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mega thread How are you feeling?

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Eh, pretty neutral. I don't have classes tomorrow, however I still have a looming feeling about things, though I am must sure I have nothing due. Perhaps it's just my mind trolling me.  :P

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    Just... just getting that pervading sense of worry again for no reason. Like I ought to be doing something despite the fact that I know full well that nothing is going on, in or around this house nor do I have any place to be. Hoo boy... I can tell I'm well overdue for my weekly panic attack...

   Maybe I'll feel better after a meal & some meditation... but I kind of doubt it... a-heh....heh...

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I feel ice cold which is good for me. I am still wondering who's crown it is. Gold with a blue stone in the middle. Decorative. By the way I do feel pretty interested about this crown. I wonder if I should wear it. *Puts it on* *Doesn't fit* *Reads the initials* It reads P.C. Huh I wonder who that is? 

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I'm conflicted over a gift I got for Christmas.

It's not really what I wanted, but at the same time, I don't exactly feel entitled to say I don't like or am not satisfied with the gift since my parents did spend allot of money on it.

And they keep asking me if I like my gift and I keep saying yes.

Not sure what to do.

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I'm conflicted over a gift I got for Christmas.

It's not really what I wanted, but at the same time, I don't exactly feel entitled to say I don't like or am not satisfied with the gift since my parents did spend allot of money on it.

And they keep asking me if I like my gift and I keep saying yes.

Not sure what to do.

I would tell them the truth. If you keep on telling lies to people that are close to you. It will be on your conscious and guilt will soon follow. Believe me, I have seen many people do this and feel disgusted by it. What do they do? They gather up the strength and tell them. That is my suggestion to you Blue  Snow.   

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I'm at school right now so..................uhhhhhhh.......... pretty shitty.


Can't wait until I get out so that I can go back to important stuff.


LIKE RARITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

..In highschool. I never did talked to anyone cause they didn't try to. Oh well that was fine though. Why I wonder.. 

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I'm feeling annoyed but amused. I have no water..again. two weeks ago I had no water due to a pipe bursting. Then all last week up until last night no hot water. Back to having no water because the maintenance people are fixing something but decided to not give us any notice.

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Like strangling someone right now, for not doing their freakin job right. You only have one job, man. one job.

Edited by Satrox
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I'm feeling fine and mellow.


Trying to be more of a "gray man" out of the way and anonymous. For a while now I have been enjoying solitude much more and the initial need/wanting others around is leaving which is something I have been striving for a while now.

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Strangely calm, considering we were just allowed back into our apartment building after an evacuation (carbon monoxide in the ventilation system).

I'm probably going to die. :-P

We had fourteen or fifteen members of the fire department--nine or so in full gear--wandering around the building, knocking on doors and telling people to leave their units.

It was kind of surreal. 

Edited by Kings&Hooves14
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    I don't know... sort of a weird, but even mixture of pain & peace.


     Really bums me out to know I've bummed somebody else out. When I just want them to be happy. Well, not happy quite so. I want everyone to know, that regardless of their mood, their actions, their history. That its okay to feel. It's okay to be where you are, feeling what you feel, regardless of how much it may hurt. I can't make you feel any better or worse, that's something you have to come to of your own accord. When you're ready.

     I don't care if you're just the biggest murder in forever, I want you to be loved.


   Sigh. I'm getting sleepy...   I wanna go hug my tiny Fluttershy plushie now.

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I feel like pure god damn bitchass shit! There's school tomorrow and my sleep schedule is ruined. It's almost 1:00 AM so I don't have the time to sleep considering I have school tomorrow. So not only do I have to resist one of my favorite things ever, but I have to go to school tomorrow and I've never been to a worse place. My dad is always doing stuff downstairs so I can't go down there and get a nice cup of coffee to help me stay up or else he'll get mad at me. I guess I'll have to play Smash for the rest of the night.

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Depression yes I been there too when I was a kid. I managed to find a way by finding the good things in life and looked at myself in the mirror on how much there is to see. That really helped me.


@MoonStone Thunder: Hey man, don't let it get you down.Just do what I did and you'll thank me later. Just look at the bright side of life and follow it.

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