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general Do You Like Dark Humor?


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To be specific, I've watched many comedies or teen sitcoms back in my day and unfortunately I believed that characters having such hyperbolic and stereotypical behavior was how real life people act. Now I blame myself for actually believing that real people behave like I saw them on TV and I also blame them for just being so stereotypical and completely antithetical to common decency.

And yes, here comes the crowd who says this kind of humor is intentionally done to make some point and that I was too idiotic then to understand anything then. But how was I supposed to understand it like that? I wasn't exactly hardwired to look beyond face-value behavior in my past years.

I've done some exploring of myself and I think I realized that the only kind of humor I like is dark humor, preferably when people somehow get hurt or killed. Maybe it's because I had unsavory people in my life and even people who I only hear of in news and despise them anyway. Maybe I like dark humor because those undesirables getting offed like that in violently hilarious ways gives me some sort of satisfaction in knowing that they'll get what's coming to them.

Good examples will be Deadpool.and that Regular Show episode In the House.


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I love dark humor too, as surprising as that may be. Putting a comedic spin on all the terrible things in life makes it all easier to deal with, atleast for me. I really enjoy George Carlin, ICP and stuff like in American McGees Alice, Grimm and the Oddworld series. My family thinks my sense of humor is super morbid and they don't get it, nyaha~

That being said, being dark and shock for no reason is trying way to hard. I've seen this done in bad fanfiction and modern Family Guy.

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I like dark humor as well, and I’m not sure why

i even have been making a comic strip thing where the most used joke is some extreme violence (in stick figure form of course so it’s more cartoony)

I made one that involved a ritual and the ending card legitimately scared me

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I love dark humor. It has its place like any other brand of humor and it’s often a nice alternative to watered down pap so often experienced in mainstream media. It doesn’t always work though; like everything else it has to know its limits and be presented with skill and flair. But anything done well is good for me, whatever it may be.  

  • Brohoof 3
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Often times I'd encounter others defend certain instances of other comedy types for "hurting yo wittle feewings." Like they expect everyone to toughen up. So I guess one point of those comedy types is to make us all insensitive and inconsiderate to everyone we meet because we always assume everyone is living in some sort of bubble? We should live our lives behaving indecently because our "wittle feewings" don't matter? That's a world I absolutely hated being part of and then left.

Me liking dark humor provides a sort of invisible outlet for me where I can fantasize about doing terrible things to people I've disliked in my life and people who I never meet but still dislike from afar. The best part is I can fantasize about those things all I want and that I still remain sober enough to never actually act them out. Not expressing what those thoughts are further enhances it for me.

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  • 2 years later...

Yes, irony and dark humor are my favorite types of humor. I was always holding it back for the most part, I'm worried to offend anyone. But...I really shouldn't. Still working on being even more myself and not to care what others might think. :coco:

  • Brohoof 3
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