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How often do you shower?



185 users have voted

  1. 1. How often do you shower/bathe?

    • More than twice a day
    • Twice a day
    • Once a day
    • Once every two days
    • Once every few days
    • Once a week

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My best friend takes three showers a day. That's totally ridiculous. It's winter time over here right now, so it's not like he sweats all day. I take a shower once every few days. To me, showering every day is pointless. I rarely go out, so I find it better to wait until I leave my house to shower. It saves me loads on laundry too. Showering every day will just make you have to do laundry quicker.

  • Brohoof 2
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I don't I hate showers they stress me out, it feels like people poking me constantly. So instead I bathe daily, and before anyone goes on about it being unclean and 'sitting in your own filth' it all depends on how you do it.


I will admit though there are times I forget or am too tired to do it. But its not often.

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I would take 2, but I don't have time to, so usually I take one in the morning every day. My hair gets greasy overnight so I can't take one in the afternoon.

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Once a day.


I could never go out somewhere without washing my hair... Hygiene is really important to me, and i wish some of my classmates would shower more aswell. They just stink all day...

  • Brohoof 5
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I take 1 shower every day, MAYBE even twice a day.


@@Concord, Oh boy, that reminds me of an old friend who pretty much never took a real shower with soap and shampoo.

Just a little water under the armpit and you are ready to go.

  • Brohoof 1
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Once a day or sometimes twice if I am doing my sheets that day, it is enough to where I don't become a fly magnet but not so much where I use up all the water.

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I bathe once a few days, normally I do it at a two days interval but it depends.  Anyway, it's better for the hair to never be cleaned more than once in two days or they'll get fat due to an overproduction of sebum.  Also I can't stand showers, I feel like I'm going to drown when I take one...  

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I try to shower every day. My hair just bugs the hell out of me if I don't wash it. And I can't really go to school without a shower. I shower once a day.

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Maybe twice a week. I have a very bad tendency to forget to take showers usually and when i do remember I don't have time. I am NOT a morning person. I can't wake up for shit so I tend to wake up maybe ten minutes before I have to leave. What's more is I CANNOT take a shower less than 20 minutes for some reason. If I take a shower, I have to wash my hair so thoroughly it takes me forever. You can blame my psoriasis for that.


As well as forgetting it's also not something that feels all that important to me, even though I know that it is mentally down in my heart I have a hard time caring. Every second I waste not playing video games feels like a waste of my time unless I'm doing something else I really enjoy, which there is very little of anything else to do for me. If I had a girlfriend I would probably take showers more just to not scare her off but I don't think I'm gonna get one if I don't take showers much anyway.

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Once everyday. (2 if i feel like it)

You need to shower everyday lol. Neccessary IMO.

*looks at once a week option* Good nobody voted that. .o-o

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Well I do nothing...at all. 

So the only time I really shower is probably...once every 2 weeks? I really should shower more, but I just don't need to. I don't sweat, I don't smell and I hardly do anything to get dirty, so it just comes down to whenever I need to shower really. Which, as I said probably averages once a fortnight. 

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Once a day, twice if I'm doing something involving a lot of physical exertion/something that gets me really dirty.


Besides, a hot shower and a cold beer is a great way to start the day.

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I have a shower once a day, but if I have a particularly bad or tiresome day, I take a second.


The first shower is usually either for hygiene or a quick shock wake-up. If I'm feeling particularly tired waking up for college, I just turn on the cold water instead of the hot. Usually that starts my day nice and alert. You also start to get used to it or even enjoy cold showers after a while.


The second one is usually boiling hot. Well, not quite boiling, but enough for steam to flood from the top of the shower curtain.

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I typically shower once a day. I mean, I certainly shower at least once a day. Except for on the trip, but we won't talk about that.


Last year when I was at home all of the time I would oftentimes shower twice a day, because it's relaxing. Now I really only can shower once a day. I may shower twice today, but this day (Saturday) would really be the only day I could do that this semester.

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I'm forced to take one every day.  My hair (along with the rest of my body) gets really greasy overnight.  It actually affects moral and my overall mood.  I will feel like crap all day until I take a shower. 

It's weird.

  • Brohoof 1
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It's every other day for me. Any more than that just seems like a waste of water and time, plus I come up with some of my best ideas while showering if you can believe that so anymore would kind of wear out the effect for me. 

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