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1. There should be only one system and all games would be on this system.

2. I hate FPS's.  Because of this I can't get past lvl 10 on either Borderlands games.

3. I didn't like any of the Mass Effect games.

4. I hate Gears of War.

5. Halo was overrated.

6. I thought Diablo 3 was great.

7. I hated The Skyward Sword because I can't get around those stupid Wii controls.

8. I prefer Princess Peach over all other characters in the Mario Kart series.

9. I like the old 32 bit graphics over all this new 3D stuff.

10. I want Zelda to be the main playable hero for once.

11. Lightning is my favorite Final Fantasy character.

Edited by Sylentmana
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-The first generation of Pokemon was the

worst in terms of Pokemon design. The type effectivnesses were crap too.


-The fifth generation of Pokemon is one of the best in design, and story. (the 4th generation comes in second)


-I think the new Fairy-type is a great idea, and dragon-types needed to be nerfed that way. (Though I would have preferred a "magic" type or something similar)


The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is the best game in the series.

This^ Edited by Zalgo
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- Deadspace doesn´t deserve to be called "horror game". It´s just boring splatter.

- Fear 3 was boring

- Halo wasn´t that good

- War Z is boring... because you don´t even have a god damn task!

- Final Fantasy is hilariously stupid

- Oblivion was better than Skyrim

- Counterstrike 1.6 was better than CS:Z , CSS, CS GO,

- Counterstrike is the grandfather of all team based shooters like Battlefield or COD

- Borderlands 1+2 is boring

- Fallout 3 + Vegas is also boring

- Everyone should play Metal Drift and Super Hexagon

- Zelda: A Link to the past and Links Awakening were the best Zeldas

- Split Second and Extreme G III are the best racing games ever

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I hate 97% of the industry.


I didn't enjoy playing Heavy Rain.


I don't see the point in mods.


The FGC is way worse than the COD community.


EVO is boring.

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All Mario games are boring and terrible, as the OP previously said. I mean, all it is just the SAME exact formula and gameplay, and it hasn't really changed. Plus, the spinoff games are boring and repetitive.

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Call of Duty is not a recycled series...

...except MW3. BOII has seen many new implementations into the series. The Pick-10 system vastly improved the customization in classes. Zombie mode has been expanded quite a bit since Black Ops such as larger maps, improved leaderboards and other gamemodes in zombies. For the first time, the campaign has multiple endings that is determined by the choices made by the player throughout the game. Also, the game's setting is new as well (taking place in a near future setting with more emphasis made on future technology). Copy and paste? I don't think so.


And there are those who say that Ghosts will be a recycled game. I don't see how this can be possible the fact that they're significantly improving the engine that hasn't changed much since MW2. There's going to be improved graphics (maybe sub-par to other current-gen games but still a significant improvement for the COD series), character customization, dynamic maps (the concept for Free Fall sounds interesting), etc. However, many people seem to genuinely believe that the only new things in this game is the dog and moving fish.


I understand that people were very disappointing with MW3. But I find calling BOII or Ghosts recycled to be an exaggeration. At this point, it seems like people hate COD for the sake of hating it. Many new additions have and seemingly will be made. Of course, the core gameplay will always remain as a fast-paced action FPS game; like any other game, if the core gameplay changes, the series loses its characteristic.


I don't mind underaged gamers playing a game that meant for an older audience.

I don't care about someone's voice. What I care about is their attitude. If an 8 year old kid has an all-around good attitude and respects other player, clearly this player is mature enough to play the game. If someone rages and insults others constantly, there's a problem. Sadly, it's apparent that in many cases younger players (as well as many older players) don't respect other players and become angry easily. Then again, this is based off of my experience from COD; I don't know if this is true for other games.


Battlefield players don't seem to be any better than COD players.

This is judging from the fact that far more BF players excessively bash on Ghosts, a game that's not even released yet, and heavily praise their own game on COD videos. I don't see COD players doing the same thing on BF videos nearly as often. This sort of thing reminds me of how console gamers are tired of PC gamers constantly telling them that they're superior.


League of Legends players are worse than COD players.

Edited by 115Predator
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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay- I've been waiting for a thread like this for a long time...


- New Mario games are all the same and unnecessary.

- Minecraft is boring.

- The last great Nintendo console was the Wii.

- The first Mass effect wasn't that good.

- CoD 3 was the best CoD game.

- New Mario games are dull. 

- Slender is overrated.

- Amnesia is overrated.

- Ao Oni isn't scary. At all.

- Kingdom Hearts is overrated.

- Skyrim was kinda boring at times.

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Sonic was not the best Sega game.

Final Fantasy is overated. (not bad just overated)

Call of Duty is overated.

Halo is overated.

Pokemon has gone on too long.

Oblivion, Skyrim, Assasins Creed, Mine Craft, Bioshock, Gears of War, Zelda, Kingdom Hearts... were all so uninteresting I couldn't even be bothered to try them.

World of Warcraft is crap but it's not the worst thing ever...

Edited by Scrumpy
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Lets see I have a few

  • The original Super Mario Bros. has aged terribly
  • The original Phantasy Star was better then all of the NES' RPG
  • The X-box was a better overall console than the X-box 360
  • Final Fantasy 7 was a terribly overrated game that people often praise WAY too much

I'm sorry I can't think of anymore currently. 

Edited by Nomadic
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I doubt a lot of people would feel the same way as me on this so I guess it count as "unpopular."


  • I don't think that Sonic should be 15. I think they should increase his age to 17 or 18. It's not because "Oh. He's been 15 since 1998 and should get older" or anything like that, but he doesn't really seem very 15-ish to me, despite being a fictional character. That essencially means that all the other characters would have to increase their ages, too. For example, Tails would be 10-12 and Amy would be 14-15.
Edited by Dismajo
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Call of Duty is a good series. Only Black Ops 1 and MW3 could be classified as "bad" games.


I mainly play Black Ops 2 for the campaign


CoD Zombies is by far the worst co-op game mode I have ever played.


Alpha Protocol is exceptional.


Fallout 3 > New Vegas for story, but New Vegas > Fallout 3 for gameplay.


The Last of Us is the greatest story ever told.


Even though I love BioShock 1, Bioshock 2 is one of the worst games I have ever played.


Assassin's Creed 3 > Assassin's Creed 1 > The Ezio Trilogy.


Splinter Cell: Double Agent is the worst game ever made, I avoided Conviction like the plague, and will be approaching Blacklist with extreme caution.


Half Life 2 is decent.


Halo 4 is utter dogshit, and I laughed at the ending.


The Walking Dead is good, but a terrible example of player choice.


That's all I can think of right now. Might be back with more later.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Minecraft is a little overrated at times
  • Didn't find Borderlands 2 and Far Cry 3 as good as I was told
  • Apart from L4D, Valve games are kind of meh in my opinion
  • Steelseries > Razer

EDIT: Removed my unnecessary post

Edited by Spontaneous Me
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Even though I love BioShock 1, Bioshock 2 is one of the worst games I have ever played.





I believe Bioshock 2 is the best of the series.


Minecraft is a broing game.


Slenderman is completely overrated and should never have been created.


Remember Me was a fantastic game, it deserves much more attention.


As said in the post above me, I hate the PC fanboys who think they're special just because they play with a PC and not a console.


Fallout: New Vegas > Fallout 3


All the Sonic the Hedgehog games aren't great but aren't 100% bad either.

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I think Luigi, Princess Daisy and Waluigi are the most overrated Mario characters. (I don't hate Luigi)


Shadow is my least favourite Sonic character.


I didn't mind the Queen Bee in Mario Kart 7.


I like the Wind Waker more than Twilight Princess.


I like Sims 2 more than the original Sims.


Captain Falcon is my least favourite of the original 12 Smash bros fighters.

Edited by shocker1991
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Care to elaborate? Because what else do you expect from at least two of the next-gen consoles? They're far more superior to their predecessors in every way and you can't expect more. And every negative thing about the Xbox One has been taken out. So please tell me what's so bad about them. Seems to me as if you're just one of those annoying die-hard PC fanboys. Getting sick of seeing you people everywhere on these forums. (Probably why I'm ranting).

Actually I own a Xbox 360 and a gaming rig, plus I've been around the block more than once having owned quite a few of the previous console gens dating back to the original Nes bouncing between different companies... So not a fan boy. But thank you for tarring me with the same brush.


Anyway, the fact of the matter is consoles are always inferior. Admittedly you do need a good rig to beat both the Xbox one and the ps4 on a graphical level. At the end of the day though the games are created by pc's (and macs) tested on them, patched by them and administrated by them.

But going beyond that there is the service thats provided, I've used the PSN, Xbox Live and the Nintendo network (I forget what it's actually called) and all of them are lacklustre with very limited selections, uncompetitive pricing and generally bad UI, although PSN trumps both Xbox and Nintendo for use ability. Compared to the selection, service and pricing you get from GOG, greenmangames, humblebundle (both weekly and monthly), gamersgate, steam and origin (as lothesome as EA is) all those networks are severely lacking. The customer support is awful too, all 3 have been near useless when I've had a problem.

Then there's the fact you have little to no access to the indie market, so missing out on many wonderful and unique titles.


A console does have it's benefits, I switched to them when I found upgrading my pc was too expensive although that had more to do with my own budgeting. It's great that you never have to worry if a game will actually work... But you pay more for the games, generally. Sometimes up to £20 more, and I'm not even comparing that to download cost, I mean I can buy the same game from the same shop yet spend £20 less at times (usually it's £10).


Then there's the inability to mod, either your games or the consoles themselves, unless you want to break warranty. Oh yeah and you never own your console (at least in recent generations), you lease it.


As for the Xbox One in particular, every annoying thing has been removed... For now. Give them time most of those bits will be snuck in through user agreements and updates that no one will read, and I just don't trust Microsoft.

I would actually buy a Xbox One if I believed they wouldn't bring all that nonsense back, except they've made it non backwards compatible. Big deal breaker for me, I want to be able to play my old and beloved games without having to either dig out my old console, buy them again for the Xbox One or keep my old one plugged in. That goes for the PS4 as well.


The only console that's come out this generation that's really interested me has been the Ouya, and even that fell sadly flat. :(

I forgive the rant, if only because I've responded with my own diatribe.

Edited by Fridge
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Sorry about this post, I was being immature. I was obsessed with Minecraft at the time, and now I have to agree with you guys. It's way overrated.

Edited by Imagine
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I feel like it's about time I started having opinions again.


-Uncharted 3>Uncharted 2 

-Dear Esther was an amazing feat

-Halo 4 was an excellent game





The Last of Us is the greatest story ever told.


I think that one should be in the popular gaming opinions thread 

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- Call of Duty is the best game ever. Just no.

- Call of Duty is more realistic than Battlefield.

- Call of Duty: Ghosts is ripping off of Battlefield 4, MW2, MW3, Medal of Honor, and Black Ops.

- Graphics matter more than the story.

- Pokemon series is copy & paste. Uh, no. The Call of Duty series is basically the copy & paste formula.

- Minecraft sucks. It's not. It's actually better than most of the overrated games out there.

- The Saints Row series is better than the Grand Theft Auto series. Wrong. They are both two different franchises.

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The only two games I want to get are GTA V and Pokemon X and Y. Gaming is almost dead to me, it's just, I'm sick of FPSs and suck at them. A while back I used to play Blazblue and I was pretty good at it but nobody I knew had even heard of it. 

Edited by Sakurako Ohmuro
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  • Skyrim is extremely overrated (not bad, but not as amazing as some people make it out to be).
  • Most Garry's Mod videos nowadays are awful.
  • I don't like most 2D Sonic games, there's too many obstacles/enemies for the speed that you're supposed to go at (or vice-versa), and losing all of your coins every time you get hit is annoying as hell.
  • I enjoy the first Half-Life a bit more than Half-Life 2.
  • Rockstar sucks at porting.
  • New Super Mario Bros. 2/U weren't necessary and shouldn't have been made. They're decent enough, but they really don't need to exist.
  • I thought Bioshock Infinite's ending was cool.
  • I don't like MOBAs (like LoL, DotA, and others).
  • Saints Row the Third is fun for what it is.
  • I liked The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.
  • I don't really like RPGs that much, besides the Mario & Luigi series. If one more person tries shoving Earthbound down my throat, I'm going to slap them. Through the internet. With a knife.

These are just my personal opinions, so feel free to disagree.

Edited by TheTEChguy27
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2d Zelda games are the worst

AC2 was the last good game of the series gamplay wise

rpgs are better than fps

dark souls gameplay was too horribly slow and not good

crash tag team racing is the last good crash bandicoot game

fallout 3 and new vegas are both horrible games

TOV characters had the worst fighting styles compared to other tales games


all i can think of atm

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