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general Do You Have Any Quirks?


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Pretty straight forward question. Curious to see if anyone has the same ones as I do, and which ones are common.

You can post as many as you want, but nothing inappropriate.

Here are a few of mine:

  • Whenever I'm bored, or am stretching, I shout the word "Meow!"
  • I run up the stairs of my house on all fours
  • I paw at my eyes when I'm crying instead of rubbing them
  • Whenever I drop something, I say "Ow!"
  • I like to pretend I'm a mermaid when I'm in the pool





  • Brohoof 4




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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I say "ur mom" alot. Not as much as I did when I was in high school, but still kind of prevalent. Like after asked a question. Friend: "Who's the actor in the movie?" Me: "Ur mom!" 

In conversation after explaining something, I come up with other things I wanna say right after so start speaking, but the person I'm speaking with has already started speaking so it's like I'm interrupting them, but really just have so much to say XD

Every now and then I move my pecs randomly. When I first was able to move them in high school def. was astounded that I would just kinda do it alot

Screaming when I stretch cuz it just feels that good ahaa

Other than that, I'm perfect XD jk

But yea, I'm sure there's more things

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One quirky thing I can think of is if there something that reminded me of an historical or a fictional person, I tend to quote them and even add characters/imitation to it depending on the context. People would see it weird for a person randomly quoted Hitler. But then again how would they know? :Daydreaming: 

Funny though, I don't do that online but instead I use songs lyrics to quote.

  • Brohoof 1



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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I laugh silently, which a few people have found odd.

  • Brohoof 2

Rainbow Dash Fanatic

"You stroll down memories of younger, brighter times 'cause you never realize what you've got till you leave it all behind." ~ dBPony

"So we’re here at the end, did we teach you well, my friend? Don’t look so sad to see us go, after the rain comes rainbows." ~ Princewhateverer

"Darlin' you'll be okay." ~ Vic Fuentes

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I can get a little too into my head sometimes, and sometimes walk randomly around unconsciously because I'm thinking deeply about something. 

I am also not a fan of reality TV shows or just most TV shows with actual humans instead of animated ones. I absolutely hate the "audience laughing" effect that the types of shows I mentioned tend to have. :dry: That being said, Just Add Magic has to be my favourite. It's like MLP in a way that it targets itself mostly to girls, but it's absolutely interesting, and sometimes a bit dark and spooky at times. :blink: 

Edited by Sky Serenade
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I have a good few:


  • I talk to myself... A lot... Probably more than I talk to everyone else combined. I do it a lot when I'm trying to focus on a video game in particular.
  • I make a weird sort of yawning type sound when I stretch. I remember my brother doing it too... :huh:
  • I have a tendency to repeat myself when I'm unsure about how I phrase something. Sometimes do it multiple times. Didn't even know about this until my BF pointed it out to me.
  • I sometimes yawn... silently. All I hear of it is the sound of it in my head. Weird nobody's noticed that.
  • I say "hmph" a lot, with a variety of intonations which indicate a variety of things sometimes I don't know, but I usually do. To the point my dad even said that he found it annoying.
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  • I have a really rough laugh. Like... I can't even explain
  • Most of my lingo comes from my friends or shows or movies I've watched
  • I can't go to sleep without my stuffed animal. 
  • I talk to myself a lot
  • I refer to myself in third person pretty often
47 minutes ago, Booker said:

I laugh silently, which a few people have found odd.

Omg I do that too! But not all the time. Usually when I'm really excited.

Like, my mouth moves but no sound comes out.



Edited by Emerald Heart
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Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Let's see what I can come up with right now:

  • I often put my hands behind my back when standing in public
  • I often sing songs stuck in my head when alone
  • I always like to dig into what I did on this site in the past

I'm sure there are more, but I just have to think harder by then.

  • Brohoof 1


OCs: Flow / Love Bloom

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6 minutes ago, Flow said:

Let's see what I can come up with right now:

  • I often put my hands behind my back when standing in public
  • I often sing songs stuck in my head when alone
  • I always like to dig into what I did on this site in the past

I'm sure there are more, but I just have to think harder by then.

Oh god I do those too!

Except I do the song thing in public view




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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I’ll just put what I can think of

I can vibrate my eyes at will

I go up stairs on all fours as well

I cuddle with a Twilight plushie a lot

I can’t resist pressing and buttons of any kind or messing with things (I think I’m a cat)

I’ll start singing or humming songs stuck in my head (almost started singing my little pony intro in front of a bunch of other people but stopped myself)

I can forget anything important within two seconds

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  • I lip sync, a lot. And not just to music. I tend to lip sync my thoughts. Sometimes without even realizing it. :sealed:
  • When I'm nervous I tend to bounce a leg up and or down or tap my fingers on a surface. I also tend to pace. A lot.
  • I talk to my truck when I'm driving. :sealed: Usually only when I'm alone. :ButtercupLaugh:
  • I can only fall asleep on my stomach most nights.
  • I can't read something and really pay attention to what I'm reading without quietly whispering what I'm reading to myself. 
  • I can't go without shaking my hands over the sink after washing them. I guess to flick the water off.Even after I've dried them on a towel. Idk lol. 
  • When I get truly angry with someone, I get a thick southern accent. Don't know why that is.
  • When I'm hugging a stranger or someone I don't usually hug, I hold my breath. :sealed:
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I have a quirk! It's called... FULL COWLING!



But in all seriousness, I don't really have any major quirks to speak of. ^_^
I sometimes fill the void of silence with random singing. No tune or lyrics in mind, just whatever random notes I feel like. By coincidence, I might come up with a good song. But heck, I don't know how to write music notes down, and I forget half the lyrics by the time I'm ready to write. So most of my music ideas tend to fade away just as fast as I get them.

  • Brohoof 2


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Let's see now. :P

  • I randomly pirouette before walking towards where I want to go or generally when I'm thinking about stuff.
  • If I have an absurd or disagreeable thought I tend to go "HA!" out loud
  • I will sometimes randomly stand on one leg while resting the base of a foot on the opposite upper leg for comfort
  • When sitting at a desk and thinking, I always steeple my fingers like Gendo Ikari
  • Sometimes when I yawn, it comes out sounding like a high pitched whistle or squeak
  • When I'm alone talking to myself, I refer to myself as "We" instead of "I"
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Oh I thought of some more

I can see right through people and see what lies beneath automatically 

When I’m sitting down and bored I will bounce my leg up and down very quickly 

I treat all my stuffed animals like real sentient beings, like I can’t bring myself to do anything that might hurt their feelings (for example I like to take a twilight stuffie to cuddle with in bed but I also have a pinkie pie one that is too small to cuddle so I had to find a way to make her not feel left out so I gave her some nerf guns to make up for it)

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- I shake my right leg up and down really fast. Sometimes it’s on accident and sometimes I just let it happen

- I can’t sit still at all in a chair and find myself sitting on my legs or in a W

- If I’m wearing a hat I tip it to people out of habit since I feel like I have to shift it around

- I clap really fast and/or say “yay” when I’m excited

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On 2/19/2020 at 11:14 PM, Emerald Heart said:

Whenever I drop something, I say "Ow!"

Funny, whenever someone other than me gets hurt, I reflexively say “Ow.” ^_^

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  • 2 months later...

Wanting to be quirky but have no quirks. I mean what can I say I have ocd is that a quirk? Saying that as I turn on and off the light switch exactly two times if more four times. Autistic pretty sure I am bois. Very much an accurate person, I always measure everything if I see something out of place I will fix it I fix stuff.

One quirk is if I hold something a drink or anything you'll see my little finger always pointing outwards not holding the drink nope but pointing haha. I get seriously quirky when I see someone and talk to them I do probably awkward amount of laughing and compliments to the person. 

Something I thought of is I feel the need to look at things four times. What of it is ocd or autism who knows. Yet I know I can't look into peoples eyes which is why I practice it so much that I now look directly and speak to their soul. Then on top of that I feel so socially awkward to the point of it probably coming off as confidence as I simply freeze in a pose with a smile and doing eye contact haha.

So not quirky.

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When I am bored and around other people I sometimes smile at them and say, “Oh, I love your scarf.” To people who aren’t wearing scarves.



Edited by Stone Cold Steve Tuna
Cage Claim
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And that’s the bottom line, ‘cause Stone Cold said so!

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