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Tom The Diamond

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I never thought that I would find a Pokemon Thread like this. Anyway My First Pokemon Game I ever had was Pokemon Stadium 1, but There's too much Struggling in the game even though if I don't have Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow. After Getting this game back from my friend, I had to re-work all that effort to R-2, but Thanks to my strategy and knowledge skills, I was able to get through R-1 once again.


Back in my Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Fire Red, and Leaf Green Days, I lost my Ruby Version to a former friend for some reason and then never returned it to me so instead I Had to Borrow Leaf Green from my Friend Temporarily till I get Ruby Version Back or Replace It so I took a choice of replacing my old Ruby Version into Emerald Version. I used to battle a Friend, but his pokemon weren't even trained or EV trained properly and not to mention that he doesn't have good coverage so I just Beat him with my own team.


In Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, I never used any other pokemon, but 3 of my top pokemon which was Espeon, Mareep Family, and Spheal Family and I kept them in the party till citadark isle so I placed in Altaria in the party while the rest of my pokemon were in the Purification Chamber. I did the same on my 2nd playthrough, but This time, I came in unprepared for the final battle because 2-3 of my pokemon fainted and I didn't get the chance to recover


In my Pokemon Diamond Days, I started out with Piplup and didn't evolve it all the way through the story and Elite 4 so I had a team planned out and kept myself well stocked. When I needed Ground Type for the Final Gym, I decided to have a Turtwig Family from a Friend which it happened to have a Japanese Name and got from a Trade. As for Elite 4, I did well and then when it comes to buying time to recover my pokemon, I used Dialga. When I Battling Lucian and his Bronzong, I used Dialga to Burn all of his Moves while buying the time to recover my Pokemon. My Team for clearing the game the 1st was Piplup, Staraptor, Dialga, Pachirisu, Torterra, and Buizel (well I kinda left it in the Party for Waterfall). One Day when I was Battling the same Friend who I happened to battle back in my Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Fire Red, and Leaf Green Days, He brought out his Best pokemon while I have some pokemon he couldn't get so I brought out my best pokemon.


I'm not much of a Competitive Battler except for 1 and only Friend, but We used to battle back in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Versions and now Pokemon Black and White Versions.


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I don't think I've played anything after FR/LG (except maybe Emerald and Diamond about once or twice), and from the few new Pokemon I've seen in Black/White, I don't think I'd like it... well, maybe the graphics, but as far as the Pokemon go, I dunno.


The first one I played was either Red or Blue. My older brother always got me and my brothers to train his Pokemon and stuff lol


No idea what my favourite Pokemon is... probably one of the 151 originals.


Or mudkipz. so i herd u liek dem

Edited by TARDIS


Totally Awesome Rectangle Designed In Style


You may know me elsewhere as DXIndustriesInc or Dxthegod

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  • 2 weeks later...

Blargh I had a big long thing about Choice Band, started on Specs, then shenanigans happened and I lost it all :(


Nonetheless, I shall persist, @@AntiDentite, I shall persist!


Note for all Choice items: they require the holder to switch quite a bit to be very effective, so resistance to hazard damage is especially good to have. Regardless, hazard-weak Choiced Pokemon can still work with Magic Bounce/Rapid Spin/Wish support.



Effects: raises holder's Attack stat by 1.5x (equivalent of a +1 Attack boost, but doesn't stack, i.e. a +1 CB Pokemon will have x2.25 Atk instead of x2; this is only really applicable for Guts Pokemon, but it's nice to know) at the cost of locking the Pokemon into one move until it switches out


Introduced in Gen III, the Choice Band might at first seem to be more a hindrance than a help; after all, switching moves is a great and convenient thing to be able to do. Despite this, Banded Pokemon have been quite commonly used competitively ever since its introduction as an item. The immediate power it gave to the holder proved its worth, as it often allowed certain physical attackers to bypass Pokemon that could otherwise switch in safely. For Choice Banders, it's less about sweeping through teams than it is about clearing the way for another Pokemon to clean up. Once physical walls such as Skarmory are removed, physical sweepers should have little problem with whatever remains, and vice versa. It's worth noting that different Pokemon lure out different walls, so your team should capitalize on what your Choice Bander is able to power its way past.


Given the effects of the item, it should be fairly obvious that the Pokemon that utilize the Choice Band the best are those with strong physical attacks. That's the only real prerequisite to effectively use the Choice Band, and as you'll see, there is a large amount of variety with the common CBers. Some use it to juice up their priority moves (Extremespeed, Mach Punch, Bullet Punch, Aqua Jet, etc.), and as such make fairly effective revenge killers. Some like to spam a STAB move or two of incredible power, some of which can be boosted by the weather to become even stronger (V-create, Outrage, Close Combat, Stone Edge, etc.). Some are bulky and slow (Tyranitar, Azumarill, Scizor, etc.), others are faster (Victini, Terrakion, Infernape, etc.). Really, the only thing in common with all effective CBers is that the Choice Band gives them what they need: power without setup. Setup moves have become increasingly difficult to use, and it's often more convenient to slap a Choice item on a Pokemon and go to town rather than create an opportunity to use Swords Dance, for example. Choice Banders that you may see nowadays include, but are not limited to, the following:


Tyranitar @ Choice Band, Adamant, Sand Stream, 156 HP / 252 Atk / 100 Spe

Stone Edge | Crunch | Superpower | Pursuit


What better way to win the weather war than to smash everything that tries to switch into you? As an added bonus, Pursuit can trap-kill fleeing Special Attackers that you can easily switch into with your 100/110/100 base defenses and sandstorm-boosted SDef.


Scizor @ Choice Band, Adamant, Technician, 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Spe

Bullet Punch | U-turn | Superpower | Pursuit


For a long time, Scizor was the epitome of powerful Banded priority. U-turn gets you away from anything that could come in safely while dealing damage, and Superpower helps a lot against Heatran and Magnezone. Pursuit is, in this case, great for trapping Lati@s, as you resist the powerful Dragon moves they will inevitably use.


Breloom @ Choice Band, Adamant/Jolly, Technician, 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spe

Bullet Seed | Mach Punch | Low Sweep | Stone Edge/Spore


Scizor suddenly has some great competition. Bullet Seed is obscenely powerful, maxing out at 187.5 power even before STAB. Tech Low Sweep lets you outspeed and 2HKO some nifty things on the switch. Locking yourself into a non-damaging move isn't oft-recommended, but it's hard to say no to Spore.


Victini @ Choice Band, Adamant/Jolly, Victory Star, 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spe

V-create | Fusion Bolt | Brick Break | U-turn


If you're in sun, you should almost exclusively be using V-create. If not, you should still use it pretty much all the time, it's that strong. FBolt helps agains Politoed and Slowbro, Brick Break against Heatran and Tyranitar, and U-turn is nice if you're not sure what's gonna try to take a V-create.


Dragonite @ Choice Band, Adamant, Multiscale, 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe

Outrage | Fire Punch/Aqua Tail | Earthquake/Superpower | Extremespeed


Only Steels could hope to take that Outrage easily, and they're dealt with by your choice of coverage moves. Only go with Aqua Tail on a rain team, and EQ/SP is your choice really. Extremespeed is great for killing really fast and/or boosted things.


I'll leave some for you guys too ;)



Effects: raises holder's Special Attack stat by 1.5x (equivalent of a +1 Special Attack boost, but doesn't stack, i.e. a +1 CS Pokemon will have x2.25 SAtk instead of x2; this is only really applicable for random stuff like Specs Gastrodon, but it's nice to know) at the cost of locking the Pokemon into one move until it switches out


Along with Gen IV came two new Choice items, one of which was (were?) the Choice Specs. They're essentially a special counterpart to the Choice Band in every way imaginable, although the special end of the attacking spectrum does have some key differences that warrant explanation. You're still going to be putting these on things with very powerful special moves to abuse, but special priority is much rarer than the physical sort; in fact, the only special priority move is the poorly-distributed Vacuum Wave. Also, while special moves are generally more powerful than their physical counterparts, there exist more sturdy special walls to take those moves - Blissey and Chansey remain capable of absorbing absolutely hideous amounts of special damage and healing it all off with Softboiled or Wish, although they are becoming more easily defeated as time goes on. One of the primary methods special attackers have of bypassing defensive walls is Trick (more specifically, Tricking a Choice item), which very few physical attackers have access to. Special attackers also have the distinction of being able to go pseudo-mixed by virtue of Psyshock and Secret Sword. Everything else remains very similar to what's been said about Choice Banders: there's a fair amount of variety. As before, Choice Specsers (is this an actual colloquialism?) that you may see nowadays include, but are not limited to, the following:


Politoed @ Choice Specs, Timid/Modest, Drizzle, 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spe

Hydro Pump | Ice Beam | Focus Blast | Hidden Power [Grass]/Surf


This operates on a similar principle to the aforementioned Tyranitar. Rain-boosted Hydro Pump even has a chance to 2HKO some Blissey after some hazard damage. The HP Grass/Surf thing is fairly trivial, as neither will get used much. HP Grass is for those who fear Gastrodon, Surf is a more reliable STAB. They sheer power of Hydro Pump really is necessary, though.


Heatran @ Choice Specs, Modest/Timid, Flash Fire, 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spe

Fire Blast/Magma Storm | Earth Power | Dragon Pulse/Hidden Power [ice] | Hidden Power [Grass]/Flamethrower


I love you SpecsTran. Flash Fire Specs sun-boosted STAB Fire Blast is ludicrous, getting a guaranteed 2HKO against ChestoRest Kingdra (which 4x resists Fire, mind you). Earth Power is mainly for Ttar and other Heatran, whereas Dragon Pulse or HP Ice does work on Dragons regardless of weather. HP Grass hurts Politoed and Gastrodon, but Flamethrower is reliable, bluh bluh.


Latios @ Choice Specs, Timid, Levitate, 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spe

Draco Meteor | Surf | Hidden Power [Fire]/Psyshock | Trick


I could put a few Specs DM-spammers, but I think one will suffice. Draco Meteor murders anything that isn't SDef Jirachi, Heatran, Blissey, Chansey, or some other special wall or Steel type, and Surf helps with Heatran. HP Fire KOs Scizor and hurts Jirachi, but Psyshock is a solid offensive option against Blissey and Chansey. TrickSpecs is the less offensive, but equally as effective, way of dealing with walls.


Tornadus-Therian @ Choice Specs, Timid, Regenerator, 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spe

Hurricane | Focus Blast | U-turn/Hidden Power [ice]/Heat Wave | Sleep Talk/U-turn


Use in rain. Hurricane becomes a powerful move with no actual downsides. Focus Blast takes down Steels and Rocks, the only common things that resist Flying. U-turn is pretty great no matter what, but HP Ice can help against Thundurus-T. Heat Wave is there because Jirachi. Sleep Talk makes you a pretty decent Breloom counter. Regen is wonderful for mitigating Stealth Rock damage.


Keldeo @ Choice Specs, Timid, Justified, 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spe

Hydro Pump | Secret Sword | Icy Wind | Hidden Power [Electric]/Surf


I feel obligated to mention Keldeo, since I brought up Secret Sword earlier. It's basically a pseudo-mixed, mainly special Terrakion in that it can spam its STABs and not really care. Icy Wind is for Lati@s and Celebi/Amoonguss, HP Electric is for Gyarados and Jellicent. Everything else eats your STAB.


As before, you guys are free to bring up anything else or discuss what's here, because this sure isn't everything.



Effects: raises holder's Speed stat by 1.5x (equivalent of a +1 Speed boost, but doesn't stack, i.e. a +1 CS Pokemon will have x2.25 Spe instead of x2; this isn't really applicable for much at all, but it's nice to know) at the cost of locking the Pokemon into one move until it switches out


Also introduced in Gen IV, the Choice Scarf is typically used quite differently than the other Choice items. Rather than as a tool to bust through particularly sturdy opponents, it became an integral tool used widely on revenge killers; the immediate Speed boost allowed for a new way to deal with Speed-boosting sweepers and fast Pokemon in general. However, given that it does not augment power in any way, the most effective users are those that don't need power increases to function effectively. In fact, one of the main ways in which Choice Scarf users will let you down is if they lock themselves into a sufficiently weak move so that the opponent can get a free turn or two. Relying on Choice Scarfers can be tricky, since those free turns can make a big difference in the long run. TrickScarf is a thing, very much like TrickSpecs and has a lot of the same users (Rotom-W, Latios, etc.). Scarfed sweepers aren't particularly common, but they do exist and usually have Moxie as an ability for snowball sweeps. As before, Choice Scarfers that you may see nowadays include, but are not limited to, the following:


Salamence @ Choice Scarf, Naive, Moxie, 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spe

Outrage | Earthquake | Fire Blast | Dragon Claw


The premier Scarf-Moxie sweeper, and really effective in the absence of enemy Steels. After one kill, it's real hard to stop this dude. Dragon Claw is only there to get some hits in without locking yourself into Outrage for 2-3 turns if you're not too confident as to what your opponent will do.


Rotom-Wash @ Choice Scarf, Timid, Levitate, 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spe

Volt Switch | Hydro Pump | Hidden Power [ice/Fire] | Trick


Fast and fairly powerful, the real kicker here is Volt Switch, which lets you escape potentially tricky scenarios. Trick can be cool for screwing over some more defensive answers to you.


Landorus-Incarnate @ Choice Scarf, Naive, Sand Force, 252 Atk / 4 SAtk / 252 Spe

Earthquake | Stone Edge | Hidden Power [ice] | U-turn


In sand, this dude is pretty scary with juiced EQs, and always threatens to U-turn the hell out of there should Gliscor or Skarmory switch in. 101 base Speed is slick as anything, letting you outspeed +1 base 100s all the time (which is most boosters).


Terrakion @ Choice Scarf, Jolly, Justified, 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe

Stone Edge | Close Combat | X Scissor | Rock Slide/Earthquake/Sacred Sword/Sleep Talk


Last slot is complete filler, but it makes a great revenge killer with just three moveslots. Powerful, and can become even more so on a switch into a Dark move. Fast as shit and is only outsped by a few +2 Pokemon (Timid Chlorosaur and up) and, like, Scarf Latios and Starmie.


But I'm getting dangerously close to 10k characters, so I'll let you guys discuss if you want. Favorite Choice users, unorthodox Choice users that work well, great ones that I didn't mention (there are definitely some that I left out, hint hint), and whatever else you can think of. Sorry I took so long to deliver on this, but you know how it is, typing up giant walls of text.


@Eevee (Arcanel)

@Leafeon (Sapphire Quill) @Vaporeon (Seraphim) | @Glaceon (Megamare) | @Flareon (MrXweet)

 (Golgo) | @Espeon (BowlArt64) | @Umbreon (Kestrel) | @Sylveon (Annakavanna)

The Espeon gif from http://www.pkparaiso.com/xy/sprites_pokemon.php

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My favorite Pokemon is Charizard. I have a Charizard in my my White named Wingflame. The amazing part is I got him in Fire Red, and he loyally travelled across: Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Soul Silver, and White. He has been the pride of my team since I got Fire Red in 2005.


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0417_clip%20e.gifI am the Moth of Mystery. Fear me. =3
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This is my favorite Pokemon of all.

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I love Bulbasaur and always have. :D In the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games (of which I have Blue Rescue Team, Explorers of Time, and Explorers of Sky), I always try to get Bulbasaur and then Pikachu as my partner. I can't quite remember who all I have in Pokemon Diamond, although I know my starter is Piplup (although he's now evolved into Empoleon and is decidedly less cute :P ).

"Neither the angels in heaven above nor the demons down under the sea can ever dissever my soul from the soul of the beautiful Annabel Lee."

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Generation 1

Generation 2


Generation 3+Remake Generation 1

Generation 4+Remake Generation 2


Generation 5+Remake Generation 5

Generation 6+Remake Generation 6


Generation 7+Remake Generation 8

Generation 8+Remake Generation 9


Tell the world, Nintendo is going to invent time travel!


Now I need to run, the FBI will be breaking down my door soon, even though I live in England.

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^ It's Pokémon, time travel has existed since Gen. 2, just not usable by player characters. And kinda wasted on a silly forest. But still.

BW2 COME OUT TOMORROW :DDDDDDD Finally, a Dream World-ability Ditto will be mine! A rare natural occurrence, but it will be mine! It took GF this long to make my favorite mon useful in battle, but the wait has paid off. A SQUISHY ARMY WILL BE MINE!!


no rest for the wizardly.

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Welp I've been playing White 2 for the past three days and it's been really awesome so far! I had only played B/W once and about only halfway through so it's mostly all new for me! :D


I have 5 badges so far!


My team so far is:



Growlithe (lvl 35)

Posted Image

Dewott (lvl 33)

Posted Image

Vibrava (lvl 36)

Posted Image

Electabuzz (lvl 37)

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Espeon (lvl 38)

Posted Image




And I still don't know who I'll use for my sixth member.


My team is really underleveled though.

Right now I'm having a double battle against a wild lvl 36 Driftblim and lvl 37 Camerupt, both of which are stronger than my Pokemon... and they're wild -_-"


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You guys all got Black 2/ White 2 right? Because it's awesome, I'm really loving the story, especially with Memory Link implemented, makes things much more sequely. My team for the playthrough so far is Servine, Azumarill(such a beast), Espeon, Magneton, and Darumaka, haven't settled on a permanent 6th yet. Currently in Driftveil.


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I Have the Black Version 2, but I came off with a good start and sometimes I Had a Terrible Start on my battles so I had to plan my team out very carefully. I had to hold my training on Keldeo after 3rd Badge for my friend's reason and to Execute her Idea of balancing physical and special attacks as well as speed EVs. My Team for the playthrough so far is 3 Starters which is oshawott that I started out with, Snivy and Tepig from trade that I hatched from my Black & White 1, The Dream World Vulpix and Espeon that I Also Hatched from my Black & White 1, and Keldeo. I'm starting to think that pokemon are underleveled so I have to take advantage of using the Exp Boost Pass Power for the Time Being.


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id have to say that im a really big pokemon fan. ive liked ever since it came out, and now im hooked to it. i have almost every pokemon game. i have

pokemon leafgreen, pokemon firered, ruby, saphhire, emerald, black, white, and i also have pokepark: pikachus adventure.

but what i really want is pokepark 2 and pokemon black and white 2.they look so cool!


Sig made by meh ((Find me on Deviantart if you wanna talk to me))

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I got White 2 the other day, and "I picked the wrong Pokémon."

I chose Tepig. Though I'm happy with the rest of my team, I have to say that I should've picked Oshawott again. I plan on ditching it for a Darumaka instead. I dunno...I just don't like it. I gave it a chance, at least.


ANYWAYS White 2 is really good, guys. I don't want to spoil it, so I won't say anything else.


no rest for the wizardly.

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Actually In way that if you want to get the rest of the Starters on Pokemon Black & White versions 2, You Could Breed the other 2 starters with Ditto from your Pokemon Black & White 1 except The Starter you choose. Always plan your Team Carefully in Pokemon Black & White 2 so That's why I chose Oshawott as my Starter and then I breed the other 2 Starters with Ditto on my Black Version 1.


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A pokemon thread, how am I just finding this now. Anyways, I am currently doing a Nuzlocke run of Pokemon Leafgreen, using names of people from the forums so if you want in go here.


I've been recording them so if you want to see them just look around under non pony art or go to my Youtube channel.


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hello, everyone! i just wanted to know if anyone is a pokemon fan. you can say what your favorite pokemon, the pokemon games you have, and you can also say what your favorite episode as well.(or your favorite region) just anything pokemon related. :D:wub:

  • Brohoof 1


Sig made by meh ((Find me on Deviantart if you wanna talk to me))

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There's quite a lot here.

My list of pokemon is too big to replicate. I'd have to find it and quote it. :lol:

Favorite gen is 3rd.

I have all the games except for heart gold and leafgreen. I lost my regular gold and silver, but still count them since I have fully played and beaten both.


As for the episodes.....I hate the anime. :)

And Pikachu with it. http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png


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It's been so long since I last watched the anime. But I'm honestly not very interested in it anymore. Ash enrages me... http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png


But I absolutely love the games. I've played every single one until now, Gen 4 (Diamond/Pearl/Platinum) being my favorite. Deciding my favorite Pokemon a huge trouble though. But Slowbro is close to be the one. :3


At the moment I own Pokemon Emerald, Diamond, Platinum and White. But my NDS isn't working at the moment. I plan on buying a 3DS or even a DSi soon, along with White 2~

Edited by DrizzleSTAR
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Yes, I am. I love the games and the anime, but I mostly only play ROM hacks that makes the games harder nowadays, since I find the vanilla games to be quite easy.


'Twas quite a while since I actually watched anime, but like two months ago I watched all the episodes up until the end of Sinnoh (over 500 episodes I think?). It was really fun, I'm thinking of starting on Unova as well!

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So I beat the Elite Four a couple days ago in White 2, my team was the following:


Starmie @ Expert Belt

Natural Cure



-Ice Beam



Volcarona @ Scope Lens

Flame Body

-Quiver Dance

-Signal Beam




Roserade @ Leftovers

Natural Cure

-Giga Drain



-Leech Seed


Magneton @ Eviolite


-Thunder Wave

-Metal Sound


-Flash Cannon


Krookodile @ BlackGlasses




-Rock Slide



Braviary @ Rocky Helmet


-Hone Claws





Natures not listed because they don't matter ingame, EVs not listed because I have no idea because it's ingame. Probably quite a few HP, though, thank you based Audino. Anyway, they totally trivialized most major fights. Screw starters. I started with Oshawott, but Starmie is so much better in every regard and the only downside is that it comes at Undella, after the 6th gym. Colress was lulz with Krook and Volc, especially, and Starmie, Krookodile, and Volc did major work on the entire E4 and champion. Ghetsis was only remotely difficult because I wanted to use Roserade pretty badly against that Cofagrigus, but crit Psychic sucks, so I had nothing for Seismitoad.


Overall, Braviary was really useful when I got it, but dropped off in lategame to the point where I didn't even use it in the E4. Roserade was much the same, although it managed to take on Marshal fairly well. The rest were veritable gods, to the point where Volcarona clean swept Shauntal and Grimsley, and Krook and Magneton cockblocked (is this even applicable in this situation?) Caitlin, actually forcing the AI to switch first-turn. Marshal would've been easy for Starmie, but Sturdy Sawk crushes dreams. Magneton ended up being a fallback Pokemon, not seeing much use after Marlon except random shit like paralyzing Iris's Haxorus and killing Caitlin's Sigilyph. I declined to use the event Genesect, N's Zorua, etc. because I'd rather EV train them postgame or something. But yeah, great game.

  • Brohoof 1


@Eevee (Arcanel)

@Leafeon (Sapphire Quill) @Vaporeon (Seraphim) | @Glaceon (Megamare) | @Flareon (MrXweet)

 (Golgo) | @Espeon (BowlArt64) | @Umbreon (Kestrel) | @Sylveon (Annakavanna)

The Espeon gif from http://www.pkparaiso.com/xy/sprites_pokemon.php

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So today in White 2 I beat the 8th gym leader then spent most of the time SR'ing for a Jolly Terrakion. Now I have one, time to see things through to the end. My team is Serperior, Espeon, Magnezone, Darmanitan, Azumarill, and Flygon, all Pokemon I've never raised properly before and plan to breed and EV train some good ones after I complete the game, love these Pokemon. :wub:

Edit: oh wait, I have raised an EV'd Darmanitan, I just barely use him lol. :lol:

Edited by (\SBB64/)


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So today in White 2 I beat the 8th gym leader then spent most of the time SR'ing for a Jolly Terrakion. Now I have one, time to see things through to the end. My team is Serperior, Espeon, Magnezone, Darmanitan, Azumarill, and Flygon, all Pokemon I've never


Someone else who picks the grass starters? FINALLY. Grass starters are always waaaay under-appreciated.


Anyways, I'm a pretty big Pokemon fan. I have played at least one game from each main series trio and several spin-offs, as well as having a collection of some older cards.


Oh, also, not to forget that in Pokemon White, I had a 100% completed Pokedex. Every single Pokemon ever created has been owned by me. How's it feel, Pokemon fans?


EDIT: For the Pokedex, I used Action Replays and Gamesharks to get event items in games where the events are no longer available, for example in Emerald.

Edited by Twiliscael



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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Someone else who picks the grass starters? FINALLY. Grass starters are always waaaay under-appreciated.


Anyways, I'm a pretty big Pokemon fan. I have played at least one game from each main series trio and several spin-offs, as well as having a collection of some older cards.


Oh, also, not to forget that in Pokemon White, I had a 100% completed Pokedex. Every single Pokemon ever created has been owned by me. How's it feel, Pokemon fans?


EDIT: For the Pokedex, I used Action Replays and Gamesharks to get event items in games where the events are no longer available, for example in Emerald.


I had to, I picked Oshawott in White so it was either the supercool Snivy or the cute yet turns out horrible Tepig, so yeah. I'm finding Serperior to be a surprisingly really good Pokemon though, I heard it wasn't so great but I think it is, I especially see potential in a set of Leaf Blade, Return, Aqua Tail, and Coil if it's Adamant and has 252 Attack and 252 Speed EVs. Then again, if I could get one with the Contrary ability, I'd probably use that too. :huh:

Plus, I love Bulbasaur and Treecko. :wub:


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I had to, I picked Oshawott in White so it was either the supercool Snivy or the cute yet turns out horrible Tepig, so yeah. I'm finding Serperior to be a surprisingly really good Pokemon though, I heard it wasn't so great but I think it is, I especially see potential in a set of Leaf Blade, Return, Aqua Tail, and Coil if it's Adamant and has 252 Attack and 252 Speed EVs. Then again, if I could get one with the Contrary ability, I'd probably use that too. :huh:

Plus, I love Bulbasaur and Treecko. :wub:


On my first play-through at least, I always choose the grass starter. I don't know why, I picked Bulbasaur in Pokemon Blue when I was probably 3 years old and ever since I have always felt that grass types are the ones for me.


And yes, I do get that deep about a children's game :P

  • Brohoof 1



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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