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Crushes: Share Them HERE! Don't be Shy!

the musty book

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Forum Crush: Not been on long enough to find one


Pony Crush: Vinyl Scratch because of those sexy magenta eyes


IRL Crush: I'm not one for talking to others in real life

  • Brohoof 3

img-36121-1-100px-Item_icon_Sandvich.pngSANDVICH MAKE ME STROOONG

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Forum Crush: Nopony yet

Show Crush: Button Mash...?

Irl: this hot blondie who looks like a girl but I go for personality


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Forum Crush: Nobody yet. I haven't devoted my time here to searching!

Show Crush: Ah, if I had to pick, I'd say Twilight. Her mannerism and intellectualism, as well as her idiosyncrasies, make her very appealing to me.

IRL Crush: I'm still in school. There's a girl in my English class. Her name is Gwynyth Rodriguez (yes, with two Y's). Got this long black hair, voice to die for, and extremely intelligent when she speaks out. She's perfect, and I'll probably never have her.

MLP. Home sweet home. I forgot how nice the residents of Equestria could be. Anyone seen The Martian?

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  • 1 month later...

And here we go, with Update #7. If I wanted, I could make it not sarcastic, specially as I don't know what to say that is sarcastic, but apparently that's "Out of Character", so I will have to add my always lovely sarcasm and snarkyness 



Forum Crush: STILL SAME AS BEFORE. WHAT IS THIS? I DON'T HAVE CRUSHES FOR LONG, FUCK THIS, THEY ARE HONESTY AMAZING (see i gave no gender, you are screwed, anon that tries to find who they are ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) AND I WISH I WASN'T SO SHY

but in all honestly, that person is amazing, if i wasn't so shy i would say it already, pls


Pony Crush: Cloud Chaser. Wait, did you expected this to change after oh-so-many updates? Keep waiting, because it's still going.


IRL Crush: nope, no, still nothing. I don't get how can I get online crushes more than real life crushes, although I guess that it has to do about how carefree and open I am here when compared to my shy as fuck RL me


In all honesty, read my 6th update, and you practically get a serious answer to my crushes list. I just added sarcasm because I fucking can.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Forum Crush: None. I'm not familiar enough with anyone here for that to happen.


Pony Crush: I've always been fond of Fluttershy, but I wouldn't consider it a crush... Okay, maybe just a small platonic one.


IRL Crush: None, thank goodness. I can't even remember the last time I had a conversation with a girl.



After looking back over my responses, I'm now wondering why I even bothered to post here. Crushes suck big time anyway, so I'm glad I don't have any.

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  • 1 month later...

Princess Moonlight & Quartzy (Kiriness) they are like the sweetest members on the forums and I've always had a crush on both of you ♡

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Okay, I'll bite...


Forum Member Crush:

     As far as ROMANTIC crushes go, I don't really have one here... but there are a number of folks who I would most certainly snuggle; snuggling is personally acceptable for either gender, by the way.  So there.

     You don't have to bring 'teh sexxx' to enjoy being cozy with a friend.   :P


Pony Crush:

     Well... folks who know me would think I would answer Fluttershy - but they'd be wrong.  I see her as the cuddly sister-type who I could spend time walking in the woods with, but not-so-much a love interest, to be honest.  No, that distinction goes to a different pony all together...

     I have a deep streak of sympathy and affection for the Moon Princess, Luna.  She's proud and strong, but so vulnerable emotionally; when she cries, I just... oh, it just tears me up!  She looks as if she would be a good nuzzler.   :blush:


IRL Crush:

     All honesty?  My wife, Lisa.  No lie.

     We first met in Middle School, and were best friends for a long, LONG time before I ever had any romantic interest in her (though she claims to have liked me from almost the very beginning) - but in the end, we ended up getting together and getting married, and now we have two wonderful little hellions sweethearts.  At this point, we've known each other for more than half our lives.

     Hey, who better to marry than your BEST FRIEND?   :smug:

  • Brohoof 5

=====  ( 0=====


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Forum: Noone... yet... ;)


Pony: Flutters and Apple Fritter, cause why not?


IRL: I used to have one, but circumstances changed...

"Needs more reverb..." - Slyphstorm

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Update #8 because I can. I could go with sarcasm like last time because "Out of Character", but I don't feel like it, to be honest. There are times when one has to be serious, don't you think? This is one of them ;p


Forum: curiously enough, I still have a crush on that same person. I am surprised at myself by this point, seeing how my crushes don't last for long, like, we are talking about over 5 months since I originally expressed that I had a crush. At this point there is another person whom I believe I have a crush on, but I am not sure, she is someone that actually makes me feel... what is the term, "in harmony"? I always look forward to talk to her and I always get those special feelings when we talk. If I wasn't so shy, if I just wasn't...


Pony: i swear this will never change by this point. Cloud Chaser, moving on.


IRL: i don't even like being near people IRL that much, let alone getting a chance to even have a crush on someone. This is nothing personal or nothing like that, but yeah...

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At this point there is another person whom I believe I have a crush on, but I am not sure, she is someone that actually makes me feel... what is the term, "in harmony"? I always look forward to talk to her and I always get those special feelings when we talk. If I wasn't so shy, if I just wasn't.
 Tell her :)
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Forum: There might be someone new, won't say who though. I like to keep my fans guessing ;)

Pony: Rainbow Dash still, maybe Soarin as well....I like the cool types 

IRL: Nobody really, most of the people I know from uni are just friends,

  • Brohoof 3


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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Forum Member Crush: Honestly, no one. Not yet.


Pony Crush: Twilight


IRL Crush: Ehh.... no one really. I'm not really into the girls or guys I meet around here. I'm into a more quiet type of person like myself. Hard to say..

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FMC: I used to have one , but she left the Forums long ago, I will always miss her postings in ATQAY , they were hilarious X3


Pony crush: The great and powerful Trixie O///O


IRL: Other than my girlfriend, I don't really have IRL crushes o-o 

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