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Which pony or character are you most like? Why?

~Sugar Sprinkles~

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I'd have to say... Um... I haven't taken the Bronyland test in a while... But last time I did, it said Pinkie, and that seems pretty legit. :P Anyway, I can get really crazy and hyper, and I mean, REALLY crazy and hyper, and sometimes, I get so crazy and hyper, that I'll start throwing things accross the room, ripping them apart with my teeth, and chasing my scared-as-fudge sister around the house. That's kinda like the Pinkamena side of me. Although, I'm not all that social. Mainly because since I became a brony, nobody has been respecting me at school, except my IRL BFF, my crush (OMG, I am soooo glad he doesn't take after his stupid, terrible friends) and teachers. But I regret nothing! Anyway, I digress. My friend always says that I'm super hilarious, and all my family members know how random I can be, especially when I'm playing Minecraft. (Don't ask why, I don't like hard questions. XD) Sometimes I consider myself a bit of a Twilight, due to my always wanting to explain everything in, if you'll excuse me, SCIENCE!!! terms, and my love to read. I am quite the obsessive compulsive one, as well. Most often is the case when my OCD gets the best of me, and I end up breaking something, and only caring about the way the broken pieces are arranged on the floor. :P


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I've edited your title a bit, because we've got other threads that are just talking about what ponies you're like, in general. Since your thread is specifically going deeper and has a more specific goal, I felt it should have a more distinctive title ^^


Yup. Sounds like Pinkie.


I believe I am rather like Twilight.


I'm not for wanting a ton of friends, I like to have my small group of really good friends, and I also really enjoy my quantity of alone time. I prefer the night over the day, because it's calmer, quieter and easier to focus. I have traces of OCD, though it's nothing noteworthy, mostly just in constantly checking things and pacing xD Though I don't read much, I do love writing, and have a pretty active imagination.

I am the same way. However, I think that it kind of depends on what I am doing as to which pony I am most like. In school, I am the smart kid in class, to the point where my classmates don't even question whether I am right or wrong. I love reading and do moderatly well in school. I have my OCD moments and love to have good grades.


So in that respect I am like twilight.


However, I am also an avid runner, and a competive person at heart. Even if I know that I will lose, I always give it my all, never giving up or surrendering. In track, I always boasted loudly that I would get first place in every race I did that day. Unfortunatly, I never would. Nevertheless, I gave it my all, always striving to improve myself. I even got myself to varsity on the Cross Country team. I am cocky and headstrong when it comes to athletics.


So in that respect, I am like Rainbow Dash.


When it comes to the affairs of love, I am definitally more like fluttershy. I am timid and shy around girls I like, especially when I talk about my feelings for them. Its for that reason that I have been single for over 3 years, even though I have had several friends tell me that a certain somebody had their eye on me.


I know that this has dragged on for a bit, but I will finish of will one last major character I share many traits with.


Pinkie Pie


When around my friends, I am always happy and cheery, making jokes and being silly. My friends tell me that while I can be a bit annoying at times, they can count on me to brighten their days.


I hope that is not to much or to far off point.

  • Brohoof 2

Everything will be ok in the end, if its not ok, then its not the end - anonymous


A good friend, like a good book, is something that will last forever - Twilight Sparkle

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I've always felt like I was a cross between Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy.  Like wilight, I am very OCD - in fact, I'm *literally* OCD, as I have a variant called "Purely  Obsessional OCD" ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purely_Obsessional_OCD)- and yeah, the freak out over a late letter to Celestia in Lesson Zero is *very* familiar.  and yeah I share her traits a s a worrywart.  I also find it difficult to make friends and do value the ones I have, but also generally prefer some alone time. 


Like Fluttershy, I really need to get some assertiveness training..  I'm very much a beta male, and find it difficult to challenge people or confront them directly.  But when I *am* pissed, I get really pissed. 

  • Brohoof 2


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I'm kinda a mix between pinkie pie and fluttershy (because they are so much alike, yeah... :P)


When I'm around my friends, I'm more like pinkie pie, completely random and love to make them laugh. 


When I'm around random strangers, I get really shy and I tend to talk a little quieter.

Also I am afraid of a bunch of stuff (tight spaces, wide open spaces, any sort of insects, elevators, planes, a lot more stuff.)

I also really like animals, not my dogs though, they bark at literally anything that passes our house, sometimes air. They are also pretty, umm... lets say not-smart, yeah that's a good word, yeah.

And you don't really want to make me mad... usually I really hurt the person that made me mad (you have to make me REALLY mad for me to hurt you in the slightest bit, I dunno like, I really don't know, I haven't been that mad for a long while), then I get sad because I don't like hurting people :(. There is no reason for violence, don't hurt each other, love and tolerate.

I'm not a pushover though, I can say no to stuff (you know, if that's okay with you)


Amazing sig made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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I am so much like Twilight, it's uncanny.


I never tried to make friends, and found more comfort in books and learning. I found learning things to be fun, I wanted to know things just to know them. And to be honest, I never really cared about other people until a very recent point in my life (Just a few years ago). I thought that anything that you didn't learn from was a waste of time. I am still a major reader, and all of my friends think I'm an incredible nerd just because of how much know-how I have.


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I SHOULD be like Twilight. I read and read and read but i don't read things like novels and such. I read technical manuals and history. I know so much random history I have been known to be like Twilight toward my friends and sorta "lecture". But I seem myself more like a mix of Applejack and Rarity. I have very hard work ethic and I never mind getting myself dirty but on the same account i do take a great amount of pride and time in my appearance.

  • Brohoof 1



~Signature Awesomely Made By Frozen Mint~

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm most like Twilight Sparkle, with a lot of Rarity too.  (I love studying and learning all sorts of things, and I do highly value looking my best whenever I go out.  : )


(I hadn't realized about Rarity until I was at a convention last fall and talking with another brony and he was like, "Really?  You seem a lot like Rarity.  And then I realized that with the silk sweater and delicate full circle skirt, well... he might have something there! :P )

  • Brohoof 1



"Like most worlds, Equestria had danger and drama and sadness and pain.  But more than anything, Equestria was a world made to incubate and protect loving hearts....  ...It asks the hearts for their support to keep Equestria and its ponies safe, and to protect the Magic of friendship and love that their world was founded on."  --  from The Real Story (by Nimaru)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a weird hybrid of Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle and here's why; I'm an Aries-Taurus cusp in real life so while I have a very active assertive side of my personality I can also have a very grounded analytical view of things as well, the best of both worlds. I'm a guy but I can assure you if I was a girl I'd definitely be a tomboy ^_~ I have a very articulate vocabulary and I have artistic pursuits but I also admire the armed forces and their discipline along with anything having to do with speed or heights - the wind blowing through my hair, the freedom. I'm also an admirer of the stars and astronomy and have various leadership qualities and traits.

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I'm always part Rainbow Dash, because I'm a flight student, but depending on my mood at the time, I can either be...

- another part Fluttershy when I am feeling shy or socially anxious.

- or part Pinkie Pie, when I feel more extroverted (usually only in small groups though).


Though if I could pick any pony from around Equestria that I am most like...Soarin. I'm probably most like Soarin.


Follow me on Tumblr! http://stratosthestallion.tumblr.com

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Well I took the test, so I guess it's official.  tongue.png


I'm most like Twilight, (I pretty-much knew that before, but it was neat to have the results come back with, "OMG, you are _soooo_ Twilight"!  tongue.png )

Edited by Dreamsong



"Like most worlds, Equestria had danger and drama and sadness and pain.  But more than anything, Equestria was a world made to incubate and protect loving hearts....  ...It asks the hearts for their support to keep Equestria and its ponies safe, and to protect the Magic of friendship and love that their world was founded on."  --  from The Real Story (by Nimaru)

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I have no idea, I usually get fluttershy or rainbow dash in tests, even though they are nearly the mirror opposite. In public, I'm quite shy, but converse comfortably quickly once I get started. Around my friends I'm a lot more relaxed and a bit like RD. Is there a pony like that? Also, I'm quite random and hyper sometimes, but usually the factors above wipe out pinkie pie as an option. Also, I'm quite smart and (a bit) geeky, and strong. I beat any of my friends in an arm wrestle. So, a very weird mix. I'm nothing like Rarity though. My hair's always unkempt and I'm not at all into fashion. I'm also quite lazy sometimes, according to, well, everyone.


Any pony got any idea who I am? I certainly don't have the slightest clue in the world, ever since I started watching the show. That's saying something

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I'm like Fluttershy because I have a low confidence and tend not to talk much, though if you bring out subject I'm passionate about I'll find it hard to stop talking. I'm like Twilight because it's rare to find me without a book on hand to read, though I am not the most studious of students (C's B's and A's, though the B's and A's are far more common than the C's) and am incredibly unorganised.


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WOO! You have boundless energy and will take every single possible moment to exert it! Not only that, but you looooove to party, so wherever you can be that you can party and get down at, you will want to be! Your love of parties and laughter makes you a very fun pony to be around, because all of your friends generally have a good time when they're with you — as long as your overabundance of energy doesn't irritate them.

You don't just go against the grain, but you pretend the grain isn't even there, saying neigh to the norm and doing whatever it is you want to do, regardless of how silly it may be. Your carefree attitude is admirable in that sense, but you can easily get discouraged when people don't quite 'get' your sense of randomness and laughter. If you can't put a smile on a friend's face or if you disappoint them, you'll feel bad about it.

Despite your rather quirky nature, you often times do know exactly what you're doing, even if it may seem you're going about it in an odd way. You have a certain sense of things and it would be wise for your friends to believe you. You may be naive and carefree, but you're willing to try almost anything out, even if you're completely clueless on it. You're also a very creative pony, dabbling in songs, performances, and other creative ventures, while also coming up with creative solutions to whatever problems may be out there


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I feel feel like I'm most like Twilight. Bronyland seems to think so too, so I guess Twilight ^.^ Hahaha, mostly due to my love of reading, having no friends when I was younger, and my non-stop need to be in a clean environment.

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I'm like if they shipped Vinyl, Octavia, Pinkie Pie, and Twili. Vinyl because I love mah dubstep, Octavia because I am a bit mature, Pinkie because I am the class clown, and Twili because you can always find me with a good book :wub:!


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I took the pony personality test and I got Rainbow Dash, which I like because she is my favorite pony.


Probably because I prefer to be by myself and do most things to succeed.


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Personality Test says:


I can see why, since I'm very athletic, I hate losing, and I tend to brag quite a bit.


Full description:

If there's one thing you know you are, it's #1! You tend to be competitive by nature and love to show off your talents at every available moment, but that's often because you've put in a lot of practice to perfect your techniques and want to take pride in your effort. Because of this, you sometimes get a little too proud, fearing competing if you don't feel you can win and getting hotheaded if someone questions your capabilities. You hate losing.

Even though you may be a bit self-centered, you still care deeply for your friends and would stand up for them no matter what. You're deeply loyal to them, even if you may not always show it. Just because they're not as talented as you doesn't mean they're worthless, because you love them for who they are, although you may still joke around and give them a hard time — really, who doesn't like a laugh? You're incredibly brave and will be the first one to volunteer to venture off into the unknown or stand up against an enemy, perhaps letting your impulses get a hold of you before a rational plan is actually thought of.

While a lot of ponies may care how they look or concern themselves over what they're doing, you always want to present yourself in the coolest way possible. Whatever someone else is, your goal is to be 20% cooler. Fashion and style are a waste of time to you, because you know that's not what determines how cool a pony is. And if you think dying your hair all of the colors of the rainbow will make you 20% cooler, hey, guess what, because you don't care about appearances, it does.

"Mama told me not to waste my life, she said spread your wings my little butterfly. Don't let what people say keep you up at night, and they can't detain you, 'cause wings were made to fly" ~Little Mix, Wings
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Fluttershy. We're both shy, timid, sensitive, and we both share a fondness for animals.


That's probably why she's my favorite. I can relate to her the most.



"I'm going to crush you...........and throw you into the wind!" - Vegeta

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According to the pony personality test, I'm a mixture of Rainbow Dash and Rarity and that's kinda accurate. I'm picky about certain things, I complain about things, I don't follow gender stereotypes, I'm rebellious and I have a good sense of fashion. I'm also very introverted like Fluttershy and I'm very fond of cats. I wish I had a cat. sad.png

Edited by Neighvana666
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I'm most like Rainbow Dash, because I always want to show my stuff, whether it is playing music or showing my athletic abilities. I also have a bit of Pinkie Pie because I can get very hyper at times. 

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I share traits with some of them, in a way. Here's a list:


Fluttershy, because I like to think I'm kind to others.


Rainbow - because I'm athletic (At points ;p).


Twilight - Because I enjoy reading a good book.


Rarity - I have OCD for some things >.>.


Pinkie - I enjoy to make others laugh, and it makes others happy when I do ;p.

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