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How old are the ponies?


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I'm going to go with Fluttershy being the oldest. In Cutie Mark Chronicles she was draw to be visually older than all if the others. She was much taller, having long legs like a teenager would. Her eyes only have two glares in them, like all of the adults in the show have (the kids have three). This along with saying that she's a whole year older than Pinkie Pie makes her obviously the oldest. Applejack and Rarity might be more mature, bug maturity doesn't have much to do with how old you are.

  • Brohoof 1
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Fluttershy > Rarity > Applejack > Twilight Sparkle > Rainbow Dash > Pinkie Pie


Out of curiosity, does anyone have predictions on what each of their birthdays are? I think Fluttershy's is March 17, Rarity's May 28, Applejack's August 9, Twilight's December 15, Rainbow Dash's January 20, and Pinkie Pie's April 2.

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Fluttershy > Rarity > Applejack > Twilight Sparkle > Rainbow Dash > Pinkie Pie


Out of curiosity, does anyone have predictions on what each of their birthdays are? I think Fluttershy's is March 17, Rarity's May 28, Applejack's August 9, Twilight's December 15, Rainbow Dash's January 20, and Pinkie Pie's April 2.


Well, that's interesting. Do you have some reasons for the dates you picked?

The eldest used her unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn.


The younger brought out the moon to begin the night.

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I'm going to go with Fluttershy being the oldest. In Cutie Mark Chronicles she was draw to be visually older than all if the others. She was much taller, having long legs like a teenager would. Her eyes only have two glares in them, like all of the adults in the show have (the kids have three). This along with saying that she's a whole year older than Pinkie Pie makes her obviously the oldest. Applejack and Rarity might be more mature, bug maturity doesn't have much to do with how old you are.


That's a mighty fine observation. I forgot all about that. I think Fluttershy might just be the oldest.

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First post...


I can understand where the thought that Pinkie Pie is the youngest is coming from; she's really silly, and kids are typically sillier than adults, I guess.


But she's also "wise" in her own way. She has songs for everything, and she's very confident in everything she does, but not to the point of brashness. Everything she does ends up as a success. She has a lot of knowledge the others don't about worldly things like Parasprites. Think then about Rainbow Dash's confidence and how often it either fails in the crucial moments (e.g. before the BYF competition) or ends up in disaster (e.g. the countless times she crashes into things). She mostly succeeds by accident rather than by knowledge, and this is not the case with more mature individuals in general like Rarity or Fluttershy.


So, by all that, I think Rainbow is at least younger than Pinkie Pie.

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I thought they were late teens.

But 20s seems to make more sense now I think about it.

I'd say Fluttershy or Twlilight Sparkle are the oldest, as I see them as the most mature.

Rarity next, the reason I put her as second youngest is that she seems old but not as old as the others, mainly because she is quite vain.

I'd say Applejack is next. She seems very mature, as she is the only pony (of the main characters) that seems to be doing hard work (this is by no means an insult to the other characters) this gives her a level of maturity that makes her the “in the middle” for age.

Maybe a year below Rarity would be Rainbow Dash I think. A lot of people think Dash is young because of her adventurous attitude, but I just see that as a quite mature personality trait. But she can be a bit impulsive.

Finally (and most obviously) is Pinkie Pie. Very immature and laughs at almost everything, like a young child. This doesn’t mean she is a bad character at all.

Edited by Wolfonomic
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I'd like to mention here that Fluttershy and rainbow dash were in Cloudsdale together and likely on the same class. And same age therefore.


It wasn't a class though, it was summer flight camp. Usually summer camps have people from all ages.
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I think Appleack is older then Rarity, and I think the show may back me up.

Rarity appears to be a local-born and raised. In Ticket Master she calls herself "just a simple pony from little old Ponyville", and her sister is growing up in town with her, she seems a Ponyville native. We also know that Applejack is a native given that her family's farm is there.


We also know that Applejack was the last in her class to get her cutie mark. Applejack and Rarity got their cutie marks at the same time. If Rarity were old enough to not be in Applejack's class, then she would have not only been the last in her class, but also nearly last in the class behind her to get her cutie mark. There's fashionably late and then there's just traumatizing. If she'd been that "late" in getting it, it've been mentioned. While Rarity could have been in another class of the same grade, if she were helping a pony upset about not having a cutie mark yet (Applebloom) then she'd have mentioned she was a late bloomer as well.


So that puts Applejack>Rarity.

I agree that Fluttershy appears oldest when she gets her cutiemark, so I'd put her as oldest. Even if she was in the same class as Rainbow Dash, from what we've seen of her flying abilities, its not out of the realm of possibility that she was held back a couple years.




I'm still working on where I'd put the other three :)


So after thinking more (always dangerous)...


I think Pinkie Pie might be around the same age as Applejack and Rarity. Going with the Amish theme, she was probably homeschooled, or attended a different, local school. Since she's only a year younger the Fluttershy, and appeared about the same age as Applejack and Rarity, she's probably about the same age as them.


Fluttershy>Applejack=Pinkie Pie>Rarity


We know that Rainbow Dash was the youngest in her class, so she's gotta be pretty young.


Twilight Sparkle just screams child prodigy, so despite her ease in taking on responsibility, she is also probably fairly young.


So, final verdict from me is


Fluttershy>Applejack=Pinkie Pie> Rarity>Twilight Sparkle=Rainbow Dash


I think it kinda makes sense for their ages to be grouped a bit. The total age difference from youngest to oldest would be less, which would be more likely in a group of friends.

Edited by Fizzy
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Mentioning the age thing and Lauren Faust's comments, she did say it's sort of imprecise. I thought I heard somewhere that Twilight is 5 years older than Spike, so I don't think they age like real life horses. Which would kind of suck, having such short lives and all...


Maybe they live as long as most magical creatures typically do, or like humans, as I imagined. Not deterring the whole age debate between the characters, just my opinion on their possible life spans.


Of course they age differently, but keep in mind Spike is a dragon and they don't exactly grow up fast, despite him having the the mentality of a very matured preteen. The only year estimate I would imagine them using is human years. But that's all just my (most desired) assumption.

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Maybe they live as long as most magical creatures typically do, or like humans, as I imagined.


They going to live forever. FOREVVEEEERRR! At least as long as there are still bronies around who want to talk and write about them anyway.

The eldest used her unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn.


The younger brought out the moon to begin the night.

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I've laboured mentally over this issue a little now.


Here's results of my analysis of the characters ages in relation to each others:


First indication of age over 20 years old is Rarity already having established herself a shop and a client base enough to sustain herself without having to resort gem mining which could be lucrative but far too laborious for her tastes. Second indication of age range under 25 is the fact that none of the mane 6 have suitors or offspring in canon.


Next indicator that they are all in the age range of maximum of 3 years apart maximum with twilight among the youngest (she was the smallest filly during rainboom) was that RD and Fluttershy were both on flight camp at the time, and despite camps housing fillies of multiple age groups the interaction as well as attitudes between them indicated little to no age differentiation. Rarity at the time was at the stone filled with gems, she was preparing suits for a school musical play, so this means she was still also in elementary school range of our cutiemark crusaders, the look of all the fillies save Fluttershy who had longer slimmer legs seemed to be in form of that age range too. Fluttershy likely as the oldest of the bunch by a single year, being sent to the camp a year later than intented age range due her shyness and weak flying ability to help her at least have some confidence among her younger peers. This means RD and pinkie are of the same age. Twilight is likely a year younger at 19-20, pinkie 20-21 with RD.


Then there's case of Applejack, she mentioned that she was smaller filly than the CMC were when she got her cutiemark, but in earlier episode she said she was also late to having her cutiemark and suspected it runs in the family. So she likely was a bit older than Pinkie Pie (6 months) landing her to only 6 months short from Fluttershy or less. Rarity then likely is a bit younger than Applejack as she didn't think she was "late" from her cutiemark. All of them got their mark on the same day. Same day Twilight was only enrolling to school of magic, meaning she was youngest also in terms of school, as other ponies save pinkie who was living on a farm were already at the school during that time.


Twilight, despite her demeanour then is the youngest of the bunch, Pinkie and RD are same age and are next in line, then Rarity and finally Applejack and oldest is Fluttershy.

  • Brohoof 4


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I think they are all exactly 47 years 4 months 6 weeks 2 days 14 hours 57 minutes and 36 second old. Except for Pinkie Pie who (at the time of this post) is 46 years 4 months 6 weeks 2 days 14 hours 57 minutes and 36 second old.

  • Brohoof 2

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I say between 16 and 22. Four of them hold down jobs. Heck, two of those run their own businesses. I'd say those two are definately adults. I don't consider the mane 6 to be too far apart from eachother in age, so I don't think of the other four as being any younger than 16


I also believe they age at the same rate humans do, both because it makes sense from a biological perspective in respect to their intellect, and because I simply prefer it that way.

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I think they're in their early 20s as well. They're adults, they have their own jobs, they're independent, but they're still a bit immature, so... yeah. Early 20s makes sense to me.

My thoughts exactly. I've always thought of them as college age in human years. Same thing with Spongebob really; he's has a house and a job, but acts very young.

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Well technically none of them were given ages. But judging by their roles and behavior I would put them in their early 20s.

Edited by Lady Rarity Pony



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  • 4 weeks later...

The ages I think they are:

Twilight: 23 (Most people in University are around this age. My sister is.)

Rarity: 23

RainbowDash: 21 (You can't tell me those voice cracks are something else)

Pinkie Pie: 23(Due to Fluttershy saying she was a year older than Pinkie)

Fluttershy: 24(She seemed older tha most ponies during the cutie mark flashbacks)

Applejack: 22 (Her high voice makes her seem a bit young to me)

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I think they are all exactly 47 years 4 months 6 weeks 2 days 14 hours 57 minutes and 36 second old. Except for Pinkie Pie who (at the time of this post) is 46 years 4 months 6 weeks 2 days 14 hours 57 minutes and 36 second old.


That actually sounds about right. If Celestia is 1000+, the ponies probably have a wide variety of ages. They're immortal!
  • Brohoof 1


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About the teen's age from 13-17. That's how old and need to stay that way. X3

13-17 sounds a bit young. Twilight definitely appears to have been in the pony equivalent of college.



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You ever notice how Bronies all think they're 18-25 and most kids think they're teenagers? Gee, I wonder why...


I'd put them in the range of 14 to 15 actually (maybe 16 tops). I just couldn't see characters that are over 20 having to write letters to the Princess about what they learned about friendship.


Unless you go the immortality route. Then they could theoretically be in the 100-200 range.

Edited by SBaby

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I just couldn't see characters that are over 20 having to write letters to the Princess about what they learned about friendship.


Well Twilight appears to be in the equivalent of college and Celestia assigned her to write letters as part of her studies...I don't see how that task makes you rule out the possibility of them being 20+ :P



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