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Have you ever stood up to a bully, or stood up for someone else?


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I was watching the movie, "Bully" and it got me thinking...have any of you ever stood up to a bully or even stood up for someone else?


Personally, a guy liked to call me emo a lot, so I went up to him and screamed, "Shut the f*** up!" and the entire gym class stopped, stared and watched. He never bothered me again.  ^_^


I'm a shy girl, so if I start screaming, you know you messed up...badly.


I don't think much people got bullied at my school. Most people either kept to themselves or just didn't care. Of course, my mother is glad that I started online schooling seeing as how the public school had received two bomb threats and a hit list.  :blink:


Any experiences from you all? 




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I was open about my sexuality at my college because I don't care what any one thinks of me. Some guy I know was stood next to me and called me a 'faggot' so I turned round and slapped him. I don't tolerate violence but I don't tolerate homophobia either and this has been my only out burst ever.

  • Brohoof 5

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I remember when I was 7 I was choked to death by some boy and when he realized I stopped breathing he stopped and walked away and I woke up a little later , but the only time I had to stand up against a bully was to a teacher, I was at winter camp and I had to scream and yell at the teacher to leave me alone and to get everybody else away from me before I killed someone, they were all having a go at me because I had 2 serves of food at dinner.

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I was bullied a whole lot in school, but there is a couple times I stood for myself. So i'll tell you my fav.

So there was this kid named Jonah, and he happened to be the class clown, and I was the center of his cruel jokes. He was really mean to me along with a few other boys, even said he hated me. No reason. Anyways, I was sitting at my desk when he came up next to me and told me to move my chair. It was clear he could go around, but he thought he'd be a jackass. I told him no and that he could go around, and he got close and personal with me and yelled at me to move my chair. I about had it, and I screamed at him and told him "No!" The next thing I knew, he was holding his cheek and looked at me astonished. Turns out, I slapped him with all the strength I had. Left a mark on his cheek for two days I believe. But after that, the torment continued until I finally moved out of that cruel school.

  • Brohoof 5

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I never had or met a bully in my life.


However, many of my friends had bully of their own, and those bullies were my friends.


So to help them, I told my bully friends to chill, and they went with it since they know me and state I'm cool like them.


I'm just glad to help out my friends in need.

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I had stood up for one of my friends that were being tormented by some guy that thought he was tough, and funny for making fun out of someone. The bully was making fun of my friend for his interest in Japanese culture, (anime).


Now, you have to understand my group of friends are sort of the nerdy/geeky bunch that love learning, and video games.  I couldn't let this bullying pass, because it would only fuel his ego. If he wasn't stopped earlier, it could've been a more intense situation, if my friend had snapped on him or any physical bullying were to happen.


I felt pretty bold insulting him with logic, even though his head seemed to be as hard as a cement wall. I continued and threatened to call the teacher. He may have called me a tattle tale, except it doesn't bother me knowing that I had protected my friend.


I didn't need a teacher's help, but I mean it does scare some people sometimes, especially if you're serious about it.

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First off, Bravo to OP, and all others posts so far for handling their situations in rather non-violent ways.  It's hard not to beat the hell out of someone who's being a total ass.


I once got into a fight with some really big person about 3 times my weight back in middle school.  They, like the rest of the entire school, were teasing me about my love for Star Wars, and consistently saying sh-- about me.  One day I almost got into a fight with this really big person, and was pulled out of it by other people.


Later, my friends laughed at me because they didn't think I could have possibly won that fight.  Even though I was convinced I could have.  My physique isn't the boldest, I'll admit, but I still could have won.


In conclusion; no matter how lame or cheesy it sounds, violence can't be the answer.  It just never turns out well. :/

  • Brohoof 3


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I've been bullied all through my school years. I didn't stand up for myself mainly because there were so many people, everyone had their own groupies, and also the fact I have never fought anyone in my life. So, if I had stood up for myself at anytime, I probably would be almost dead or dead already.

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Actually no, I would but I'd just end up getting my ass kicked. I'm too skinny to fight, I'd get knocked out in less than a minute. If only I had a little more muscle.

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I had one who tormented me on a daily basis - a kid nearly twice my size. I remember being on the school bus during the drive home, and he took the brand new Mets cap off my head that my dad had just given me, and put it on his own.


He grinned at me. "Want it back? Try to take it, and I'll beat the sh*t out of you."


Without hesitating for a moment, I grabbed it off his head and put it back on mine. Everyone gasped. I remember thinking to myself, "Wait...did I really just do that? Was that smart?"


I didn't get to think about it for long because he immediately jumped into my seat and started wailing on me; he was furious. The bus driver hit the brakes so hard that we almost wrecked, and she got him off of me. After that, he tried to redeem his bully status by hitting me a few more times in the weeks that followed, until the school basically suspended him into submission.


I think he went on to become a father around age 16 or maybe even a little earlier. In my later encounters with him - we lived in the same town - he was always very cordial.

  • Brohoof 3

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Anytime I witnessed bullying it was usually happening to me, and I never stood up to it, because it was the kind that was low-key and could be confused with people just playfully joking (though I know it wasn't). Not telling anybody or standing up to it (just keeping it inside and letting it fester until I was scared of everyone at every moment) led me to nearly become a murderer, but somehow I was able to barely scrape by out of high school and I was just fine. I was not right in the head. 


There was one time, though, in middle school that I saw a girl being made fun of. She was trying to bark and growl to scare off her bullies. I regret not doing anything about it, or at least going up to her later and talking with her about it. I was too shy and scared. 


Since joining Facebook, 99.9% of bullying that I've seen has happened on the Internet. When I didn't know better, I got into a bit of an argument on a band's Facebook page. One guy was threatening me and another guy that he would beat us up and kill us if he ever saw us because we were into "emo" music. He claimed that he was tracking the other guy down. I started talking with the other guy and (keep in mind that I was not in my right mind at the time) told him that if he was going down, I would be there to protect him and I'd gladly die if it meant that this asshole would spend the rest of his life in jail. I might have attempted to go through with it too, finding a way to bus it across the country, if I hadn't been hospitalized soon after the argument and realized how stupid I was being. 


Now that I'm mentally healthy (as I'll ever be, at least) I can say that I'll stand up to bullying if I see it happen, but I won't risk my life. I don't think it's worth it. It won't make them realize anything, it'll only make them happy.


Also, seeing everyones' stories about standing up to bullies warmed my heart. 



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If you call a picking fight standing up to someone, then yes. Many, many times. Usually it was just some asshole bothering my friends, but I was usually the one called out for it. Not that I ever stopped picking fights.


My personal favorite was when someone poured some of my milk, that I paid for, in the trash. So I just took the rest of it and dumped it all over him. After that we were bros. though.

Edited by Foreigner and Lover
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I have done both. I was bullied relentlessly in my early years at senior school but that all changed when the fire nation attacked I just lost my cool and chucked a chair at one of them.


Then my friend and I witnessed some guys in our year forcing a kid onto a roundabout and not letting him off because they wanted him to be sick or something? So we walked up and calmly stopped the roundabout for the kid and they backed off. Cowards.

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one of my friends in primary got bullied a lot one day was getting beaten up pretty bad so i Sparta kicked his bully in the chest


and in grade 8 first year of high school i got a bin put on my head so i took the bin off and cracked the kid in the side of the head with the bin and proceeded to break his nose by punching him in the face


im not violent by any means but if i start throwing punches im fucking pissed off

Edited by HunterScars
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I did a few times in elementary school. It was pretty futile though. A couple of times it was just verbal, others it was violence. Neither accomplished anything, because they never stopped and the school did not give a shit and I always got in trouble for it anyways. In the end I learned not to bother with any kind of defense, as it is entirely futile for me. I just became more and more anti-social and did not bother with people most of the time.

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I have, heh never goes well. I regretted it, I did sort of for other people too. I'm the quiet guy, so after the attack people turned against me, suddenly I was the bad guy in all of this. lol Yeah, sure I'm usually not the good guy when it comes to stuff like this. I usually just watch people getting bullied, I usually don't do anything unless I can. The way I stop bullying is by fighting that guy, I usually don't use words I suck at talking but when it comes to fights I usually win since I'm very fast and I surprise you. I have taken town guys that are bigger then me, size isn't everything. Sure it's harder to fight a bigger guy but it's still possible, that guy had three guys trying to take him down and they weren't close. Being nerdy doesn't mean you are weak, besides it's the same with sleepers.



I may not look like it, but I can protect myself.

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Well, I usually tried to ignore my bullies, but there comes the time when you can't do that any longer.


The two of them were standing behind me in school. Made stupid insults and such for the umpteenth time. But the thing that was different was how close they were. Literally stuck to my back. I can't handle that kind proximity. Especially if I don't like the people who do that.


And then my whole build up anger was unleashed.


It was not nice, but luckily I was eventually stopped by a teacher and their parents didn't bring a charge against me.

  • Brohoof 2

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When at primary school, I was bullied by some class chumps. If it boiled down to words, I just ignored them, because words cannot do any harm to me. But when they offended me physically, I always stood up to them and attacked back, even if it didn't end well for me (I was pretty weak). Because I had on mind that if you let someone run you ragged once, then he will do it as many times as he pleases. But if you stand up to him once, he will remember that you can, and think twice before doing it again. Agree, sometimes it costs you some serious damages, but, for me at least, freedom and independence is more precious. It's better to loose one battle than to loose independence forever. Unfortunately, not many people understand it these days (it's more general than just bullying).


The same attitude I presented against my parents, when they tried to do something against me. I preferred to be punished than abandon my free will. Trust me, it's always worth the price.


P.S.: I see many people in the Brony community using the slogan "Love & Tolerate" when facing some violence, bullying, haters or something like that. I'd like to tell you something: This slogan is not applicable to that. Imagine the Jews tending to love and tolerate the Nazis during World War II. No. You can love & tolerate someone else's differences, but violence and cruelty is NOT -- i repeat -- is NOT something we should love and tolerate. Because if you do that, you end up being run ragged, or some of your friends, relatives etc. will. Did Fluttershy love & tolerate the dragon when he threatened her friends? Here's your answer. Being violent against someone who openly asks for it, to protect yourself or someone else, is justified.

Edited by SasQ
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Well Yes, the other day some guy came up behind me and choked me until I passed out for 40 minutes, soon after I awoke, I found him, walked behind him, tapped on his shoulder, and knocked him out, that's the most I've done.

I can't manage to really stand up for myself though, as I am shy, but I can do that x3


~Rassie <3

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Being the weakest person in my class when I was in highschool, I never stood up to a bully on anothers behalf, but I did on my own a few times.  When I was in 9th grade, my parents got me a really nice pocket watch for my birthday.  A guy at school snatched it from me one day and wouldn't give it back.  After he sat down at his desk I took out my math book (which was the hardest and heaviest book I had) and hit him square in the face with it.  It bloodied his nose and knocked him out of his seat.  I took my watch back and he had to go to the nurse's office.  I got away with it too.


To be honest, it wasn't the best way to respond to the situation.  Bullies don't respond well to being sucker punched.

  • Brohoof 4

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I've been bullied for 9 years straight during elementary school .In my final year I got enough of it so I made some preparations for the next time I saw them. Since the year was ending they had only a few chances left to bully me so they started doing more and more violent things. One of the final days they came up to me at the usual bully spot and the moment they stood there and that leader douchebag walked up to me I turned around as if I was scared to get hurt while actually pulling out a steel pipe out of my bag.


I then turned back to them, pipe behind my back. The moment he got close enough I hit him hard against his head. With one quick spin of my weapon he hit the floor, instantly unconscious whilst bleeding out of his mouth and head. His little shitty gang didn't stand a chance, such loud barks but so little bite, they must've been such great friends because they didn't even help each other out afterwards. Soon enough the grass was more red than green. One got away and that's when I got all kinds of shit from parents and the local psychiatrist. My parents got a huge fine which I paid of myself in the next years.


After that little incident I got obsessed with self-defense and martial arts. Nowadays whenever I see someone making trouble or bully someone, I make sure he won't ever be able to do it again. I perform some simple hold techniques and warn the person if I ever see him again pulling shit like that I'm going to go after him and break every single bone in his body. Up until now, almost 7 years later since what happened at elementary I've never lost a single fight.

Edited by Winterbass
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I stood up to a bully in junior high school, since he thought he was so funny by tormenting me and making jokes about me. I decided to punch him so hard in the head, that he was bleeding. So, I had to lock him in the girls bathroom. I'm so glad that I got my revenge.

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One of my friends was getting bullied constantly by some other girls at my school. They would call her slut and worse all the time and would talk crap about her on facebook. Finally I decided to talk to them when my friend broke down and started crying. I tried to be civil at first but they started to give me crap so I finally told them off and told them to leave my friend alone. After that sometimes they would give me dirty looks and would give her crap, but now one of the girls in pregnant and we don't know who the dad is so I guess karma is a b haha

  • Brohoof 3


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In Junior High, my friend and rarely me usually got targeted by this group, who I like to call "Grove Street wannabes." The group was pretty much made up of every single guy in the class besides me and my friend.


There was this one guy, who I'll be calling, "Derek," who mainly went after me, would sometimes talk to us in the hallways or whatever using this slang he picked up somewhere and he was obviously intimidating us.


Well, one day in English class, we were waiting to leave for the day and my friend and I unfortunately got sat next to Derek that class. Before I go any further, my friend is bigger than me and more athletic. I'm not that strong nor athletic and I'm not one to stand up for myself since I'm too shy to even reply to these guys when they stop me in the hallways. Anyways, for whatever reason, Derek and his friends thought it would be funny if they started throwing this empty plastic bottle on my desk. He did so while looking at me with this intimidating look that I just couldn't take seriously. I just threw it back on his desk and of coarse, it comes back. I placed it on his desk again, only to have him stand up and slam it down on my desk.


He said, "Is there a problem?"


I didn't know what to say at first and I was playing the video game Bully at the time, so I then thought, "What would Jimmy Hopkins do in this situation?" I didn't have the heart to fight anybody and I know I'd lose to this guy anyway, so just said the first thing that came to mind: "I think there is...."


I didn't really know what to expect at first, since nobody really stands up to these guys. Well, Derek and his friends start laughing and to this day, they mock me because of what I said.


Sorry for the long story, uninteresting story, I just thought it'd be appropriate to share.

  • Brohoof 2

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