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mega thread How are you feeling?

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What happened? Did you get hurt or something like that?


My blood glucose level was running extremely high (I'm diabetic); a high blood sugar level can lead to diabetic ketoacidosis, which is a dangerous issue that I've been admitted to the hospital for many times in the past.

I'm okay now, though.


Thanks for asking. :)


I'm sorry about your test; I hope everything turns out okay! :(

  • Brohoof 1
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Disgusted. My dad's fixing up really nasty pork. The dead pig it's from sat in the heat of summer for 2 days before it got turned into pork. TWO DAYS IN THE HEAT. I'll let him get sick from it.

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(Epilepsy warning)

This level is making me feel really frustrated lately. I just recently beat Infiltrated which was my first hard demon, so I decided to head over to Nine Circles because it's the same demon difficulty as Infiltrated and because I've seen gameplay of Nine Circles and I wanted to take a big leap in difficulty. It's day two of practicing the level and I now have 60% on it, and on a copyable from 32%, which is just before the wave, I went straight from there to 80% which is the duel mini wave right before the rather easy ending. Though, I don't have a single part of the level fully down yet except for the beginning of it and the easy break before the wave. I know how to beat every single part of the level but the entire thing is so timing based and it's really annoying. The hard part of the level is of the majority of it, and it's so simple but so difficult because of the insane timing that you have to do for the frame perfect vehicle that the wave is.

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Surrender. Subconscious trauma surfaces with intense emotional surges, as if caressing old wounds with overflowing life, to aliviate all pain.

Numbness fades away, exposing the inner being, making the world a blurry reflection I can't find myself in.

Like a battered sculpture, the cracks of self shed a conscious light that is unable to understand the meaning of damaged life.

Trusting the awareness of compassionate vulnerability, heart, without resistance, without fear.

  • Brohoof 1
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Somewhat upset due to difficulties with an old friend who ditched me and now stalks me on social media :dry: Also stressed with midterms.

Edited by Prospekt
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I'm feeling pretty refreshed, which is rare for me on Mondays! :P

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A bit dumbstruck. How am I suppose to write a 250 word to the question that is only meant to be answered in 60 words or less??  


Edited by Satrox
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Grouchy. There's a thunderstorm outside and my poor dog gets super scared when it thunders so I have to stay up with her with lights on and everything. It is now past midnight and I'm sooo ready for bed.


I'm even more grouchy because it is early March, and it should be too cold for this nonsense. I'm just glad that we missed out on the tornadoes.

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Frustrated. My laptop suddenly crashed on me and I lost so much stuff :( Lesson learned: buy an external hard drive.



Doesn't help now but what I do nowadays is make backups onto USB sticks. 64GB is good enough for most everything at the mo. Tho of course if you're talking about videos and art then that's BI-I-G files.

Pretty frustrated at the mo, I'm trying to get driving tuition but the guy has gone abroad - vacation? Trying to find out when he's likely to be coming back. He did say "get back to me" if needed - do people not check their emails? Mind you doing that might incur roaming charges of course.

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stressed out, im trying to run a clan and my members arent helping out after all the work i have been doing •_• and i cant physically do anything about it because my laptop just cant handle games anymore (i do all the forums stuff on my xbox which is what im on at the moment) and the other reason is timezones .... when its daylight for me, everyone else in the clan is asleep, but when its like 1AM for me, everyone is active on discord .... fuken hypocrits (pardon my french) :okiedokieloki:

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I'm feeling pretty good. I'm having a busy day at work, but being productive actually feels really nice.



Frustrated. My laptop suddenly crashed on me and I lost so much stuff :( Lesson learned: buy an external hard drive.

I'm sorry. That's one of the worst things that can happen in this world. I'd be in tears on the floor if that were me. :(

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I was linked here for reasons i don't understand! But, might as well post whilst i'm here! Feeling a little stressed and like i'm being constantly judged and watched by everyone!

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Home. Nothing belongs to nothing. Because everything's the same. Something I saw, once I closed my eyes forever.

Because my answers are mostly cryptic. Of course, they're made to urge inner searching.

Home is you, I say to the mirror.

Looking for something that has been within myself since the beginning. Fooled by the fear of self, on a journey, like a wanderer traveling the outer roads of inner-discovery.

This world, earth, shows me the many aspects of my whole entity. And somehow made me understand why such clarity in the gaze of my ancestors.

To all my questions, they answer with silence, like the universe.

I'm afraid to know there was a never a truth, nor purpose, beyond what simply is.

Nor I'm willing to self-invent a god, like many others did before me.

Because even if I did, it still wouldn't matter to the universe.

I understand now why I never believed in anything, because I was never afraid of the many aspects of my whole entity.

How do you feel alone? When you're everything that there is.


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