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If you could create your own afterlife?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Woahhh, I have to bump this thread.



My afterlife would be like yours, I'd want to be a "God". I'd, of course, give all creatures I could potentially created an eternal happiness after they die, but!



I wouldn't want to interfere with the circle of life. Wouldn't it be fascinating to watch empires grow and fall, and just see what an intelligent species would do without knowing I was there? That's why I believe if there is a God, it isn't going to show them self because it's curious.


o3o I'd also go to a corner of the universe and do whatever I want there, bombard a planet with asteroids in the name of science. o3o

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My home would be a huge library with access to every book, movie, song, video game, and work of art for me to enjoy. I could go flying when I wanted, go swimming, explore the Everfree for an adventure, and hang out with friends. That is my idea of paradise.


Oh, and chocolate chip cookies.

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Well I would ask God to search my mind and get a couple pre-sets setup for me. I think I am able to decide what to change from there on out. But it would take a lot of time and work to explain all of my wishes. Some of them must be kept secret.

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Or hell, just let me live in a paradise with everyone who's ever existed. Either way would be wonderful.



Brony Club in paradise, no? o3o

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My ideal afterlife would be a lucid dream shared by everyone who has ever lived. Of course, there would always be the option of having a personal dream all your own, or sharing one between just a few people if you so desire.

  • Brohoof 1
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A simple life as an all-powerful elemental god in all the cosmos would be nice Posted Image


Having a few solar systems for breakfast, watching fiery Armageddon for lunch, and crunching hundreds of civilization for dinner Posted Image


And sleeping with magnetars as a bed and stars as the comforterPosted Image


Now not even hundreds of Celestia can scratch my fingers Posted Image



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My ideal afterlife would be a lucid dream shared by everyone who has ever lived. Of course, there would always be the option of having a personal dream all your own, or sharing one between just a few people if you so desire.


This sounds good.
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For my after life I would like to have the powers of an omnipotent being. Not so I can play GOd on a large scale, but set up my own things and then be normal.



Until I get bored :3

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  • 2 years later...

Absolute cessation of all consciousness, my body being broken down and joining with other lives, becoming spread out through the food chain. To exist in the grass and trees, to be a bird, a deer a wolf, a rabbit, all at once. To become one with nature in the truest sense, an afterlife of countless lives.

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... I would want to conjure up my own house and every video game console that I ever wanted, every video game for them I ever wanted... AND LOTS OF CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES :3 Complete with a time-traveling portal to: the Fallout universe, Pop Star, Equestria, Ooo, the Battlefield universe, AND the universe of the Regular Show... :P

Edited by Twilight Sniper
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Except it shall be in glorious mega realistic mega HD. ^^


Oh, and all problems with the logic and all those laws of physics broken and what-not will be conveniently retconned and rewritten, making the possibility of the world existing 100% possible.


I'll get me a Charmander and we'll be best friends.

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"Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here’s Tom with the weather."


-Bill Hicks 

  • Brohoof 1
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