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Toys story 4 7/10

yeah.. that movie is pretty depressing with all that anguish talk about life moves on without you. Talk about existential crisis there and for god sake they’re just toys!! But I liked it better than the 3rd. 


If there’s going to be the fifth and I know that may sound redundant, I think Woody and Bo should go back to Andy. Or since woody is now a lost toy it would be cool to have Andy find Woody. 


Edited by TBD



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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I watched Spirited Away (2002, American English Dub) with my boyfriend, and all I have to say is that this film is absurdly close to anime perfection. Really only very few and very inconsequential things only very much slightly bother me here. I would say 9.75/10 but that isn't giving it high enough praise, but 10 would say it's perfect which it isn't quite. 9.9/10?

Edited by Spider Demon
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20 minutes ago, Angus Delaney said:

I watched Spirited Away (2002, American English Dub) with my boyfriend, and all I have to say is that this film is absurdly close to anime perfection. Really only very few and very inconsequential things only very much slightly bother me here. I would say 9.75/10 but that isn't giving it high enough praise, but 10 would say it's perfect which it isn't quite. 9.9/10?

The Ghibli films are good. Tales From Earthsea is my favorite. I love the soundtrack.

This is my new signature.

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John Wick (2014)


Better than John Wick 3, but it still has some of the same problems... It's not bad per say, it's just a very mediocre action film with awkward fight scenes, a legible story (unlike 3) but it is still not really much of one, and it just feels like a sequence of events with a little story in there somewhere instead of an actual movie. 5.75/10.


IT Chapter 1 (2017)


Very solid horror film, that really takes full advantage of the psychological element of the original. Though a few things that really bother me are the characterizations of the parents and the resolution doesn't really have an actual payoff, like it doesn't feel like a good, concrete ending. Other than that, it was really good. 8.75/10.

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Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone :nom: It never gets old.



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The last movie I ended up watching was It Part 2, as part of a review I was writing for a local paper. I couldn't have expected that the follow-up to the enjoyable first part would be so forgettable and bog standard. There is too much goofy CGI, aside from a handful of scenes Pennywise isn't that terrifying, the ending feels like a letdown (which is lampshaded multiple times throughout the film, but that doesn't make it any better) - it's essentially as standard a horror film as you can get. Especially since the first part really built a fun team dynamic between the kids you'd think they would follow that up in this film, but they all end up on side tangents to get these memory artifacts and it essentially becomes almost like six divorced mini-movies stitched together before the final act. At least when they are together the actors do pull off that sense of group chemistry. 

Overall, not that great but not wholly terrible either, it just betrays the spirit of the first film. I won't be planning to watch it again for some time, if ever. 

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Under the Skin (2014)


A science project of a film that doesn't try to explain to the audience what is even happening. It also fails to get under the skin so much as under the clothes. I have no idea how a film this bizarre and incomprehensible got an 80 some percent on Rotten Tomatoes, but I have to give it a 3/10. They tried to do something, but failed miserably. Bonus point off for having a following that compares anyone who doesn't like this film to a fan of Michael Bay movies.

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The Revenant (2015)

First time I'd watched it since I went to see it when it was released. This movie is a masterpiece in terms of its technical filmmaking, with its camera work, use of natural lighting and overall brilliant visuals and sound design. Tom Hardy should've won the Best Supporting Actor for this movie... Leo shouldn't have won his oscar for this movie. He still does a good job, but his performance definitely wasn't oscar-worthy, whereas Tom Hardy just becomes his character. The overall slow pace of the movie does make it drag on a bit too much, especially with some scenes that really don't add anything to the overall story or characterisation of the movie. Still definitely worth checking out if you haven't already, I'd say it's an overall 8/10.


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Cypher (2002)


A clever movie about corporate espionage. I really enjoyed it even if the acting was not really all that great at times. The plot was well-written enough to keep me more than interested in it, and the effects were actually fairly decent for a 2002 film. I also liked the choices of color palette to suit the film itself. 8/10.

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Last week saw 3 rainbooming  scary movies, "WHAT'S MAKING SENSE IN MY ARCADE MOVIE"? (Hint John Delance was in this movie called Arcade) , Then freaking out Flutterbat we get the movie THE MUSIC BOX and last Pinkie Pie would laugh at this movie Haunted Casino !

So tonight I tried a movie cartoon called Zoowars well It wasn't bad but silly It's like Zootopia meets Starwars oh, yeah you got the good guys called NICESIDE and bad guys are called MICESIDE enjoy this movie if you can I saw it on a cable channel called Tubi !

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Batman Forever: The ultimate movie for networks to air at the dead of night.


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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Bringing Out the Dead (1999).


At first I was going to say this movie is bleh, but after a little while I was able to actually piece the story together. It took half the movie, of course to actually get f***ing going though... :dry: The ending though is pretty bad, and it makes little to no sense.  I will say though it has some great parts... But the movie as a whole is less than their sum. It could be a great movie, but it didn't really have any story at all until an hour in, and the pacing until that point was a snail's pace. Also, I found Marcus VERY annoying and I couldn't stand Tom... As a whole, it's not much better than okay. 6.5/10,

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Spiderman: Far from home 8/10


I thought it was good, I have no clue why most people think it wasn't good. I like the idea how a avenge people, no alien, no super meta human can also be a worthy threat as a villain. I like that a lot. They're just plain o' simple smart people. Goes to show  we don't need a super epic powerful villain to make the movie good. and FINALLLY! It take place around Europe, not some boring new York or anywhere in the US. The only thing that set off the mood of the movie is the thing between Peter and MJ, it feel so forced. 


Edited by TBD



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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12 hours ago, joobmo said:

In the tall grass 6/10
Based on a Steven King short story, this is actually a pretty decent little horror film. Worth a watch.

They are doing a sequel to the Shining movie Doctor Sleep is coming soon !

Oh, Wow! watch a lot of horror movies on cable first on called The Legend of Halloween Jack, 2nd movie Don't Fuck in the woods!, 3rd one Bunni, Last one called Murtel Tales of Terror !

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