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RAGE thread


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This is a thread to post things that make you RAGE. :3

I've got a long list, so be prepared.




.Girls who think that having sex makes them cool.

.Those giant, thick, black, fake "nerd" glasses.

.Girls who put those glasses on and say "ima nerd lol".

.Homophobic people.

.Religion/religious people.

.Duck face.

.Caked on makeup.

.Those over 30 year old women who dress like they're 20 or younger, hang out with their daughters and her friends, and cake on makeup like no tomorrow.

.People who say they're in love with someone after like, two days of dating.

.Skanks on fb.

.People who's every other word is a cuss word.

.People who take pictures of themselves doing drugs/drinking/smoking because they think it looks cool.

.People who make status updates saying they're gonna drink or get high.

.Attention whores.

.<insert name of someone on the forums>.


.People who think it's their duty to go round' correcting everyone.

.Know it all's.

.People who complain about their lives when they have an ipod, a car, a laptop, ect, and still live with their parents and have to do nothing all day.

.People who tell "life stories" but you can tell that they're fake.

.Most music now days.

.Fans of anything and everything.

.People who make MLP into everything, for example "Spiderpony!!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!" .... no.




There will most likely be more, of course.

But for now, this will do.

If you'd like to explain WHY the stuff makes you rage, feel free to do so.

  • Brohoof 5


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Things that make me rage


Listening to poetry

Writing poetry

Watching dancing





Dolan comic/fans

  • Brohoof 1


Legit signature made by Shift.

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Lets see....

-People who get things wrong.

-People who lie and make outrageous statements.

-People who think Plesiosaurs are dinosaurs.

-People who who refuse to listen to logic and facts just because something looks cooler than the other one and it did better/won in a movie.

-People who refuse to listen to logic outright.

-Utter morons.

-Almost everyone I go to school with.

-Those with horrible spelling.

-The fact I can't say "Absorb" right.

-My mother.

-Ignorant people.

-People who are immature.

-My other alter ego.





That too.


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Here it goes guys, be prepared:


- My job.

- My internet connection after some dumbass forgot to close the boxes for my DSL and telephone.

- My little brother at times.

- Losing.

- MTV. 90% of the shows suck ass.

- Annoying people on Facebook.

- My boss for not giving me a raise.

- Both Republicans and Democrats.

- Sadistic people who abuse their children or animals.

- Ignorance.

- My local cable that doesn't have The Hub.

- Being broke as a mofo.

- Not having a vehicle.


I'm glad I got that out of my system.

Edited by Deeмo
  • Brohoof 2




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Oooh, this is gonna be interesting.


~ Like you said, homo-phoebes

~ People that think they can just stomp all over people and get away with it

~ Liars

~ People that think they're better than everyone just because they have money

~ Idiots on Youtube.

~ The American government

~ Ignorance

~ Betrayers

~ People that act like they're smart but really have no idea what they're talking about.

~ People that can't accept that they're wrong.

~ Most of the human race



I can't think of much else right now.


But seriously, I get pissed off pretty easily.

  • Brohoof 2
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  • People who believe their opinion is greater than others.
  • People are who are too ignorant to see they are causing more harm than good.
  • People who believe they are better than everyone else.
  • People who mention someone they hate to random people they barely know.
  • People who in turn say they hate someone so much, but constantly talk about them.
  • Brohoof 5


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Oooh, this is gonna be interesting.


~ Like you said, homo-phoebes

~ People that think they can just stomp all over people and get away with it

~ Liars

~ People that think they're better than everyone just because they have money

~ Idiots on Youtube.

~ The American government

~ Ignorance

~ Betrayers

~ People that act like they're smart but really have no idea what they're talking about.

~ People that can't accept that they're wrong.

~ Most of the human race



I can't think of much else right now.


But seriously, I get pissed off pretty easily.


I've actually forgot about the American government. It's piss-poor at best. Nobody wants to support the morons who made this country a laughing stock of the entire world by spending our way to oblivion. Thank you for mentioning it.




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I've actually forgot about the American government. It's piss-poor at best. Nobody wants to support the morons who made this country a laughing stock of the entire world by spending our way to oblivion. Thank you for mentioning it.


No problem. The American government is the only reason I'm slightly ashamed to be American. It pisses me off so much. Unfortunately, I can't leave here so I have to deal with it. I swear, one day we're gonna spend so much our government will collapse.

  • Brohoof 1
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-Homophobes, especially the kind that hides behind religion.

-Additionally, the fact that same-sex marriage is even an issue.


I actually can't think of anything else that I would define as making me 'RAGE'. Aside from things in history... Like slavery, segregation, and sexism. I'm just glad I'm here in a country and time where that those issues are either gone or relatively minimal.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Video games i am not good at


Utter Morons,

People who are ignorant,

People who are VERY stubborn

People who use autistic or autism as a legitimate insult



People who are very arrogant


Stink bugs (most annoying bugs on Earth)

.... hmmm well there are plenty more things i dislike but those are really the things that can get me angry. i am usual very calm.


Oh yea and one more thing that makes me RAGE:

Most of Humanity. =/

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The fact that I actually feel the need to rage at the things people do and say.


Life is too short and important to spend your time thinking negatively of other people based on what they believe or the simple things they do.

  • Brohoof 1

I'm pretty cool. I think.


Also, new OC (it has a cutie mark this time!).

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-Console shooters




-The vain and the greedy


-Close-minded people (I don't care what your opinion is, as long as you're not going to stubbornly stick to it with no chance of seeing the issue from the other person's point of view)






-Westboro Baptist Church

  • Brohoof 1


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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  • Smiley faces in text messages, unless you are a female of course... ;)

  • When people use "lol", and then even more-so when people use lol after the end of a sentence or a question. like: "What color is the sky? lol" or "I ate hotdogs. lol"

  • Politics, self explanatory
  • Backstabbers
  • Anytime I see any of the following on Facebook: "My boyfriend/girlfriend is awesome/etc." "Boys/Girls are all the same", along with people who act tough on Facebook or Twitter... like... no one will take you seriously.
  • When people hand me stuff (more of a pet peeve), I usually get irritated and put it down ASAP
  • Console wars (PS3/360/Wii/PC)
  • Mirror Pictures
  • People who constantly want attention


"In the end it all comes down to just how far we can slide"

V Check out my Artwork at V

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-People who think Plesiosaurs are dinosaurs.

oh my god this! and people who think that taradykle(the flying prehistoric reptiles, however its spelled :/) were dinosaurs, DINOSAURS NEVER FLEW AND DIDNT LIVE IN THE OCEAN!!!


lets see, other things that set me off...


stupid people

people ignoring me

people not doing things i ask them to do

the people on the local news, who make corny jokes and think they are funny when they arnt

thats off the top of my head

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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- People who decide to do something around me (i.e.: smoking, sitting on/at the same bench/small table as me,) without asking whether or not I mind if they do it first.

- Crowds in general.

- Certain ways my body works.

- Games or events that are mostly or entirely luck-based.

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Lets see:


People who claim to be hardcore gamers, but only play CoD


People who name themselves gamers, and have never heard of Steam or Valve


Religious nuts




Most the people at my school, either hicks, rednecks, wannabe gangstas, or actual gangstas






Most TV nowadays


and my favorite:


Companies, clueless on the US falling behind in the worldwide education system, use it for the new fads and fashion topics for back to school, basically, school is now a place to show all the stuff you can afford, not a place of learning.


My area and most of the US in a nutshell.

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-Hercules was called Heracles damnit! HERACLES!

-Girls who like metal and think the world owes them something because of it. I'm fine with you liking metal, I do too, I'm not fine with you going around wanting attention because of it, many girls like metal, you are not special you attention whores >:/.

-Attention whores

-People drinking from the carton. No. Bad.

-Fox News

-People who think guitar hero skills are the same as skill playing a real guitar

-People who say swag in a serious way

-New Metallica

-Irish radio stations

-Pop music




-The fact that people expect me to have an interest in the Olympics, I don't


-Feminists who are blind to all the rights men don't have and the problems they have, men do actually have problems. I'm all for women's rights, but instead of feminists just wanting rights for women, they should want rights for EVERYONE, men included just like me (everyone is equal to me). They do not want equality, only women's rights and ignore men's problems completely. "Feminism is the idea we can have equality of the sexes by focusing solely on the issues of one of them". I don't know who said that, someone on the internet. Everyone deserves rights, not just men, not just women :).


Edited by Chill Mists (Chilly)
  • Brohoof 1


Brushing your hair is for people who care and someone who cares is not I, I'll jump off a bridge and then fill up your fridge,
and best pony is Fluttershy.


Her face is still blushing and she is still eating the pasta.


"on the internet;everyone are strong"- Guy on Youtube.

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What ticks me off the most are people who slack off at work. They wander around talking to people instead. It's like they have a job, even though millions in the U.S. don't, so they don't have to do anything but show the least effort. What's even worse is that I'm stuck picking up the slack because they're wandering around chatting it up. They do 1 thing while I'm stuck doing 5 things. And Because they're so chummy with the supervisors, the supervisors let it go.


It makes me sick.

  • Brohoof 2
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-being cold

-people who are overly dependent on others and don't have any concept of personal space and seclusion time

-certain people on the forums who annoy me, but I won't name names because I'm not an asshole

-people who diagnose themselves with mental disorders that they DON'T HAVE

-people who hate on any of the main characters

-overly negative and pessimistic people (this is probably the slightest bit hypocritical since I'm participating in this thread, but I'm not like this most of the time)

-people who take their education for granted

-mean people in general

Edited by spaghettinoodles
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people who picking on weak people

people who hate people based on a group and not on what they did (racists, homophobes and such)

people who cant see that they are annoying, and you cant tell them because theyll be hurt

stupid excuses

people who argue without using their common sense

people who are netrually tallented, doing things flawless, and then say that they wish they was talented

people who talk to positivly about themeself

and more T~T

  • Brohoof 1




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All of these are video game related :P (Mostly CoD)


-Noobtubers (Specifically O.M.A. Danger Close ones)


-Commando lungers


-Bad Spawns/Map Design (I'm looking at you, MW3 and Medal of Honor 2010)

-Overused weapons that are overpowered

-Overused stealth perks (Ghost, Assassin)


-Hackers (Fucking aimbotters)

-Fucking Second Chance/Last Stand



That's really it :P. I probably have some for real life, but since I mostly play video games, I don't exactly have much to talk about :lol:

Edited by akimBrony
  • Brohoof 1



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What ticks me off the most are people who slack off at work. They wander around talking to people instead. It's like they have a job, even though millions in the U.S. don't, so they don't have to do anything but show the least effort. What's even worse is that I'm stuck picking up the slack because they're wandering around chatting it up. They do 1 thing while I'm stuck doing 5 things. And Because they're so chummy with the supervisors, the supervisors let it go.


It makes me sick.


I see that FAR too much at my work. 100% agreed. Having to do other's work when they are just talking or standing around makes my blood boil.


Lazy people are the worst.


11/10 Would Rage again.

  • Brohoof 1

My signature broke


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