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Symbolism in MLP:FIM and hidden knowledge


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But seriously, I've never would have noticed any of this, mainly because I'm ignorant to a lot of these things. It's pretty interesting watching people connect things to a lot of these philosophical and spiritual deals.

Edited by ComradeUncleJoe

Have no fear, El Presidente is here! - El Presidente

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These space-time questions return again in some other Episode from season 2, which is all about time travels! Here is the most stunning and most sophisticated screenshot from the show I've ever seen in MLP:FIM so far:




As you can clearly see, these equations are picture-perfect matched with those you can find on Wikipedia. This is real! I'm not making this up! These are the actual derivation of the formula for time dilation from the Lorentz's transformations! Anyone still believing that this is all for little girls? Yeah, right, I see how every little girl just can't wait to spot an error in time dilation formula from Special Relativity to make Einstein cry :-PPP  Now I just have to ask this question to Jessper: are you still saying that I see what I want to see? ;-J



This is one hell of a thread. I salute you for taking the time to break it down with the depth you've just provided us and managed to intrigue us right away.


I always thought that magic and science were more interrelated in the real world than in anything else. You're right, any sufficiently advanced piece of technology can be considered magic to more "primitive" beings. If you go back in time with a laptop with internet and show it to someone from the 18th century, they'd no doubt find it extremely fascinating. Likewise, fighter jets would literally sound like the gift of gods to medieval knights and kings all around Europe. Just think of the madness they could cause during those times.


Part of what in which makes the show so interesting has been its references to many aspects of life around the world. Faust knew what she was doing when she drew inspiration from stuff like TV shows and movies, and that was just part of the theorem we're all trying to fully crack. Mythology for example, has deeply-strung roots and the producers took full advantage of it. From dragons to creatures from Tartarus itself... now we're digging deep into the mathematical. Sure, it could be just for little girls, but why not spruce up some of your episodes by integrating equations that relate to time travel itself?


Unicorn magic I presume are brought from scrolls, which isn't just derived from somepony's lower gut or "magical chamber". It's obviously just as much math as it is somepony's magical ability. Like figuring out how a plane would lift off and stay in the air for however long it's supposed to, what's the math behind a teleportation spell? Similarly, there's a lot of physics involved with a fighter jet breaking the sound barrier. In this case you must hit speeds greater than Mach 1...




That being said, not even pegasus ponies are limited. With flying being a critical part of their lives, what kind of physics do they need to conquer to stay safe in the air? For athletes like the Wonderbolts, they no doubt need to study up on concepts like the sound barrier. You need to travel faster than 344 meters per second, but even that's moot - depending on the temperature your surrounding environment is, you'll either have to fly faster (if it's a colder environment) or slower (if needed - if it's a warmer environment). Here is the equation:


v = 331m/s + 0.6m/s/C * T


"V" refers to the velocity of the speed of sound derived from the speed of sound at 0 degrees celsius (331 m/s), added up with surrounding temperature. So if you're flying in a desert where it's like 45 degrees C, you'll probably end up flying at around 358 m/s, which is enough to break the sound barrier. Good luck trying to do that, though.


Mathematics, it's not just something for scientists. :)

Edited by Alfonzo Dennard
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TL;DR on the comments, just because they're so darn long, but if you add up all of the points of the stars on Twilight's CM, the star representing magic, you get 42.


The meaning of life.

Her element is magic.

Friendship is magic.





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Sorry, I had to get some sleep, but now I'm fresh and ready to go on with this ;-)
Now it's time for Cheerilee's Equation :->
Maxwell meets Miss Cheerilee

Advanced formulae from Physics appear more often in the show. The most frequently occuring is this one below:


It is present since Twilight's childhood (you can see it scribbled on the blackboard in the auditorium), and at present times, it appears often in Miss Cheerilee's blackboard in her classroom, many times. I wonder what is she teaching to those little fillies? ;-J

At first glance, it doesn't directly resemble anything what I know. I haven't seen exactly this equation anywhere in my study of Physics. But at the second glance, it contains many familiar symbols, all of which are related to Maxwell's Equations for electromagnetism :-> The symbols used in it are real mathematical symbols, correctly used.

Differential operators

For example, the inversed triangle symbol seen in the numerator is called "nabla", and it symbolzes the "del" differential operator. For three dimensions of space in Cartesian coordinates, it can be expanded like this:


Just a vector sum of partial derivatives for each independent direction of space. When applied to a scalar field, it produces a vector field called gradient, which shows the direction of quickest change of value. When applied to a vector field, it produces a scalar field called divergence, which shows where the vector field is radiating from (or where the sources and sinks are). So let's see now what Miss Cheerilee applies it to.

Electric displacement field

In Miss Cheerilee's Equation, it's applied to a symbol of capital D. This symbol is also known in Electrodynamics: It designates the so-called electric displacement field. At present, this quantity is used a little bit differently than originally by Maxwell in 19th century, because he used it to describe the displacement of electric fluid. At present, we don't treat electricity as a fluid, but a stream of particles (electrons). But no matter the interpretation, the law is the same.

D is a vector quantity (because it has a direction of displacement), so in Miss Cheerilee's Equation, the "del" operator means the divergence of that field: how much it spreads out and from which places. So it's something about radiation of electric fluid from matter. In this way, it's very similar to Gauss's Law, which is the first of Maxwell's Equations for electromagnetism shown here in a modern form:
I need to emphasize that this is not how Maxwell had them written originally! These are really modified versions by Heaviside. This is a whole story of how these equations evolved through history, and how they were modified several times, and there are evidences that some parts of these equations has been purposedly hidden (or censored) from public. But this is a whole another story. If you're interested, we can talk about it someday in some other place, because it's not directly related to ponies. I'm mentioning this just to signal you that there's more in our Science too that meets the eye, and what you can find officially in Physics books is not necessarily everything what's there; some things are still hidden in shadows ;-) So it's worth to be like Twilight Sparkle and dig through these dusty old books sometimes ;-)

Epsilon and mu

The other two symbols from Miss Cherilee's Equation, that is, Greek letters epsilon and mu, are also important in Electrodynamics, as you can see in the following version of Maxwell's Equations:

(See? I told you that there are many different forms of Maxwell's Equations :-P )

The former (epsilon) is called electric permittivity, and the latter (mu) is magnetic permeability. In official books you'd be told that both are constants, and that they're some special features of Nature itself which have to be taken from measurements. This is a lie. They're no more special than the units we've chosen arbitrarily for measuring electric charges, forces, distances and time. If we've chosen different units, we'd have to tweak these constants to match the reality again. They're just conversion factors resulting from our choice of units, and we can even chose units in a way that these constants will be all 1 and drop out of these equations, leaving just the bare law of physics laying before our curious eyes. But, back to the subject...

In Miss Cheerilee's equation, these constants are multiplied together in the denominator. What happens when you multiply them together? You'll get the speed of light squared, which appears also in wave equation, or in the famous Einstein's formula for mass and energy equivalence (E = m c2). So Miss Cheerilee is apparently comparing the spreading out of electric fluid from matter with the speed of light. Why? I wish I could know 9_9, but it all seems plausible for me.

Curvature of space

Also the small little triangle added to the whole fraction has a meaning in Mathematics and is used in Field Theory. It is just the "del" operator described above, taken twice in a row (or squared), that is, the second derivative. It is called Laplace's differential operator (or laplacian in short), and it calculates the curvature of space (or how much does it deviate from the average level of equilibrium). It is used widely in Electrodynamics for calculating electric potentials for a given distribution of electric charges in space. It works this way: When you have an electric potential field (which is scalar), and apply the "del" operator once, you'll get the gradient of this potential (the rate of change), which is a vector field (because it can change differently in different directions). This vector field is just electric field. When you apply the "del" operator once again (to get the laplacian), you'll get the divergence of that electric field, or "how much it spreads out". And it spreads out from electric charges, so it should be somehow related to where these charges are located in space.

So you can clearly see that Miss Cherilee's Equation has plenty of connections with Maxwell's Equations for electromagnetism. Unfortunately, it doesn't match any of the official forms of the four Maxwell's Equations known at present. Also, I couldn't transform it to any of them myself.

Well, there's always an option that this equation is one of those missing Maxwell's Equations from his original Field Theory, concerning gravity :-> The picture of a planet with rings or orbit below the equation seems to suggest it a little bit ;-J Well, I'll have to massage these equations a little bit further in some near future...


OK, so this is it. This is where my original article ends. Since then, I've found several other symbols, especially that my first analysis was based mostly on the first season of the show (with a few exceptions).

Now I'll try to answer your comments, I hope will be able to do it in one post :-P You can add your own observations in this topic, because I know that I've left many of them too. And I'm curious of your observations, and how much they'll match up with mine.


P.S.: Some of the "Special BBCodes" (if not all) seem to not work. I couldn't also find any way to insert anchors in my messages, so I just inserted direct links. I hope it won't break someday.

Edited by SasQ
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OK, the time is now for me to answer your comments :-)

First of all, I'd like to thank you for all your appreciation and kind words :-) Only 2 days of existence on this forum and 53 brohoofs already is a very encouraging result for me ;-) There were also several more critical comments there, which is good, because it shows that you have your own mind and you're not believing me just like that. But I also see that some of these doubts can be possibly solved by filling in some gaps, which I'll try to do further below.

When it started off, I was expecting you to say something about mind-control making everyone love it, but nope! You are actually noticing the symbolism that is actually there. Well played!

Actually, there is some kind of mind-control involved, but in a positive direction. I hadn't figure out yet what exactly, but I have some theories. There are of course some references to human sexuality and hypnotizing motions, but they're also in other cartoons, especially in Disney's cartoons, so this is not "it". But there's something more, which I think might be "it":

First of all, this show is inherently positive in the emotional aspect. It's all about Bright Magic of Nature, ecology, friendship, love, tolerance etc. There are some aspects of the Dark Side as well, but they're not shown as "evil", because the Dark Side is not inherently "evil" -- you can do evil by being to good for others, and motivated by good intentions too, and the same is with the Dark Side. These are just opposites, which need to be in balance with each other. Things start to became "evil" when the Dark Side starts to overpower the Bright Side and take control, as in our human world. And this might be the reason which attracts people to this show: They cannot stand the supremacy of the Dark Side in our world, and they seek the way to restore the balance in their minds, and this pony show gives them all those positive emotions they're missing in our world.


And this is very good, because it's all about learning by examples. Our brains tend to reflect what they see on the outside world. When they see bad patterns, they start to become bad. But when they're feed by positive patterns, they start to became positive again. So this show can really change the world if enough people will start learning from it :->

There's one more aspect of it, more related to what I wrote in my article and all these ancient Hermetic teachings: In Hermetism, everything is seen as the balance of the opposing forces of Nature. Our genders are also the evidence of these opposites. We start off as a single cell, which is gender-neutral, before it starts to split and deploy the genetic information stored in it. Then it uses different hormones and chemicals to shape our bodies to be one of these two genders. The mind is not so affected by it, but still, there's the social programming given by the parents, which reflects the physical gender of the child. So girls are programmed to be girly, and boys are programed to be boy-ish. But our spirit is still gender-neutral, and it urges to restore the balance. So we either involve in relationships with opposite genders to fill the missing parts of our personality (which, unfortunately, is not always the perfect solution), or we seek for other ways to restore the balance.

In our culture, males are required to behave in a certain way. They need to be strong, left-brained, predator-like, straight-minded, and they cannot show their emotions to not be called wussies or fags by other males, or appear less attractive to females, which seek their complement to make a whole, not another girl-like personality which they have already. But these girl-like feelings are still there in male's minds, because it's human nature, and we cannot help it. We can only suppress these feelings and hide them from the public to avoid blame. And this constant suppression is not only frustrating and exhausting, but also damaging to the personality, because when we have something to hide, this becomes our vulnerability. If you're a tough guy, and someone can prove you these girly emotions, you're dead in the shoes :-P so this becomes your Achilles' heel.

But then, there comes this pony show, which is full of these feelings, which we want to experience but cannot show. So we can watch the show and experience these feeling safely, and complement these missing parts of our male personality, and still be tough guys in the real world. But there's more.

Because this show is psychologically constructed in a way that convinces males that these feelings are nothing wrong. See how bronies, after some time, start to become proud of watching it? :0) So what's happening here? The suppressed feminine part of our soul, which were our weakness, starts to get stronger and more balanced. It starts to become no longer a vulnerability. It starts to make people aware that male/female distinction is nothing more than physical plane-dependent (cool in itself, but not so important), and it doesn't have to be that way. We don't need to be so much dependent on it, because our minds are free. And they're the more strong, the more balanced they are. So this show is really restoring harmony in our male-dominated world :-)

You can see that the only cause of evil is the imbalance of these opposites. In Season 1, there was that Mare on the Moon, which has been taken over by the Dark Side by surrendering to fear and envy and losing control. But she was not evil. She was princess Luna, the princess Celestia's little sister, which just have lost.

In Season 2, on the other hand, we have Discord, which is the spirit of Chaos. His name is also not a coincidence: it means "disharmony" (compare with "chord" = harmony of sounds, which came from "cord" = the string of an arc, the first musical instrument; compare it also with the Discordianism movement and their book "Principia Discordia"; there are also references to people becoming gray! see the Curse of Greyface). So the real deal here is not the Dark Side itself, but the disharmony of those two, the imbalance, where the Dark Side (or Bright Side, to be consistent) starts to take over. This is where chaos starts. Chaos is the lack of order, the lack of balance.

Also notice that when Discord casts his spells on ponies, it turns their characters to their very opposites: honest Applejack starts to be a liar, kind Fluttershy starts to be a bitch, ever-smiling Pinkie gets depressed, generous Rarity becomes greedy, and loyal Rainbow Dash becomes treacherous. Their virtues become sins.


Let me just note tho, while some symbolism or inspiration, more like, is there, a lot of it can be seen only because you want it to see.

If you read my further posts, you've probably noticed already, that it start to become more and more solid as I go closer and closer to the scientific pole. The last evidence, that is, space-time diagrams and equations, and Maxwell's equations for electromagnetism, are really there, and I'm not making them up. You don't need to stretch anything to see them being there. So let's now focus on the other pole, the symbolic one.

In ancient cultures, the language and science were based on these symbolic meanings. Not to be foggy at all! They have had precise meanings, and they used symbols on purpose: because one symbol can encompass more similar topics, from many different areas of life, in one pictorial representation. Of course you need to know first that they are related and how, to be able to "read out" that information from the symbol. If you don't know about all these connections, the symbol will be totally meaningless to you. That's why secret societies like Masons or Illuminati or Chasidic Jews practicing Kaballah, or other mystery schools, use such symbols in their art and architecture: they know what these symols mean, so they can always read it. But the wider public is unaware about them, so they don't see the meaning even if they see these symbols. Their brains ignore everything they don't understand. That's why they can "hide them at plain sight".

To see how it works, please look at this great masterpiece of art here, by Rafael Santi, called "The School of Athenes":


At first glance, if you don't know anything about this piece of work and its historical context, you'll probably just see a bunch of grandpas in skirts among some old ruins ;-J But if you know more, you'll notice that they are all famous Ancient Greek philosophers, and you can even recognize them if you know what sciences they were into. Now look at the guy at the bottom left, which has a black tablet with some pictures in front of him: This is Pythagoras. And here's a close-up of this tablet (on the left) with a graphical reproduction (on the right):


What can you see on this tablet?

I bet that it's all gibberish (well, Greek, to be precise) to you, and you can only say that it's some occult drawing of something resembling a chalice or candle holder. You can see only that much as much you know about the meaning of these symbols. The more you know, the more you can see there. Not by "making things up", but by decoding them or unlocking by the knowledge you have. So let me use my knowledge to unlock it for you. You'll be surprised how much information could be encoded in just such a small bunch of symbols.

This shape is not a candle stick nor chalice. It's shaped as a lyra. The writings are, when transliterated from Greek to Latin alphabet, and then translated to English:

EPOGDOÓN = whole tone (literally: "over eight" or "by eight", because it's 1/8 of the octave)
DIAPENTE = perfect fifth (literally: "by five")
DIATESSARON = perfect fourth (literally: "by four")
DIAPASON = full octave (literally: "by all" or "going through all").

It represents the four core tones (that is, tensions of the cord) of Pythagorean musical scale. And these sounds are not arbitrarily chosen. They're ordered from the most perfect harmony (or unisono, where two waves have the same wavelength), through octave (which is when ohe is 1/2 of the other in wavelength), perfect fifth (which is at 1/3 or 2/3 of the wavelength), perfect fourth (which is 1/4 or 3/4 of the original wavelength), and whole tone (which is 1/8 or 9/8). This is all about how the harmony of the sound waves has geometric and mathematical origin! The most important discovery of Pythagoras (the real Elements of Harmony ;-) ). That every number can be assigned a geometrical shape, and every shape can be assigned a sound. And the more the ratios of the lengths of the strings are in perfect whole numbers, like 1:2, 2:3, 3:4 etc., the more harmonious is the sound produced by them. The connection with numbers is reflected in those Roman numerals inscribed there. You can take them in pairs and make ratios of them, and when you reduce them to simplest terms, you'll get these harmonic fractions like 1/2, 2/3, 3/4 etc.

Below is the triangle made of roman numerals for number one: I. This is also an important discovery of Pythagoras, called Tetractys. It shows numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 in subsequent rows, which sum up to 10, the basis of the decimal number system. You can see this "10" written as Roman numeral below it: those two mirror images of the letter "C" is how Romans were originally writing the number 10 before it became "X". 10 was considered perfect and divine by Pythagoras because it contained all these numbers in it: unity, duality, trinity and fourth, and others too, when you sum them up.

There's also another invention of Pythagoras hidden there, called "triangular numbers". Pythagoreans believed that every number can be assigned a shape. Now we only know about "square numbers" when we multiply something with itself twice: x*x = x2 which we read "eks squared" or "square of eks", for example. But Pythagoreans knew also triangular numbers, pentagonal numbers, hexagonal numbers, and other shapes, because they knew how numbers relate to geometry. Triangular numbers come to life by summing up subsequent natural numbers. They are then: 1, 3 (=1+2), 6 (=1+2+3), 10 (=1+2+3+4) and so on. This knowledge allowed young Gauss to sum up quickly all the numbers from 1 to 100, when his teacher give him this exercise hoping that it will take him at least one hour to sum up :-P But it turned out that Gauss gave him the answer just after several seconds, and it was the teacher who needed to make all these laborious calculations to check if Gauss was right :-J So it's really useful knowledge.

Geometry is the key to numbers, music, and harmony. And this was the greatest discovery of Pythagoras. And it's all encoded in this simple picture! But you can see it only when you have enough knowledge.

There is of course more knowledge hidden in this painting. But you sould try to figure them yourself. The hint is to use geometry.

The same goes to the symbols in the pony show: The more you know about the meaning of these symbols, the more you can decode from them. And it's not so hard. Because, according to Hermetic tradition, the Universe is made in a fractal structure, that is, it's hierarchical and self-similar. "As above, so below. As is the inside, same is the outside." This is not only what Jesus taught his followers (he was deeply in Hermetism and ancient mysteries too). It's the inscription on the Emerald Tablet, which is the basic text of Alchemy and Hermetism. It says that the Nature repeats itself. Not because it's lazy, but because it's efficient: if something works already, why to invent something else? If something works well in the scale of single atoms, the same should work for these atoms combined into molecules, and molecules into living cells, and living cells into organism, and organisms into ecosystems etc. So our knowledge should also reflect it, by being hierarchical in structure and self-similar. And that's how Hermetic knowledge was structured. All those symbols contained many different meanings, but they were all connected in some deeper levels. This is what the famous psychologist Carl Gustav Jung called "archetypes": the symbols we all know and understand, because they're universal and immersed deeply in our subconscious. Artists can reach to those levels and often incorporate these symbols into their works, often not knowingly.


Awesome! You covered pretty much everything I've noticed and more.

I'm glad to see that someone was also able to find some of these meanings and that it's not only me who noticed it ;-) Good for you. If you know about something I missed, feel free to share your observations with us :-)


I'm surprised you got the connection between the S curves and violin soundholes. Then again, they really do use that shape everywhere, so it's not that hard to notice. Another interesting place it shows up is at the start of Ed Leedskalnin's magnetic current book (he apparently knew the pyramid building techniques, and singlehandedly built a castle out of giant stone blocks back in the 30's-50's)

Yes, I know about Ed Leedskalnin, and once tried to break his code too. If you're interested, there's a guy who has found some interesting patterns in the clues in his Coral Castle, concerning mathematics of prime numbers, their distribution, related to geometry of pyramids and right-angled electromagnetic field dynamics.

Have you read the Blaze Labs articles? Lots of great physics theories, especially the series on particles

Yes, I know Blaze Labs very well. I'm actually coming from that particular field ;-) In my research I deal with wave physics to explain quantum physics mysteries without all this confusion and hard math (it's just waves and geometry after all!), and connect it back with classical physics from 19th century, with Ether, matter made of waves of pure space, etc. If you're interested, see my YouTube channel for an interview with dr. Milo Wolff about his space resonance theory, and dig deeper from that starting point. Modern physics is all mess, and it's a mess done on purpose, to hide the simple truth from our eyes (I wonder if Discord could have had his role in it ;-) ). The truth which was known to ancient civilizations, and to mystery schools like Alchemy or Hermetism.

OK, I'll stop here for now, to let you digest what I wrote, before I'll proceed.

Edited by SasQ
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*Cheerilee's Math*

Those equations re either A. Basic formulas for Unicorn Magic or B. Basic formulas for how to break the forth wall :lol:



But seriously though, I LOVED this thread and I have honestly been eagerly awaiting the next set of lessons to be learned :3


I honestly can not wait to see the hidden symbolisms in seasons 2 and 3


I'll try to keep a good look out for them myself though


Again, excellent job on breaking this whole thing down, it was quite invigorating :3

Edited by ~ds8~
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Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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@: As to the symbols in Season 2 and 3...

I already mentioned some of them when I said about Discord. But still need to get through all the rest, especially the Crystal Empire, because there are many other symbols too.


You can try to spot them yourself. Just watch the view as a whole, not just the foreground. They often hide some easter eggs in the background, so pay attention on it too.


Once I watched one episode of "How I met your mother", and noticed that there are numbers showing up on the background, starting from 100 and counting down: on posters on the walls, numbers on the doors, in the calendar, on covers of books or magazines, on TV screens etc. I was the only one who noticed it, from all my family and friends watching this episode. First, they didn't believe me. But when I started to show them these numbers one by one as the show has been going on, they started noticing them too. And when these numbers came to 0, one of the main character in the episode has been notified in the very moment that his dad has died. This was really stunning, and spotting these numbers there just made me feel that something big is coming even before it actually happened, which turned up the atmosphere even more.


Also, try to watch it all more like an artist looks at a painting or sculpture: try to find what you feel when looking at some part of it, and what it reminds to you. Some of these similarities may be coincidental, but it's a good start. Then, when something will catch your attention, just dig deeper in the Internet if it has some special meaning, especially for ancient people, like in mythology, religion, science etc.

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One again, very cool stuff! Thanks for linking that Milo Wolff interview. I remember running across that before, but I don't think I ever actually watched it. I still have a hard time figuring how to use that spherical standing wave theory to actually do anything, though. Need to ponder it more, especially in the context of EM and gravitational fields.


One related thing I was just chatting with my siblings about earlier is that "Huge-LQG" quasar cluster that was discovered recently. Makes me wonder if there are essentially other "universes" out there in space, some of which are expanding and some contracting, much like the in and out waves in that spherical standing wave theory. Obviously that would be a "universe" in the later stages of contracting, and ours in some stage of expanding, but maybe there are infinitely more out there, so far away that they average out to the cosmic microwave background (and the source for all of our in-waves).


Sort of my inspiration to start researching this stuff was to figure out 1) if pyramid building was done by some form of anti-gravity or temporary weight reduction of the stones, or just by mechanical leverage of some form, 2) how UFOs fly, because I've always wanted a flying vehicle that doesn't take a huge space to land :P, and 3) a better electricity source than coal or uranium.

Well, obviously the sun is the best energy source in the area, but it's kind of far away, and judging by nature, takes a long time to soak up a decent amount of energy from here on the ground.


But anyway, getting back to ponies, or at least your post, that rant about seeking to restore balance of gender sort of puts words to something I've always felt. Even when I first went to school at 5 years old, it puzzled me the way the boys and girls act so different and tend to avoid eachother. Of course, I was too shy to interact with anyone back then :lol: Part of what drew me to this show was the fandom of like-minded people who don't believe in gender-exclusivity.


Cool decoding of that tablet in the painting too. Sadly I don't know Greek, and couldn't figure out what it meant just by the shapes and numbers -_- But I do love harmonic relationships. Most guitarists are quite familiar with the concept, since you can just touch a string at any integer division of its length and pluck to hear the corresponding integer multiplication of the fundamental frequency :)


I actually build guitars, too. Check out my brony guitar, called "The Sun and Moon" ^_^


I even included a lute style parchment rose (well, bristol paper and typing paper rose...) with the common 6 pointed star design, as a representation of Twilight's connection with the princesses :wub:

It's hard to see in the pictures, but the first tier wall has some of those S curves around the top just for fun. There's probably more meaning to the particular combination of symbols than I'm aware of... I was mostly just going for something that looks cool, yet traditional, and using as many elements from the show as possible. Although now that I think about it, I should have done 8 pointed stars instead of 4 pointed on that top tier wall... to get an alternation of Twilight, Luna, and Celestia's marks. The rose is removable though. I wonder if I could still cut the additional points with some careful chiseling against a curved backing...

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If you read my further posts, you've probably noticed already, that it start to become more and more solid as I go closer and closer to the scientific pole.


All I'm trying to say is - using your methods (and mind?) if I took a few photos around my house, you'd find several symbols and references on those photos, despite the fact most or all of ti would be just decoration and random "stuff" with no meaning whatsoever, apart from looking nice. As such, as long as it's for fun, it's great, but don't get too deep and serious.

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As someone who, a lifetime ago, was briefly an engineering major (now Computer Science) and really loves science, math, and just, well, learning in general, I'm finding this thread a fascinating read.


I've always felt that if you want to build a really, really strong fictional world, you have to pay attention not just to the big picture, but to the little things.  It shows how deeply they've thought things through into making the world seem "real".  Sometimes it could be an extra "bonus" to eagle-eyed viewers who understand the reference, other times it could be used to add an extra dimension to the "feel" of the universe you've created.  The accurate mathematics/physics equations show how far in detail they're willing to go, and elements like, well, the Elements themselves enhance the sense of mythology and magic by drawing on the philosophies of ancient cultures. 


Some of this may be reading a bit too far into it on your part, but a lot shows that they really did think this far through.

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SasQ, all I can say is, wow! There is some very fascinating stuff here. These points are well articulated and supported. And I want to commend the time and effort that you put into writing them. While symbolism has been present throughout the show since the start, it could have been just a moon here and a star there with no rhyme or reason.


One thing I would like to comment one is the relationship between hexagrams, hexagons, and the building blocks of life. Hexagrams are associated with the occult and I'm a bit surprised MLP shows them so plainly. Remember that when 4Kids dubbed Yu-Gi-Oh, all hexagrams were edited so their original shape was no longer visible. On the other hand, hexagons are one of my favorite shapes because they compose our basic biology not to mention honeycombs.

Edited by Wingnut
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I don't know why but for some reason and somehow I feel somewhat disheartened by the fact that no one's even mentioned or acknowledged the fact of what "i" see in mlp.

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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I think the only thing that's a deep level mesmerizing with this show, is that after every episode you sit back and think, "Wow.  That was pretty good."  And you subconsciously get the pleasure of learning new things about how to be a better person.

"In the new approach, as you know, the important thing is to understand what you're doing rather than to get the right


Newest addition,

My First OC,

Steel Forest
His foster son,

Shuttle Fire

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All I'm trying to say is - using your methods (and mind?) if I took a few photos around my house, you'd find several symbols and references on those photos, despite the fact most or all of ti would be just decoration and random "stuff" with no meaning whatsoever, apart from looking nice. As such, as long as it's for fun, it's great, but don't get too deep and serious.


Isn't that cool though? You can find patterns almost anywhere. Personally? I doubt that most of the symbolism here was consciously intended. The real fun here as far as I am concerned is forming your own connections between these arbitrary elements and being able to look at it in a different way. Like with Carl Jung and the archetypes. It's a different way of looking at how you separate and deal with the world. 


If I looked at random things around your house, maybe I could find themes with how you decorate your house. It can be as deep as you want it to be.

  • Brohoof 3

Latest Video: Come On: An Ode To Best Friendship


"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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Isn't that cool though? You can find patterns almost anywhere. Personally? I doubt that most of the symbolism here was consciously intended. The real fun here as far as I am concerned is forming your own connections between these arbitrary elements and being able to look at it in a different way. Like with Carl Jung and the archetypes. It's a different way of looking at how you separate and deal with the world. 


If I looked at random things around your house, maybe I could find themes with how you decorate your house. It can be as deep as you want it to be.

Oh, I said before that it's cool. And yea, humans are pattern seeking beings, we see patters everywhere, it's in fact what got us where we are from being just "another" animal on this planet.

I'm just saying don't go too deep, because people who saw too many patters usually ended up being insane suicide cult leader or the type of people who see evil omens and symbols just about everywhere. I was more worried about the latter in this case.  :P

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Well well.. this is really interesting actually, the fact that you could gather all this symbolism.. I hardly even noticed half of this stuff was present, much less it had some deeper meaning.


Very observant..

I can't say much more, I mean you have all kinds of info everywhere, its almost overwhelming :P.


Great job, was very interesting to read :).


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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This is awesome, but I'm imagining the team animating just googles "time equation" and animates it, rather than really putting any thought into it. This post gave me such a headache, but it's cool to bring in real math with real mythology and mix it all together. I would show this to my engineery boyfriend but he's not much for reading! I was just wondering if there was supposed to be some conclusion from all this or was it just purely observation? In addition, beyond just seeing numbers and matching them to real life symbols, equations, etc what does it mean for the actual show? Give me a good analysis! I know you did some analysis with Gender roles but I mean, was there something else you were going for?

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This wasn't that new to me. I had noticed the same thing way back in August of '12. In addition to that, I also saw the scripture which is in my profile.


I've read your scripture. It seems very Christian Biblie-inspired. Do you know that there are also other ancient scriptures beside the Christian Bible? And that the English translation of the Bible is far from the original? Try to read it in Hebrew, you'll be surprised what's really there. And try to fill the gaps with what's written in other ancient scriptures. For example, Sefer Yetzirah (The Book of Creation) explains in more detail the part when the world has been created and how the Hebrew alphabet (not the actual glyphs, but archetypal meanings of these symbols) played a crucial role in it, like chemical elements in Chemistry.


I also saw your videos where you read your scriptures (and I hope it was only a cosplay ;-) ), and I have read your blog where you try to explain them further. Unfortunately, you talk too much about revealing it instead of actually doing it :-P After several pages of promises but no revelations I became bored and gave up ;-/


For those of you that are asleep.


Well, I saw that you liked the Hate Seed & Wooden Toaster's "Awoken" song. I like them very much too, especially the Aviators' version. The lyrics are very suggestive. But notice also that the refrain/chorus (I don't know if I used the correct word) which sings "Now I'm awoken" repeats itself several times. It's also very suggestive trick with deeper meaning ;-) For me it suggests that awakening is not a one-step process, but it's continuous. You can awake many times, because the dream is multi-level, "Inception" style ;-) So don't become too messianic after the first awakening, because you could awake from one dream and still be in another ;-J I've gone through several such "awakenings" in my life, so now I'm a little bit more chilled out with shouting about it to the people. I just know that it'll happen again in my future.


I was also very inspired by "The Secret" book & movie and all this stuff about The Law of Attraction. But "The Secret" is just a tip of an iceberg. This book is based on several other books, like "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace Wattles or "Conversations with God", for a few examples. The Law of Attraction is also not the very basic law of the Universe (though quite important one). There are also other laws, even more important, which the Law of Attraction can be derived from. So don't stop on this, don't feel enlightened after just tipping the iceberg, but always dig deeper. There's more in this Law of Attraction than meets the eye, and there are hints in the history of how to find the rest of it.


There's been talk of DNA activation all over the world. In order to activate your DNA enough people have to 'love' you or think highly positive of you.


Yees, there was. But I haven't seen any single person with the symptoms of activated DNA so far.


And they multiplied the number of DNA strands which should be there, from 3 up to 12. While it's true that DNA particles can form microtubules with 12 strands intertwined, this is not a genetic information anymore. It's another kind of particle. So I'm not so sure it's all plausible.


There has also been talk about the symptoms of this DNA activation; for example that when you activate all 12 strands, your iris will become hexagonal. I wonder if it inspired the Crystal Ponies ;-J You can see hexagonal shines in their eyes all the time:




They also become more and more transparent and shiny when they're "activated" by love and other positive emotions. Strangely, this involves not only the Crystal Ponies from the Crystal Empire themselves, but also our heroes from Ponyville:




which indicates that this phenomenon is not reserved to Crystal Ponies alone. This reminds me about another theory similar to DNA activation: that the element silicon has very similar chemical properties to carbon, which we are all made of. Both carbon and silicon lay in the same group in the periodic table (one just below the other), and both can join with 4 other atoms in the same geometrical pattern. The only difference is that one of them is heavier, and they have different "resonant signatures" (atomic spectra of absorbed/emitted light). So the theory says that the DNA activation causes silicon to replace carbon in our bodies (well, it's already true with some women ;-) ), making us similar to liquid crystals. This should also change the way light interacts with our bodies. Of course, for me it's pure fantasy for now. But I decided to mention it here, because it seems related to Crystal Ponies somehow.


In addition what i've mentioned, no one has ever seemed to make reference to the fact that the show mocks certain aspects of things in the real world, like fame (picture purfect pony) the illumin... (the CMC initiation).


So do it yourself ;-) since you've already mentioned it. Feel free to write about it, I created this thread exactly for this purpose. I don't want to be the only genius here ;-D


But as to the Illuminati: I haven't seen any of their symbolics in the two first seasons of the show. Well, maybe two or three little symbols (I'll describe them later in a separate post), but no more, and nothing much obvious. This seems to be one of these movies prepared by the people from the Bright Side of the Force ;-J They share some symbols, because they belong to both sides of the Magic, but in my opinion the Bright Side predominates the show.


Really that is actually a reference to the mark of the beast.


Show me.


i found God when i was writing down the scripture... for real...


Which God? There are so many of them in different scriptures... Even in the original Christian Bible. And they have many different names. But in the English translation they're all always translated as just "God" or "Lord", and always in singular, even if the original Hebrew word is in plural, so that one can get a feeling that there's only one God. But this is a lie we all were made to believe. There were many Gods in ancient times, and moreover, they had their own religion themselves, similar to what's described in Hermetism (because this knowledge came to us from them). 


I uploaded my first vid to youtube this morning beginning my story on how i led to that discovery. I was eventually going to lead up to the above information as there is alot more to it then that...


Interesting story, but this is still your story and your experience. You may think that sharing it with other people will make them to believe you and follow the same path, but this is not the case. People have different experiences than you, and they live different lives. Any one has its own path of enlightenment and you cannot force anyone to walk the same path as yours, which won't fit them. It doesn't work that way. Anyone has to find his own path himself. You can try giving them knowledge by being messianic, but they won't listen you, because of this particular fact or Law:

Knowledge is not being given. It's always being taken.


It's better to just spread the word or "send the message to the world" and then just wait, for people who already seek for similar things. This is again the Law of Attraction: People will come to you themselves, you don't need to force them (soo... are you sure you've already understood the Law of Attraction at full? :-P ). And they will take your knowledge when they will need it. Because there's also another Law of the Universe, which is even deeper than the Law of Attraction: it is the Law of Free Will. Even the Law of Attraction cannot violate this law.


And it seems that other people noticed that too, and tried to tell it to you:


Circuits... no you know what. I was gonna say that you're annoying, and that pride, even when merited, is still a flaw.


He's right. This is annoying when you try to convince everyone that you're the new Messiah of Ponified Bible (Ponifex? :-J heheh... ) because it's their choice if they want to investigate your scriptures or not. This is their way and their Free Will. This is exactly the same reason why people hate Jehova's Witnesses: they're too nagging and trying to impose their point of view to everyone, like if they were the only ones enlightened who know the Only Truth. This is annoying exactly because it violates the Law of Free Will.


I've done nothing more then try and share my knowledge that has taken me the better part of six years to acquire.


So please share it with us, instead of just talking about it. Your scriptures and blog posts are too messy and full of promises which are not being fulfilled. Just tell us in short & simple words what's this all about, without all that fuss and messianic tone. Maybe it took you six years to get to that point, but it'd better not took you six years to explain it all to us.


But I'd prefer to read about it in another thread, because it's not so related with this one. Especially your quarrels with @@SOHCAHTOA are unimportant, for me at least.


In addition to what i've mention, I also took a look at the music the fandom makes for pmv


Yes, this is another interesting phenomenon. I h8 movies with songs in them, and I hate musicals (with maybe only 1 exception: "Across the Universe"). They seem 2 lame for me. But in MLP, this is different. I love the songs in MLP, and I see that other people have similar feelings. And I see how they are making remixes, and, which is even more interesting, they started to create their own music based on MLP! :-o Looks like this show somehow inspires and awakens peoples' creativity, like no other show I've ever seen! And I still wonder how does it work and if it were planned.


Maybe I should get in a meeting with Friendship is Magic's storyboard leader and talk about this...


If you know any of them, I'd like to talk with them too.


OK, so much for now, but there are several other questions I'd like to refer to. I'll do it next time. Stay tuned.

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Sorry, i just have to say this ......


You don't even see where you are obviously wrong, you just look for similarities, and you have found a lot, but far from all those likenesses is correct.

Like the Gnostic "tree of adam" ....

Ok, nice, the six elements fit perfectly the six first Sephira, ..... but where are the other four Sephira?

You say one is empty on purpose, it has to be found, thereby referring to the element of magic.


This means you have counted the element of magic twice.


Even so, there is still three Sephira left that isn't there.


And the reproduced spacetime diagram?

Well, it is nice to know that the artists took their time to recreate it from the wike even though they didn't have to ...


Not to mention the typical cases of "this would look good, let's do it like this" that might just happen to be similar to chacras and the dna-spirals and whatnot, you have found things that isnt there.

What you have found and is there, though, is interesting, at least to those who hadn't really noticed it before.


... see if you can find how the sisters raising moon and sun is different from the Yin/Yang-symbol as a training ... or perhaps someone already has told you.

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I see that there are some people who don't agree with what I present here. This is OK. Everyone has his own mind to decide. But I probably need to clarify some questions here. Also, there are people (like @@bunnybuzki) who are not enough with just seeing what's there, but ask for some summary with a conclusion. So I hope they'll find some answers below.

First of all, I just described what I've found. If from some reason you don't see it or don't agree with what you see, then it's up to you. I will not try to convince anybody, because everyone has his own mind and Free Will.

I'm far from suggesting (yet) that all what I found is there on purpose. There are always different options to choose, as @@Jack Durango noticed here:

To all the people who claim they noticed these symbols, I have two theories on which to call:
1. It's bullsh*t but good for you.
2. You've spent time studying these concepts.

Well, I think there are some other options too. So here's my version of this list:

  • There are no symbols. I just have been mistaken or I see what I want to see.
  • These symbols are there by accident.
  • They're there on purpose, but the producers just put them there to make the show 20% cooler.
  • They're there on purpose and they know exactly what they are doing.

Option 1 cannot be true for all of my examples, especially the "scientific" part, because you can definitely agree with me that these equations, formulas and geometrical diagrams are really there. I'm not making them up. Anyone can watch the show, track them back and see what I saw. So this part is definitely not an accident or wishful thinking. So the question left is only about why are they there and whether it's on purpose. We'll get back to that in other points.

The only fuzzy area here is with the symbols from the "occult" part, because I match them merely by what I know about symbolism and by looking for similarities. It's more poetic than scientific understanding, based on things like archetypal meanings, subconscious mind, emotions etc. fuzzy stuff. This might be too fuzzy for some people to be plausible, and I cannot help it.

Several people (for example, @@Jessper) argued that:

using your methods (and mind?) if I took a few photos around my house, you'd find several symbols and references on those photos, despite the fact most or all of ti would be just decoration and random "stuff" with no meaning whatsoever, apart from looking nice.

Well, it depends on where you live ;-) If you live near a cathedral or some Masonic architecture, then I'd probably find some stuff there even in photos took at random, because what they depict is not random at all, no matter how randomly you've taken them. It's like picking randomly from a deck of cards with only Applejacks in it ;-J Also, these photos would probably tell me a lot about your life. But if you really make sure to take them fully at random, that is, by making sure that they're taken in many different locations over the world, and not necessarily all about architecture and art or other human creations, but from different domains, then I'd probably be unable to find any symbols there, contrary to what you're trying to impute me.

Nevertheless, your point is flawed, because we're not talking about random stuff here, right? :-P We're talking about a particular show, with particular theme, very related to what I'm describing here. I'm not screenshotting random frames nor choosing random symbols. I chose when I find something there that has any meaning which can be objectively verified.

But If you still hold that it's all about random picking and matching, then prove it by doing an experiment:
Choose any other show you like and try to do the same to what I did with MLP:FIM. Try to find as many symbols as you can spot. But not choosing them at random (me didn't), but only when you really see something (as I did). I wonder if you'll be able to spot as much as I did with MLP:FIM. If this would be the case, then you're probably right that this might be just a coincidence. Just try to avoid Disney cartoons and some others which are known from being filled with symbolism; or these from New Line Cinema (like "The Last Mimzy" or "The Golden Compass") because if you chose your "random" cards from these decks, they'll be full of Applejacks, and you'll have to be blind to not see any symbols there ;-)

So if you agree with me at this point that these symbols are really there, and the only question left is if they're there on purpose or just by mere coincidence, then let's move on with other options to consider.

Option 2 is that they're there by an accident.
This is also hard to believe for mathematical formulas and physical equations: you cannot mix up random symbols and come up with correct equations with such a precision. It could be plausible only for esoteric symbolism.

But here there's also an option that even if the creators of MLP:FIM didn't put those symbols there consciously, they could simply "felt" that it just "feels right" to put them there, because it seemed to them somehow related with the theme of the show, or it induced certain feelings in them or in the spectators. This is what artists often do unconsciously. This is related to what @@Stellafera wrote here:

Personally? I doubt that most of the symbolism here was consciously intended. The real fun here as far as I am concerned is forming your own connections between these arbitrary elements and being able to look at it in a different way. Like with Carl Jung and the archetypes. It's a different way of looking at how you separate and deal with the world.

For other example of this unconscious artistic process in action, there's a short movie called "I, Pet Goat II" which is just shitload of symbols, and many people (including me) were trying to figure them out. But the original author claims that, although he agrees with many of these interpretations, he didn't put much of these symbols there knowingly, but just used his imagination and subconscious mind, and it just turned out later that his choices were right. He says that he learns about the meanings of these symbols from the people analyzing them. (Of course he might be lying as well ;-) but who knows...).

Still I don't quite believe the creators and animators did these symbolically suggestive references on purpose, at least not all of them.

You may be right. But I still have chosen to just show you what I've found and let everyone judge for themselves instead of making such a one-sided statements like @@Jessper or -- they don't know either, but still they make assertions as if they were omniscient. This is not what skepticism is about. This is ignorance, not skepticism. Such an ignorance doesn't differ much from gullibility, because both are about believing something without questioning. They differ only in what one believed first. Skepticism is about showing the evidence and questioning, not just contradicting.

Your research and dedication to this topic is phenomenal, though, SasQ. You get good grades, I bet. Send in your research to them guys at Hasbro Studios.

I'd do it with pleasure if only I knew any contact to anyone from the crew who's competent enough to answer me.

I tried to contact with Lauren Faust and ask her about what I've found, and to ask other creators if they put these things there on purpose or it's just a coincidence, but no answer so far :-/

Also, the answer may depend on who's answering. The people who actually put these symbols there (animators & designers) might not be the same people who decided to put them there (script writers or some head directors who know their purpose). So it's really a hard topic, and for now, we can only guess. And that's what I'm doing here. I'm not trying to claim anything as sure thing.

Option 3 is that these symbols are there on purpose, but they just put them there to make the show 20% cooler. They wanted to put this and that, and they took it from well known sources, like Wikipedia, without any deeper insight or verifying the correctness. This option seem possible for me too, of course.

And finally Option 4 is that they put it there on purpose and they know exactly what they're doing. This is the most interesting option, IF it's true, of course. So IF this is true, then what could it mean to us, pony lovers? ;-J What could be their intentions? Some of you already wondered about that:

I was just wondering if there was supposed to be some conclusion from all this or was it just purely observation?

At first, it was just an observation. I noticed these symbols and described them here with some descriptions of how I understand them and why have I chosen them. I was hoping that this will inspire other people for watching the show again, but this time more carefully and with a new mind, and paying attention to the details which they didn't catch before. I was hoping that other people will spot other symbols, maybe something I overlooked, and this thread will become a knowledge base of the symbolism in the show.

But I see that for many people this is not enough. Some of them (like @@Jessper) will just say that they're random, because they don't see any pattern there, and they need single-minded claims and PROOFS for everything. Speculation and guessing is not in their area of interests, even if it could be creative or learning. Others (like you) want to see the moral instead of (or maybe in addition to) making their own mind. There's nothing wrong with it, of course: they do the same in the show, by showing the moral at the end at plain sight. It just limits the field for speculations and brainstorming in a group, and presenting different points of views by different people. I was rather hoping for a discussion, to learn other points of view from other people, than just concluding everything myself, especially that my conclusions are just speculations and personal opinions, and they can be different than for other people. (Some of them already disagreed with me, before even knowing what's my point ;-) ).

In addition, beyond just seeing numbers and matching them to real life symbols, equations, etc what does it mean for the actual show? Give me a good analysis! I know you did some analysis with Gender roles but I mean, was there something else you were going for?

My guess for this option is that there is someone among the head producers who know exactly what he's doing, and his goal is to introduce these symbols under the cover of a children show because this would pass around unnoticed (who would look for scientific notions in a show for little girls anyway? ;-) ), and when someone will already notice it, it'll be too late, because the show has been already aired ;-) This could also be the way to bypass the censorship of those who want children to be stupid (and there ARE such people, you can trust me in this one :-P).


Then, we can see that these symbols are not chosen arbitrarily. They have much in common. From the scientific part, they're all related to fundamental concepts in Physics and Geometry. And many of them relate to "forbidden science" which is now on the side of the road.


I guess that by introducing all these related symbols in one cartoon, someone is trying to bring these things again to the consciousness of the people by "installing them" in the subconscious minds of the children, in the "close-to-each-other neurons", because even if these children don't understand them now, the day will come that all these notions will click and BAM! they'll figure it all out with greater ease, and they'll think that they figured it out themselves. Many great discoveries in Science were "inspired" by such a process by "those who know". If you study the history of Science, you'll find lots and lots of such examples where some concepts were "in the air" for some time until they snapped and people started discovering them independently, not knowing about each other. It might be true this time too.

But there is one more hidden purpose of me writing about all of this, which I haven't mentioned before, and I hope I'll not spoil it by lifting the curtain on here when telling you how it all started:

When I first noticed all these symbols and mathematical equations from Physics in the pony show back then when I was describing it on that Polish forum about Sacred Geometry, one night I had a dream related to it.
I found myself in some special place from my childhood, which doesn't exist anymore, but I still have it saved in my dream world. It is a desk where I kept all my creative works and ideas and books of knowledge, so it's my personal "place of knowledge". I sometimes go there consciously in my dreams (for these who don't know: this is called Lucid Dreaming; ask Luna about that ;-) ) to get inspiration or solve some problems in my research.
But this time something was different: my whole Desk of Knowledge was all covered by stickers with ponies ;-) And there were comics with ponies all around it. I opened one of them and I saw Twilight teaching other ponies about Magic, which appeared to be very similar to what we call Science in our humane world.

When I woke up, I was very inspired by this dream, and I thought to myself:
"Hey! If there are all these symbols and science references there in the show, why not to exploit this potential and go on with it even further, by making an actual comics of it, where these scientific subjects will be actually taught? Learning and great fun mixed together! So let's ponify the Science!" :-)

If it's true that these symbols and formulas were put there on purpose, I could call it "unpacking" them. I once had similar theory about "unpacking" the gore pony fanfics (like "Cupcakes" or "Rainbow Factory" -- WARNING! NOT FOR FAINT-HEARTED!) by some fans from several little suggestions thrown in here and there in the show (if you're curious, I'll start another topic on that).


The world of Equestria, with all that Magic and Balance of the Opposites, has everything I need to explain Science/Magic the easy way, and with deeper understanding of the principles behind it. This great potential needs to be exploited :->

And this is what I'm working on right now. By starting this thread, I tried also to "test the ground" to see how people will feel with all this scientific stuff in MLP and if it's worth to go on with my fan fiction. From most of the answers here I see that it's worth of it. I can tell you that learning Magic/Science will be intertwined with a storyline, but I cannot tell you yet any more details to not spoil you ;-) So... stay tuned ;-)

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Oh, man. There's just no STAHPPIN this guy! There's just no STAHPPIN him!


You go, SasQ. Fucking defend your claims like the genius you are. People like Jessper and me? We may not admit it too often, but we're probably the type of people who need to be knocked down a peg or two every now and again. And you delivered, buddy. You were calm, you were precise, you took your time, and you made claims to nothing while practically setting in stone everything about your discoveries and your discovery process. I admire people like you. You don't give up.


I'll admit, I was a little worried when you didn't respond to this topic after a while. I thought we may have quashed your hopes of seeing the magic of friendship in a new light. But no, no no no, you were saving up. You were building up a righteous throwback punch of polite response, and delivered to us a fistful of venerable insight and non-specific conscience. Or maybe you were just away from your computer for a while, who fucking knows. It doesn't matter, you came back.



So... stay tuned ;-)



Oh, don't worry. This one will. This one most definitely will.

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