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Your Daily Online To-Do List?

Feather Gem

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1. Login on Gaia and lurk around/change avatar until I get bored

2. Pop into this forum to see if there are any interesting new/ongoing topics to read or to blog about something

3. Check any of the following sites: EQD (to see if there is anything that may interest me), Serebii (to see if there are any global link/wifi events), Grooveshark (to listen to music), and Youtube (to maybe watch bookmarked videos or check new videos from Tobygames or The Young Turks)

4. Back to Gaia!

5, 6, 7, and the rest of the numbers: Gaia Gaia Gaia. Or I repeat steps 2 and 3.


And that's about it, I think.

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Most of my time online is devoted to this website. Role plays and talking to people and posting my opinions on stuff. Pretty much my online day in a nutshell. There is some Deviant Art and YouTube sprinkled in there. ;)


Oh and I almost forgot perhaps the most important thing. Blow my friggin' ears out with dubstep. These songs in particular.






Also look at human Applejack art because it's sexy. ;)

Edited by Death the Kid
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My everydays:


Check all six of my email accounts

Check Facebook

Check YouTube

Check Twitter

Check SoundCloud

Check Tumblr

Check OverClocked ReMix for new remixes

Check the OverClocked ReMix forum

Check the Nitro Game Injection forum

Check Equestria Daily

Check MLP Forums

Check My Little Remix

Check deviantArt


Other than that, it varies.

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Check MLP forums

Check Youtube

Check Adsence

Check Deviant Art

Check University Assignments/Email

Check Riot Games


Then i usually sit idle on the forums and YouTube while i play games, coming back on here anytime i get a notification and every hour or so refreshing it to see if there are any new posts to read.

Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist

Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life.




Check out my YouTube


Check out my Fiora Jungle Guide


Check out my Motovlogging Trailer

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Oh wow I suppose in no particular order.


- check hotmail and clean out junk from junk account

- check MLP forums and reply to posts.

- Check another board i mainly lurk at.

- Check Serebii.net for the latest info on pokemon lol.


Pixel Art made by the talented Bruno! 


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Let me take you on a trip thought the interent with TGAP Babs Seed AKA The Boss


1. Check the MLPfourms (Like a Boss)

2. Check Youtube (Like a boss)

3. Check FimFiction (Like a boss)

3. Check Notdoppler on Thursday (Like a Boss)

4. Check Steam (Like a boss)

6. Watch some let's plays (Like a Boss)

7. Get inspired to play Happy Wheels (Like a boss)

8. Happy wheels crashes so I exit (Like a boss)

9. Check the forums again (Like a boss)

10. Listen to music (Like a boss)

11. Check forums again (Like a boss)

12. Watch more Let's plays (Like a boss)

13. Finish by browsing the fourms (Like a boss)


And that is the daily deal with TGAP Babs Seed (Like a boss)!

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I don't get access to the computer until around 7 PM due to sports and homework, but from then 'til 11-12 it goes something like this:

  • Turn on
  • Open iTunes, Spotify, and Skype
  • Open Google Chrome while music programs are loading
  • Turn on appropriate music while Google Chrome's booting up
  • Go on Facebook, MLPforums, and Youtube at the exact same time
  • Log in Skype
  • 4chan, usually /b/, /mu/, /mlp/, or some other board I'm interested in that day.
  • Do absolutely nothing until I got to bed*
*May include playing Xbox


The wild me accomplishes alot in his spare time, right?

Edited by Velvet Remdeyiscael



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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  • Check DeviantArt (because I'm watching like a hundred people)
  • Check Youtube (charms, japanese magic food)
  • Check the Welovefine Facebook page (for a date when they'll have the next giveaway)
  • Check Club Penguin (for Whats New stuff but never actually play because I'm too lazy)
  • Check Equestria Daily (for comics mostly)
  • Check MLP Forums (roleplays and other stuff I posted)
  • Stay on MLP Forums (post on practically all the Forum Games, go check)
On occasion I also check:
  • Stardolls (sometimes I'm too lazy but I check my guestbook)
  • WattPad (hope someone read my story and commented)
  • Boardgame Online (check for when they'll use my idea like they said they would)

my dumb and boring daliy online to do list is:


1.go on Facebook

2. go on twitter

3. go on youtube

4.go on MLP Forums (of course!)

5.watch some Eps. of MLP FIM



1. wait 450 million years for my internet to load then check youtube

2. check the mlpforum

3. pointlessly check facebook only to remember how much I hate timeline

4. check for new stuff on deviant art

5. Then back here for some pony related internet chatter


once in a blue moon I log into twitter then remember I still dont understand the point in twitter lol


1. Check mlpforum

2. Check Memebase

3. Start math homework (It is online, so technically yes)

4. Procrastinate shamelessly with mlpforum, memebase and facebook

5. Turn in math homework in the minute before it's due

6. Back on mlpforum


1. check mail to see if my record has arrived at the store yet

2. go on watmm/chatmm

3. check this place, rarely find anything of interest

4. check youtube

5. hang out on 4chan and chatmm for the rest of the day


(6). check facebook once a week only to remember how much i hate that place and how i should delete my profile, but dont bother doing it.


1. equestria daily(gets me the basic news of what happening in this grand community of ours.)

2. mlpforums

3. youtube

4. newgrounds

5. hotmail

of course, i do visit a multitude of other sites too. just, these i always visit sometime during the day.

on occasion,

facebook (ususally, friends tell me to go on jus to discover the retarded shit they post XD)

riotgames (LoL updates)


Deviant art


1. check MLP Forums

2. check DeviantArt

3. check Facebook

4. youtube

5. youtube

6. youtube

7. youtube

8. youtube...I think you get the point xD


1. check e-mail (always empty...)

2. check mlp forums (remains open throughout)

3. youtube click-fest for music

4. feel inspired, yet procrastinate doing anything


At least I find some good music now and then... ;A;


Turn on computer, wait for windows....wait are we including that bit? No? Anyway...


1. Check twitter,

2. Deviant Art (reply to comments and such if need be)

3. Check Youtube for the content patch by TotalBiscuit

4. Check emails

5. MLP forums

6. Check LoL for any updates.

7. Check YT for other stuf


Then I'll skype call my friends and play video games unless I'm going out.


facebook, MLPforums, jalopnik, speedhunters, yahoo mail, hooniverse, then about 15 different gun themed tumblr pages. i also might check kotaku and joystiq if i wanna catch up on the latest gaming news.


Check mlpforums

Go on youtube

Go on mlpforums

Look up something random on Wikipedia

Go back on mlpforums

Go on a bunch of random websites I can't think of right now

Check mlpforums



Check twitter (because that's my main social network, I never get on facebook at all), then I check my email, then check the news (especially tech news since I'm an IT major ) and then go on forums which does include MLPforums!




1. Connect to a radio station for background noise

2. Check email while I eat breakfast

3. Stumbleupon carry on til bored, then use inbetween other stuff.

4. mlpforums

5. once daily facebook check (usually lasts less than a minute).


1) Check email

2) Check Cracked.com

3) Check Television Without Pity

4) Check MLP Formus

5) Check Cheezeburger/Memebase

6) Check Serebii.net and/or Equestria Daily

7) Check FMLs

8) Check Survivor Sucks


I really should break out of this routine! Never realized how monotonous it is. Lol


1.) Check MLP forums

2.) Check Email

3.) Stare at Monitor

4.) Get off the computer....



I'm not really good at this computer thing, I don't really know what to do on it. I've only just started to use it.


1. Check MLP Forums.

2. Check Homestuck for updates.

3. Check on the status of the Minecraft Server.

4. Lurk/Browse the MLP Forums.

5. Talk/chat with my buddies on Skype.

6. Visit Minecraft Server and moderate for a bit.

7. Research whatever I'm studying in ICTX. (Currently PHP and Network)

8. Check MySchool website to make sure I'm caught up on school work.

9. Study because I forgot my textbooks in my locker as always.

10. Join some IRC's and chill.

11. Read some Bleach or Naruto manga.


I have a long schedule. ;3


First I check facebook to play Words With Friends, and browse my wall. Then I check MLP forums to see what is going on here. Then I open up my favorite boards on 4chan and cause a ruckus there. Then I check CNN, and huffington post for news and other articles. Then I open up buzzfeed to see anything interesting there.


I may venture to cracked and might jump into an IRC channel if I am really bored.


4chan 4chan 4chan 4chan 4chan 4chan 4chan


Minecraft Forums

MLP Forums



Equestria Daily


And even more crafty boards!


-Check Facebook

-Check Xen

-Check MLP forums

-Reply to a few threads on MLP forums

-Go listen to some music on YT

-Maybe check DeviantART

-Go on XBOX.com and message people

-Check Facebook again

-Find some random games

-Maybe draw a pony

-Homework if I have any.




Home: Tumblr, 4chan, MLPForums, Something Awful, EqD, Youtube, Facebook.


Work: Facebook, Something Awful, Reddit, battle.net, Ars Technica, ThinkProgress.


Check Furaffinity (New art, Inboxes, etc...)

Check Furaffinity Forums (Off topic, Rants/Raves, Furry discussion)

Check Ontario Furries (New Events, Random topics)

Check MLP Forums (Notifications, Inbox, Show Discussion, Sugarcube Corner, General Discussion)

Check Keepbusy (Site with random vids, pics, games)

Check Youtube (watch new vids from people i subscribe too)


Thats basically it.


1) Check 360 Achievements

2) Check Roosterteeth

3) Check MLP Forums

4) Go on Youtube

5) Gaming, etc..


on Friday

6) Check TF2 Blog / Wiki / SPUF for an update.


I usually goes around these websites most of the time...


MLPForums, Gate00, Playdota, and some other forums I can't really name here

Reddit, 4chan, sometimes 7chan

Gunnerkrigg Court, nerfnow, explosm, xkcd, and some other webcomics. Every few days or so I check in some manga updates

Fanfiction.net and Fimfiction.net

Derpibooru, Danbooru, and some other booru, plus deviantart

Various wikia, usually 1d4chan and or maybe SCP


Check out yahoo mail and gmail


And some other small sites I'm too lazy to remember


Check my various Youtube loves for new videos (goddamnit crabstickz y u no post)

MLP Forums

Some other stuff with some friends (gaming, talking, etc).

Then some combing for Game of Thrones fanfiction and tumblr checks for new images on Game of Laughs, *uck Yeah Game of Thrones, etc..


1) Check the news feeds

2) Catch up on Youtube stuff

3) Visit Reddit and aimlessly search around different subreddits

4) Browse around the forums


Really not that much. Email checking and news feed checking are both a constant process. Sometimes I check my follows on a streaming site, but the old community seems to be getting smaller and smaller.


1. Login on Gaia and lurk around/change avatar until I get bored

2. Pop into this forum to see if there are any interesting new/ongoing topics to read or to blog about something

3. Check any of the following sites: EQD (to see if there is anything that may interest me), Serebii (to see if there are any global link/wifi events), Grooveshark (to listen to music), and Youtube (to maybe watch bookmarked videos or check new videos from Tobygames or The Young Turks)

4. Back to Gaia!

5, 6, 7, and the rest of the numbers: Gaia Gaia Gaia. Or I repeat steps 2 and 3.


And that's about it, I think.


Mah daily internet requirement list is.....


1. Go on YouTube and watch shit

2. Go on MLPforums

3. Look at porn and anything sexy


Yep, pretty much like that, along with some other on-and-off stuff


Most of my time online is devoted to this website. Role plays and talking to people and posting my opinions on stuff. Pretty much my online day in a nutshell. There is some Deviant Art and YouTube sprinkled in there.


Oh and I almost forgot perhaps the most important thing. Blow my friggin' ears out with dubstep. These songs in particular.












Also look at human Applejack art because it's sexy.






Horse Eden - I moderate there

MLP - a little checking up

My own forum - The one my wife and I own



then I get bored


My everydays:


Check all six of my email accounts

Check Facebook

Check YouTube

Check Twitter

Check SoundCloud

Check Tumblr

Check OverClocked ReMix for new remixes

Check the OverClocked ReMix forum

Check the Nitro Game Injection forum

Check Equestria Daily

Check MLP Forums

Check My Little Remix

Check deviantArt


Other than that, it varies.


Check MLP forums

Check Youtube

Check Adsence

Check Deviant Art

Check University Assignments/Email

Check Riot Games


Then i usually sit idle on the forums and YouTube while i play games, coming back on here anytime i get a notification and every hour or so refreshing it to see if there are any new posts to read.




Why did I quote you all? Well I like when people read my comments.




1. I look at notifications and messages on various websites; mlp forums, youtube, deviantart & more.

2. Look Equestria Daily

3. More forums

4. More youtube

5. More forums

6. Porn.


Mah daily internet requirement list is.....


1. Go on YouTube and watch shit

2. Go on MLPforums

3. Look at porn and anything sexy


Yep, pretty much like that, along with some other on-and-off stuff


oh hey you're like me!

more sexy stuff :D

y u no share on skype? :o you gotta share you gotta care


anypony feel free to spam me on skype with that stuff Im obsessed

Edited by Jokuc
  • Brohoof 6


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Why did I quote you all? Well I like when people read my comments.




1. I look at notifications and messages on various websites; mlp forums, youtube, deviantart & more.

2. Look Equestria Daily

3. More forums

4. More youtube

5. More forums

6. Porn.



oh hey you're like me!

more sexy stuff :D

y u no share on skype? :o you gotta share you gotta care


Just like to point out (as you two are the only ones listing porn) that i dont make it a daily routine to look for porn, its more of a weekend thing, then i dropbox it all so that i can have it on the go on my iphone and ipad. Porn anywhere is the best kind... :P

Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist

Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life.




Check out my YouTube


Check out my Fiora Jungle Guide


Check out my Motovlogging Trailer

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Why did I quote you all? Well I like when people read my comments.




1. I look at notifications and messages on various websites; mlp forums, youtube, deviantart & more.

2. Look Equestria Daily

3. More forums

4. More youtube

5. More forums

6. Porn.



oh hey you're like me!

more sexy stuff :D

y u no share on skype? :o you gotta share you gotta care


anypony feel free to spam me on skype with that stuff Im obsessed


Like sexy stuff, eh? No wonder you're almost always eager to respond to MissMachine's statuses :P.


Another thing I can add to the internet list is....


4. Watch a bit of any movie


Usually to fuel up mah imagination, and also....


5. Check out what's up on Yahoo!



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Yahoo? lol I actually thought that that website was dead. I have never used it myself, but who knows haha.

Also I sometimes check the horror forum I am a member of.


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Yahoo? lol I actually thought that that website was dead. I have never used it myself, but who knows haha.

Also I sometimes check the horror forum I am a member of.


I know Yahoo Answers is still very much alive, simply by the sheer number of pictures Memebase and Art of Trolling gets from that website. The search engine, though? Not so much.

Find the Heart of the Jungle!

Still searching for players! Join today!

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1. Check Youtube (this only takes a few seconds if I see nothing interesting)

2. Check Battlelog (it's a battlefield 3/ MOHW thing) (this takes 2-3 minutes)

3. Check Facebook (about a minute)

4. Check on DeviantArt (time differs a lot)

5. Check up on MLPforums (this is usually a couple hours)

6. Omegle (anywhere from a few minutes to the end of the day)

7. Maybe check out what's happening on /b/ (this takes about 2 seconds)

8. Go on imgur (around 5 minutes)

9. Check my email (differs)

10. ...porn...


Also not entirely in that order, mixing it up is always good.

  • Brohoof 1

This is a signature.

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1. Check Facebook

2. Check Twitter

3. Check MLP Forums

4. Check Dorkly

5.Check The Chive

6. Check Equestria Daily

7. Check NeoGaf

8. Check HFboards

9. Check NFL and/or NHL.com

10. Youtube

Check me out! No, seriously, check me out.

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When I first get on in the morning or whenever it happens to be that I get online that day, I basically follow this:

  • Check this place & my email (Yahoo!)

  • Check DeviantART, FIMFiction & Facebook

  • After checking is done, I commence with 'settlement' :3 By which I mean I keep this place, sometimes DeviantART and often Youtube open in three tabs, and browse each place off and on constantly, sometimes paying more attention to one place than the others.

  • In-between the main sites, I will randomly check up on smaller sites I visit but don't spend a lot of time on every day, and possibly randomly browse other things too.
  • Brohoof 1


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1. Get on youtube

2. Check battlelog

3. Check mlpforums.

4. Read memes at ether a meme base or facebook

5. Check C&C TA inbox

6. Edit/test website.

7. Remember I have a tumblr account, check it, than nothing.

8. Daw at good fanart.


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Just like to point out (as you two are the only ones listing porn) that i dont make it a daily routine to look for porn, its more of a weekend thing, then i dropbox it all so that i can have it on the go on my iphone and ipad. Porn anywhere is the best kind... :P


Well most of the people that have listed 4chan as one of the pit stops of their internet journey is viewing porn unintentional or intentionally. For some reason on this forum I feel that I cant be too graphic. Thats why I didnt list pronz.

“The essence of the independent mind lies not in what it thinks, but in how it thinks.”
― Christopher Hitchens

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Check Gmail, Youtube, Maximum PC, Tom's Hardware, Slashdot, AnandTech, Cracked, IHC and Fark daily. Everything else on my bookmark bar is every few days as it takes a bit for new content to collect. Semi-Related note: New VG Cats.

I can neither confirm nor deny myself being the cause of electrical related malfunctions. Anyways, you wouldn't happen to have a jar of replacement magic smoke would you?

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When I'm derpin around on the ponynet at night:


-Go to Youtube and start playing a poni music playlist

-Go on MLPForums :3

-Go on DigitalEquestria.net (is cool place)

-Check My Little Brony on Memebase, though i usually just do that when i'm bored in the day at skewl or something :P

-Check FIMFiction

-Check Equestria Daily



aaaaaaand that's pretty much it; although i separate my ponynet-time (night) and my IRL-kind-of-internet-time (day), where I would check my Yahoo email and Facebook/etc.



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  • 1 year later...


2. YouTube

3. Post in group chats on Skype


That's really all I do regularly - I make stops at a couple of other pony based sites that I'd rather keep private, but that's not a daily thing. Other than that, just whatever, man :D


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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1. Check Email, MLPF, Youtube

2. Grab snack, watch videos

3. Post MLPF

4. Play video games, forget to post on MLPF/Youtube/Email

5. repeat

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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