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Brony Misconceptions


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Okay, so apparently the term brony has reached the masses at my job. Yesterday, we were all having a discussion about children's tv shows because the new person who works in our building has two kids. She was looking for suggestions of shows to watch with them, so you can suggest which show I suggested :) I said it was really cute and funny.


Then she says, I have something really disturbing to tell you, have you ever heard of a brony?

I said, yes, they are boys that like MLP.


She shakes her head, my friend told me that they are boys that like to imagine themselves having sex with MLPs. They create characters for themselves and make senarios like this and completely sexualize the ponies. They are also really creepy and might be pedophiles.


I was like WTF?! and I'm never in that kind of mindset either. I was so surprised that I had no idea what to say I just kind of stared at her. I was going to say well, so and so who works with us liked My Little Pony back in the 80s when he was an adult man, is he a pedophile? but so and so would not have appreciated me saying that so I didn't. I just said that they are boys that just like to watch the show.

She then left. She's coming back today and I want to talk about bronies in a positive light. Any ideas of what to say?


She's a very nice person, I just think she got the wrong information and her friend most likely heard about slash and clop fics through the grapevine and assumed that's how all bronies were.

I'm a girl so she didn't think it was that weird that I watched the show.


The other shows that were mentioned were YoGabbaGabba (I told her that was disturbing and she said no, it's really cute), Dora, Wishbone, Carmen SanDiego, Arthur, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Wonder Pets, the Wiggles, Hip Hop Harry and some Japanese show with people bouncing around as atoms.

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omg... who told her that?! thats just creepy...


A friend told her that she said. I don't know of any bronies that do said things.

She was greatly misinformed to say the least. I'm just trying to figure out the best way to inform her of the right information without being rude.

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A friend told her that she said. I don't know of any bronies that do said things.

She was greatly misinformed to say the least. I'm just trying to figure out the best way to inform her of the right information without being rude.


I know a ton.


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i guess you could try to invite her over to ur place sometime and talk about it? show her something?


Yeah, that'll go over well XD


"Excuse me, I know you think I'm a creepy pervert, but if you come over to my house later today, I'll explain why I'm not."




But seriously, I'd just tell her something like "I'm a brony, and the majority of us aren't like that. We're just normal people who like a kids show. Sure, there are a few who think of the characters in sexual ways, but truth be told, most of the rest of us brines think they're just as creepy as you do."

  • Brohoof 2

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Sounds like your friend only heard of darker side of the fandom. You should tell her that even though there are fans like that, they are considered just as weird and creepy by the rest of the bronies as the ones shes heard about. Tell her that outside of the those creepers, the show is totally worth experiancing and the kids would get a lot of enjoyment out of it.
  • Brohoof 1


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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Have her read this article. It puts it pretty well

  • Brohoof 2


@Eevee (Arcanel)

@Leafeon (Sapphire Quill) @Vaporeon (Seraphim) | @Glaceon (Megamare) | @Flareon (MrXweet)

 (Golgo) | @Espeon (BowlArt64) | @Umbreon (Kestrel) | @Sylveon (Annakavanna)

The Espeon gif from http://www.pkparaiso.com/xy/sprites_pokemon.php

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The other shows that were mentioned were YoGabbaGabba (I told her that was disturbing and she said no, it's really cute)


Never heard of it before... looks it up... what did I just watch?

In comparison FiM is probably much better. No questions.

> Subject A enjoys a TV show about crime and drug dealers.

> Subject B enjoys a TV show about ponies and friendship.


Can you guess which behavior is considered socially unacceptable?


Oh irony, how I hate you sometimes. Only on occasion though.
  • Brohoof 1

I'd like to thank the MLP Vector Club for the images used in my avatar.

Known as "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza", "Trixie the Great", "Tom" and "Tomzoid the EggDroid".

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You'll have to explain to her that only a few bronies are like that and the vast majority are just guys who like the show.


If I was in your position I would go on to say that there is nothing wrong with the people she was talking about either but that's my opinion :P



> Subject A enjoys a TV show about crime and drug dealers.

> Subject B enjoys a TV show about ponies and friendship.


Can you guess which behavior is considered socially unacceptable?



Why didn't I ever think of that? With your permission I'll now use this point against all my anti-brony friends :lol:

I can't make signatures.

Sooo... yeah

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Have her read this article. It puts it pretty well


Thanks for the article! I thought it was really well put. I'm going to print it out and show it to her later :)




> Subject A enjoys a TV show about crime and drug dealers.


> Subject B enjoys a TV show about ponies and friendship.


Can you guess which behavior is considered socially unacceptable?


This is very true. I also think it is more socially acceptable to casually smoke pot than it is to watch ponies. I tell people I watch ponies but since I'm not a guy, it's not as weird to them but they're still like ummm.

And strangely enough as I was typing this she walked in behind my computer and I'm like "oh my god, the new person is going to think I'm a female sex pervert!". I feel like I'm in the Sweet and Elite and I'm Rarity. And I will not abandon my brony ship!



Never heard of it before... looks it up... what did I just watch?

In comparison FiM is probably much better. No questions.


When i saw a clip of that on the Soup, I was like "what the fucking holy hell is that?!?" and I hardly ever curse. That man is TERRIFYING and I don't know what to think of those monster things. One looks like a Gumby person with boils all over himself.

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Umm... were probably the nicest, most innocent fanbase for teenagers around...


With some very angry haters.

  • Brohoof 1

I'd like to thank the MLP Vector Club for the images used in my avatar.

Known as "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza", "Trixie the Great", "Tom" and "Tomzoid the EggDroid".

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how do i convince people that its not gay? that my major issue


Hold them down against their will and make them watch some of the episodes. :D
  • Brohoof 1

I'd like to thank the MLP Vector Club for the images used in my avatar.

Known as "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza", "Trixie the Great", "Tom" and "Tomzoid the EggDroid".

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you can tell her that, yes there are people who like that sort of shipping, but most of the people that call themselves broenies just like to watch the show and even get on sites like these to expres there love for the show in a friendly and (save and accepted) sociaty.


i think that would clear things up :)

Inspired by myself.

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Honestly you should just get her to watch an episode. I find there's no better way to get people to stop hating on a show than to show them a clip or a whole episode (depending on time restraint).


On a completely different note, not only have I heard what everyone here says about the brony stereotype but when I told someone that I was a brony they said that they heard it was a secret cult of adult gay men that liked to...do things... with real life ponies.

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It is VERY annoying with these sterotypes about us. At school almost everyone thinks brony means gay :|


At school EVERYONE thinks brony means gay, except for the bronies themselves.


Aside from that, all you have to do is explain to her that only a select few of them are like that, and that most of us are just guys who like the show. Maybe just get her to see an episode. Or, ask her why it would be on a children's network if it was that bad.

Yo Applejack...



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Here's where she got the misconception from, just scroll down a bit. I couldn't find the original track from 1-9-12 but this is his facebook.



this radio show. I listen to the show to sometimes on my way to work and the DJ over exaggerates everything. I told her that after lunch today, printed out the article for her to read and told her that the DJ was a self proclaimed ass and that what he was saying wasn't true at all. I then said that bronies (she didn't care about the girl bronies, just the boys) were nice people but just weren't the stereotype of normal.

Edited by StarGazer
  • Brohoof 2
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