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technology Mac vs. PC



101 users have voted

  1. 1. What's the best overall computer?

    • Mac
    • PC/Windows
    • Linux
  2. 2. What's the best operating system?

    • OS X
    • Windows
    • Linux
  3. 3. What's the best physical computer?

    • Mac
    • PC
  4. 4. Which of the following have you used? (More than just playing around for a few minutes)

    • Mac
    • PC/Windows
    • Linux

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I can't believe there isn't a thread for this yet. I'd really think there would be but I did a search and found nothing. Anyway, let the flames of the internet begin...


Simple question that's as long as computing itself: Mac or PC?


I have a PC but I personally prefer Mac. The only reason I don't have a Mac is because I don't have a spare $3000 at the moment, not that I don't think they're worth every penny. It's a premium product so you're going to pay premium prices. I also dislike the terrible stereotype that "Macs are bad for gaming." It may be true that they were once but these days they have an Intel i7 processor, an nvidia graphics card, and up to 16gb of memory so they can pretty much play anything. Now, of course a $3000 Mac would be crushed in gaming against a $3000 PC but it doesn't matter since a Mac still looks better doing it :P I'm really not a hardcore gamer. If I was, I'd stick with PC but besides that, I don't see any reason for me to not want a Mac. They seem perfect in every way and just endlessly more elegant.


And for those of you who say "You can get a PC that can do everything a Mac can for less money" I'd like to ask you where I can get a PC with an i7 processor, nvidia graphics card, solid state 500gb flash drive, 5 million pixel 13" display, weighs 3 pounds, has the latest Bluetooth and WiFi, 720p camera, 16gb of memory, 7 hours of wireless web with two months of standby time, less than ten seconds of boot time, runs OS X with full comparability, fits in a manila envelope, made from a solid aluminium unibody, backlit keyboard, customizable gestures for trackpad and mouse, silent asymmetrical fans, and has access to the greatest customer service in the world. Clearly, the only way to have all of the features of a Mac, is to get a Mac.

Edited by Krystal
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I use both a Mac and A PC

Both of them have their benefits

And are worth owning


PCs are more for just plain old good messing around on the internet and playing video games

While as Macs are more developed towards professional work or creative work

So yeah I'm a Mac and a PC

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I prefer the PC, more widespread, feels more "technical" as compared to the Mac which feels more "artsy"... I haven't even used a Mac much but I'm used to PC and Mac feels weird to me. Plus PC is better for gaming.


And PC is hardcore. <_<

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I used a Macbook Pro for my Spanish fashion project.

I used a PC for Rollercoaster Tycoon with Six Flags, ahhh good times.


Regardless, i prefer a PC for gaming and goofing off.

A Mac for presentations for work , and projects for school.

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Linux! Linux! LIIINNNUUUXXXXX!!!!!

Does that count as a PC? Linux running on an HP laptop?


But in all seriousness, I prefer PC, just because they're better with gaming and such.

Of course, I use an iPad for art. That counts as Mac. Just because I like PC's better doesn't mean I don't love Adobe Ideas!

Edited by Octavia's Cellozoid
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Well, I'm a PC person. Always have been. Both have their pros and cons. If you are an artist, then Macs are better. However, I think PCs are better with compatibility. Overall, it depends on who you are, but I like PCs better.

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Just the price of Macs is enough to choose a PC. You could get a PC with the same hardware as a Mac way cheaper than the price of the Mac. Gotta love Apple's business methods...


Then there's the functionality. I admit that Macs may be better if you are going to do creative work such as drawing or such but about 90% of the people that I know that own Macs don't do any of that. When it comes to just regular usage, a PC, Personal Computer, as the name suggests is more customizable than a Mac and has more compatibility and functions.


Some people might claim that OS X looks better than Windows and is therefore a better OS. I would agree with that if Windows 7 was still the newest version but after trying Windows 8 I can see that an OS can be both functional and beautiful. 


What really annoys me about most people I know that use Macs is that they get them because it's a brand. They get it to look cool and be like "I have a Mac, therefore I'm hip and cool". I just think it's stupid paying so much more for a brand. Especially when all they use that expensive machine to is to go on Facebook.

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I can't believe there isn't a thread for this yet. I'd really think there would be but I did a search and found nothing. Anyway, let the flames of the internet begin...


Simple question that's as long as computing itself: Mac or PC?


I have a PC but I personally prefer Mac. The only reason I don't have a Mac is because I don't have a spare $3000 at the moment, not that I don't think they're worth every penny. It's a premium product so you're going to pay premium prices. I also dislike the terrible stereotype that "Macs are bad for gaming." It may be true that they were once but these days they have an Intel i7 processor, an nvidia graphics card, and up to 16gb of memory so they can pretty much play anything. Now, of course a $3000 Mac would be crushed in gaming against a $3000 PC but it doesn't matter since a Mac still looks better doing it :P I'm really not a hardcore gamer. If I was, I'd stick with PC but besides that, I don't see any reason for me to not want a Mac. They seem perfect in every way and just endlessly more elegant. Really, it's a personal preference thing and I understand that. I just want to tell you all where I stand. Now how about you?



Well, it's not really a premium product, unless you pay Apple a ton more money to upgrade it from the basic specs. See this picture:







I honestly don't see why somebody can justify spending so much when a PC with similar or even greater specs costs so much less. All you're really getting for the extra money when you buy a mac is admittedly cool looking hardware. If you're willing to spend that much money on a shiny looking box for your parts, then I'm afraid we'll never see eye-to-eye.


Also, you can't upgrade a mac without paying Apple quite a lot of money to do it for you, so yes, they aren't nearly as good for gaming. Not to mention that many older games don't work on mac, even if newer ones do.

Also also, saying macs are better for art isn't true. There is nothing Macs have the PCs don't have an equivalent of. Macs are simply marketed better.

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Ah yes, the classical Mac vs. PC debate. 


I am going to be open an honest here: I do not have the credibility to really pick a better system with no bias attached. However, I have always run PC's and have had good luck with them. I also don't do too many creative projects, and I hear that Macs are good for those. 


I'll finish off with a video! 



"As far as I know, I Mac is a PC" that's also $3000. 

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I prefer PC's. Mainly because I like getting my computers for $1000 less.


My family used to have Macs when I was really young. Finally we had an iMac and it had a load of issues and had to constantly be sent in. My dad got a Dell and we haven't looked back. No sense in paying a thousand extra for something that will just have as many issues as a PC.

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There's nothing wrong with Macs. Both PC and Mac have their pros and cons.


The only reason why I don't recommend Macs, is their price. The hardware markup is so immense, you can buy the best PC on the market for the price of an average Mac.


Are the features the Mac offers really worth the mark-up? I don't think so.

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PC 100%.  PC's give you more custimization (both software and hardware wise), more bang for your buck, and more compatability (Macs often have to have a seperate version of the product.)

I don't even understand the argument that Macs are geared more for professional use.  The reason people say that is because the hardware is strong.  Yet, that's not a Mac specific thing.  You can throw in a bunch of parts into a PC made for 'professional' use (less power on the graphics, more power for the RAM and CPU) and it'll be cheaper (and probably run better) than a Mac.

Another thing about Apple is their hard-headedness.  Unless I'm mistaken, you can't build a Mac. 

In my blunt opinion, Macs are over-priced pieces of s***.

Edited by IrOnPUdDiNg
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^Really can't beat that logic. I still want one though. But I would get an iMac if I were to get a desktop but I wouldn't even get a desktop in the first place. Their laptops are just incredible, I mean, look at this! http://www.apple.com/macbookair/ What's not to love besides the pricetag?



Well, put it this way. My laptop is more than 3 years old, and was pretty average back then. It's really nothing special, at all.

The best possible Macbook Air you can buy from the site is worse than my laptop in every single way except that it has more RAM, and it costs nearly 6x as much as mine did when it was new.

This isn't even counting the fact that it has no CD drive, fewer ports, and is so thin it can literally bend under too much stress (like a fall of more than a foot).

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Well, put it this way. My laptop is more than 3 years old, and was pretty average back then. It's really nothing special, at all.

The best possible Macbook Air you can buy from the site is worse than my laptop in every single way except that it has more RAM, and it costs nearly 6x as much as mine did when it was new.

This isn't even counting the fact that it has no CD drive, fewer ports, and is so thin it can literally bend under too much stress (like a fall of more than a foot).

The Macbook Air is made from a solid aluminum unibody. People have ran it over with a car and it still works. The storage inside is on flash rather than a disk so it's basically a giant USB stick. This makes retrieving and storing data faster, less moving parts, conserves space, quieter, and can't be damaged by falls. And honestly, when's the last time you used your CD drive? I don't think I've ever used mine.

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PCs are more for just plain old good messing around on the internet and playing video games While as Macs are more developed towards professional work or creative work

This basically sums up everything I had to offer to this thread.


I have similar views with Android vs iPhone. Apple devices have very minimal customisation and freedom to do with which you want with the product. However, they're also typically very stable (at least that's what I've seen through my experiences), and because of this, I would prefer a Mac over a PC any day for work. PC's are able to do work and such, too, but they're... eh. I've had a lot of problems with using PC's, so I'm skeptical on using them for serious business.  

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I prefer PC over Mac. Then again, I've never ever actually used a Mac before so perhaps I'm kinda biased. Maybe just a little. Ha. Maybe given the chance I would try a Mac, but for now I'll stick with PC.

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I actually have used both, and while I personally prefer mucking around on a Mac pc is just much better. Any programs that you can get on a Mac have equally good if not better PC, that being said I think the overall interface is just much more appealing and easy to use on a Mac.


Of course, they both have their problems. Anyone who says that Macs don't have viruses or that Macs never crash are lying to themselves and need to have a reality check immediately because the TOTALLY DO HOLY CRAP


By the way I've tried linux several times and I just don't like having to use the terminal to install things. Seems to archaic for me.

Edited by Lord Bababa
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