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"Too many pinkie pies" The point where they were trouncing up and down together saying "Fun, fun!" really started to grate on my nerves after a while. I only really love one pinkie pie. lol. and that's the real one! The ep near the end definetely had its moments where it made me laugh and feel bad for the real pinkie pie who had been struggling with what she had done, but this is definetely it.


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I've already mentioned Owl's Well That Ends Well and Mare Do Well. These next three episodes are also not on my "watch again" list for various reasons. Actually, one big reason.


Lesson Zero: This could have been a deep and touching episode about Twilight and Celestia's relationship. Instead, we had to watch Twilight making a foal of herself for 20 minutes. And when Celestia shows up, does she comfort Twilight? Does she try to understand her student's obsessive behavior? Does she rethink how her distant, indirect teaching methods are affecting a terribly sensitive pony like Twilight, who thrives on direct feedback and a more personal approach? No! She acts angry and scolds her, which was the last thing Twilight needed! Because the show wants us to think Celestia is always right. (Minus A Canterlot Wedding.) Twi's faux-insanity made for some good memes, but please tell me what else this episode accomplished?? I've had issues with the princess before, but never more than I did here.


Don't worry, I won't get that angry about the others.


A Bird In the Hoof: You can guess what my problem is with this one, probably. Celestia and a plot-ugly bird messing around with Fluttershy when she just wanted to help. I won't go any further into it or I might break my promise above. At least we got to see Rainbow Dash high-five a phoenix.


Luna Eclipsed: Darn it, I wish I could see why this one is a favorite for so many bronies. It wasn't bad, and Luna was overdue for a real post-Nightmare appearance, but I think they let a good idea go to waste by playing it too much for laughs (again). There was so much more we could have learned about her. How did she really become Nightmare Moon? How does she get along with Celestia now? I wanted to see her character fleshed out a lot more, but that would have meant a closer look at Celestia than the writers were willing to take. So yet again, this traces back to one extraordinarily problematic character. xD (Luna's mood swings and Pinkie's weirdness didn't help.)

Edited by TailsAlone

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Hmm... my least favorites?


The Ticket Master:

Well, I just got really bored throughout the whole episode. Twilight just running away from everybody for half the episode... was, well, annoying. And the fact that it was just about a item, and not really into a different kind of situation, also made it fairly dull. 


Sweet and Elite:

Sure, it was cute, but it also got boring to. The fact that Rarity was just being plain dull by reflecting over her mistakes was... ugh... GET ON WITH IT! I see why this series is all about friendship lessons, but please, but something exiting in some episodes! You gotta entertain the audience otherwise, they don't like it! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Too Many Pinkies was just annoying.

Now, I think pinkie is SUPER ADORABLE and I have always liked her obnoxious, clown like hilarity (even back in the g'3 days), but it just seemed like an a hyperactive child cramming sugar into their mouth's writing. Like if you look back to pinkie baby sitting, she was goofy and weird as usual, but she actually HAD TACT and tried to be a grown up for the baby ponies.....it feels like they erased any possibility for this trait to ever come back.

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aww why so much hate for the CMC?

i always think their episodes are fun and enjoyable enough, although i wouldn't rate the near the top either.

i have to say all the episodes are pretty good, the only one i didn't really care for MIGHT be the one with Owlicious and the Ponyville Confidential. i don't know why, but i just didn't like it.

Edited by crazitaco


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The Mysterious Mare Do Well.

Every time I hear about it or something I'm just like 'I forgot that existed'

It made little impact on me.


And Over A Barrel

I never liked it. 

Of course there are some good parts.  Very good parts.


  • Brohoof 1



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I was actually considering making a thread like this because I didn't know there was one already, glad i didn't, no need ro 2 of the same thread. Anyway on to business


I would have to say that my least favorite is The Ticket Master. Im sorry but when friends act like that it just pisses me off. I know they learned their lessons but still.

Why is it called Common Sense if it is not that common?


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I am going to say "Sleepless in Ponyville." Now I know a lot of people liked this episode and are already calling it the best episode, but I have some problems with it. First off the episode feels way to much like "Sisterhooves Social." Applejack making an event for her and Applebloom and the other CMC tagging along, but this time they invited Scootaloo.


Another thing is in Sisterhoves Social we at least find out a few things about Sweetie Bell. Like who their parents are and this she lives with them some where. In this episode we learn nothing new about Scootaloo. We don't know where she lives, who her parents, we don't know why she can't fly, we barley learn anything. All that is shown is more development between her and RD.


Finally after the Mare Do Well episode, we don't see Scootaloo obsessing over Rainbow Dash anymore. So I was hoping she would be at a point where she see that other ponies can just be as good as RD. I just feel it would be better for her.

  • Brohoof 1


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This old topic of mine is still up, huh? Well, I just need to say my opinions on this matter has changed recently...

Mine is any episode that centers around the CMC. (Call of the cutie, Cutie Pox, etc.)
I dont like the characters all that much, except Apple Bloom. It just doesn't appeal. I would rather see the main ponies. The only exception is Cutie Mark Chronicals. It involved more on the main 6.

Looking back, I wrote that post because I just like seeing the Mane 6 in the show, and not much of anyone else. But I've grown to equally like all 3 of the CMC, (Even though Apple Bloom is still my favorite.) and I watched all CMC episodes again, and I actually do like them alot rather than any other episode. Those kinds of episodes keep going strong with "One Bad Apple" and "Sleepless in Ponyville" at S3.




I also don't like "Suited for Sucess" and "Green isn't your color." Too much "Fashion" stuff...

That really made me sound like I hate everything girly xD


To tell ya the truth, I never saw both those episodes when I posted that, so... yeah, +1 for me! 

Even though I don't like those episodes too much, I still think they're alright. Nothin too special, but they're good.


Now, as for my least favorite for now, It's "Mare Do Well" my god, I really can't stand that episode, :(

  • Brohoof 2

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I don't hate any episode. The only episode I outright dislike is, predictably, The Mysterious Mare Do Well. I didn't really think Dash's bragging was out of character for her or that it went too far, but I did think the mane 6's handling of it went too far, and that just ruined the episode for me.


I'm also not a huge fan of Owl's Well That Ends Well or A Bird in the Hoof. There wasn't anything really wrong with them, they just felt kinda "meh".

  • Brohoof 1



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Id have to say Mysterious Mare Do Well. Because of how everyone but rainbow acted. 


Dear Princess Celestia


  today I learned that instead of taking my friend aside and talking with her, you should make an elaborate plan to trick and humiliate her. Be sure to brag about your feats surreptitiously and mock her as well. When she starts to doubt her own self worth you know your doing the right thing. 


Seriously there are only two ponies I really think who would pull the mare do well stunt. One of them is Pinkie Pie, and the other is Rainbow Dash( the one the prank is being pulled on). And the scene of them subtly bragging about their own feats as mare do well defeats the entire point of the lesson. People tend to say its Rainbow who was unlikable  in that episode but I think everyone else's behavior was worse.

  • Brohoof 10
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My personal rule is to beware any episode with the word Well in the title, so far that would seem to be the best indicator of an episode I won't enjoy.


You'd stay Well clear of them? Well, I think that they can be hidden Wells of character development, but perhaps I'm just not feeling Well.

  • Brohoof 1

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Wonderbolt Academy.


It just wasn't enjoyable for me. Pacing felt wierd, and Rainbow's overly confident personally was as jarring as ever. Then Lightning Dust comes along and has the same ego and one-dimensional personality as Season 1 Rainbow Dash cranked up to 11.


It wasn't necessarily bad, I just couldn't stand it, probably for the same reason I can't stand Rainbow Dash's episodes in Season 1. :mellow:

  • Brohoof 1

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I'll just join the "Mysterious Mare Do Well" Bandwagon, from the overexaggeration of Rainbow Dash's flaws to how out of character the rest were, everything about that episode left a bad taste in my mouth


and while I actually liked Owl's Well, I can see why people hate it so much, I wasn't much fond of Owlicious my self. God he has a stupid name

Edited by Megas75
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Party for one was not one of the episodes that I enjoyed all too much. I think some like to see Pinkie Pie go a little to the insane side but it was creepy to me.


I also didn't like the episode with Twilight and that owl of hers. The one with Spike on his quest to find other dragons was alright but I just thought it was okay. Not great.

  • Brohoof 2


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Some episodes may be slow, however, I love each episode! I can't choose!  :blink:

I see that almost everypony here has the same thoughts too :) Although I respect some ponies for their opinions because sometimes I find myself doing papers watching MLP FIM and an episode comes on I just feel I've watched too many times. Any other pony feel that way?

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  • 4 weeks later...



It's the only non-two-part episode with a resolution that left me feeling wholly unsatisfied (if I see the first part of any two-parter, I absolutely have to see the second part, so they get a pass). The ending normally makes up for most other episodes that are hard to sit through, and I wholly understand and accept the problem presented in this particular episode, but if only they solved the problem differently.


It's one of the very few episodes I actually had to read a fanfic to feel better about it. And none of those angsty fics that paint RD as a victim and any of her friends as intolerable jerks. In this regard, "No Hard Feelings" is my favorite.

Edited by immblueversion
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