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S06:E06 - No Second Prances


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Honestly, I did NOT like this one. Trixie and Starlight's characterizations were great, but Twilight felt really off. Twilight forgave Trixie, and kudos to DHX for recognizing it, but why would Twilight want to sabotage Starlight's chance to gain Trixie's friendship in Ponyville? I understand if she wants to be like a surrogate mom to Starlight, but given how Twilight and Trixie split on friendly terms, it doesn't make any sense.

Edited by Dark Qiviut
  • Brohoof 4

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(Anypony notice the animation when Raindow dash when to fly away, it was stellar and It reminded me of Rainbowlicious.)


I'm gonna have to rewatch that scene with my bass booster cranked for maximum sonic boom effect.  :sneer:



I know, but Starlight said she could never be friends with any pony who barely speaks. And the only pony who speaks less than Mac is Vinyl. So it was kind of funny she kept getting paired with ponies she's unlikely to get close to.
I know. I was just joking around. And you're right. That was the point leading up to Starlight finding someone she could really connect with. I knew a Trixie episode was coming up but I didn't see this coming. It was very well done. :squee: 


She probably knew that Twilight was starting to get a little "Lesson Zero"-y again.
Maybe Tia should start suggesting Twilight read her own scrolls again. :sunbutt: 
  • Brohoof 1


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Trixie and Starlight's characterizations were great, but Twilight felt really off. Twilight forgave Trixie, and kudos to DHX for recognizing it, but why would Twilight want to sabotage Starlight's chance to gain Trixie's friendship in Ponyville?


I get the feeling she was worried they were going to influence each other negatively. She's forgiven them both for what they've done, but they both have a pretty checkered past, and she didn't want them to cause each other to backslide and start to get worse again. She was focused more on Starlight because she's her student, and she's probably spent a lot more time around her ever since she moved into the castle, rather than Trixie who she hasn't even seen since Magic Duel.


 Trixie's "Reformation" of sorts was also sort of half-hearted at the end of Magic Duel. So, I can sort of see where she's coming from. I think it was pretty in-character. I got the feeling she would have been fine with Trixie in almost any other case, even if Starlight had picked her as a friend later, or if one of her other friends had done so. It was just that this was Starlight's first "Real" new friend outside of the Mane Six, and that made her get overprotective.

  • Brohoof 6

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I think there was a lot of potential in this episode, but it ultimately disappointed. 


For one thing, I think it is way too early in the season for an episode where Twilight is portrayed as in the wrong for not trusting Starlight, who, less than ten episodes ago, attempted to kill her. Perhaps after a long season in which she learns several friendship lessons, this it would have fit a lot better. But for her second episode in the show, it simply doesn't work. 


What just makes this all the more insulting to me is how we're apparently supposed to ignore Starlight's impulsiveness earlier in the episode. Perhaps I could have looked past her using magic to set the table directly after Twilight told her not to, but casting a spell on Big Mac to force him to talk?!?!! This clearly shows how abusive and controlling she still is, and it vindicates Twilight's concerns BEFORE THE EPISODE EVEN INTRODUCES THEM!!!!!


SHE DIDN'T EVEN THINK SHE DID ANYTHING WRONG!!!!! She promptly justified this action by stating that she couldn't make friends with Big Mac if he didn't talk. I'm sorry, but if she's not at the point where she doesn't know that exerting power over others is wrong, then she truly cannot be trusted. And yet, the episode still goes out of its way to portray Twilight in the wrong for not trusting her!??!!?!?!?!??! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!?


Wrong, wrong, wrong. How about the writers actually stop trying to imply that Starlight is still a psychopath before we have an episode like this where Twilight's trust in her is put to the test? Things like this do not help her to gain our trust as viewers, nor does things like her joking about enslaving the entire town to make friends with them. It's not funny. It's just more fuel to the fire as to why she can't be trusted. She should be trying to move past those actions, and not make stupid jokes about them. 


As for Trixie, I really don't see what the point was of making her play both sides in this episode. She apparently wanted to apologize to Ponyville, but she really did not seem to be genuine about it in the slightest. 

  • Brohoof 8
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No Second Prances review


Okay. personal opinion. I hate Starlight Glimmer. She did not deserve a character reformation.

But on the bright side, this episode's title and message alone applies to me.

The idea "no second chances" really is a powerful statement to be said. And to Starlight Glimmer and Trixie, It says a lot....Kinda

In reality, having a second chance is a gift of a lifetime. You should always care that you have another chance to learn your mistakes.

But in this episode, I don't see it that much. Even Twilight Sparkle at the beginning was skeptical about Starlight being friends with Trixie


Bottom line: Bonus points for having Trixie and as well as other background pony cameos

Loses points for Having Starlight Glimmer and having such a dull plot.

I give a No second Prances, a   6.2/10

  • Brohoof 4

"There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends"


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I could easily say that I loved this episode just because of Trixie, which is most likely true, but it had it's problems. Twilight not trusting Starlight enough to make her own friends is one of them. And one thing that truly upset me is the fact that my homegirl Trixie befriended Starlight just to get one over Twilight (I'm not sure that was what she said, so I'm gonna have to give it a rewatch.) I just really hope this means we get to see more Trixie in the future.

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I'm not sure if Trixie's last moment in the cannon was intentional or not.. I mean, I don't think it was because otherwise there were some pretty dark implications there, but after seeing Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep I wouldn't put it past them.


That whole last five or so minutes hit very close to home for me. I loved it, though.


The episode definitely started off slow, but I think it picked up about halfway through.

  • Brohoof 1


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SPOILER ALERT: I thought this episode was super super touching. It was really relatable for me who has experienced people trying to give me advice on who to be friends with without knowing the situation and ending up making it worse. I'm glad Starlight Glimmer and Trixie ended up being friends because I think their interactions really work together nicely. I also find it interesting that Twilight seems to have a character flaw in the form of holding grudges. She did it with Discord and she does it again with Trixie here and I think both Trixie and Discord picked up on this vibe from Twilight which makes things worse. This episode reminds me of a fan video series called "Princess Trixie Sparkle". I liked that we found out Trixie is simply jealous of Twilight. I also liked that they had Trixie try to "beat" Twilight because it allows both Twilight and Starlight to be a bit wrong and a bit right about Trixie and her intentions which is very realistic as it shows all of the characters are imperfect in their judgement. As someone else pointed out it shows teachers are just as flawed as students. I just feel really sorry for Celestia being basically dumped off with three random party guests. I don't blame her for being bored and pissed. I would be too. Twilight needs to learn to not try so hard to impress Celestia or none of this would have happened. I loved that Trixie allowed Starlight to help her with her magic act. She has been so solo and selfish in the series that it was refreshing to see her admit she can't do every magic feat by herself. I'm glad she is truly trying to reform herself in this episode. I hope now that Trixie and Starlight are friends that they will appear together in more episodes! In regards to the Fluttershy comments: It's not the Manticore she is afraid of. It's Trixie's crazy stunt that she is afraid of since Fluttershy would never want to see anybody hurt or killed and must have thought Trixie was about to die. 

  • Brohoof 3

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I mean, I don't think it was because otherwise there were some pretty dark implications there, but after seeing Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep I wouldn't put it past them.


I've been pretty amazed at how deep they've gone in past themes. This show never ceases to amaze me how it can be so happy-go-lucky and also dark and serious.  Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep was a good example of that. I'm sure we could look deeper into this than the writers ever intended (common thing to do in the fandom) and Dark fics will doubtless be made. Needless to say, it just makes me all the happier that Starlight came back to Trixie and saved her.  :kindness: 

  • Brohoof 1


Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! 

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BLASPHEMY! This Celestia was more out of character than a Japanese Nyarlathotep. Celestia we know always likes to get away from her mundane royal duties and she likes to interact with her faithful student no matter the circumstances. Brb, grabbing my Solar Inquisitor garb. Wait, I also need my Star Inquisitor battle gear to make up for Twilight’s crappy nerf of her character into a flaccid cutlery idiot who STILL hides silly mistakes from Celestia! Now all I need is an angry mob and a few torches.


And then there’s the whole ambiguity in regard to Trixie’s behavior. So she acted like that because she was still butthurt over Twilight, but she actually wanted a friend. Well yippee-ki-yay, I’m so glad that the whole episode revolved around this issue and wasn’t wasted on random ponies and exposition. And why do all ponies expect the benefit of the doubt but don’t want to redeem themselves through their own deeds? It’s like one’s faith in another is a currency of some sort that must be distributed equally among the deserving populace by the great friendship socialist overlords up in the sky. Dicks get sticks, it’s that simple. You have to make the first step and live with it.

  • Brohoof 4
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Glimmer gets along WELL with ANGEL BUNNY.  Even moreso than Fluttershy -- floaty hearts level...  That is powerfully impressive.


Angel feels how strong the Dark Side of the Force is in Starlight. That's why he gets her.  :lol:

  • Brohoof 2

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And then there’s the whole ambiguity in regard to Trixie’s behavior. So she acted like that because she was still butthurt over Twilight, but she actually wanted a friend. Well yippee-ki-yay, I’m so glad that the whole episode revolved around this issue and wasn’t wasted on random ponies and exposition. And why do all ponies expect the benefit of the doubt but don’t want to redeem themselves through their own deeds? It’s like one’s faith in another is a currency of some sort that must be distributed equally among the deserving populace by the great friendship socialist overlords up in the sky. Dicks get sticks, it’s that simple. You have to make the first step and live with it.

Clearly you never experienced great depression. When you are down on yourself that first step as you call it is the hardest thing in the world to do. In fact I would say it is damn near impossible to do on your own. You need someone else to show you that you can have a friend or at least someone cares about you. Rather it be a stranger or not, in my experience it does not really matter.

However I do agree that Celestia was weirdly out of character.


Overall I liked this ep. the story was nice the background gags were fun. and sad twixxy was cute. I say 8/10 

  • Brohoof 3

Credit to Kiki


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++ Pony hasn't made me laugh like that in a while!

++ Trixie and Glimmer are so fucking cute together!

++ "How do you get your hair to do that all the time?"


Yes! Just, yes! Much fun was had today!

  • Brohoof 2
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I really liked this episode. Just how the relationships evolve is itself impressive.


I was worried that Trixie would relapse and be evil again, but she didn't.


Interesting how out of the three of them, Starlight was the one who wasn't in the wrong. Yet people keep bashing her for her past.


I like how the writers were able to insert Twilight, Starlight, and Trixie into the plot and make it work. Usually an episode focuses on one or two characters, but the way they made it work here with all of them was beautifully done, IMO. Bravo.

  • Brohoof 3
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Which actually brings up a good question, how does it?

Age. All ponies get animated mane textures after their 500th birthday. Basic biology.  :lol:



When you are down on yourself that first step as you call it is the hardest thing in the world to do.

A damaged sense of self-worth is practically impossible to fix by oneself. Hence the magic of friendship.  :twi:



Angel feels how strong the Dark Side of the Force is in Starlight. That's why he gets her.  :lol:

Angel is all like: Use my power. I beg you. 


Don't trust angel!  :sunny:

Edited by BlackWater627
  • Brohoof 2


Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! 

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I'm not exactly one that likes over-analyzing things to death. I enjoyed it. There are a few good moments that made me laugh and I liked seeing Trixie from another perspective where she doesn't have anything antagonistic up her sleeves and her being social. 


Also... confirmed existance of Hoofdini, the long lost cousin of Hoodini.

Edited by Celtore
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I really like Starlight and Trixie together as friends. They actually go together very well considering their pasts. Plus they BOTH still exhibit resistance to being Twilight-esque squeaky clean do gooder Mary sue perfect. I get the feeling that not only can they not ever hope to achieve that, but they also just don't want to. I can respect both Starlight and Trixie for learning a lesson, but still representing who THEY really are. Which is imperfect and yet perfectly okay.

I think Trixies character was spot on. Even schemers may want a friend. No problem with that. I liked the interactions between them, very realistic for two young girls who are just beginning to get to know each other.

  • Brohoof 2
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Ahhh!! Love Love Love


Love where Starlight's new personality has taken her. I absolutely identify with her inability to to make new friends because of old (not-great) habits. I love how she is openly emotionally vulnerable about how hard it has been for her. A lot of people (myself included) find it hard to talk about when they just aren't fitting in, and seeing this just made it seem like what it really is, a normal part of life. 


That's an AMAZING message for young children who are under a lot of pressure to fit in. And it's a great message for adults reminding us that it's ok to not have things figured out yet. 


Love love love. 


And the faces... omg Applejack's angry face is the cutest thing. Poor Big Mac tho, lol.



  • Brohoof 3


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