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If you could create your own afterlife?


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A personal sandbox universe. Infinite things to set up, infinite games to make, infinite challenges to set up for myself, being able to link to anything to play TF2 IRL for example, any online game in "first person mode", living a normal life for some time, anything can be done with a sandbox universe, as it would be easy to apply temporary restrictions to myself. And If I wouldn't want the restrictions any more? Just press the "save and quit to title" button. Not to forget being able to go crazy when it comes to creating music and stuff, being able to link to the internet to anonymously share some creations while the rest of the planet has no idea where I create that stuff. Basically, anything I'd want to do.

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  • 4 years later...

It would be whatever I want it to be, no matter how crazy or unrealistic. Though in general I'd like an infinite grass plain, with some forests here and there, and just go around meeting people, with the knowledge I would eventually find those close to me.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'd be like a demi-god like Greece's ancient heroes like Hercules and Achilles so I could still be able to have feelings, sentiments, and be able to eat food because of being hungry. 

Then my paradise would basically be divided into a bunch of portals to lead to other dimensions. Basically the world will be like ours in a way, but the sky and surroundings is space and the ocean (No it won't spill over).

Edited by Sondash Studios
  • Brohoof 1
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I would create my afterlife, based on how I'm currently living. Of course, I would make sure to exclude having health issues and other natural problems.

  • Brohoof 1
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I would make fictional worlds and characters real. Actual personalities and shit. Can you imagine living in an actual Equestria, Mushroom Kingdom and whatnot  :fluttershy:?

21 hours ago, Kevin Tang said:

Hmmmmm.... How about....


It kinda makes ‘em horses being secretly evil tho :dash:

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My afterlife would be where I'd be a god and I'll be able to create a universe and create problems and issues for people and see how they react to it, for example I'd make equestria and create problems for the mane 6 and get involved and may or may not wipe the world out and build it up again to get involved and remake some of my favourite fanfiction and basically have my own little sandbox to play with for eternity filled with different scenarios etc

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I would want to be with all of my lost pets, and lost family members. I would also love to see all of my husbandos :-D

  • Brohoof 1
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I had a dream once where I was surrounded by portals, and through these portals lay multiple, different heavens. Each was tailored to how one person pictured paradise. One was a tropical island, another was a winter wonderland. One was in a. Beautiful city, and another was on the water. One had perpetual gorgeous daylight, and another a night lit up by aurorae. Forest. Desert. Plains. The list goes on.

Which one was mine? That’s my business.

  • Brohoof 1
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My afterlife would have all the greats. Im talking music legends, innovative minds, kind souls. Id then want to play one massive game of Dungeons and Dragons, where everyone gets to be DM of a campaign they put together. We'd have endless snacks, and wed have the universe itself to chill in.

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