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What were you scared of as a child?


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The movie 2012 scared me for a very long time when I was young, I don't even remember how my dad convinced me to watch it. Even now I miiigghhhttt still be  little scared of it. :lie:

And microwaves. I am was scared of that too.

  • Brohoof 2


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Well, I remember when I was little I used to be scared of the dark, so I always used a nightlight.

But I'm not really scared of it anymore, though, just creeped out by it.

  • Brohoof 2


| Poet, Writer, and artist | Cartoon, anime and Disney lover | Video game lover |

"We know what we are, but know not what we may be." -William Shakespeare
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A... Afraid?! Me?! BAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAH!!!:sneer:



Well, when I was a kid I used to kinda be afraid of bees. But that's because I got stung by a lot of them after bumping a hive. Not a fun experience.


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Dogs and death (as in, stereotypical representation of it).

Former because of a traumatic experience being attacked by a small pack, and constantly harassed by another one for years.

And latter, for just being spooky

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I was deathly afraid of heights as a kid. As in I could climb up on the jungle gym and almost get a heart attack looking at the ground.


I still am afraid of heights, but it isn't as bad as it once was.

Edited by Duzzkey
  • Brohoof 1
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I always felt weird in the sense that traditional "kids fears" didn't phase me as a kid, but scare the crap out of me as an adult. For example, as a kid, heights didn't phase me at all, heck I almost jumped off a mountainside for fun (thank god my dad was there, jeez) but now? Dear lord anything above 15 feet makes me uneasy.

That said, as a kid I was terrified of demons. I went to a very odd daycare growing up (place was a train wreck let me tell you, I remember slamming a kids head in a brick wall multiple times and just got timeout) and every Sunday they would tell us about how demons would kidnap us in the middle of the night and torture us forever. 

I was also deathly afraid of aliens, which I still am to this day, but to a lesser extent. I had so may nightmares about being abducted by aliens, especially after I saw a UFO. Me and my dad would watch countless alien documentaries on History and Discovery, and watch tons of alien movies together, like Independence DaySignsMars Attacks and Invaders from Mars (1953) for example. Each movie scared me to high heaven.

Head admin and founder of MLPWiki.net. Lover of high adventure!

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Being laughed at and being alone. Luckely I'm almost over those things. :squee:

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

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Just now, Trotteur Sauvage said:

Little Roki was lonely ? :blush:

Don't cry Nici. Things get better. :fluttershy:

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

!Feel Free To Talk And Walk Where Ever You Like On This Forum!

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The shadows on my wall caused by my curtains not being closed well. There is a streetlantern right in front of my windown and my window is an odd shape so my curtain doesn't close fully and it always has some cracks (not anymore since I found a way to fully close it since I'm still uncomfortable with them) and through the cracks the light fell on my wall and ceiling. I had a very lively fantasy as a kid and I imagined the streaks of light as witches and needles and dragond and I though that when I closed my eyes they would come to life. It caused me to sleep with a lights on for a long time. I still am weirdly uncomfortable with having cracks in my curtain and I will still not sleep untill I closed it in that one specific way that makes most of the cracks go away XD


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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I had an overwhelming fear of getting lost as a child... probably because its happened several times before in the past. Usually couldn't handle long periods of time away from home without panicking that I'll never be able to return for some reason. This also contributed to me staying indoors a majority of my childhood playing MMOs like WoW and W101. Though I'd sometimes leave to play outside with friends.

Now as an adult I'm the exact opposite... though I still do spend most of my time on a PC, I actually love being outside and exploring. Back when I went camping all my friends sat around the campsite hanging out, while I ventured the forest alone taking pictures of what I could find. I had never explored a forest before, and I always pictured them to be dark, scary places, with dangerous animals lurking about. But no, it was beautiful... until night hit and I was too scared to leave my tent because all my fears of the forest came true.

I also use to be afraid of bigger dogs, because my neighbors dog got out and attacked me, leaving me a scar and a fun traumatic experience where I thought I was going to die. Now I'm a bit uneasy around them, but if I were attacked again I feel I'd be able to fight back. Coincidentally enough my dream last night had a scenario where I was being attacked by a wolf of some sort, and I won.

I also use to be afraid of lightning storms because of how rare storms were in general... just the thought of a bolt of energy hitting me would be just enough to kill me didn't make me feel easy during storms.

Really the only things I'm afraid of now that I was as a kid is dark forests, bees, and gore.


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What an old thread :wacko: .

Lots of things, but one of the things that most people weren't afraid of were.. car washes :lie: ... just the loud sound of it and the brushes look like they were monsters going to attack me with something as they swirled around D:

I eventually just matured out of it and realized they won't cause any physical harm though there may have been mental trauma in the past :pout: .


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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oh man this ones kinda embarrasing.

For the longest time I had a fear of being in or next to the bath when draining it after having a bath. I think it stemmed from the fear of spiders crawling up out of the plug hole, but I beleived that there was a monster living down the plug hole and that if I wasnt out of the bath when draining it, i would be sucked down and eaten by that monster >.< like it was so bad some times, id leave the bath still full of water and wait for my mum to pull the plug. Was never  aproblem with showers, but back then I HATED showers and just getting my hair wet in general.

I also thought there were skeletons living in our cellar back when we lived in a big old manor house. It had horrible scary crooked stairs to get down to it and what I remember is that there was an open dark area, with a coal door/shute and a corridor of wine racks at the back. I never went to the wine racks as thats where the skeletons were. Tbh if i went back there today, then I still wouldnt go back there.

The last thing is kinda one of those, watched too many scary films as a kid, moments. My Family owns a shop and has down for generations, but in the last 15-20 years it has become quite derelict and creepy. Convinced its still haunted ot this day actually. The old upstairs flat/apartment has this really really creepy vibe to it. And there is a back room that connects the bathroom, main bedroom and corridor to the next door flat (which we own anyway). I still have a fear of this room. But I believed it was like a gateway to hell/another world/limbo etc just the scariest place ever and I could never make it home. I used to have nightmares about it featuring people id never seen....who turned out to be my ancestors who lived in the shop.  Real creepy stuff! As a dare, I got pushed into that room and just kinda froze. But i did get out because my friends at the time were not scared of it.

I think now im 27, I would pop my head around the door with a torch and see whats in it, but i still wouldnt go over the threshold on my own.

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I was extremely arachnophobic back then. Mainly because my big brother said something about "If you go to sleep, they will climb inside your eye socket and lay eggs inside your brain." I'm much better with spiders now. Thanks bro.

「A nightingale in a golden cage, thats me locked inside reality's maze.」

「Come someone make my heavy heart light, come undone bring me back to life~!」



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The dark/ghosts, hate to be in bed in the dark. When I wake up in middle of night cry for mum to put to put it back. Do it some times until my dad went in and tell me off. Do sleep in the dark and face the wall scared to look back and scared to go to bathroom. But then now do sleep with lights on mostly with lamp and when go to bathroom put on my bedroom lights on. Reason for being scared of the dark, ghosts, shadow people or creepy creatures might show up. Also something on telly that made me scared of the dark.

Proud British Brony

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I'm more afraid of the world now as a 24 year old, than I ever was as a child.


I only WISH serial killers and ghosts were my only problem now qq.

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11 minutes ago, Tinkh_ said:

I'm more afraid of the world now as a 24 year old, than I ever was as a child.


I only WISH serial killers and ghosts were my only problem now qq.


I was afraid of out of bounds glitches in video games. Still am. Pure nightmare fuel. 

  • Brohoof 1



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I used to be afraid of dogs. My cousin got attacked by a pit bull when we were both very little and even though I wasn't there when it happened, I was fairly traumatized and it took a while for me to be comfortable around them.

Now, I can even interact with a pit bull, no problem. I got to meet a particularly sweet one at an animal shelter and OMG that may have been the sweetest dog I have ever come across.

  • Brohoof 3


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