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My Little Pony Movie Discussion


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I think that Dischord and Chrysalis should team up to try and Thwart the Mane 6. They could run chaos over the lad and kidnap Celestia and/or Luna and have Chrysalis and her changlings fool them into thinking its them, taking over Canterlot.

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i wouldnt like a MLP movie (by this i mean a cinima relese movie), because it mean a longer prodution time it would take much longer to make then a season of mlp and they wouldnt be able to work on the season at the same time.

however if they go the fairly odd parents approtch and just make on long ass episode and call it a movie

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I think a movie would be a great idea if done right. I would love to see an epic adventure with awesome fight scenes. The matter still stands though, what could they do. More insight on the mane 6 would be great too. More history of Equestria. Oh man that would be a great movie.


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Seeing as it is movie based off of a television show, I was thinking it might just be a straight to DVD release. They would probably show it on the HUB first before releasing it to DVD but I doubt it will hit the big screens.

  • Brohoof 1


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I would like to see an explanation on how Princess Celesta and Princess Luna came to power. I've always wondered why they have both horns and wings, are bigger then everyone else, and are immortal. It's not that important, but I would like to know.

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If it's a feature-length film, should it follow the Disney formula of a main character getting killed? You know, like Mufasa or Bambi's mother.



Bassist, pianist, and backing vocalist for MLP-themed metal band Draconequus.  Check out our latest music video, a metal cover of "Tricks up my Sleeve" here.

Bassist, pianist, and vocalist for MLP-themed alt rock band Worst Princess.  Check our recent live performance of "Shine Like Rainbows" here.

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A movie would definitely be cool to see. I wouldn't want to see it in theaters though, straight to TV would be fine, just make it like the show but longer.

As for the plot, there should definitely be some sort of new villian, someone clever enough to prove a formidible match against the Mane 6, with plenty of destruction caused to boot. They should probably be immune to the Elements of Harmony, at least temporarily, like maybe they have to go on some quest to make the elements more powerful while the villian wreaks havoc, kinda like what the Power Rangers did in the Power Rangers movie. :huh:


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Parent idea is awesome, but only as long as RD´s getting these:


Posted Image


(Yes, I know I´m posting this picture everytime I have a chance, but hey, it´s just awesome!)


I think both ideas are awesome - what about mix them up? Parents are visiting for the celebration of something (let´s say some Celestia&Luna thing), then the villains team up and make mane 6 parents fight their children, which can´t hurt them because, you know, it´s their beloved parents. Somehow love and justice will win over the hate and lie aaaaaaand the end :wub:

Edited by Suntouched Coco

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A movie would definitely be cool to see. I wouldn't want to see it in theaters though, straight to TV would be fine, just make it like the show but longer.

As for the plot, there should definitely be some sort of new villian, someone clever enough to prove a formidible match against the Mane 6, with plenty of destruction caused to boot. They should probably be immune to the Elements of Harmony, at least temporarily, like maybe they have to go on some quest to make the elements more powerful while the villian wreaks havoc, kinda like what the Power Rangers did in the Power Rangers movie. :huh:


This could work. But uh...they should make it NOTHING LIKE the Power Rangers film. Because it was horrible. Absolutely awful.



Bassist, pianist, and backing vocalist for MLP-themed metal band Draconequus.  Check out our latest music video, a metal cover of "Tricks up my Sleeve" here.

Bassist, pianist, and vocalist for MLP-themed alt rock band Worst Princess.  Check our recent live performance of "Shine Like Rainbows" here.

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I think it would be cool if they did a movie, but most likely it would only be on the hub or a dvd release not a movie that would get into theaters. It would be cool if it did and it would be in-trusting to see what rank it got on sites. The only problem is the brony group and the kid group. It would just be odd.


As for what it would be about. Maybe the big villain team up idea or have a new villain show up. Also bring back a lot of 1 shot charters. Thats all I can think of.


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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I'm with Neikos: an adventure story would be great. The two part episodes were also adventures rather than slice-of-life narratives; it would be difficult to have a movie revolving around a lesson of the day format. Besides, all good stories involve a journey, whether literal or metaphorical. The Mane Six traversing their world beyond the borders of Equestria would be a nifty set up, I think. The movie would have the liberty of time to elaborate on aspects of their universe a 22 minute episode cannot.


I would hope that the adventure is coherent and meaningful. For example, The Simpsons Movie incorporated an adventure into a show that is generally a comedy situated in one setting (Springfield). Unfortunately, that meant the movie could feel incomprehensible or forced at critical moments. Even if its for comedic effect, it lacks a sense of narrative rhythm. In other words, I wouldn't want the Mane Six running around Equestria or beyond for the sake of doing so. If you can't tell a meaningful story in 90 to 120 minutes, then don't gloss it up to make it appear more meaningful. MLP: FiM demands a little more attention than a basic adventure story where nothing is learned by the end of the tale.


Narrowing the focus, clearly there would have to be songs. Musical numbers have become the backbone of the show, a standard for animated excellence in a period when songs are treated more like filler than storytelling devices in animation. The wonderful thing about MLP songs is that they paint the picture for the audience in an engaging way. To have a MLP movie without a song would be a glaring distraction, not to mention a missed opportunity.


The show is ripe for a movie. It has a literally colorful cast, supremely talented voice actors, wonderful writers, and a sharp crew of people working on the little things which make MLP a pleasurable experience. I would be rather confident that they could create a feature length movie worth watching. The interesting thing to look for would be how much of the film would be geared toward an older audience, i.e., bronies, versus the target audience of young girls. It would be a heck of a balancing act.

  • Brohoof 1


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I'd honestly hope that MLP:FiM averts the trend of making a film, because I feel the medium of TV shows has some element still ambiguous to me that just doesn't translate into a movie. I'd have difficulty accepting the events that happen in the film to be consistent with the TV show's canon. Besides, so many popular cartoon shows get films, I just want to see a show that bucks the trend for once.


But it seems others are quite excited for it, so I'll just ask the question: What truly excites one about seeing a film where the events are set up far differently than what it would be in the show? Is it the novelty/challenge or just a love of film media?

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This could work. But uh...they should make it NOTHING LIKE the Power Rangers film. Because it was horrible. Absolutely awful.


Yeah I know it was, I just couldn't think of any better examples and thought it was a relatable one is all. :P


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The movie should feature things that you just can't physically fit into a 20-minutes episode, or a two-parter.


I'm expecting a new villain. Why not? You have to have something iconic for a piece of art on this scale, and a new well-developed character is the way to go. The easiest and most efficient way for a character to leave an impact on the plot is to make him/her a villain, so voila.

I see this villain operating on pure logic, convincing ponyfolk to blame others for their problems. That's sorta like Discord, but without fancy grayscale magic. You can't beat that with the Elements, he did nothing wrong, he never lied. He challenges our heroes to use their faith.


Each of the mane six would have their own morale at the end. Six different lessons of life, maybe subtle, maybe not. I can already see Pinkie Pie learning that there's no reason to despise another happy-go-lucky pony, who seems to steal attention.


I'm not sure if I want to see destruction of Ponyville. We've already seen it a couple of times, but it wasn't terrifying. However, if you make it dark, it gets really freaking dark.


I think it is about time we see some actual physical dangers. The biggest physical threat so far was the avalanche from Dragonshy. Come on, give us stuff that can actually kill ponies, not imprison them or break their spirit!

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Oh, man... an MLP cinema movie... that'd be the day. Of course, It could be difficult making it. Like the others said, it might not be too good of an idea to focus on just 1 lesson of friendship. Maybe it can be a different lesson every scenario/obstacle? Like in the first two episodes, all of the ponies showed their element during their trip in the Everfree forest. Also, what would be the plot itself? It might be a returning villan rather than a new one. I mean, Discord didn't reach his full potental in "Return of Harmony". What if all of Equestria was under Discord's spell? I would say the ponies will turn gray again, but that'd just be rehashing the plot of "Return to Harmony" I'm sure the creators can think of something more original.

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I do have to agree, having a time-travel movie would be pretty nice to see, but I honestly doubt that they would ever be making a movie at all. Sure, it would be a great thing to see, but it would take time to make and I think they aren't really willing enough to take this show into a movie phase. Then again, there have been some good show-to-movie movies. We can only sit back and see, but I am casting my vote for I don't think it would happen.


Actually i think there probably is a good chance of a movie. But like a 90 min movie only showing on TV. Definalty not one apearing in theaters. Usually if show is popular enough there gonna be a movie of it. Faust's other works all had movies. Powerpuff Girls had one. Fosters Home for imaginary friends had a couple 90 min specials.

But like u said we can only sit back and see.

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I, personally dont really want one. I feel like a movie usually should be dramatic and sometimes sad and MLP isnt really either of those. And I dont know if id ever want it to be! But as long as IT DOESNT affect the show im fine.


(Though some probably wouldnt agree with me I think the canterlot wedding was movie enough for MLP. It was kind of sad at parts and about 60 minutes long.)


(also, if Pokemon was in theatures, why couldnt MLP?)

Edited by pinkie


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I'm very "meh" about the idea of a movie, but if so, I'd want it to be on an epic scale. Disneyesque stuff suits the show well, so I'd probably want a musical. I'd want it to exceed the quality of the show, and rather than just making it feel like a 90-minute long episode (like say, the Powerpuff Girls or Spongebob movies were.)


For specifics, I honestly have no idea. I'd personally like something that extends the back story of the princesses and Discord (unless that's happening in season 3...) or a journey that involves loads of character development, such as the Cutie Mark Crusaders getting their cutie marks.


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A movie would be good, and it obviously would need some devious villan, yet also tell some deeper backstory of each of the mane 6...


I totes agree with you I was just thinking that. I think the villian should be related to someone important, or like Fluttershy has a long-lost twin and things don't go as planned when they meet because the twin is different from Fluttershy and is mean or something. :blink:

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In a world where the night lasts eternal...where chaos reigns over order...and love itself is devoured by a vicious horde...one mare is all that stands between salvation and complete destruction. *Cue dramatic music* One mare must go on a journey to find and recover the Elements of Harmony that have been lost, but what she will learn is that Harmony comes from within. *Cue epic fight music* Battles will rage...families will shatter...frienships will be reborn...and one simple country farmpony will never be the same. Applejack must find her friends that have scattered and bring together the Elements once again if Equestria is to have any hope of surviving the coming darkness. This summer, Honesty is the best policy...for kicking flank!


My Little Pony: Applejack's Rising

*Cue scene of Applejack singing*

Coming to the theater near you. This film rated 20 for 20% cooler.


This is my movie idea. :P

So much Friendship!

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Guys what if there was a 2-hour long movie of MLP? It could be screened at cannes and even in theatres woirldwide! Also, what if there was an mlp mmorpg?!

a theatrical production and a novel would also be good ideas imho. What dost thou think?!

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There is a My Little Pony movie.




You can rent the film at your local rental video store I assume.


I think the OP means a movie based on the "Friendship is Magic" version of the show. You know, the one we all like to watch? I'm not sure about a movie myself, but it could be planned for after the short Season 3. My personal prediction is that Season 3 will be similar to S1 and S2 (slice-of-life, stand-alone episodes) then "Season 4" will be a 13-episode story arc, with an overlying plot of some sort. Similar to how Reboot changed in it's second season.

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


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Ah mmo would rock!!


I would love beating discord in some epic 25-pony battle especially with moving unicorns with magic, pegasi could be agility classes and earth ponies could be the strength classes.


It would actually work quite nicely :)

  • Brohoof 1
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