tap water, that's been cleaned. It also comes out cold.  :sunbutt:

And with ice. :wub:

That's been crushed.  :pinkie:

I'm so spoiled.   :please:

  • Brohoof 4


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Nah x3 I don't drink tap water ^^;;; I just drink the ones from the fridge ^^;;; are the water from the fridge tap too? ^^;;; sorry for being stupid ._.

Edited by Princess-Moonlight
  • Brohoof 3




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I drink it all the time when I'm thirsty and don't want to go all the way downstairs for a bottle :fluttershy:.


And it's cold! Good cold water :proud:.

  • Brohoof 1


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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I live in Northern California and the tap water here is really good, and the only somewhat issue is that in my particular city, they put more fluoride than other cities. Whenever I go on vacation to Southern California, I can NOT have the tap water because it is not filtered nearly as well and it just tastes awful!

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