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What do you fear?


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I fear driving and having one of my rear tires blowing out from under me :(


however, I am scared of bugs, and heights :blush:

Edited by Gigachip
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Really? Why?


Well, to be honest, I'm really not sure! It has something to do with my fear of tornadoes, which worsened into a fear of regular storms, which worsened into a fear of raining.
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Anything small with long legs. Like spiders. The longer the legs, the more I hate them. I wouldn't classify it as pure fear though, I'd say it is more of a "I don't want you to live and if you run away and hide I will find you and murder you" sort of thing :lol: .


I also have a small case of claustrophobia. It became clear when I read "Ted the Caver" (Which is the best creepy story ever!) and in that story, the characters want to squeeze through a small hole, and I thought to myself: "I would never ever do that in that situation. EVER.".

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I fear other peoples toilets. It's only when I flush them. We have all had that mini heart attack when you see the water in bowl start to rise. :o


omg :blink:

that is so true ^_^

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omg :blink:

that is so true ^_^


I had it happen to me once. It sucked. I was at someones very nice house. The GUEST bathroom had a jacuzzi, extra shower, toilet and two full sinks, and a walk in closet. The bath mats they had were very nice, and also very white. Remember this is just the guest bathroom.


I didn't notice when I was doing my business, but the toilet water was blue. So I get done, flush...... and then it happened.


Everything seemed to be going down just fine, but then toilet decided "fuck you, I don't want this blue shit", and everything came out. The bathroom was damn near flooded, and the whole time there was no fracking plunger in that gigantic bathroom.


Of course the people who owned that house were ok with it because accidents happen, but I still felt terrible haha.

  • Brohoof 1
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Ponies with socks.

Ponies without socks.

On the "everyday" fears, we have heights and (mildly) bees. When it comes to paranoia, a lot of stuff, including: electricity, ladders, darkness, and people taller/bigger than me (I'm really tall, so that doesn't get too much facetime). Oddly enough, metal is a counter each and all of these fears.

On a more basic level, my largest fear is abandonment.

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Of course the people who owned that house were ok with it because accidents happen, but I still felt terrible haha.


well at least the owners were ok with it ;)

nothing to me stinks more than getting in trouble for an accident :(

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The night.


It brings out the dark feelings within me.




Especially if i have spent my whole evening reading about demons or anything else paranormal and sinister.

Also not much of fears but. Almost all bugs creep me out and I squash them if the come near me.

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My most intense fear would have to be heights. I reach a certain point off the ground and I physically become paralyzed, (unable to breathe move and think) and someone has to come and get me. It's frustrating because it makes it literally impossible to overcome the fear, so it annoys me to no extent when someone says "Oh come on man, just face your fears and be done with it!" Because literally I can't. :unsure:


I also get freaked out by hornets and wasps. Not bees though. I actually love bees and feel perfectly fine around them. (Though I still flinch if they buzz around my ear) The main difference is that bees respect you if you respect them. Hornets and wasps on the other hand, they sting you multiple times just because they're ticked at everything. :angry: BUCK YOU INSECTS WHO SERVE NO OTHER NATURAL PURPOSE BUT TO WREAK HAVOC! :angry:

  • Brohoof 1
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going along with Fanayvea's topic


What's your fear(s)?


I'm afraid of wild mushrooms (any mushroom not packaged in a store. Even the little fresh ones on shish kababs freak me out)


Semi Trucks (I was five, one of them hit my mom's car and rolled over us. No one was hurt but I really don't like semi's now)




Large Crowds


Arachnophobia (we all know what that one is)

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To be honest, the only fear I have right now is to lose a certain somepony I love. Other than that I actually don't have any fears.

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