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What do you love about MLP and its fandom?

Crazy Misty

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The art style and character design. Pretty ponies are pretty!


The stories are well plotted and nicely written.


The music? What can I say? This is the only cartoon I know of outside of anime that takes the trouble to produce very good music and songs. They're so good that the viewer just can't help singing along.

I wish they'd release the official sound track CD! I have an unoffical one that I love. Clean songs on an offical release would be 20% cooler though!

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Ice's reason is mostly mine. I've already said this in a few threads, but I guess I'll go more detailed this time.


Nearly every time I watch a new episode, I am utterly surprised with the things they manage to get away with. This show surprised me as I was first watching it and trying to hate it. The little continuity nods were extremely impressive, signaling to me that the people who work on it not only know what they're doing, but actually CARE about what they're doing and aren't just trying to get out slop for the kiddies to mindlessly enjoy.


A lot of the times, they'll defy tropes and do things I never expected in a kid's show and surprise me with how the story of several episodes go. These writers are extremely creative with several of their concepts, have an amazing art style that I love almost as much as psuedo-realism, (which is my favourite art style and has been for a long time) and manage to do so much in so simple a format. I am truly impressed. This is a product of glorious quality, and I can understand why it has garnered this fanbase outside of its target demographic.


Most of all, I like the potential in ponies. Usually, for the things I like, I am not interested in the fanbase. With this though, I am extremely interested in seeing people's ideas. Not fan fiction or anything because I never read that, but their OC ponies. (Although most people have an overwhelming tendency to create pegasi for no reason, which annoys me. Not everypony has to have wings! Especially if their special talent has nothing to do with that.) The community's enthusiasm is quite infectious. I love to draw ponies, and really, I think I always will. They are seriously one of my favourite things to draw ever.

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This show has many reasons to like it



One, it's 'deep' or well written. This show has SO MUCH depth, the back story in this show is amazing expessialy in the CMC episode where they tell about how they each got their cutie marks the hearths warming eve episode where they explain the founding of Equestria. And most recently the zap apples episode where they explain the founding of Ponyville.


It's fun to look at. It's just FUN watching cartoon ponies do silly things on my TV/computer screen the cast is lovable and pinkie/rainbow dash is so much like me it's scary.


The talent. Lauren Faust created many shows in her time and along with MLP she added her awesome in this project. The voice acting is amazing one of my personal role models is Tara Strong (because i'm a voice actor myself) she does Twilight as well as Harley Quinn from Batman: Arkam City as well as adult cartoons. (hell, even sweetie bells VA has done work in past she's pretty awesome)


And lastly the community: the brony community is awe inspiring. Like able group of people (including myself) producing (usually) amazing

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There are numerous reasons I watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. For starters, Fluttershy is best pony, duuuuh.


But seriously, I was directed to the show by a friend of mine and initially didn't really like the show's content in the first couple of episodes (though even they grew onto me later). The very first thing that caught me off guard was how well animated the show is, and I immediately fell in love with the animation. Despite the errors that some bronies who are trying to hard to find point out, this show has higher quality of art and animation than most you'll find on TV, which surprised me at first mostly due to the fact that it's a show about Hasbro products.


Of course, by the halfway mark of the second episode, even though I didn't really like the episode itself very much at the time, I fell in love with the singing due wholly to Pinkie Pie's singing VA and 'Giggle at the Ghosties'. Other songs in the series, such as 'Winter Wrap Up' and 'Best Night Ever' are so well done that I tend to listen to them more than I do my major music library that I have had since long before I watched My Little Pony. Of course, the fan remixes and all of the other songs actually in the show that I didn't list are great, too, and pony music is something that I've completely fallen in love with.


I do believe, though, that the most important factor in me enjoying the show from the start was the endearment it began to push on me around the third episode. The show was just so cheerful that it pulled me out of a depression I'd fallen into, and anything that can make me happy like that is quite substantial, given that nothing else has ever done it permanently as the show seems to have.


Now, one of the lasting reasons that I'll remain a fan of MLP for life is the amazing community that it has fostered. Nearly every 'brony' I have met is to be ranked among some of the most respectable people I know. This community here, MLP Forums, is actually the best thing that's happened to me in my memory. The friendships I've made here are already stronger than a majority of those I have made with people whom I've met in person, and I'm accepted here too a much higher extent than I ever was in a public setting such as high school or college. Though it may not seem like it due to my relatively sporadic activity levels, visiting this forum is one of the number one things I look forward to doing each and every day, as well as getting to know everypony a little better with each comment and conversation.


I can't for the life of me think of a single good reason in the world why I wouldn't like this show, and I believe I would hate myself completely and utterly if I had never decided to listen to my friend and watch the show. Without it, I wouldn't have some of the best friends that I've ever known and I'm fairly certain that I would be spending my time moping about right now depressed without even knowing why.


So cheers to the creators of this show, to the wonderful fans across the globe, and most importantly, to all of my great friends here at MLP Forums who enjoy this show with me and look forward to it at the end of each passing week!


this is every thing i was going to say, plus the fact that it changed the way that people think, people think that men have to be so MOCHO and strong and do only "cool" things, now granted you should not being skipping down the street in a dress but it shows that even know it has the name "My Little Pony" that it's not a bad show, and not to mention that I always and still do belive that if you like something, good for you I will not hate, guys dont need to be so "mocho" and "manly" all the time, it has not only changed the internet it has changed the way people think ^_^


Some people may not relize this but this show and this community have left a perminate mark in histery that I feel will never die out, so brohug to every body ^_^


Also one more reason..... pinkie pie is best pony...... DUUUUH!

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I like the show mostly because it makes me feel better in 10 seconds flat :lol:

Seriously, it always cheers me up and since I became a brony, I never felt extremely sad or depressive again, no matter what happened.

I used to be a very shy and often pessimist person, but watching mlp:fim made me pretty optimistic. In difficult situations Pinkie, Twi, Dashie, AJ, Rarity and Fluttershy are showing in front of my inner eye and help me find a solution or make me feel more confident. Iam really amazed what strong positive influence this show can have on the viewer.

Also I really like the humor in it and that most episodes are about "everyponies problems" and not about "saving the universe" :)

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i watch it for the plot....... lol jkjk.


really though, it is a show that you can watch that anyone can watch. the characters are potraid soo real that you feel that you know them. idk but it always makes me feel happy when i watch it.

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Watching MLP:Fim offers an escape from my mundane existence. I also really like Fluttershy. She's very similar to me. The fandom has great fanfiction, art, and music, and the show is rather well made.

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Its kind of old school, theres nothing super fancy about the art work and nothing about the show is overboard. it reminds me of the cartoons i watched in the 90's growing up, thats what really got me into it. every pony has a unique personality, throw in some random situations, laughs and a moral lesson... you have a great show

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Its hard to narrow it down, I love everything about it.


My favourite thing is probably the interaction between characters. Each pony's personality has been designed so well that they blend together perfectly like... I can't think of a good analogy right now.

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i started watching the show a few weeks ago but i can really relate to rainbow dash. i typically like to be the center of attention but ide never leave my friends sides. i love speed and taking risks.


all my other reasons for liking the show are the typical reasons: well written, good animation, and so on

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I started watching it only a couple days ago and once I gave it a real chance not majorly skipping through the episode trying to 'get it over with' I found I enjoy it...In the first few episodes never have I laughed so hard except at a crack fict on FF.net that kills me everytimee I read it. The humor definietly flies over the target audiences heads definietly. (My cousins are in that age demographic.) The characters are relatable too. Specifcally Rarity I didn't like her at all at first and I realized I really was a lot like her. I love to sew it's a hobby I actively participate in as much as I do doll collecting (it goes hand in hand) And the more I watch the more I realize I can relate to her in some way or another. During episode 14 I wanted to yell at the rest of the mane 6 having been in that situation where someone told me they liked something then said it wasn't at all what they wanted...And I had offered to make it after that person promised to learn to sew. She never did saying the stitch I always used was 'too complicated'...It's a blanket stitch. (Did I mention when she totally wrecked one of the things I sewed for her she admitted she just didn't want to fix it herself? It looks like she cut it too. I'm STILL not fixing it until she learns to fix it herself. I know I know love and tolerance but she really does eed to learn) And it's just a fun show. It makes me feel happy when I watch it especially as a horse lover in general it automatically had an appeal to me. But because I'm miss 'I'm writing a bloody fict about Unwinding!' sometimes I can be over critical. Offhandedly I'll say stuff I don't really mean...Doesn't mean my thoughts are exact. I love MLP and I'm not ashamed of it. I'm me and if I like something I don't care. It also has important lessons too that I think even adults need to remember from time to time. It's definietly taught me to have patience with my friends and to tolerate the irritants. The show is deep the art style is nice and appears to be easy to replicate and I love the anime eyes and it's just...Cute. I enjoy seeing everyone elses works too. Especially the brony-self inserts. I love seeing what people would do if they were in their favorite fandom's universe and I'm tempted to write one too because I do enjoy writing it. All in all..It's a breath of fresh air from the anime's that never fail to bring me to tears somehow. I haven't felt the need to do anything but smile and giggle whenever I'm watching it. I just plowed throught about five episodes. Listening to Art of the Dress right now.

Edited by Arashi Takamine
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MLP FiM Is a really well made cartoon, and I really love the characters.

It's also funny some moments and when I watch the show I become very happy.

Also, Pinkie Pie is best pony, duuuuh.

Edited by Jokuc
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Where do I begin? I started off as one of those guys who didn't even want to give this show a chance because it seemed girly, but one day I was just browsing Youtube videos and somehow ended up on a pony vid, then after about an hour, I realized that I had been watching pony videos the whole time. What really drew me in at first was the animation style(because it reminded me of Foster Home for Imaginary Friends) and eventually the characters started to attract me as well. I see a lot of myself in Rainbow Dash,Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Dashie and I share a cocky streak and belief in our own awesomness and just like Pinkie I love to laugh(even though I'm not that good at pranks), and like Fluttershy, people are always telling me I'm the nicest person they know.
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The art style, the songs, and the hilarious, while still innocent, humor are all driving factors. Put simply, the show reminds me of nicer times, in a relatable and hilarious way. Also, the fandom is awesome. And also because pinkie pie. :D

Edited by D1st0rtedFate
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Humour, It's funny and no one gets hurt. (As long as cupcakes don't come into it)


I also like the music, both the stuff from the show and the fun music.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Where do I even begin? I love this show for all its extremely relatable characters, fantastic animation, and just all around atmosphere. Having grown up in the 90s, it is very reminiscent of a lot of the cartoons from that era in the way it brings out the humor that can be appreciated by both the target audience of little kids(in this case girls) and people of every other age group and personality. It also helps that Lauren Faust of Powerpuff Girls and Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends fame was the one to originally pitch this idea and stick with it through all of season 1 and still be willing to help with season 2 when asked.
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all ppl have different tastes.


I like this show becouse its bright, funny [to meh] and friendship is magic.

also, I am, mahself, a traumatized brony. I have a deep emotional trauma, but this show helps meh to become more confident and just lights up mah depressin life.


everypony has their own reason to like the show.

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I like the show and also find Pinkie Pie irritating.

I think MLP can sometimes be oversaturated with sweetness, which tends to drive some people away whereas attract others.

I watched the show because I have too much time on my hands and one of my best friends is a brony, and I, like you, wanted to find out why he liked it so much. Now I am a brony too.

It's personal preference, I guess. If you don't like it, that's your thing. I don't know exactly what it is, but it all just fits together so well. Something just clicks and makes it into a good show. I don't understand the huge following but I know that I personally prefer watching this to other things on television and know that each new episode is going to be a very entertaining and high quality one that has something that most people can relate to, which is why everypony has such a distinct, different personality.

My one criticism is that until season two, males in the show are portrayed as oafs. I don't agree with this and I'm happy they included a somewhat intelligent pony named fancy pants in season two.

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I guess I like this show because it reminds me of what cartoons used to be like. Being a 90s kid, I grew up during a decade when tons of new and original cartoons were being produced (both on Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon). I can't stand most cartoons today, so FIM is like a breath of fresh air, as well as a link to the past. So, I guess it's out of nostalgia, as well as the humor and art style.

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