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What’s your plan for the zombie apocalypse

Rainbow Dash Swag

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In the early hours of the event raid the nearby stores for beans canned food and water. Take all survival gear out of car. Fill bathtub and sinks. Shatter stairs up to my apartment with ax. Break out bug out gear and keep it ready. Load magazines the rest of the day. Set up watch schedule while loading mags.  

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Probably stayed at home till the hysteria dies down. While at the same time try to build a decent defense. Then when needed, scout out to gather supplies and food.

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I'm taking an odd approach by going into a more populated area. Most people will try to evacuate, and they can't take everything with them, nor do most know what they should take with them. Therefore plenty of supplies will actually be left behind for a smaller group of individuals. There is also a lot of infrastructure and space that will be of great use. Access to the sea, but plenty of nearby land to grow crops, (I happen to have access to a ridiculous number and wide variety of seeds) a nearby military installation that will surely become the seat of authority when things turn south, so luckilly they'll maintain order, stability, and the laws and rights within the United States rather than have the whole area dissolve into fighting tribes. There are also large medical and education centers, and this happens to be an area with easilly defendable geography and roads that won't funnel the hoards right to us. I personally intend to take up residence in my first high school. The cafeteria already has a cache of food, I'm familiar with the layout, and the many entryways allow for a multi layered defense system. I have back up locations as well, but that is my first as of right now. That could change in the near future though. 

My biggest problem is having too big of a heart when it comes to dogs, so I'll probably end up with a large pack that will be great for morale but a detriment in nearly every other way :twismile:

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Raid a bunch of stores, get some ammo and guns, use my retired police Crown Vic to drive around with a bunch of gas saved and stored for readiness in case I need it to go somewhere. Use the safety and survival gear and items I already have in the trunk. Hunker down and stay alive at all costs.  

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Depends on the time and size of the outbreak. 

If we had the time we'd probably fall back with everyone and their supplies to a more defensible location. The industrial plant I work at would be a good place to start. Place is uphill from the town. Only a few roads in, so those can be made into defensive bottlenecks. Turn the place into a fortress and hold out there until the hordes pass or we and the armed forces effectively clean them out. 

If there wasn't time, then we'd barricade the boors. Block the windows. Take as much food and supplies as we can upstairs. Then, destroy the stairs. Or even better, make it to the attic. Ration our supplies until the hordes pass or until we can fight our way out. 

Long term? Well if there's anything left, we'd probably congregate with survivors from the nearby towns and star our own farming community. Slowly make our way east to the great lakes. If I'm the last one left, then I'd take whatever supplies I could fit in a back pack and bike my way from town to town. Cutting my hair, getting good with a hammer and an ax, rummaging whatever food and supplies I can from the small towns scattered throughout the region, heading north and east away from the population centers. It would be a difficult life, one I'm not sure I'd be up for surviving. 

A world where the dead have taken everything is not a world worth living in. 



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Make my way to northern Canada. There is no way that a zombie could function in that kind of cold. They would freeze solid. Even if it's the rage type of zombie that isn't really dead, I would still have the upper hand in such a harsh environment by simply having my wits about me, while the rage zombie may not entirely consider the environment around him. Either way I'll be fine with my trusty GF by my side.




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Well, being a Walking Dead fan I am very well educated on this topic. :mlp_proud:

My plan, is raid the nearest place that sells knives, guns, and what not, after I’m loaded up on weapons I’ll raid Walmart to stock up on food and water, as much as I can get, and then finally find the nearest state park around here that has nice big old oak trees that are easily climb-able and live my life in the trees. Simple. 

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all joking aside I'd attempt to get in touch with my friends all across the world and try to group up in a central location, (probably by stealing money from places and stealing food to both sell and keep and stuff like that)

attempt to get friends from US to get guns and try to hire boats (all of us, with the stolen money)

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  • 2 months later...

go live in a castle, they had defences figured out long ago, and zombies don't use ranged attacks(or their brains to take it by deception or by starving me out) so it's perfect
plus, i always wanted to live in a castle so i'd do that even if there weren't zombies and i could just go live wherever i wanted

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