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general Do you like dogs?


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@, I know what you mean.. ^^


My dogs like to sleep with me and it's... impossible for me to make them go away even if they're dirty.  :rarity:

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Dogs are too ungraceful and clumsy. There is no agility to a dog, and they hold no respect for personal space or boundaries. Cats, on the other hand, can understand when personal space is wanted or needed, and decide accordingly.


Also, another point for cats, they think about what is presented to them before they eat it, unlike dogs. Only an incredibly stupid species would be hard-wired to eat, then think. My mom's dog once ate a 1/4 cup of wasabi, then remembered he hated wasabi (he had done this before, twice).

Dogs are basically 5 year olds with ADHD. I don't like 5 year olds, or particularly hyperactive children, or people with short attention spans.

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I absolutely love dogs.  They are perhaps the most adorable and intelligent creatures on the planet.  I currently own just one dog, a puppy, and boy is he a handful!  But he's still really fun to be around, and I play with him every day.


Cats... eh, cats are alright.  But frankly, they sort of just lay around, and never really do much.  I still would enjoy having one, of course, but not nearly as much as I would a dog.

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I like all animals,including dogs, but I wouldn't want to own one.  Mainly because I don't want to have to take it for walks every day (least I'm honest).  Also, while I like dogs, I don't get along with them over the long haul.  They find out all they have to do is growl and bare their teeth a bit and I cave.

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No--I'm scared of them, actually. I've had some unpleasant experiences with dogs. :unsure:

Also, I'm a germophobe; slobbery, potentially destructive things that you need to clean up after? No thank you.

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I adore dogs. But I don't think I'll ever want another one.

I love dogs :) I get on with dogs better than people, to be honest. My two babies:


Miley (she's a shih tzu)



Charlie (he's a mix between a Yorkshire Terrier and Poodle)


Your babies are precious!

  • Brohoof 1
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im a fan of dogs, just certain dogs though. i cant stand rats on strings (handbag and lap dogs). My dog has to be a big dog. big dogs are awesome. I would very much love a german shepherd. Our family dog was a dalmatian and im mad about the breed too and would very happily have another. Theyre such unique and interesting doggos. 

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To an extent yes... I love smaller dogs, but bigger ones take me awhile to warm up to. My neighbor's German Shepard got loose, chased me down the street, bit my arm, and I still have a scar almost 10 years later.

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I still like dogs, though I'm not as much of a fan of them as I used to be. It kinda hurts me that I see a lot of dog owners who don't know scrap on how to actually handle their dogs. Every time I pass a dog they always want to run up and jump on me. If a dog has that mentality then his/her owner ain't right in the head tbh.


Furthermore, back as a kid I had a bad experience with dogs many times (again, careless dumba** owners). Most of my cynophobia has died down, through a fairly thick streak of it remains. I hope to bust it completely by getting a dog when I'm living on my own (and with an adequate job and a high salary :lol: )


In case you didn't know, I'm a Cesar Milan fan (I just don't have time to watch his new show anymore :sunny: )

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Much like with humans, that depends on the psyche of the animal being. I've come across violent dogs, but the answer was made clear, after knowing the "owners" of such living beings.


Such an strange question, "do you like?"


I'm wild for the most part, so I'm an animal.


I'm sentient as well, so I can understand them.


There's no difference between us, natural empathy.

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