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Finding your next best friend

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Name: Mike


Age: 17


Gender: Male


State: Ohio


Likes: Practically any video game, but mostly RPG's, shooter's, & fighting games... Pokemon, Borderlands 2, & League of Legends are some of my personal favorite games... I like to make jokes with other people... It's not that I insult people, I just like to dredge up the weird things people like & make light of them... Sometimes it is good (making a bad situation light) but other times I screw up and I hurt others... I love watching movies & just curling up in a ball & cuddling a cute girl (when I have a gf... Let's just say I haven't done it in a long time...)... I would rather see everyone else happy than myself, because my friends smiling is the best thing I can hope for... It means I am doing a good job at being a friend... Also a little quote from me... "I don't care if people laugh at me. Because I laugh at myself, a lot. If they are laughing at me, then that means I made them smile, and that means I did something right."


Dislikes: Seeing people upset... Especially those close to me... I hate hurting others when I don't mean too, & unfortunately I do it more than I mean too... Usually by trying to make others happy & screwing it up... I hate being alone too... My worst fear, the nightmare I dread more than anything, is losing everyone I have worked so hard to get (especially since I still go to therapy nearly half a decade after starting for my inability to make friends...) & then they all leave me...


Hobbies: Gaming, watching TV & movies, being an idiot to get a smile out of those I care about...


Other Info: I do go against the grain a lot... Most of my favorite characters are villains, I am an atheist, & I like MLP (yes that sounds odd on here, but where I come from it is heavily against the grain...)... It's not that I am a rebel, it is just that I end up liking things most people don't... People say I don't get biased whenever I do or say something, & it let's me be more open so I accept things most people reject... I just don't like to do what feels wrong... Despite me being too shy to open up about most of my life to anyone in the real world... I am much more open online than at home or school... Sorry for so much type... Nearly at 1700 characters already... If anyone wants to talk, I am open to it... Thanks for taking the time to read this, whether or not you want to be my friend... Hope you have a good day, & please smile for me, I don't care who you are or what you do just so long as you are happy...

  • Brohoof 3


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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Name Alex

Age 16

State Pennsylvania


Music:Pink Floyd, Green Day, MCR, The Offsprig.

Video Games

TV: MLP, Dr. Who, Anime





Modern Culture(Hadhtag,yolo,selfie,twerk,dubstep)


Teenagers(even though I am one)

Other Info:Catholic, conservative beliefs

  • Brohoof 4


Sig made by Aeron Quillson.

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Name: Clayton


Age: 18


Gender: Male


Country: U.S.


Likes: Ponies, Video games, Owl City, Honesty, the quiet, friendly debates about random nonsense among friends, and other stuff that i'm to lazy to think of/remember. :/


Dislikes: Dubstep (It hurts my head), Black olives, bad drivers, disrespectful people, myself, competition, loud noises/people.


Hobbies: Video games (usually multiplayer on Steam), art (If I could ever build up the confidence to do it), talking with friends, tumblr, and hopefully I can make posting on these forums a hobby of mine. 


Other Info: I am agnostic, bi, i'm pretty feminine when I get the chance but I usually have to hide it around family, I take things a little too seriously (especially friends, i'm a little clingy and have gotten in trouble for not giving people enough space), I have very low self-esteem and sometimes talk down on myself, i'm very forgetful, i'm kinda shy and it'e impossible for me to start a conversation (so I would need you to talk to me first) and I think that's it, maybe.

Edited by Spatt
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Name: Joey


Age: 14


Gender: Male


Country: Canada



  • Anime
  • Manga
  • Doctor Who
  • Pretty Little liars ( NO SPOILERS !!! xD)
  • Video games 
  • Music
  • Leslie ( My sax)
  • Cats
  • Dogs



  • Biphobic people
  • homophobic people
  • Rude people



  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Biking
  • swimming
  • Gaming
  • Roleplaying
  • playing my sax


Other Info: Openly Bisexual


PM me if you wanna chat :)

Edited by Lightning Strike
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Wish everyone luck...I haven't had much luck finding a friend.

  • Brohoof 1

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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Name: Brandon


Age: 20


Gender: MAN


Country: USA


Likes: Toilet humor, various electronic music, listening to musicians jam, J-food, big events with lots of people, making peeps laugh at or with me, exciting/dynamic activities, plays, beach activities, theme parks, semi-crazy theater people/Thespians, outdoor/wilderness activities (ex: camping/fishing), long drives with good music, road trips with friends.


Dislikes: Skype calls made for no reason, flaky people, pushing of beliefs onto others, PEOPLE WHO EAT WITH THEIR MIC UNMUTED, politics, country/death metal music, overconfidence/pretentious people, trash-talkers/behind-the-back insults, laziness, excuses, dealing with pessimists.


Hobbies: Paintball, basketball, paintball, drawing, paintball, paintball, paintball, gaming, theater.


Other Info: Japanese.

  • Brohoof 2

Avatar by *raizy on DeviantArt.

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  • 1 month later...

Name: Silver Clouds


Age: 18


Likes: Anything Nintendo, reading and writing, Borderlands, Pixar movies, bubble bath... I'm in quite a few fandoms, and I listen to a weird range of music. I'm in a My iPod is full of EDM, metal, celtic, classic rock and bad guilty-pleasure pop songs, to name but a few things there...


Dislikes: seeing people sad. I just want to make people happy... yep, the Smile Song is one of my favourites.  :lol:


Hobbies: mostly reading, writing and gaming.


Other Info: If you don't mind the obligatory shyness, I'd still love to make some Internet friends, and I always love getting PMs, so please come and say hi if you'd like!  :squee:

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Name: Gabriel.


Age: 20.


Gender: Male.


Country: Finland.


Likes: Art, music, psychology, sociology, film, equines, rock music.


Dislikes: Electronic dance music, closed-minded assholes, shallow people, 


Hobbies: Playing guitar, playing bass, playing drums, playing piano, playing accordion, drawing, painting, studying, reading, writing, swimming, gym. 


Other Info: N/A

  • Brohoof 2



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Name Alex

Age 16

State Pennsylvania


Music:Pink Floyd, Green Day, MCR, The Offsprig.

Video Games

TV: MLP, Dr. Who, Anime





Modern Culture(Hadhtag,yolo,selfie,twerk,dubstep)


Teenagers(even though I am one)

Other Info:Catholic, conservative beliefs

You seem pretty damn cool great taste in music man



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Name: Kerrie


Age: 14


Gender: female


Country: (Is it alright I don't say? 


Likes: My little pony (as you may know) gaming, drawing, computers, animals, (we are the same here XD)


Dislikes: Trolls, death, brags, 


Hobbies: drawing, gaming, and odd animation (if I EVER get the chance) 


Other Info: I have followed MLP though the years and I have quite a few of the old toys but yes I am mainly into fim.

  • Brohoof 1

The deepest of the Everfree!

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Right, well, here goes nothing.


Name: Caleb (But really I prefer Jason)

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Country: USA

Likes: music, ponies, mostly anything to do with Aviators and all that...

Dislikes: smart-aleck Brony haters, regular haters, feeling uncomfortable and lonely...

Hobbies: Singing, dancing, trying my hardest to make music and whatever.

Other info: I have autism, and I'm almost always feeling lonely/uncomfortable, and could really use a friend every now and then.

  • Brohoof 1

Sound Of                                             sig-4657732.sig-4657732.sig-4657732.sig-



Check him out!


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Might as well post here again.


Name: Alex

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Location: North Carolina

Likes: Music- Metal, alternative, chiptune, reggae, soundtracks from games and movies, old country-western songs, grunge, classical, etc.;

Reading, too many video games to list, some movies, some TV shows, proffessional wrestling, cooking and eating, other stuff

Dislikes: Judgmental sheeple, religion controlling government, bigotry, people who think you absolutely have to play sports, certain bugs such as mosquitoes, ticks and flies, other stuff

Hobbies: Pretty much the same as likes

Other Info: Irreligious. I usually describe myself as an atheist but I suppose "agnostic" describes me pretty well. Heterosexual if that matters. Also, I'm not currently a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

  • Brohoof 1

Look upon my awesome signature, ye users, and despair!

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Name: James, though i do prefer Delernil

Age: 253 18

Gender: boy parts

Place: South Carolina, the best state

Likes: Eh, everything, I like vidya games, maymays, Rooster Teeth/RWBY/RvB/etc, and like i said pretty much everything. Halo and Doctor Who come to mind. Also PC Building. EVERYTHING! And reading. Eh.

Dislikes: Hate. Hate is disgusting. All forms of it. I also dislike rap. And the wrong use of the word asexual. That bugs me quite a lot. Also religion. Its just sort of meh.

Hobbies: uh...vidya games...reading...PC Building...pretty much everything i put in likes...

:Stuff: Im a very shitposting and annoying person, but i can hold an actual conversation if you need me to. I really just sort of do nothing so send me a pm whenever

  • Brohoof 2

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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Name: Amanda

Age: 29

Gender: Female

Place: Northern California

Likes: Big Fish (the movie), MLP, good anime, my hubby <3

Dislikes: Bad anime, bad drivers, the concept of evil

Hobbies: Currently playing a lot of Payday 2, sewing, 3DS, cooking


As much as I love being a moderator, I don't have a lot of interaction with people on the forums aside from staff. D=

  • Brohoof 2


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Name: DJ Aeron Q./Connor


Age: 20


Gender: Male


Country: US/Colorado


Likes: The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, MLP, music, photography, anything really...adventure is the spice of life


Dislikes: Obama


Hobbies: music, photoshop, drawing, reading


Other Info: not much to tell accept that im pretty chill, i do occasionally partake of the natural plant called Marijiana (Legal in Colorado)  so if you dont like that thats fine...add me or whatevs to talk or somethin...haha...sooo...ummm...OOH LOOK A GIANT FLYING MUFFIN EATING AN APPLE WITH WINGS!!!!

  • Brohoof 1


"What are you trying to accomplish, putting yourselves in danger like that? Trying to see "justice" done? Is that really justice, though? Aren't you just doing this because you want a little spice in your boring lives? What's the difference between that and a criminal who gets his kicks by murdering people?You see what I'm getting at? There's still a lot of time left. Give it some thought."

If you can read this and have a problem with me...take it up with my lawyer

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Name: Wolf General Alpha/Daniel


Age: 15


Gender: Male


Country: United States, North Carolina


Likes: Movies (Especially Horror and Sci-Fi), Video Games, Anime, Doctor Who, Cartoons, History, Boats, Pokemon, Yugioh.


Dislikes: Swimming (Not much of a swimmer), Death, Justin Bieber, Being alone. 


Hobbies: Writing, Reading, Playing Video Games, Dueling in Yugioh, Sleeping (Yes, it is a hobby for me), Hanging out with friends.


Other Info: I am an Agnostic Atheist. I am very kind when you get to know me...though I would probably be shy if we meet for the first time. I do not judge others based on their looks or their beliefs. I help others whenever I feel like I have something to do to help them, though sometimes I do not have any idea how to help others in times that seem more serious. Also, I am probably the person you would go to for information on WWII, and to talk to about conspiracies. 

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Name: QuasarBeam / Elise


Age: 24


Gender: Female


Country: Oklahoma / Arkansas USA



  • Astronomy
  • Dirty martinis
  • Vegetable gardening
  • Corgis
  • Psychological thrillers
  • Anything that tastes briny
  • Weird plants
  • Farmer's markets
  • The Buffalo river
  • Caving
  • Fly fishing
  • Stephen Colbert



  • Superstition
  • Lima beans
  • Parasites (mosquitos, ticks, leeches)
  • Cheap jump scares
  • Romantic comedies
  • Deceit
  • Babies
  • "I'm better than you because I'm a mom" mentality and being told that I will change my mind about not wanting children.

Hobbies:  I'm a printmaker, so I'm constanly covered in ink!  I grow my own food in my backyard and raise a few chickens to eat the bugs off said garden and for the free eggs.  When I'm really bored I build silly mob traps in minecraft.  If you have a cactus in your house and after a visit you notice a cutting on it... it was me. I'm cloning your plant in secret.


Other Info: I'm Agnostic/Atheist but havn't told many people.  The area I live in is very hostile towards environmentalists, homosexuals, atheists, hispanics, etc (in Oklahoma anyway.  Northwest Arkansas is pretty nice.)

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Is posting here more than once allowed? Whatever, I'm desperate.


Name: Callie (My birth name is Kale, if you're wondering)


Age: 13


Gender: Pre-everything transfemale


Likes: Pokémon, JRPGs in general, Pokémon, music, science fiction, other stuff probably, Pokémon


Dislikes: Many things.


Hobbies: Writing's about it


Other info: I'm kinda hard to talk to. I'm very socially inept and have a hard time showing emotion.

  • Brohoof 1

Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something?

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Eh, why not?


Name: Devon


Age: 14


Gender: Male


Country: NY, USA



Video Games




Basically any sharp weapon



Team Fortress 2

Left 4 Dead 2






(Creepypastas are awesome)

Role playing games

The Tales of Series


Anything that has milk in it

Mint flavored milk

Milk Shakes

(Sadly the Milk Challenge has not yet been attempted)


Anything with mint in it


Jet black or ghost white hair

(Sometimes I wish I had black hair... or white hair...)

Spiky hair

(Sometimes I wish I had anime-like spiky hair...)

Red eyes

(Sometimes I wish I had red eyes...)





Blue Fire

Social Studies

Anything History related

I loved Scooby-Doo! as a kid.





Hell's Kitchen


Pretty much any show starring Gordon Ramsay :P

Fluttershy of course since I have to have SOME favorite character.



Green Beans

Broccoli without cheese on it


I'm no fan of Adventure Time

I'm no fan of Regular Show

I'm no fan of Pokemon... at all.

That's... pretty much it.



Anime browsing

Video game making

Internet browsing

Steam games

My little pony

Swordfighting practice


Other stuff:

Complete atheist (But with Christian grandparents)

I'm VERY TALL (6 feet tall)

I'm not too skinny, not too chubby, just mildly average.



Edited by Redeye
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gonna take you out

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Woo! This should be fun, right? ^^




Name: Miles


Age: 19


Gender: Male


Location: USA






Video Games


Twilight Sparkle






Sonic the Hedgehog


Proper Grammar


Making People Smile
















Being Bored


Bad Grammar




Anti-Twilight Sparkle fans 


Sonic fans that complain about everything.




Hi! ^^


I'm Adorkable! ^^


I'm not hard to get along with at all, I'm pretty easy to talk to, and can always make you smile on your darkest days! I love video games, and could talk about them forever! Sonic the Hedgehog is my hero, Twilight Sparkle is my guardian angel, and the rest remains for you to uncover! What do you think? Wanna be friends? ^^


EDIT: Be sure to message me if you do! I don't bite, I promise! ^^

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Name: Michael


Age: 24


Gender: Male


Location: Israel






o Video Games

o Action

o 4X strategy games

o RPGs

o Science Fiction

o Fantasy

o Learning new things

o Science journals

o News

o Basketball

o Reading

o Music (About the only kind i dislike is pop)

o Friendship is Magic

o Smiles and laughter!

o The 90's (or nostalgia in general)

o Logic debates

o Detective films

o Horror

o Computers & programming

o The internet

o Pinkie Pie

o Mathematics

o Rainstorms

o Animes

o Mass effect

o Megaman

o Ace Attorney

o Pokemon

o Sid Meier's Civilization

o League of Legends

o Bitterness (as a flavor)

o Long hours

o Freedom





x Depression

x Boredom

x My current job

x Demanding people

x Anger

x Religious Coercion


Phew! That took a while... Well, here we are. Basically what you should know about me. Additionally, i'm an Atheist - although i support the freedom to hold on to your faith, i wouldn't want it to come between us, so there's that. I can get a bit passionate about certain topics during a heated conversation, but i generally go with the flow and i'm a good sport in games if you wish to play a video game or something. I suppose the rest you can learn about me is through my forum posts. :)

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Name: Jacob


Age: 14


Gender: Male


Country: USA


Likes: Anime, Talking on skype, Post-Hardcore/Pop-Punk Music, Pokemon, MLP (Of course)


Dislikes:  People who are really loud, crowded places, meeting too many new people at once


Hobbies: Watching Anime, Watching dumb YouTube videos, lurking 4chan


Other Info:


Skype: themetallickiwi


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