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Parents telling little girls to NOT watch MLP?


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Kids under 17 still playing Call of Duty series with their parents permission while My Little Pony is hated by most parents and going to be made a petition to stop the show.

I am asking the same question to the people who made the petition.

Why kids under 17 still play Call of Duty while grown men or boys can't watch show which made for little girls?

This world is so weird! I Don't want to live on this planet anymore.

  • Brohoof 2
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Kids under 17 still playing Call of Duty series with their parents permission while My Little Pony is hated by most parents and going to be made a petition to stop the show.

I am asking the same question to the people who made the petition.

Why kids under 17 still play Call of Duty while grown men or boys can't watch show which made for little girls?

This world is so weird! I Don't want to live on this planet anymore.


Its one of many double standards that exist in life.


Similar issue with men wearing/using womens products, vs women wearing/using mens products.

Men will be ousted for such actions, and while there is SOME retort on the women, its far less common and often far more accepted. Most men will be outed as homosexual, or some other assault upon their sexuality, while women are merely often just given the title of "tomboy" and left alone (In some cases their sexuality is questioned, but ever notice lesbianism isn't as thoroughly hated? Also being considered a tomboy is somewhat of an attack, its WAY more accepted by both genders as "okay". Whereas the attacked male will be considered "off" by both genders for their partaking in such a thing)

Edited by GrimCW
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I wish this was a time I could break out the od shotgun and say :which one of you said we were bad?" but then that would be me showing why they do this


Pretty much dude...


Besides its not like their petition got noticed by the bigger bosses of media like the news or anything, just by the average net surfers and of course the MLP community. Now if I were to hear about this story in my home town on our news channel then I'd be a little concerned, but at the end of the day these are just few parents who have nothing better to do then find a reason to put a blog up about how their kids should not watch a show that targeted an audience majority of little girls. I suspect not even the directors of MLP imagined how much of a sensation the show was gonna be lol.


Point being, ya we're considered a big hype of a community I guess, but we havent even been here that long compared to the Trekkie fans dont you think? Yet I'm not hearing as much bs about them as with us, and I can only reason why that is: It's because the franchise grew in fans and community in a short amount of time, and I guess to SOME parents, thats scary. Some of us dont like change, change can be scary, new things can be scary, I'm no stranger to being scared of changes, but still, the way these folks reacted is a bit of...well, an overreaction, and kinda just feels like an excuse for someone to complain, start a blog, get some attention. Which they obviously did, and not in the best way, more like pointless, waist of time attention. I'm no longer offended by the topic they posted because it obviously hasnt gone anywhere, no one here seems phased by it because we know we're not a bad community, we're just folks who like a show and the franchise behind it and that is all. I'm happy to be a pony who is happy to be marrying a Trekkie and look forward to one day going with him to some ponycons if there ever are any close to my state or any comicon or gamecon etc.


And thats all this pegasus pony has to say about that B)

Edited by Lightning Bliss

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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all of this can be solved with something that google already has, safesearch. turn it on and you will never see what you dont want to see


I'm a bomb. . . made of fire.

So I bomb things. . . with fire. . . and do nothing else


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That's just ridiculous.... I mean, I know there are some, hem, people, who like to dabble in the more sensual aspects of My Little Pony, but yeah, as the OP said (and other people have reiterated multiple times) that's a minority!  It makes me quite upset that people are so devoid of the patience to seek understanding.... a little research can go a long way :P


 Analyst - Writer - Musician - Voice Actor

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... Derpy just seemed a little slow or quirky to me. 


As much as I truly love Derpy's character, there will never be a valid argument for her first voice. Her eyes and klutziness, yes, but the voice was too much and definitely edging into offensive territory. The second voice was a lot better at conveying her uncoordination without being mean-spirited.


I used to know quite a few people who had mental issues and while none of them I knew had watched the show, I'm 99.999999999% certain that they would not have taken kindly to her presence at a first glance.

  • Brohoof 1

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As much as I truly love Derpy's character, there will never be a valid argument for her first voice. Her eyes and klutziness, yes, but the voice was too much and definitely edging into offensive territory. The second voice was a lot better at conveying her uncoordination without being mean-spirited.


I used to know quite a few people who had mental issues and while none of them I knew had watched the show, I'm 99.999999999% certain that they would not have taken kindly to her presence at a first glance.


Oh come on its MLP, you can not honestly say that Derpy was made or was even close to being offensive especially compared to Ed, Billy, or just about any other sidekick in the older Cartoon Network shows. Not to mention she has had not more than 2 minutes of screen time. The eyes at first were easily a animation screw up at first but later on they made it on purpose. Either way I have no idea how anyone could even consider it offensive really.

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This phenomenon isn't uncommon. It is expected. Friendship is Magic is pretty much the new rock and roll. Whenever anything reaches massive popularity (deserved or not), folks are going to take cheap shots at it. The reasons can vary from regressive politcal agendas, or idiots who live in fear of the female form.

  • Brohoof 1


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i can hardly believe this is happening, if i had children i would be encouraging them to watch this magnificent show. Once again parents are being utterly stupid and showing signs of being mentally challenged. i haven't spoken to many bronies yet but you all seem so nice, some fans get wierd and that is the reason i avoided bronies in the past. Recently i been compelled to embrace them and i am liking the results as of late. Parents should do their damn job rather than play the blame game, and of all the shows to get flagged it has to be something innocent like My Little Pony? So many things i want to say but i feel like a hundred F-bombs won't help one bit, if they want reasons to hate the show i won't give them one more. Sad to hear though, this is definitly something i think all kids should be exposed to. The show gained an impressive following of fans that are male and much older than the target age, this show is a treasure and i thought it would be more embraced by parents. It teaches love and tolerance for pete's sake...

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Well, that is actually not a big deal, I mean, okay, they're stupid and think we're a menace to their childrens false innocence, and they disagree with us. Fine.

But I have to say, that I feel kinda threatened by that petition. I mean, what if they succeed? It would be awful for us. Of course you can't take everything down that's on the web, and everyday new stuff gets uploaded. Also I agree with the opinion about the gore, that's the dark side of the fandom. But to be honest, when being a brony becomes an illegal matter, we're gonna have a hard time. And it will be a bit harder to find good MLP stuff.

Being a brony is frowned upon allready, making it illegal could be a move that really destroys us.

So great was her reign, so brilliant her glory,

That long was the shadow she cast

Which fell dark upon the young sister she loved

And grew only darker as days and nights passed.

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Parents are very hypocritical these days. I mean some need to let thier kids explore the world anyway and babying them all thier lives won't help. Especially if its over a cartoon.

It's pretty crazy how some parents let thier kids play violent video games but when it comes to cartoon censorship parents are all salt and vinegar about it.

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Wow.. That's crazy.. Like, WAYYY beyond crazy! BEYOND PINKIE PIE CRAZY!!! O_O


It makes no sense to me! I mean, fillies playing violent video games, and their parents not even caring? And when they watch a cartoon, parents become cautious about it? That's just.. dumb! I think the ponies who go through that process have themselves in a "sour" situation!

Edited by Pinkie Pie
  • Brohoof 1


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Wow.. That's crazy.. Like, WAYYY beyond crazy! BEYOND PINKIE PIE CRAZY!!! O_O


It makes no sense to me! I mean, fillies playing violent video games, and their parents not even caring? And when they watch a cartoon, parents become cautious about it? That's just.. dumb! I think the ponies who go through that process have themselves in a "sour" situation!

With the avatar, name, and pink text, I cannot help but read your posts in Pinkie's voice....  be my friend, Pinkie?  :)


And yeah, the violent video game thing gets me too, as a gamer and a Brony.  Get your priorities straight, people, jeesh.

  • Brohoof 1


 Analyst - Writer - Musician - Voice Actor

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Okay, I will admit that I've had to tell my children several times not to do Google searches for "My Little Pony," and it's really awkward when they don't understand why and I have to explain "because sometimes fans draw stuff that's not appropriate, and if you search on Google without adult supervision, you might find some of those bad pictures."  However, I must say that it is completely unreasonable for anyone to demand that the fanart be taken down.  (I must also admit that I myself draw clop art sometimes.  It doesn't mean that I see the show sexually or that I want to rape children and animals.  I just do it for fun and try not to let it be seen by people who don't want to see it.)


The request to cancel the show is even more totally ridiculous and unreasonable.  Do these parents not realize that EVERY cartoon show ever made has had pornographic fan art made of it?  As for the gore thing, they should try watching some old cartoons; there was PLENTY of gore in those. xP


For the record, I DO NOT, IN ANY WAY, suport or condone bestiality, pedophilia, or the use of children (whether cartoon or real) in pornographic images.  The people who are into that stuff are sick, and I pity them.  o______o

Forgive me if this has already been said, but this sounds very similar to something that Westboro church would do, if I am not mistaken.


Now that you  mention it, it really does seem like them.  I wonder if they have a hand in this...


Ermagerd, this was also on that petition to try and cancel the show!

http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/854/nazipony.jpg/  They are trying to say that the show promotes Nazi-ism because part of the maze from "The Return of Harmony" coincidentally kind of looks like a swaztika.  xD

You are a ghost, driving a meat-coated skeleton made out of stardust.

What have you got to be afraid of?

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Okay, I will admit that I've had to tell my children several times not to do Google searches for "My Little Pony,"


Out of curiosity, have you tried any parental controls and kid accounts on the system?

Not perfect, but mostly functional :P


On the Swastika thing... read back a page (P10)

Its a common misconception due to the jaded world we live in where long standing ancient history is ignored for recent history.

But that symbol, not angled, is not the Nazi logo, its a 3000 year old one that has a VERY different meaning.

The Nazi party used a version that was slightly angled (45 degree or so).


One meaning Includes a connection to the Sun. I.E. Celestia. And that is in the Canterlot Garden..

So its not unlikely it was snuck in there like many hidden references.

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Bronies make me sick. Always going after kids and stuff. Terrible.

I'm going to let mr. rico, who rarely comes out of his home down the street, watch my kids for the weekend. 

He's always talking about how much he loves children AND he says he's never watched mlp. What a guy, right? I'm sure they'll safe with him.



ok, all stupid jokes  aside, I hope it was clear that it's a joke. 

there is no mr. rico living down the street and if there is, none that I know of. 

My point is obvious. 

Anyone can be a creeper! It doesn't matter if your into mlp.

If anything I'd probably trust my kids with someone who admits they watch mlp because if he was trying to kidnap kids (or worse), I bet he would at least try to hide it. 

While parents are freaking out over bronies, the real creepers are still out there enjoying the distraction.


Now if you'll excuse me, im letting little timmy go over to mr. rico's house to check out his pokemons

Im sure he'll be fine. pokemon is a guy thing, so im sure mr. rico isn't a creeper. 

Edited by pollo20x6
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Can I just laugh? Omg parenting has took a dark turn, in that it no longer seems to be prevalent

When I used the internet from 3 to 7 I had strict parental controls

And google has Safe Search for a reason parents...USE IT

Grt parental control programs ...they exist

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Out of curiosity, have you tried any parental controls and kid accounts on the system?

Not perfect, but mostly functional :P


On the Swastika thing... read back a page (P10)

Its a common misconception due to the jaded world we live in where long standing ancient history is ignored for recent history.

But that symbol, not angled, is not the Nazi logo, its a 3000 year old one that has a VERY different meaning.

The Nazi party used a version that was slightly angled (45 degree or so).


One meaning Includes a connection to the Sun. I.E. Celestia. And that is in the Canterlot Garden..

So its not unlikely it was snuck in there like many hidden references.


Even with the mature filter turned on, you will start seeing porn if you scroll down far enough.


As for the swastika thing, I figured it was something like that.  I know that when facing the other direction (although I can't remember which is which, being left/right challenged and all that  xP) it's some kind of Buddhist symbol.

Either way, if you look closely at the picture, you will notice that it's none of these things, because the two sections don't meet up perfectly in the middle.  It just somewhat resembles the swastika, sun symbol, Buddhist  symbol, etc. (whatever it is, if it is meant to be such a thing and not just a total coincidence).

You are a ghost, driving a meat-coated skeleton made out of stardust.

What have you got to be afraid of?

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Even with the mature filter turned on, you will start seeing porn if you scroll down far enough.



Like i said, not perfect :)

But i've never had them used on me, or had to use them on anyone, so I wasn't sure.


Heh, at least someone else knows of the symbols alternative/true meanings. Something that really should be covered far more when describing it in schools . Much like how most believe the Wehrmacht were Nazi's... They were only the army, the Nazi's were the political party, and they're only direct link within the military was the SS TMK. Most germans didn't even know what was happening.... Anywho, trailing. I'm gonna go away now.

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Seriously? I hope this is fake, the show may have had the swastika in the maze, but, in very many cultures, Swastikas are the showing of life, the number 1,000 and many more things that are great. And why could i guess Cupcakes and SHED.MOV when i read the text. Also, have the parents of the children in this petition ever heard of "Parental Controls"?

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Well...unpopular opinion, but I guess I can understand why they're not letting their kids watch the show? A lot of the more questionable aspects of the fandom are in easy view and we haven't really done much to keep our stuff out of sight, out of mind. While bronies might have gotten into the spotlight for being a male-dominated fandom (at least for G4), I think if we had kept our more adult-themed stuff out of view, there wouldn't be such an issue. I mean, this is the only fandom that I can listen to soccer moms get scandalized over because they do know there's adult stuff, even though here we all know about R34 for every cartoon.


And I say this as someone who has little brothers who adore MLP, but refuses to let them go online to look for stuff relevant to the show because of what they might find. It's not exactly hard finding the adult-rated stuff in a simple google search, just from experience. Basically, little girls aren't finding MLP gore or clop by googling *that*, they're finding it through googling 'pinkie pie/twilight sparkle/rarity/etc' and finding it in the first few pages.


It's sad that parents won't let their girls watch the show, but honestly, it's really up to them and not letting them watch one cartoon, however girl-positive it might be, isn't the Worst Thing Ever. Just my two cents in the matter.

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Well, here's the opinion of the lady herself, taken from her deviantart page, about how it felt to know that a show created for little girls was obsessed over by 'sexually opressed manchildren,"


"Lauren Faust: Honestly?? I feel that people who call them that are ignorant a-holes. That's how I feel,


I didn't create the the show for little girls. I created it for little girls and their parents, including MALE parents. It only stands to reason thatadult animation fans without children may like it too.


The belief that boys shouldn't be interested in girl things is the main reason there's hardly anything decent for girls in animation, or almost any media for that matter. It's a backward, sexist, outdated attitude."

As for me personally, I'm happy to be a brony. I've even got one of those friends you can tell everything too, and I can tell that he could become a brony too. I showed him the fanmade Buttons Adventures pilot on youtube, and he laughed his head off and told me to send it to him.


Before I knew about the fandom I got annoyed at all the pony videos in my related video feed. One day I finally gave in and clicked on one. It was one of those ones that made fun of cloppers by showing a few second long clip of a episode of a pony saying or doing something that could be taken sexually out of context. I found those funny. Next was just voice clips, finally followed by episodes. Little by little it drew me in, even though I told myself I wouldn't watch an episode. I learned about the derpy controversy, and finished watching all the episodes, and I don't regret it. I'm happy to be a part of this fanbase.


This site's been very good to me. In another of my topics, when I responded to another user feeling that their response had been kinda dismissive and a little snooty(influenced by the presence of rarity all over her channel) she apologized for the way she responded and said what she meant in a nicer way. Most other places a person would use their anonimity to tell you screw off.


I won't doubt that there are the extreme bronies, that there are cloppers, pedophiles, and beastial lovers, but as said before, no child should just have unrestricted unsupervised access to the internet. If you're unsure of something, click on first before your child does to make sure it's safe.

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