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What rustles your jimmies?

Boxxi The Brony

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People who walk slowly and generally without concern for others in public. This includes, but isn't limited to:


- Stopping at the bottom of an escalator to check your cell phone.


- Walking slowly in a row (as opposed to a column) on a narrow sidewalk.


- Generally not paying attention to where you walk. My girlfriend is blind and she often ends up shoved to the floor by jerks who don't pay attention. (Or, sometimes, she will trip the inattentive pedestrian with her cane.)


I'm getting my jimmies rustled just composing this post. :( Navigate compassionately and to the best of your abilities in public or do not go out at all. Period.

Edited by hcat
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When someone posts complaining about something serious, like for example, how their parents treat them badly, and they get a reply telling them that there are so many people without homes, they're lucky to have one, and they should just "get over it". The person who posted never said they weren't grateful to have a home, nor did the person ever say they had it worse than those without homes. But I guess if we have a roof over our heads, we should all just forget about our problems!


My mom listening to music, because she'll find a song on KROQ she likes and play it on repeat all day for a month. I almost always dislike the song already, so having to hear it every time I'm near her computer (or worse, when the same crap is being played in public) makes me want to reach into my ears and pull out my eardrums. My mom may not have that many songs on her iTunes, but I'm sure she has at least 100. Y U NO LISTEN TO ALL OR AT LEAST MOST OF THEM?!


Whenever I bang my pinky toe into anything, usually either a weight or my exercise bike. Always has to hurt like hell. Worse, I actually managed to break my toe last time I did it :( HOW ARE MY TOES SO CLUMSY?!

  • Brohoof 1



Together since October 19th, 2011


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When someone posts complaining about something serious, like for example, how their parents treat them badly, and they get a reply telling them that there are so many people without homes, they're lucky to have one, and they should just "get over it". The person who posted never said they weren't grateful to have a home, nor did the person ever say they had it worse than those without homes. But I guess if we have a roof over our heads, we should all just forget about our problems!

That just plum pisses me off. Yeah, if someone is complaining that they are being mistreated, you don't just go up to them and compare their problem to being homeless because, to be honest, I am pretty sure the person being mistreated would MUCH rather live out in the streets than live with that, people can just be so insensitive sometimes <_<


My mom listening to music, because she'll find a song on KROQ she likes and play it on repeat all day for a month. I almost always dislike the song already, so having to hear it every time I'm near her computer (or worse, when the same crap is being played in public) makes me want to reach into my ears and pull out my eardrums. My mom may not have that many songs on her iTunes, but I'm sure she has at least 100. Y U NO LISTEN TO ALL OR AT LEAST MOST OF THEM?!

Back when I was living with my used-to-be step-mother she would ALWAYS fucking play this ONE SONG OVER. AND OVER. AAND OOVER AGAIN

I had to keep going outside on my long walks to avoid it, it sounded pretty good at first until she started playing it 1001 times a day <_<


Whenever I bang my pinky toe into anything, usually either a weight or my exercise bike. Always has to hurt like hell. Worse, I actually managed to break my toe last time I did it :( HOW ARE MY TOES SO CLUMSY?!

And this is another thing...


I somehow always end up ramming my toe into a wall or a Cabinet door

It hurts like a sonofabitch let me tell you...


It is not the best feeling in the world :(

  • Brohoof 2


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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What rustles my jimmies? Hypocrites. Hypocrites who preach all day not to do something (usually completely fine) and go do it themselves when they think nobody is watching. It irks me to no end to see it actually happen.

The mind of the host will desperately try to create memories where none exist. Simple right?

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I really do not care for touch screen technology. PCs are perfect just the way they are!



I know right!!! grrr I hope it's not true that pc's are going obsolete but anyway unto my list. down with apple  Joking I own one of Apple's products.


1. Trolls


2. People who feed the damn trolls.


3. When I get crappy grades

Edited by PonyPowaX1000
  • Brohoof 1


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People who hate on Dragon Ball z Kai. Yes it isn't as good as the original but that doesn't make it bad.

People who claim Pokemon red and blue are flawless.

Almost everything about Sonic 06.

Youtube's layout.

People who think Nintendo is only for children.

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Another thing that seemingly rustles my jimmies is when my mother starts crying for whatever reason and she just doesn't seem to want to say what it is.


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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What really rustles my jimmies, and most people ought to agree on this...


Our world being filled with people who take pleasure in commiting crimes...


I am not just talking crimes as in stealing and stuff...

I am talking First Degree Murders, manslaughter, that kind of stuff


it really scares me how some people have such homicidal tendencies :(

It really is sad to know what some people can do to others.... There are some truly sick people out there... 


And yeah Ds8 I know exactly what you are saying it kills me that there is nothing I can do to stop all the killing of innocents out there. And you very well what I am talking about. 



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People with bad grammar. Especially when they try to correct you with their bad grammar.

Or people who think they're experts on something when they clearly aren't, but won't admit it.


And fail trolls. They just make me angry.

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Another thing that really rustles my jimmies (and I keep forgetting to post this) is that annoying ass ringing that just oh so suddenly decides to start going off in my ears.



Another thing is when I forget certain words at the wrong time <_<


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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Things that rustle my jimmies:


1) When I look at a thread and it has over 100 views but no replies. 


2) When I meet a person over the internet or in person for the first time and they answer me in one or a few word sentences when I'm trying to start a freakin conversation.  <_< 

3) People who blindly judge others.


4) People who aren't considerate of the feelings of others.

  • Brohoof 3
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Things that rustle my jimmies:


1) When I look at a thread and it has over 100 views but no replies. 


2) When I meet a person over the internet or in person for the first time and they answer me in one or a few word sentences when I'm trying to start a freakin conversation.  <_<

3) People who blindly judge others.


4) People who aren't considerate of the feelings of others.


You have no idea how close you are with my opinions and views. One thing I guess is Nazi grammar sarcasm. If I make the slightest mistake in a post, I'm up to my neck in correction posts <_<

  • Brohoof 1


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When you're a traitor on TTT and a fellow traitor kills you for no reason


When finals come


The Superbowl, no need to get all riled up over a sporting event


Slow computers


The character limit


80% of the mods or admins here

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- YouTube switching to a new layout that actually REMOVES some of its functionality.  Rustlometer: 42

- People doing nothing but complaining about the new YouTube layout in comments.  Rustlometer: 133.7

- People using outdated memes as values on arbitrary scales.  Rustlometer: 9001

That's really all there is to say on the matter.

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When I come on here and see 6 pages and my actual words are 'That's an academy record! So yes, it rustles my jimmies when I leave the forums for a small bit and come back to see this at six pages, THANKS A LOT, but no seriously this is good for me!



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Another thing that really rustles my jimmies are those aggravating coughs I get at night that seem to like to keep me up. Good GOD I can't stand it when that happens because I end up losing very valuable sleep and it isn't even my fault either :/



I also do not understand how "gh" makes an "f" sound but that is beside the point :P


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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When my bandmates schedule a gig without my knowledge.

Jesus Christ! They could've atleast told me! I founded the band in the first place >_>

Edited by Arkane
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All right, here we go


People who take a nuanced issue and ignore any kind of merit of the side that they don't agree with.

People who make assumptions and judge off of them.

People who condescend to others.

When it randomly starts pouring rain with no warning (fairly common where I live)

When Roger Federer loses to Rafael Nadal.

When I'm so sick I can barely drag myself out of bed, but I still have loads of homework and things in school that I can't afford to miss

Oh, and when I have to explain to people things that are fairly obvious, like why Rainbow Dash is faster than Fluttershy

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When you take your headphones off and your ears are as red as apples 


When people blame violent video games for all of society's problems




Those noobs who spam the Garry's Mod Steam workshop with "porn" and very noobish items


Fast food restaurants 


YouTube getting a new fucking layout every ten seconds


Facebook and all it's users


When your mouse battery dies in the middle of a game


Garry Newman being a total dick and isn't listen to the problems plaguing Garry's Mod 13

Edited by Dolan is God
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Stop killing this meme already, it's dead. It used to be funny until everyone started killing it to death with it's overuse in every instance possible. 


''le rrastul ur jhonies XD''


R.I.P This meme


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Stop killing this meme already, it's dead. It used to be funny until everyone started killing it to death with it's overuse in every instance possible. 


''le rrastul ur jhonies XD''


R.I.P This meme

We can revive it, we can make it stronger, HAND ME THE SCALPEL! Killing it to death pfft. We shall revive it! We aren't really even using the meme, we are saying things that annoy us.

Edited by Boxxi The Brony
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We can revive it, we can make it stronger, HAND ME THE SCALPEL! Killing it to death pfft. We shall revive it! We aren't really even using the meme, we are saying things that annoy us.

This pretty much


I now have a new thing that is severely annoying the living sh*t out of me and that is all the new topics being creaated about the end of the f*cking



It hasn't happened yet, and it honestly is not going to happen in our lifetime and honestly, nopony believes in it anymore so QUIT IT :angry:


Stop killing this meme already, it's dead. It used to be funny until everyone started killing it to death with it's overuse in every instance possible.


''le rrastul ur jhonies XD''


R.I.P This meme

To be quite honest with you, you are overreacting a bit. All we are doing here is just, like Boxxi said, stating what annoys us, that's is.


It's nothing to get your jimmies rustled over :V


(Sorry, badd joke)

  • Brohoof 1


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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What's rustling my jimmies? Garry Newman being a total dick and break Gmod, and then ignoring the users having problems with them.


The fact I don't have any money to buy anything off of steam

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The Gravity Falls "fandom" really rustles my jimmies, its just another shitty Disney channel cartoon and I get real tired when people try to force it on me.


Deviantart, just full of idiotic trolls or 12 year olds


The fact that Facebook is the only thing 90% of this planet cares about nowadays

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