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Ponies have changed me


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Basically, in this thread you say a little about how you got into MLP: FiM, and if it changed you at all. I'm interested to see what some of you will say :3



To be honest this show and it's fandom actually changed me a lot. Before it I was having a terrible year; was not only rejected by a girl I had a rather obsessive crush on, but had to reject another girl who had an obsessive crush on me, and feel the guilt for three months o_o And the whole year was plagued with my horrible attempts to try and find romance.


Now I had heard of MLP back in the summer time but I didn't really care at the time, I watched the first few episodes and thought it was good; but I was in the middle of watching Code Geass and Death Note and had no time to continue xP


But it came across me again in November; my rather douchey midget sex pest friend, Harry, somehow became a brony, and encouraged me to watch the whole series and well... it started there. I became rather addicted to the show and it's characters xD

And then the fandom; it really shocked me how talented it all was. It occured to me that there was something for everyone in this fandom, it was just so diverse and talented. I had realised for the first time in years I was...content.


And this had improved my mental health somewhat. I'm happier, more colourful, I don't bottle up emotions any more, I'm not constantly looking for 'the one', hell, I'm even funnier, don't know how that one happened. And for once I'm finally happy with being alone, well I'm even happier being with my bronies but still xD

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Before I saw it I was in a 'hating the world and all its inhabitants' mood. I wouldn't say depressed but I got really angry really easily just because of how people have to live in this modern world. It was mostly the community that turned me around, the show is great and all but the fact that so many can come together over something so beautiful and innocent just... it spoke to me.

I can't make signatures.

Sooo... yeah

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I think there's another thread about this, but I'll add my two cents regardless.


MLP has made me more tolerant of people's musical tastes. Along with that, I've learned to stop being so serious all the time and learnt to be more placid(?) and easy going. I don't know how and I don't know why, but like an addiction, I don't question it: I'm just enjoying the ride.


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I think it helped me be a little more outgoing... I'm like a living fluttershy, but even shy-er. Thenagain, this is the site I'm out going on, so you can say it lead me here than becoming more social..

It makes my day, whenever I'm feeling down, I just think of the show or particular scenes and whala, I'm smiling.

What it doesn't help with is my anger issues, I still get my finger pinched in shopping carts and want to throw it at a child.

Edited by sobadnomad

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What on earth... I had an idea about a thread like this just recently, about 3 hours ago to be precise.




Well, I'm new to this fandom, so I can't say MLP has changed me drastically, but It has changed a portion of me.


I used to be... a bit depressed and as it is known, I had a “reputation”. I always was feeling like in a different world, because people were always thinking about me, always stalking me and things like that. I was trying to find a solution to my dilemma, but I just couldn‘t think of any. Soon after, I discovered MLP. And then it hit me with a bold idea. I decided to join the fandom as a new/unpopular person and just to have a blast with the fans, but not to distribute any fan-creations. Maybe in the future I shall share them, but not soon.


And now about how MLP has changed my real life. Well, I used to be shy and I had few friends before, but now I’m the opposite. I have gained some self-esteem as I started to get more “braver” and interact with people more, thus makind more friends. If not for MLP, I think it would have taken me years to get braver and to make such changes to my life. This never really happened in the other fandom I was/are in, but I can’t say it hasn’t changed me too.


And now for the part how I discovered MLP:FiM. As I said before, I was looking for a solution on how to let go of my past and to find a place where I could start anew. I’m not a fan of social sites such as facebook or twitter, because for me it looks pointless to register and be active there, well atleast for a person of my age, maybe if I get older I’ll find the need to register there. So this was out of question.

Anyways, It’s ironic actually. The place where I found about MLP was a place that I hate – (2+2)chan.

I saw all the post there that incloode ponies… and I liked it, so I decided to join the fandom.

  • Brohoof 3

shiet got srs guise

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I'm fairly new, I think it's almost been around 3 weeks since I watched the first episode.


I was just browsing along youtube's asdfcomp's videos (in other words, just random funny stuff) when I noticed ponies in the related video. I was like "ponies? O.o" and hated on them. Decided to watch an actual episode so I could really hate on it, but by the time I had my thoughts all gathered, I was a full-fledged brony.


I think what got me into it was probably the pony eyes, I can't help but say they have a really great pony artist for that. I'm not so sure if any part of me really changed, but I can tell you I'm a happier person in general. Ponies, overall, are a wonderful addition to my life.

Edited by Zero

Signatures are for fillies.

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I didn't particularly care about gender roles before, I didn't believe a man had to be a man and a woman had to be a woman, it was all a matter of preference.


After I watched this and saw how much it's changed some of it's fans I completely forsook any thought of a gender role. I'm straight as an arrow myself but gender roles still mean nothing to me and I actually believe others who try to put genders into categories outside of physical appearance are a little on the close-minded side. No offense to those who still do that even as MLP fans, of course.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm not sure how it has changed me yet, but I feel I will realize it more and more over time. I think it has given me a little more faith in the inherent goodness in humanity. I think more about what it means to love and tolerate others. I have always lived my life trying to be good and polite to everyone, but I am kind of a pushover. I see myself as both Twilight and Fluttershy, kind and gentle, yet intelectual and a bit cynical at times. As you can see, it has made me a bit more introspective. I am constantly thinking about what my special talent may be now, as I try to decide what to do with my life.

Edited by Slendermane


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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I can't really describe anything, but I'm glad that the show and related content has such an effect on people. This multifarious assortment of influence from it, we aren't witness to it very often.

Where is the Twilight, where's the Sparkle

Where's dear Fluttershy knocking on the door

Where's the Rainbow Dash that takes me there

Where the real is shattered by a Pinkie Pie

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29 days clocked on this site alone...I've only been a member since late October...yeah It's done something to my life ._.



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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Well I was at first going to do a joke review of MLPFIM and bash Bronies to help springboard my Critical Reviews.

In order for me to review something (even as a joke) I felt I had to become a fan myself of some sort.


Well I did that, but went a little too far! I realized one day I'm more than analyzing my material, I AM my material!


So I canceled my Brony Bashing Review and became one! Something I NEVER thought could possibly happen to me!


As for how it changed me... well I don't hate everything in existence anymore, I tolerate it! A step up I suppose! Also for the first time I'm a part of a widespread community!



In short I'm just a happier person now! Instead of a bitter young man full of hate, I'm a bitter-sweet young man full of tolerance!

[New siggy in progress!]

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This fandom as a whole made me a little more social than what I ususally am, even if it is a small change. It also helped me to be a little more couragous at times, and bold too. And also, like what Slendermane said, it gave me a new faith in humanity, and a new hope for it as well.

"There is no life I know to compare with pure imagination. Living there you'll be free, if you truly wish to be."

Intelligence is both knowladge and logic. If you don't have either knowladge or logic, you don't have intelligence.

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I think I posted something similar to this in the other thread, but I'll add to this one as well :P Before MLPFiM things were looking down for me, everything stopped mattering, and life just seemed to suck. Then after getting hooked on the show I started to pay attention to the messages on friendship and follow the shows bright morals. Since then I've noticed improvments in my attitude, social atmosphere, and outlook on life. Plus meeting some awesome people on here and being a part of the great fan community is always a positive :)

Awesomeness = at least 20% Cooler.

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My life is much better and I see the meaning in life. ;)


I feel happier and feel much more accepted (On the internet that is, barely any bronies in real life in my area:( )

Edited by Samthelegoman
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Before MLPFiM things were looking down for me, everything stopped mattering, and life just seemed to suck. Then after getting hooked on the show I started to pay attention to the messages on friendship and follow the shows bright morals. Since then I've noticed improvments in my attitude, social atmosphere, and outlook on life. Plus meeting some awesome people on here and being a part of the great fan community is always a positive :)


Couldn't have said it any better myself.

Yo Applejack...



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My life had been fine, pretty good in fact, before I started MLP. MLP didn't really change my life a lot; its became a new hobby for me to enjoy. However discovering this forum did change me. On this forum, I feel like I'm part of a large community with people who share the same interests :)

  • Brohoof 2

-"My little pony, not yours!"

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Well... It gave me something to do.

And, I think it somewhat helped my creativity.

Did you ever think I get lonely?

Did you ever think that I needed love?

Did you ever think, stop thinking

You're the only one that I'm thinking of?

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The show itself? Not that much to be honest. Not as much as some of you. At most, I've seen the ponies as a wonderful distraction and as entertaining. Yes, they have helped me to become more positive slightly. They, along with the other changes in my life towards positivity, made me a more positive person. And I'll be honest that I do like the overall happy and sincere atmosphere, which helped me ever so slightly to develop.


But drawing them? Oh, that's a different story. Drawing the ponies and observing their techniques in the art style has improved my digital artistry by 80%, I would say. Before I drew them, my outlines were very shaky and I barely knew what I was doing in Photoshop. I gained a lot of experience from drawing them, and learned that complexity isn't always the best. They helped me develop my own style outside of ponies and to make really smooth outlines. I am a lot better now at conveying so much in a simple concept. And making more simple designs. I enjoy more the positive environment around the fandom than the show itself, to be honest. And I love more to see people's OC's and designs. It helps me improve to see the efforts of other, more talented people and learn from them.


This place? Haven't been here that long, but I came from a forum with some really nasty moderators who had it in for me (yes, me specifically. They hated me and mocked me behind my back) and were extremely intolerant and would come down at you for even making a simple post that disagreed with their views. That was the only forum I really stayed at for a long time. And this place is slowly helping me realize that it's okay to post my opinion and that people are not going to yell at me because everyone seems mostly nice. That's a thing I fear, being judged. So this pony community is slowly helping me a little to get over that. Honestly, I am sheerly amazed by the tolerance of the pony community in general, and can see it as having much more ramifications in the future on my life.

Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough
  • Brohoof 3

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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