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Why is everyone accusing the staff of "pandering?"

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If the show starts listening to the desires of the bronies, then it is at risk of forgetting the desires of the show's target demographic of children. That's what I think separates this show's fanbase from others. The children are more important than the bronies, and they deserve to have a show that's made specially for them.


I can imagine a child watching this show and being confused about a scene, because that scene was something that only bronies could understand or relate to. This kind of thing breaks my heart. This is why it's bad if the show is pandering to the bronies. Of course, the show hasn't gone down this road at all, from what I can tell, which is the whole point of this thread.


In other words, yeah, the show isn't pandering to us, and people are getting mad about a problem that doesn't exist. But at least if the problem did exist, they'd be mad for a good reason. XD

I disagree. Even Disney movies have cute little nods to adults and as long as they are tasteful, I think it s fine. Its okay to give notice to older fans so long as the entire show isn't rewritten for them.

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Yeah, I don't get it either.  People get way too worked up over marshmallow horses.


Edit:  I found this relevant.


Edited by Crispy
  • Brohoof 2


On 8/23/2012 at 1:54 AM, Djenty said:


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As everypony else has said doubt they are pandering to us. Numerous reason for this mostly but primarily its because episodes take long time to make, let alone keeping it on par in terms of quality.

The ideas usually aren't the most abstract or super original. It sees odd that people would think they copied them.

Also the writers aren't allowed to read fanfictions? wow didn't know that. :( I feel bad for them.. what would happen if they did though?

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Thank you Flutterbass! I agree


I'm so tired of seeing all the complaining and whining lately about Season 3. Is this season a little bit different from the other ones? Sure. But all this "OMG they ruined the show OMG i'm never watching it again!" Is ridiculous.


They are not pandering to us. They throw a few references our way, and that's it.

The show is still great.

The fandom is still great.

They are still the ponies we all know and love.

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Pandering is the act of expressing one's views in accordance with the likes of a group to which one is attempting to appeal.


From what I've heard and well seen we have at least 3 '''''''incidents'''''' of pandering.


Derpy- I don't have a problem with this because it was just a way for Hasbro to show that the have acknowledged the extensive fan base.


Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash - I don't think it's pandering because over the course of the show Scootaloo has always admired RD though when Scootaloo said 'be like my big sister'' I stopped and thought but dismissed as that is just part of admiring some one some pony.


The using of the Term Alicorn- 


Definition- Alicorn historically referred to the horn of a unicorn or its substance. It is also used as a name for a Winged Unicorn in popular culture. It was first used as substance of the horn of the unicorn whom contained magical or medicinal powers, by the persona's who brought up the existence of unicorns. Besides the term alicorn has been used in other shows.......

Edited by PonyPowaX1000


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Derpy is gone because soccer moms were complaining about her. (That's what I've heard from an abundance of people.)


"She's offensive!"

I'd like to point out that Derpy is DERPY. She DERPS. She's not offensive; she's an internet reference.

And how is Derpy offensive, and Patrick from Spongebob isn't? Or Crackle, for Christs sake?


People are just..over-sensitive. <_<


I don't really mind it, I just want more Luna.

Edited by Princess Nightingale
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The "Alicorn's Amulet" was almost definitely pandering. Of course, like "good" pandering it doesn't take anything away from the show. It doesn't matter what the amulet is called.


If they were doing something like trying to hang a plot point on our (assumed) knowledge of Lyra's obsession for humans or Celestia's past relationship with Discord, that would be terrible.


Pandering's okay as long it's inconsequential, makes perfect sense from within the show or, better yet, both.

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If they didn't make it so obvious in season 3 I wouldn't have a problem with it, but I swear they are making episodes just because it's what we want to see- kinda taking their creativity out of it.

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In my opinion they are taking consideration into the brony fanbase. You can see how scootaloo made an appearance in two episodes (almost consecutively) already and was suddenly given the spotlight when it's usually Applebloom. I don't really like the CMC and was kind of spiffed that they got two episodes straight away. Making Trixie good suddenly? Yeah I smell favoritism.


I don't know I feel like the show lost some luster since I saw these signs. I don't usually watch a new episode just once I usually watched them at least two times or more. Now I even miss the new episodes on release because I'm losing interest. Another thing Fluttershy is talking too much... and she doesn't make those shy hesitations anymore. What's the deal with that.

Edited by poniesforfun


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You guys can be so annoying sometimes. You interpret ANYTHING as fanservice. For example:


Shipping. Just becuase two characters touch each other's hooves, the fanbase screams "SHIPPING! SHIPPING! SHIPPING! Whenever two characters interact the fanbase screams "SHIPPING!" There is nothing even remotely suggestive about any of these things that the fans interpret as "shipping references." Just because two friends touch hands, or interact in any way whatsoever, does not mean there is any romantic relationship going on. Anyone who thinks that there are shipping references in the show, does not understand how romance works. And no, there are no "subtle" references.


Scootaloo Episode. Do I really need to say anything here? Applebloom and Sweetie Belle both have had their own episodes. The only CMC who didn't have one before was Scootaloo. It only makes sense that they would decide to make one. I know the fans have wanted one, but just because they gave you one, doesn't mean it's fan service. Scootaloo needed her own episode, and the staff knew it. They weren't  "pandering" to the fans. 


Applejack Episode. Pretty much, the same thing as above.


Magic Duel. This episode was planned way back in season 1, way before they even knew what a brony was, and was originally going to be a season 2 episode. Just because Trixie is a fan favorite, doesn't mean that bringing her back for an episode is "fanservice," 

And most of the "references" in this episode were just references to past episodes. They are not referencing bronies in any way. Referencing past episodes is nothing new for cartoons. Plenty of other cartoons do it, Don't believe me, than watch Phineas And Ferb.


Rule 63. I can't believe I even have to say anything about this one. Rule 63 has been in cartoons forever. It wasn't always called "rule 63" but it's nothing new. Just because we got to see a stallion Applejack for a few seconds in Magic Duel doesn't mean that they are fanservicing the R63 fans. If they were to make a whole R63 episode, I wouldn't criticize them for "fan-pandering." I'd criticize them for lack of originality.


Too Many Pinkie Pies. Seriously, why is this one even on this list? Some people believe that the mere existence of this episode is fanservice. God forbid they make another Pinkie Pie episode. *sarcasm* And a lot of these so-called brony references are not brony references at all. The G3 reference was.... wait for it.... a G3 reference. Not a brony reference. Some people thought that the Pinkies watching paint dry was a reference to a fanfic called "Pinkie Pie Watches Paint Dry." (which is an awesome fic btw) But the writers are not allowed to read fanfiction, and even if they were, they'd only have time to find the really popular ones, like My Little Dashie (which is overrated imo). Some people even think that the pinkie clone growing fingers was a reference to Lyra. Now I know that a lot of people were joking about that, but it seems like some of them seriously believe that the fingers thing is a brony reference. Just because something seems even remotely human, doesn't mean they are referencing fanon Lyra, or any fanfics about humans in equestria. I don't see anyone accusing Iron Will of this, despite the fact that he is the closest thing to a human the show has ever had.


Luna. Seriously guys. Any sort of appearance of Luna whatsoever is fanservice? No, they're just showing more of an important character. She's not just a backround pony guys, she's a ****ing princess! Just because she is not in every single episode, doesn't mean that any appearance from her at all is "fanservice,"


Seriously, the people who think everything above is fanservice are the same people who want Derpy to make an appearance in season 3, or even have her own episode. Seriously, if anything is fanservice, it would be a Derpy episode.(nothing against Derpy) And I wonder how they would react to a Derpy episode. Would they accuse this episode of fanservice, or would they be happy and completely ignore the fact that the episode is fanservice, while still accusing everything listed above as "fanservic?"


If there is anything I missed, let me know. And if you really believe that something that I have not listed is fanservice, tell me what it is, and I will tell you why it's NOT fanservice.

  • Brohoof 22



And The Pony Of The Month Is: Princess Celestia!

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I think you did quite a good job of dispelling popular rumors about fanservice, however I think most people are too set in their ways to listen to these logical arguments and will somply click the back button as soon as they see you making any sense. I have noticed a lot of people think that season 3 is just a bunch of fanservice, and a few people are actually leaving the brony community because of it. Not to call them ignorant, but I think you're making a lot more sense than any of them.

  • Brohoof 1



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Luna. Seriously guys. Any sort of appearance of Luna whatsoever is fanservice? No, they're just showing more of an important character. She's not just a backround pony guys, she's a ****ing princess! Just because she is not in every single episode, doesn't mean that any appearance from her at all is "fanservice,"


And now, Celestia appearances are almost as rare as Luna appearances. In fact, Luna is beating Celestia in terms of appearances this season, I believe. It's not Season 1 anymore. And yet nobody thinks its interesting when Celestia appears, but everyone goes OMGWTFBBQ when there's Luna? *sigh*

  • Brohoof 3

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I totally agree with everything you just said. Everything. God, it can be annoying sometimes. It would be totally different if they featured someone's OC in the episodes (which they already did, I think...?). Or if they made an episode about Lyra temporarily becoming human. But seriously? G3 references are brony references? Since when?

  • Brohoof 1


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OR, it could be a smart way to keep our interest in the show. The producers could have not included everything that has to do with G3 or Luna and Scootaloo because the "intended" target demographic wouldn't care either way. They could have added it to keep our interest on the show and if that is the case, it worked pretty well. Though the post about shipping is true, it makes us fans happy to see some of our ideas nearly become a reality even if the contact between two characters is minimal. The one thing about fan service is that it can be very subtle and with this show, it usually is.

  • Brohoof 2

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OR, it could be a smart way to keep our interest in the show. The producers could have not included everything that has to do with G3 or Luna and Scootaloo because the "intended" target demographic wouldn't care either way. They could have added it to keep our interest on the show and if that is the case, it worked pretty well. Though the post about shipping is true, it makes us fans happy to see some of our ideas nearly become a reality even if the contact between two characters is minimal. The one thing about fan service is that it can be very subtle and with this show, it usually is.

I know the intended demographic doesn't care about these things, but the staff of the show does and would even if the brony community didn't exist. There's no evidence that the G3 reference wouldn't be in the show if bronies didn't exist. Cartoonists like to put inside jokes in their cartoons. so the audience doesn't always have to get it. There have always been jokes in the show that kids wouldn't understand even before they knew that there were such thing as a brony. They didn't include Scootaloo and Luna because the fans would like it, or the target demographic would like it, but because they liked the idea themselves. 



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I know the intended demographic doesn't care about these things, but the staff of the show does and would even if the brony community didn't exist. There's no evidence that the G3 reference wouldn't be in the show if bronies didn't exist. Cartoonists like to put inside jokes in their cartoons. so the audience doesn't always have to get it. There have always been jokes in the show that kids wouldn't understand even before they knew that there were such thing as a brony. They didn't include Scootaloo and Luna because the fans would like it, or the target demographic would like it, but because they liked the idea themselves. 

People like Daniel Ingram have confirmed our suspicions about every inside joke invoved in the show. Also,without us the show would have never made it to where it is right now.How does someone keep it that way, they make the fans happy. What makes fans happy? Incorperating their ideas that they have made. Sure the cartoonists like to put their own flare on a show with inside jokes a plenty but what if those jokes were made by us? Pinkie Pies "fingered hoof" trick is something that is extremely unlikely to occur in a show like this without some outside influence suggesting the ideas. We have had a monumental impact the way the show is devised and made. Plain and simple.

  • Brohoof 1

The mind of the host will desperately try to create memories where none exist. Simple right?

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I agree with you, but at the same time, I still believe that the show is offering tons and tons of fanservice. I don't know if this is restricted to season 3 only but the biggest reference to the fandom was Rainbow Dash interacting with Derpy. That's the most obvious fan service of the whole show. Now let's move to your points:


  • Shipping: You are probably right. Obviously in the show, it's impossible that they would make an obvious relationship between 2 characters of the cast, that's not gonna happen ever! but at this point, every single frame of the 22 minutes long of each episode will be meticulously analyzed by all of us, and the small reference to something will fuel a lot of shipping art and fics. No matter what, it is fan service if the show can promote this sort of things (fics, art, music etc) called shipping (a term created by us bronies), even if it wasn't their intention. My example, I don't know if you notice but Rarity and Applejack seem to be a lot more closer this season. Perhaps they didn't intend to ship these 2, but these small scenes involving these 2 ponies is flamable material for bronies.
  • Scootaloo Episode: Probably you are very right, but what a coincedence it would be if after bronies hinting and moaning about a Rainbow Dash/Scootaloo apprentice/mentor relationship in art and fics, they decided to wait after 3 seasons to deliver a Scootaloo episode. hmmm suspicious?...maybe.
  • Applejack episode: I don't know. I've heard everywhere how Applejack didn't get enough love, and that she needed a song of her own, they gave her more screen time and a song. Even if it wasn't fan service per se, it satisfied a lot of people out there.
  • Magic Duel: I'm only gonna say 1 thing. "The Alicorn Amulet", the term "alicorn" was created by the fandom and never used by Hasbro. This IS fan service.
  • Too Many Pinkie Pies: I don't know what to say about this. I don't read fics, but I am aware that Lyra with fingers is a meme, I can't say it's a reference to Lyra or what. So I don't know.
  • Luna: It's a fact that people get crazy when they see Luna (I really don't see why) but even if she's a princess, she's a secondary character. if people likes her to be more on screen and they are delivering it, it's fan service.

My point is, even if the creators of the show are not even trying to do fan service at all, every single detail is being analyzed by bronies, and if people gets satisfied by some scenes and also it fuels fics and arts, it's called fan service regardless, because they are "servicing" them.

  • Brohoof 5


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Even if they did have some fan service. WHY COMPLAIN? Isn't it a good thing that they listen the fan base? Sure it was originally for little girls but if they want to throw in Brony references why is everyone mad about it? It's a good thing! If the go overboard with it it could be bad but they haven't gone overboard so why aren't we cheering instead of complaining?

  • Brohoof 2
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You pointed out some good ones right there. I agree 100%.

Most of it isn't fan service. I highly doubt that Hasbro listened to us and said, "oh ya letz juzt do sum appledash they gunna luv it."

They do most of this on their own, this fan service thing is cool but some people need to stop saying it's ALL fan service.

  • Brohoof 1


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I agree.  It seems to me that if the fandom says it's fan-service (even if it isn't) other bronies that hate fan-service are going to listen, and just dislike it for the fan-service.  Though that alicorn amulet might'v been a little wink of fan-service.   

Edited by Dusty Soul


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Scootaloo Episode: Probably you are very right, but what a coincedence it would be if after bronies hinting and moaning about a Rainbow Dash/Scootaloo apprentice/mentor relationship in art and fics, they decided to wait after 3 seasons to deliver a Scootaloo episode. hmmm suspicious?...maybe.


The Rainbow Dash/Scootaloo thing was hinted at in the actual show, which is the reason the fandom latched onto the idea in the first place.


Magic Duel: I'm only gonna say 1 thing. "The Alicorn Amulet", the term "alicorn" was created by the fandom and never used by Hasbro. This IS fan service.


The term "alicorn" was NOT created by the fandom. An alicorn is a winged unicorn, but is also a word for the substance that unicorn horns are made of.The simply did their research and included alicorns in the show. Just because the fans started using the term first, doesn't mean the writers didn't already know the term alicorn from the very beginning of the show.

  • Brohoof 4



And The Pony Of The Month Is: Princess Celestia!

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You guys can be so annoying sometimes. You interpret ANYTHING as fanservice. For example:


Shipping. Just becuase two characters touch each other's hooves, the fanbase screams "SHIPPING! SHIPPING! SHIPPING! Whenever two characters interact the fanbase screams "SHIPPING!" There is nothing even remotely suggestive about any of these things that the fans interpret as "shipping references." Just because two friends touch hands, or interact in any way whatsoever, does not mean there is any romantic relationship going on. Anyone who thinks that there are shipping references in the show, does not understand how romance works. And no, there are no "subtle" references.


Scootaloo Episode. Do I really need to say anything here? Applebloom and Sweetie Belle both have had their own episodes. The only CMC who didn't have one before was Scootaloo. It only makes sense that they would decide to make one. I know the fans have wanted one, but just because they gave you one, doesn't mean it's fan service. Scootaloo needed her own episode, and the staff knew it. They weren't  "pandering" to the fans. 


Applejack Episode. Pretty much, the same thing as above.


Magic Duel. This episode was planned way back in season 1, way before they even knew what a brony was, and was originally going to be a season 2 episode. Just because Trixie is a fan favorite, doesn't mean that bringing her back for an episode is "fanservice," 

And most of the "references" in this episode were just references to past episodes. They are not referencing bronies in any way. Referencing past episodes is nothing new for cartoons. Plenty of other cartoons do it, Don't believe me, than watch Phineas And Ferb.


Rule 63. I can't believe I even have to say anything about this one. Rule 63 has been in cartoons forever. It wasn't always called "rule 63" but it's nothing new. Just because we got to see a stallion Applejack for a few seconds in Magic Duel doesn't mean that they are fanservicing the R63 fans. If they were to make a whole R63 episode, I wouldn't criticize them for "fan-pandering." I'd criticize them for lack of originality.


Too Many Pinkie Pies. Seriously, why is this one even on this list? Some people believe that the mere existence of this episode is fanservice. God forbid they make another Pinkie Pie episode. *sarcasm* And a lot of these so-called brony references are not brony references at all. The G3 reference was.... wait for it.... a G3 reference. Not a brony reference. Some people thought that the Pinkies watching paint dry was a reference to a fanfic called "Pinkie Pie Watches Paint Dry." (which is an awesome fic btw) But the writers are not allowed to read fanfiction, and even if they were, they'd only have time to find the really popular ones, like My Little Dashie (which is overrated imo). Some people even think that the pinkie clone growing fingers was a reference to Lyra. Now I know that a lot of people were joking about that, but it seems like some of them seriously believe that the fingers thing is a brony reference. Just because something seems even remotely human, doesn't mean they are referencing fanon Lyra, or any fanfics about humans in equestria. I don't see anyone accusing Iron Will of this, despite the fact that he is the closest thing to a human the show has ever had.


Luna. Seriously guys. Any sort of appearance of Luna whatsoever is fanservice? No, they're just showing more of an important character. She's not just a backround pony guys, she's a ****ing princess! Just because she is not in every single episode, doesn't mean that any appearance from her at all is "fanservice,"


Seriously, the people who think everything above is fanservice are the same people who want Derpy to make an appearance in season 3, or even have her own episode. Seriously, if anything is fanservice, it would be a Derpy episode.(nothing against Derpy) And I wonder how they would react to a Derpy episode. Would they accuse this episode of fanservice, or would they be happy and completely ignore the fact that the episode is fanservice, while still accusing everything listed above as "fanservic?"


If there is anything I missed, let me know. And if you really believe that something that I have not listed is fanservice, tell me what it is, and I will tell you why it's NOT fanservice.

You do realize most of these are jokes right? Especially that Rule 63 one, I was even joking about it by bringing it up in the last topic xD


As for the shipping one:






although, PinkieDash is where the good stuff is.

  • Brohoof 1




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You do realize most of these are jokes right? Especially that Rule 63 one, I was even joking about it by bringing it up in the last topic xD


I wish they really were just jokes, but people are legitimately complaining about this stuff. They're accusing the show of "pandering."  



And The Pony Of The Month Is: Princess Celestia!

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