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RAGE thread


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Well lets see

Political parties




People who refuse to say their wrong

The American Music Industry after 2003

Disney Channel

Cartoon Network


The stupidity of the human race

How everyone thinks that everyone should be interested in major sporting events (Super Bowl, Olympics)


Annoying People

People who won't shut up

Girls that think getting pregnant makes them cool

People who think their better then other people

People who indirectly ask for compliments (does this dress make me look fat)

P30P13 Wh0 T@1k 1!k3 th!$

People who say Lol in conversations

People who can't tolerate others opinions

People who share those dumb pictures on Facebook

People who send me game requests

People who pretend to be your friend

People who think that life is a party


And there's plenty more, I just don't want to wright them.

  • Brohoof 1


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-Loud mouths

-Elitists, especially in music

-Getting unrecognized for work done


-Mid Tempo Thrash ALBUMS - I'm fine with mid tempo songs, but when it NEVER gets fast its just giving me the finger. =/

-Low quality music





-The idea behind if you're good at something/better at something than another guy, you're god

-People who can't handle some FUCKING swearing


-Rammstein fans (I REALLY hate rammstein fans)

-People who call me negative things because of what I like

-People who act ridiculously silly to the point where I don't want to speak to them

-PMVs. These two in particular.






-The brony community, sometimes

-Rammstein fans

  • Brohoof 1


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- People who think belligerence is a tool in debate

- People who hate because of a few bad eggs

- People who think they are better than others

- People who think that they are good at life because they are good at a video game


oh and this is a big one for me


- People who adamantly support some group but do nothing to help the cause...no offense...but the little yellow ribbon for military...yeah it doesn't make you some angel...it just means you have a yellow ribbon. It's the same thing as facebookers who post some support for a group...if it is that important...why not get out and do something to help instead of being a back seat supporter and claiming you really changed the world

  • Brohoof 2

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Note:It's impossible to love and tolerate everything in the world.So dont get butthurt.


*50% of the people on facebook,and America

*People that think they're smarter than everyone else,know everything,and think they're always right.

*People that dont show respect for others in public.

*little bugs

*People who shove it down your throat/be whining babies when you fail,or die in a video game.

*ESPECIALLY people that think everything looks like a dick or sex related.Makes people look gay themselves.




Edited by Flutter derp
  • Brohoof 4

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

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I should also mention that Yahoo News! comments either make me laugh from shear stupidity, or really make me angry from stupidity. THIS is one of those articles with comments that make me RAGE. Just look what a lot of people had to say on this article ---->http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nascar-from-the-marbles/ten-fans-affected-lightning-pocono-race-230516742--nascar.html

  • Brohoof 1



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Note:It's impossible to love and tolerate everything in the world.So dont get butthurt.



That's another thing I fucking hate. Bronies who put emphasis on the bullshit phrase that is Love and Tolerate! Stop enforcing it on others, unless you want the opposite effect to happen!!

  • Brohoof 4


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PS3 fanboys.


Alarm clocks.


Children. (I have to be nice to them every freakin' time one of the little demons orders a Happy Meal. They never talk loud enough, then get all pissy when their Double Cheeseburger with light onions, one and a half pickles, and exactly ten seeds on the bun doesn't come out exactly the way his or her majesty demanded. This isn't Burger King, you little beslubbering cockroach! Eat your damn burger the way it comes for everyone else! Personal rant over.)


Customers at McDonald's who create BS names for menu items, like "Daily Double" or "Biscuit Sausage".


Customers at McDonald's who order menu items like mongoloids: Customer- "I want a Bacon Egg and Cheese." Inside Cameron's head- "A Bacon Egg and Cheese what, you chode?!"


Customers at McDonald's who speak like they're trying to have a conversation with Solid Snake when he's on a mission: "I want a mcdfafssdfdsssssss..."


Customers at McDonald's who order their food faster than a minigun: "Iwannadoublecheeseburgerwithlettuceandnoonionsandiwantasmallfrywithnosaltandtwobigmacsholdthemacsauceandthreelargedrinks."


Customers at McDonald's who ask for their drink cups WHEN THEY CAN PLAINLY SEE I'M STILL PUTTING THEIR MONEY IN THE COUNTER!!! I just think to myself: "Did you just come here from Death Valley? Are you really that thirsty that two fucking seconds is just too long to wait? I'm busy, you impatient cretin! Let me finish this and then I'll get you your damn drink!"


Customers at McDonald's who order a combo AND ONLY AFTER I RING IT UP DO THEY SEE FIT TO TELL ME THEY WANTED IT LARGE!!!! Whenever they do that, I'd very much like to give them a tour of PC-POS (Appropriate name for the OS, isn't it? You'd know exactly what I mean if you've worked with it.) and show them how orders work. Maybe then, they'd actually help me help them and just tell me what they want!


When two managers at McDonald's give me two conflicting orders: Manager #1: "Stay at your register and don't move." Manager #2: "Go clean the lobby." Manager #1: "I thought I told you to stay at your register!" Manager #2: "The lobby is still dirty, go clean it up!" Cameron: "I CAN'T FUCKING DISOBEY BOTH OF YOU!!! WHO HAS SENIORITY HERE??!!"


*Person X*, one of the managers at McDonald's. She cracks these stupid jokes, gives absolutely no indication that they're in jest, and then tells me I have no sense of humor because I couldn't tell she was joking when she said she was going to stab me with a pen if I didn't give it back to her.


My computer.


My dog.


My body.


The fact that my Zippo never has any fluid in it when I need it.


The fact that I can never seem to do the Double Index Rollover with my butterfly knife.


Every video game I've ever owned.


The fact that my phone can't play music at concert-level volume.


The fact that racism and sexism only works one way.

Edited by HylianMadness
  • Brohoof 4

how even is otter and how can it be if

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-Small Children


-Foreigners that won't speak English in public to insult others

-Everyone in a Youtube forum that starts a war

-Howard Stern

-My 8th grade science teacher for not actually teaching

-Guys in my class who listen to music all period

-That moment when I listen to music during class my teacher goes ballistic.

-When people say on Facebook:"Autism makes people stupid, right?". (My sister has Autism,)

That's about it.

  • Brohoof 1

So many people are starting to forget Gordon Freeman.

Once he is forgotten, we shall fall.

Remember him like a boss.

Cause he was da best.

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The fact that racism and sexism only works one way.


This. All of this, I rage so so hard whenever I even think about this. And I'm a guy who hardly cares about anything.


Brushing your hair is for people who care and someone who cares is not I, I'll jump off a bridge and then fill up your fridge,
and best pony is Fluttershy.


Her face is still blushing and she is still eating the pasta.


"on the internet;everyone are strong"- Guy on Youtube.

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Insight Venture Partners... They can just die for what they are doing to Runescape. If I lived in New York I would shoot up the place...

Well that out of the way lets begin:

  • Homophobics
  • Hyprocrites
  • COD fanboys
  • COD
  • People that want me to be social
  • Strongly religous people
  • People who bring religon into government
  • Canadians...What are they even doing up there? (lol im joking, seriously just a joke)
  • People who feel like all they need to do is correct people
  • People who troll by saying "I did your mom" and other shit like that
  • people who swear way to much
  • People who dont understand teamwork
  • people that basicly are just terrible people is what im getting at
  • The super brony people who think they can just post mlp everywere, so when I say mlp people are all like "omg stfu you guys are annoying"
  • The people who seem to perfect
  • people who are complete well (Sparc Mac) like.. some things i just hate about him...
  • People who leech of "the system"
  • The other "Username Snipers" I like sniping them but when theres many others... it just gets hard..
  • thoose people that use completly perfect grammar and just does it for no reason, it is annoying, i dont know why
  • the people that make hige wall of text and expect me to read it all (even tho i do it alot)
  • Theives
  • Liars
  • People who dont understand gamers and think they are wasting their time, well they are wasting my xp
  • microtransaction
  • Dial up (all i know is, its slow)
  • lag
  • dying in games
  • yard work
  • not being able to spell a word and trying to figute out what it means but you cant spell it and you cant find out how to spell it beculause you cant spell it
  • trying to pronounce "Ardougne"
  • theese 'longest words iin the english dictonary' things
  • Dolan
  • failed memes
  • People who just st hate everyrhing (dont look at me)
  • when dawguard isnt out for ps3 but it is gor xbox360..
  • waiting for games to come out
  • trying to type on mobile (like right now)
  • when people actualy expect me to go back and spell check theese like now 2k characters)
  • ads in videos on youtube
  • VEVO
  • Paid programmingt
  • toddlars in tiars, just sad...
Thats all ican think of right now..


Edit: other stuff

  • Scientology
  • Pedos
  • Cloppers
  • When some famous guy like michal Jakson dies and its on the news for months, yet like 800,000 die in the Rwanda genocide and it gets like 2days of air time
Edited by Mare Do Well

This is a signature.

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Seriously, what is wrong with being a hypocrite? Even atheists who will deny anything being a ultimate "moral" view seem to view this as the ultimate evil. "Do what I say, not what I do?" What parent doesn't do that? And ultimately, isn't it motivated by love? Parents say, "I made this mistake growing up, and I would like to prevent you making the same mistake, so don't do what I did." And the response from the kids is usually "You did it, so why can't I? You hypocrite!"


News flash, people. We are ALL hypocrites. This is quite easily proven. Do you contribute to some worthy cause? If not, then I don't think you can deny that you are being selfish. So if you expect others to contribute to a cause when you don't, that makes you a hypocrite. If yes, then why? Usually, the answer is: that particular cause impacts me on an individual level. Like a parent who doesn't give a damn about say, leukemia, until his own child is diagnosed. Then he goes on campaigns, he becomes active, and he asks everyone around to support his cause. Do you feel contempt for this shallow, selfish person? You shouldn't. Because there are 20 thousand issues out there, and each one is equally important. And you cannot possibly support every cause. No human has those resources, not the Sultan of Brunei and not Bill Gates. How can one judge which cause to support? There is no independent criterion. The only deciding issue can be "Which one impacts me directly?" And once you find that one cause, you will be called a hypocrite for not supporting the causes that others have supported.


One final thought: Anyone who claims to have clarity is the most deluded person of all. I don't have clarity. I'm swimming through mud 9/10. And even the 10th time is pretty murky.

Edited by Full Spectrum

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


Signature by Midnightive

Check out my blog! https://mlpforums.com/blog/1083-sunny-side-den/

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-People who think guitar hero skills are the same as skill playing a real guitar


Haha, I'm an actual musician myself, and I totally agree. Granted I'm a keyboardist and not a guitarist, but I do have enough basic understanding of an instrument to notice the 200 millisecond lag between when you pluck the string and when it makes a sound. That stupid game said I had bad timing (always a bit late). Needless to say, I was not impressed. :P


So yeah, I guess you could say those "play in a band" games make me rage. :lol:

  • Brohoof 1
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My big brother

My big brother

My big brother

My big brother

My big brother

Selfish people

Raging gamers


People who hate the awesome power of the Violin


People who think they are always right

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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Attention whores

My friend is one of them, she cuts herself, and the next day she comes to me and says "Please don't hate me" and she pulls up her sleeve, and then she does the exact same thing to the rest of her friends -.- Not only that, but she claims to be a hipster, not even knowing what it means, and she says she likes Alternative/Classic Rock, when she only knows 2 songs from Bon Jovi, and not only that, but she claims to have Schizophrenia, when I've known her for 3 years -.-

Edited by Pinkazoid




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-Hypocrites. One of the worst ones being those guys who attack gay men viciously, then turn around and say it's fine for two girls to be gay, because it probably arouses them. Go all the way or not at all, a-holes.

-Overly honest people ('murderous honesty') who end up hurting others' feelings, and not giving a shit.

-Copiers. 'Copying is the sincerest form of flattery'? No. I call bullshit. My sister copies everything I do and it drives me up a wall.

-Loud chewing. SHUT UP AND STOP BEING SO LOUD. There is zero reason you need to smack your lips or make any loud noises, past what the food naturally makes in your CLOSED mouth. IT MAKES ME WANT TO PUNCH YOU.

-Homophobes. Gay people have nothing to do with you whatsoever, so stop whining about how they're this that and the other thing, and how that marriage is somehow threatened, and get over it.

-Grimdark, gore and any other fanfics that take characters and grind their personalities in a blender, just because they want to kill off people and make things dark.

-Babies. How in the hell are they cute? They cry, poop and cry some more.

-Your opinion isn't fact. Go away.

-The way our 'social worker' system works. The system works under an off-hands positive viewpoint, basically meaning no matter how 'bad' things are, family therapy and whatnot can magically fix it all. HAHAHAHAHA, no. The amount of twisted people out there who should never have had kids, who do, is disgusting. It's true that most of these can be improved with enough therapy and whatnot, but there's plenty of nutcases who just aren't fit to be parents, who never will be, and who should not be allowed to keep their kids, period. They treat their kids like property, not human beings.


*My mom worked in a school for disturbed kids for twenty years, who are often abused or whatnot by their parents, so after having heard about the horror stories from her for that long (which in the end is why she quit), I have no tolerance for bad parents.

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
  • Brohoof 1


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- Chewing with open mouth and then looking at you as they speak as well.

- Slow, overpriced internet. Especially when you are told you can get the plan of your choice (not in writing, of course) then 'surprise!' you can only get wireless. I mean it is 2012 - you would think someone could have installed a simple copper wire by now.

Edited by Hat988
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Skinny jeans being the only pants I can find in my size. And sagging. That's all I can think of right now...........

Forget Celestia and her Friendship Reign, come have some real fun with Discord on the Nonsense Train

Join the Legion of Anarchy, and take up the flag of Discord here on MLPForums~

> The Legion of Anarchy <

OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lightning-flicker-r1268

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-Girls who say they like videogames for attention from guys when they can't even tell Mario apart from Luigi. It SERIOUSLY pisses me off. (not because I'm jealous, it's just the sheer stupidity of it)

-Spoiled brats.

-Bitchy girls.

-Immature guys.

-Two-faced people.

-Almost everyone in my school.

-ppl whu typ lik this on fb lol)

-People on facebook in general.



-People who say they're goths and act super happy.

-... people in general, I guess.

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  • 3 weeks later...


-Loud mouths

-Elitists, especially in music

-Getting unrecognized for work done


-Mid Tempo Thrash ALBUMS - I'm fine with mid tempo songs, but when it NEVER gets fast its just giving me the finger. =/

-Low quality music





-The idea behind if you're good at something/better at something than another guy, you're god

-People who can't handle some FUCKING swearing


-Rammstein fans (I REALLY hate rammstein fans)

-People who call me negative things because of what I like

-People who act ridiculously silly to the point where I don't want to speak to them

-PMVs. These two in particular.





-The brony community, sometimes

-Rammstein fans


Gosh... Lol quite a list. What's so bad about Rammstein fans? Lol

 "We are all in the gutter, but some of are looking at the stars" ~ Oscar Wilide


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>ignorant haters

>stale pop

>being poor

>hair not staying how I like it

>not being satisfied with my drawdering skills

>alicorn ocs


that's pretty much it, I'm normally a calm and quiet guy

Edited by Franksta
  • Brohoof 2
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Gosh... Lol quite a list. What's so bad about Rammstein fans? Lol


To be quite honest, I don't hate all of them, just the ones who think "Lyrics that aren't in English = Best Band Ever". I lose my shit on the inside because of ignorance like that.


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To be quite honest, I don't hate all of them, just the ones who think "Lyrics that aren't in English = Best Band Ever". I lose my shit on the inside because of ignorance like that.


Oh my gosh, I know what you mean lol I am a huge rammstein fan... Like I have all their works 100% and merchandise (it's sad haha). Then I see these "fans"...."singing" their songs at school.. Mispronouncing the words, no idea what the lyrics are etc I walk up to them and explain what the song is about and they think I am lying lol I wanted to scream. I hate people like that hahaha


Also people who think they speak German because they can roughly sing a song by them...it's like...BUCK!!!

  • Brohoof 1

 "We are all in the gutter, but some of are looking at the stars" ~ Oscar Wilide


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Oh my gosh, I know what you mean lol I am a huge rammstein fan... Like I have all their works 100% and merchandise (it's sad haha). Then I see these "fans"...."singing" their songs at school.. Mispronouncing the words, no idea what the lyrics are etc I walk up to them and explain what the song is about and they think I am lying lol I wanted to scream. I hate people like that hahaha


Christ that's just as bad! I know I'm not the best at pronounciation, even with english, but at least people should know what they're doing if they're gonna do it.


Also people who think they speak German because they can roughly sing a song by them...it's like...BUCK!!!


That's just insulting.


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Christ that's just as bad! I know I'm not the best at pronounciation, even with english, but at least people should know what they're doing if they're gonna do it.




That's just insulting.


It is... It is just horrid lol. It almost makes me embarrassed to say I am a Rammstein fan incase people think I am like those people lol.
  • Brohoof 1

 "We are all in the gutter, but some of are looking at the stars" ~ Oscar Wilide


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