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Was anyone bullied/harassed for being a brony?


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‘Twas a very awkward moment when my teammates first rounded the corner right as I was stuffing a truckload of mlp merc (another brony got me) in my back-pack. Well f**k was my initial reaction. And they annoyed the crap outta me for a few days…till I stood up a gave them a stern speech about being yourself even in the mist of adversity.


Eventually it wore away when they saw I was pretty serious about the stuff and unyielding. Today, we even hold casual conversations about the main characters.


However, that was not my real problem. My real fault was keeping myself from bullying bullies who were picking some other brony. I had a short fuse back then. But now, when I encounter someone I explain the show and the fandom a little bit and they walk away intrigued and willing to give it a try. Many bronies were made. Many.

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Never been bullied, mainly because I'm an adult and don't usually talk to kids I guess. In fact, I think I got a few people interested in MLP. Although I have one friend who really hates anything remotely girly, and I told him about MLP and he doesn't care for MLP (although he's never seen a single episode of FiM I'm guessing). Maybe I should show him Cupcakes.

Edited by Jason Caternolo
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I've been harassed about it for so long you don't even know. http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png

3 Girls came up to me and screamed "MY LITTLE PONIES!" and keep telling me to sing the damn theme song.

Everytime I walk in the hallway they say: "HEY IT'S MY LITTLE PONY!"

The guys were so ignorant, they printed out a "fluttershy doesn't approve" picture, wrote "KYLE IS A GAY FAG WHO LIKE PONIES!!!" on it and passed it around the classroom.

The teacher doesn't see ANYTHING so they decided to be disgusting and spit on the picture and throw it at me.

On the outside I just sat there, but on the inside I was raging so hard.

After school this one guy just pushed me to far and kicked me and said "FAGGOT!"

I beat him up. I didn't want to, but my rage said "JUST KICK HIS ASS!"

I still feel bad about it... ;_;

Edited by I Sarcasm I
  • Brohoof 2


Feld0 spelled backwards is illuminati


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I don't get bullied or beaten up or even hassled about it. Because I tend to keep everything on the DL when it comes to Friendship Is Magic. Outside the house I don't wear Pony shirts, I don't talk about it constantly and 90 percent of the people I know don't even know I like the show. Basically the only people who know are my parents and the people who look over my shoulder and see a FIM cartoon on or look at my I pod wallpaper. Other then that I tend to keep real chill about it unless I see someone who I think is a Brony as well then if I can I'll go into full Brony mode.


The people who do know are pretty chill about it. Some laugh and then I never hear another word about it. But most are like "Hey, that's not really what I'm into, but if you're happy watching it that's all that matters" .

Edited by RainbowDashFan

Facebook: Josh B.

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I've had to deal with someone in my videography class who will not shut up about how I'm "gay" and "like penis". To make matters worse, my best friends called bronies "gay faggots" today after finding out I'm one, implying they think I'm one too. Seriously, why are people so dense sometimes?

Edited by whoovesfan7698
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Thing is i can't really be called gay about it because i am anyway so jokes on them and the people that have seen my phone or my ipod wallpaper havent really been that bothered heck i even made my non brony freind an OC and he thought it was awesome



Don’t pretend I think you know I'm damn precious

And Hell Yeah I'm a motherf***ing princess


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  • 2 weeks later...

This one fat guy in my P.E. class keeps calling me and inanimate objects that I own gay, but I know from hearing what he laughs at that I am better than him. I don't think he is aware that mainly grown men watch MLP.

  • Brohoof 1

My main OCs:           Previously known as:

Azure Scythe             Thatoneguy42

Strafe Run                 Azure Scythe

Angela Audiophile   Azurepony4269

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A friend of mine likes to make fun of me for being a brony, but I also make fun of him for his catgirl obsession, so it's a two way friendly battle of insults.


I also occasionally call my brother a fag for watching FiM as a joke.


Really, from my experience, 99% of mature people can care less, at worst giving a "that's kind of weird" line.


By the way, inner critic speaking here but seriously using the word fag as an insult is nothing more than a sign of immaturity and possibly stupidity. I say stupidity only because that punk clearly couldn't come up with a better insult. Also to judge someone based on something as harmless as liking a weird show shows insecurity on the punk's side.


Just ignore him, he'll either grow up or get his ass kicked someday.

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Nope never been bullied for liking ponies. I've only ever gotten complements when they find out. Now my part of the campus is mainly culinary students and I'm in the art program doing wood working so I highly doubt anyone of them would mess with a guy in steel toe boots, covered in sawdust, carrying power tools and wearing a pony shirt.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm not really bullied for being a brony. But since the day i explained i was a Brony my friends and people have been acting all different to me. It feels so annoying and i'm starting to feel sad about it cause i was bullied in my last school (For different reasons that i rather not to talk about). Cause all of my friends have been keeping more distance from me and stuff. I really feel sad for it :(


They're not your real friends, you should just completely excommunicate them and find new friends.I think that people should just retaliate by secretly destroying the bully's rep or even going further if you can get away with it.


I'm a closet brony here coz it's punishable by death in my country but I won't just keep being stepped on, I'll start a coup, lobby foreign powers to invade/place sanctions or use propaganda to encourage mass immigration to change the culture when I get the opportunity.(of course it's more than just ponies.religious apartheid, encouraged pedophilia, terrorism, genocide of jews, etc)


There are always ways to fight back whether it's an individual bully, an organization or government.The worse thing you can do is letting them get away with it, it is your duty to completely destroy them whether it be literal or just their reputation and spirit.

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I've never been bullied about ponies before, and I wear pony shirts all the time. A few people call me gay, but i couldn't care less. But that could be because i am a lot bigger than most of the other people my age.

Signature? Naw. Thats too mane stream.

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Only happened once. I was in the middle of Economics class, when a kid sees my awesome Fluttershy background. She snorted and said "OMG you watch My Little Pony, isn't that show for like, 10 year olds?" Then everyone starts laughing in the class. It was pretty loud because it's a class of 40.


Then out of nowhere, this big buff dude who looks like he weighs 250 pounds stands up, unzips his hoodie to reveal a Pinkie Pie shirt, and says: "You laugh at him, you laugh at me." The room went dead silent.


Best. Day. Ever.

Edited by Urdnot Shepard
  • Brohoof 7
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Never, the worst I got was some guy who "complimented" on my Pony shirt in the most sarcastic way while I was attending a con at a hotel. All my non brony friends are surprisingly tolerant since they're mostly nerds like myself. One guy gives me a little guff for it but he should soon see the error of his ways since one of my brony friends is plotting make him watch the show. Either he'll become a Brony, gives me less crap once he understands it's appeal, or find new ways annoy me.

Edited by brian577
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I've never been insulted about ponys when I wear my pinkie pie shirt or my derpy shirt. Only thing that comes close to an insult i've gotten is "Why are you wearing pink?" When I wore Pinkie Pie,but thats really not an insult. My friends don't really care,and that's surprising,since some people would consider I hang out with a "Bad Crowd".





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They're not your real friends, you should just completely excommunicate them and find new friends.I think that people should just retaliate by secretly destroying the bully's rep or even going further if you can get away with it.


I'm a closet brony here coz it's punishable by death in my country but I won't just keep being stepped on, I'll start a coup, lobby foreign powers to invade/place sanctions or use propaganda to encourage mass immigration to change the culture when I get the opportunity.(of course it's more than just ponies.religious apartheid, encouraged pedophilia, terrorism, genocide of jews, etc)


There are always ways to fight back whether it's an individual bully, an organization or government.The worse thing you can do is letting them get away with it, it is your duty to completely destroy them whether it be literal or just their reputation and spirit.


Well, everything is solved now. I explained everything extremely detailed for them and i even think i made my friend a little of a closet brony xD. And that really is fun! But thank you :)

And one really funny thing is that a guy in my class is like "Guh! MLP Is so gay!" "You should stop watching that!"

Though he is a really big Brony himself and he must be watching like 4-5 episodes everyday! xD

Edited by Rain Dance

This Amazing Signature Made By Miss Cloud Chaser. Judge my English and get Hell all brought over ya!

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I'm a closet brony here coz it's punishable by death in my country but I won't just keep being stepped on, I'll start a coup, lobby foreign powers to invade/place sanctions or use propaganda to encourage mass immigration to change the culture when I get the opportunity.(of course it's more than just ponies.religious apartheid, encouraged pedophilia, terrorism, genocide of jews, etc)


There are always ways to fight back whether it's an individual bully, an organization or government.The worse thing you can do is letting them get away with it, it is your duty to completely destroy them whether it be literal or just their reputation and spirit.


>being a Brony is punishable by death D:


Well fuck. If you don't mind me asking, what country is that? That is simply insanity!

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>being a Brony is punishable by death D:


Well fuck. If you don't mind me asking, what country is that? That is simply insanity!


The country where Barack Obama grew up in - Indonesia


I'd show you videos uploaded by the main terrorist organization themselves showing them murdering religious minorities but there might be younger viewers here.Basically you need to be endorsed by the terrorist organization to ever win an election for any office so it's like america and the KKK in the 1900-1950s.


They ban science books, mlp, any non pirate software with the exception of Microsoft and blizzard products, atheism, chess clubs, freedom of religion, etc.

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The worst that has happened to me was I made friends with the anti-bronies, and we understand each other. They don't pick on me (anymore), and I don't go all crazy with the show on them. I do wear my shirts, but I'm always wearing a sweater anyway, even when I'm not wearing MLP shirts, so I just have to cover up my shirt a little bit more when I'm around them, and we get along just fine.


That's also, sadly, what you have to expect from anyone foreign to this wonderful community. I've been told worse, but later made friends with them. I respect their opinions, but just as long as they understand mine. Just don't go all "RAINBOW DASH IZZ BEST PONEEEEE!!!!1!!z0r!!1!" to them, and you should be fine. :)

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Oh yes. I'm called 'gay' pretty much daily. Same thing with 'pedophile' and 'odd'. But I can take it, because I know that they're just messing with me.

#1 Asuka fanboy.  

Signature created by Thunder Bolt.


Former names:   Dash Is Best Pony, TrixieLover97, and Twilightlicious 666

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When school was still in in art class two people next to me were having a conversation, and I couldn't help but over-hear one of them say "I'm not a brony". I got excited and turned to him and said "BRONIES?!?!?!?!". He then looked at me like I was crazy, so I then got quiet. Two days later in art class again I wore my shirt that said "brony" (because why not?). The two boys then said "you're a brony?", I shook my head yes, smiled and blushed (I was excited xD). Then they both looked at each other and chuckled, they then said "okay". I wasn't thinking straight at the time so I ignored it. then next week in art class again I wore a different MLP related T-shirt. So I sat down and in the middle of class I guess I weirded them out (I'm a weird person c:) and then one said "You perverted pony humping faggot". On the outside I acted like it was a playful insult and laughed it off, but inside I was crying.


Has anyone had similar experiences? If so, share them!


Oh yes, I have had so many different experiences.

People at my school know I'm a brony, and they're fine with it. There's tons of bronies as my school.

However, the only t-shirts and jackets I wear have Fluttershy on them, and I carry my books and iPad in a Fluttershy bag. At first they just simply thought that my favorite was Fluttershy. But, I told one of my friends that I was in love with Fluttershy, and that I have sexual feelings for her, because we're just alike. I still do have feelings for her. Somehow, what I told my friend got around to everyone else at my school, and since then, the tormenting hasn't stopped(it still goes on up to even today). It got so bad to the point of which a few guys who constantly made fun of me for it followed me home... They watched me from my window having intercourse with one of my Fluttershy plushies... Within one day, the entire school knew what I do every week. At that point, it got so bad, I couldn't take it...

I ordered a bottle of euthinization pills, and told my friend I was sorry, and that I was going to commit suicide...

Before I could, however, he changed my mind for a little bit.

But still, the tormenting didn't stop. I told myself I was finally going to do it... Although this attempt would fail too. I talked to an a online friend of mine/my future roomie about my problems. Bloderz helped me pull through. She told me not everyone was like this, not everyone out there is rude and insensitive.

Somehow, the news of my suicide attempts reached the principal and school conselors. Ever since then, I haven't been bothered much. But as I've said, some people still pick on me today, but it's not as bad as it used to be.

Don't give up hope. I know how you feel, plus worse. I know there's tons of brony haters out there, but even more people that hate me and think I'm sick just because I LOVE Fluttershy with all my heart.

But then, there's also people who like you for who you ARE, not what you LIKE or are attracted to.

You've got your brony friends right here, no need to worry about those meanies...


I can't defend myself, nor push myself to even try, so of course I took crazy actions. But there's people out there who will defend you. Pull you up from the ground. Pat you on the back, and hand you a tissue when you're going to cry...

  • Brohoof 4

Meow :3

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TBH, I'm not entirely sure if you're trolling or not, especially when you got to the part about "having intercourse." If not, then I apologize.


Your devotion to your favorite character is admirable, but it was a pretty bad idea to let anybody know your feelings for Fluttershy. Yeah, I know--be yourself, right? Nope, the sad truth in this world is that not everyone's willing to accept or even tolerate others. Individualism sounds great, but people are cruel. Especially school-age kids.


You don't deserve this, my friend. I can't say I can relate to your experiences, but I do sympathize. There's a valuable lesson to be learned here:


People are dicks.

Edited by Aquila
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TBH, I'm not entirely sure if you're trolling or not, especially when you got to the part about "having intercourse." If not, then I apologize.


Your devotion to your favorite character is admirable, but it was a pretty bad idea to let anybody know your feelings for Fluttershy. Yeah, I know--be yourself, right? Nope, the sad truth in this world is that not everyone's willing to accept or even tolerate others. Individualism sounds great, but people are cruel. Especially school-age kids.


You don't deserve this, my friend. I can't say I can relate to your experiences, but I do sympathize. There's a valuable lesson to be learned here:


People are dicks.


It's not nice to troll. No, I wasn't trolling. I was getting a message across. Sure, some people are mean. But not all of them. Not all of them are the way you make them out to be.

Meow :3

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