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Hiya everyone ^ _ ^

I might've converted over to being gay. "Nuzzles all"



That's a nice picture, where did you get it? *_*


Welcome to the dark side the family!  :lol:

  • Brohoof 3
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I am classified as bisexual because I am attracted to both genders, but I live my life heterosexual do to my religious beliefs.

And I don't see how that's a necessarily bad thing.

I see sexuality as just a label for who you're attracted to.

Therefore, the label "Bisexual" is not important to me, nor should it determine how I govern my life.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, although I have posted here before, I never really have utilized it as a "support" thread.  Well, now I'm going to...

I should apologize if this seems to lack chronology, as this post might be messy.


I used to be straight, or at least, thought so.  But that was because I was inadvertently disallowing myself to be anything else, due to the nature of living in a very traditional, country society, with old, traditional-minded parents.

But when I left home to go to college back in 2013, things started to change for me.  A lot of things.  My political stance, my lifestyle views, my sexuality, etc... I started to open my mind and realize that I had been isolated by my little country town, unable to see who I really was, or could be.  College itself helped me to realize I had potential to be more than who my old, isolated self was, and let me welcome new things I would have never let myself into otherwise.

When I found MLP in late 2013, I was 100% shut-mouth both irl and online.  Told nobody.  But within 6 months, I found MLPForums.  I hit the ground running here, honestly, I was needing it badly.  I needed people to talk to about MLP, because I felt caged.

One of the first friends I made here I became very close to.  We became best friends quickly.  We first were PMing on the forums, then we added each other on Skype.  Of course I made a lot of new friends here, but this particular friend was different, was special.  We talked a lot on Skype everyday.  Being a very introverted person, and someone who isn't good at making new friends irl, it was... awesome, to have someone to talk to whom I cared about a lot, and whom cared about me a lot.  

Then I realized something.  I was beginning to feel an emotion for this person that I couldn't hold back.  I was feeling love.  For a another guy.  And you'd think that I'd have been disoriented by that, considering I'd always felt straight until then... But somehow, I didn't even care.  

Long story short, I finally told him one night.  And amazingly he felt the same way.  From then, we dated for 7 months.  Now, I'm not here to talk about why it ended, but I'll somewhat cover a parallel line of thought.  The breakup indeed hurt.  But he and I were able to come out of it, remaining friends.  Good friends.  And really even more than that, but damn the English language for lacking the right words.  Anyway, he and I still talk basically everyday as we always have, on Skype, as just friends now.  At first it was hard, for obvious reasons.  But oddly, it wasn't awkward.  Somehow, we both just intuitively knew.  Knew what?  It's not something that can be explained, really.  But take my word for it, we just knew.  

Now that a month or so has since passed after the breakup, it isn't hard to talk with him as per usual.  It's just back to second nature.  

I feel hesitant even though I shouldn't... as honesty is my number one morale... but anyway, to tend to the question that is often asked of people who recently underwent a breakup, but are still able to remain friends...

How am I/are we able to deal with possible residual feelings?

Well, I'm gonna get back to answering this, but I think it may be easier answered after I get to the main reason I actually am making this post.

For a long time I've been reading about different labels, orientations and such, regarding many things relating to LGBT, and then some.  He was the first and only other male I've felt love for; and that I've dated.  But yet, I consider myself bisexual.  

I have wondered if maybe that isn't accurate enough of a label for me.  After digging through tons of definitions, I have come to see if anyone else has ever felt something similar:

I know that I am open to be able to potentially love more than just females, and maybe more than males, too.  Similarly, more than just straight or bi women, and gay or bi men.  But having finally understood the definition of pansexual, I don't feel that it accurately describes me.  Pansexual is being open to [love/date/etc.] all genders, sexes, and orientations.  Now, please, don't take this harshly anyone, for it is not meant to put anyone down at all.  I don't think I could be attracted to all genders/sexes/orientations.  There are some that just don't match my type.  But what the issue is, is that bisexual seems too limiting, but pansexual seems the opposite; seems like too much.  There doesn't really seem to be anything in the middle...  Or does there?

Well, maybe.  See, I've done some reading on the differences between sexuality, and romantic orientation.  I found something called polyromantic.  Now, let me first clarify that polyromantic has nothing to do with polyamory; I am not polyamorous - I do not believe in having any more than just one significant other.  Polyromantic means that you can feel romantic feelings towards any one of multiple types of people with different sexualities, genders, sexes, etc.  In comparison, biromantic is like bisexual, but in terms of romantic feelings instead, and panromantic is similarly like pansexual.  

I think I may be bisexual, but polyromantic.  (Again, not polyamorous; I want just one significant other).  

Now that I've gotten that bit out of the way, let me get back to what I was talking about before.

Residual feelings?  

See, this is very hard to explain.  Usually when a couple breaks up, there will always thereafter exist a sort of awkward tension between them... even if they remain friends.  And furthermore, usually after a breakup, in the cases that they do remain friends, the residual feelings become a hindrance of some sort, causing what I would like to call (and I'm just making this up) the "Ex-Couple Past Fragmentation" (yes, it's a computer term).  By this I mean, there exists a feeling that doesn't allow them to really ever feel totally comfortable talking as just friends.  But somehow, that isn't the case for me.  Somehow, rather than a hindrance, I have sort of the opposite.  I'm not sure what to call it.  Nonetheless, it has enabled he and I to advance to a type of relation different from partners, different from best friends, different from brethren, different from all of these things.  We know each other very well; we know each other more deeply than most anyone else knows.  Having such that deep connection allows us to be each others confidants in a way that nobody else could be.

"But, but, you still didn't answer..."

In the English language we have only one word for it, but yet we instinctively can understand the difference between different kinds of it.  Love for family, love for friends, love for a significant other, love for animals, love for children, love for the world... It's one word, but each kind is very different.

The kind of love I have for him is that for an ultimate confidant.  It's different from friend love, from significant other love, etc.

Before I started making this post, I was thinking in my head, "if he sees this, how might he take it?"  I was unsure.  I didn't want to say something wrong.  But honestly, the truth is, I needn't worry.  Intuition is a mysteriously magical thing.  Being able to just know.  And that thing that is known, which is not capable of being communicated through written or spoken word, has calmed my uncertainty.  


For everyone, I wish for you that you can have the ability to understand another person so well that you are able to know things that can't be written or spoken, but just felt and understood, between yourself and them.  


At the end of the day, labels don't matter.  You are who you are.  Don't let words and definitions limit or confuse you about yourself.  Just know that you can be yourself, and love who you want, and love many different people in many different ways, as friends or family, or as your significant other.  

We may learn to think in our minds via our main language.  We may learn to think in ways that allow thoughts to be communicated in some sort of message.  But the other kind of thinking, in which cannot be explained, in which may only be felt, and understood without words, is sometimes far better than the kind that uses words.  Sometimes what we can say may be best said without saying anything at all.


~ Miles

  • Brohoof 3



~ Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions ~

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I'm not sure if I commented here already but...


Yes, I do support LGTB rights. I'm unsure of my sexuality at the moment, but if I do turn out to be homosexual, I'm not gonna pray it away or make hopeless attempts at trying to change it, just because the says I have to.


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Since I was about 8 (so about 8 years ago) I realised that girls never really did it for me. Whilst people around me would be talking about a girl on a TV show I'd be busy thinking about video games, and it never piqued my interest. And since sex education is awful in Britain, I had no idea what the hell I was, until I realised that I was probably gay. I didnt do anything to block these feelings, but instead tried to convince myself that I was bisexual, because that was 'easier' or whatever.

I'm not bisexual, and I realise that now, but not before I hurt some people through my trying to convince myself.

So I've accepted myself. And now I just gotta find someone who accepts me too.

  • Brohoof 1
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I am bisexual and so, I also support LGBT rights. I am really happy for america that they have now allowed the gay marriage. In Germany, we don't have the gay marriage, we have the same-sex union and this doesn't feel like a real marriage for a lot of people wo live in a gay relationship. I hope sometimes that homosexual pairs can marry in Germany like heterosexual pairs.

Edited by IronM17



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I am pretty sure I'm bisexual. I'm into guys and girls. I've been looking at guys differently from about the age of 9. The problem is, (and don't take this the wrong way,) I would probably rather be straight. I mean, I'd rather have a life where I can marry a woman, have kids, raise a family. I really want to experience my life like that. But there is a side of me which likes guys. And I've not told anyone apart from on these forums, but I really feel like I need to show people that I'm not going to force myself to be straight. I need to let my body choose what it wants to do, and I will be happy with a life in a relationship with a guy, but as I have said, I would rather raise a family with a wife.


And of course, I'm completely for LGBT rights and gay marriage. It's wonderful to see the world slowly become more accepting.



I play loads of Rocket League and GRID 2 on PC if you want to join me at some time. Account is linked in the pic above.

If you want to play Halo: Reach, Forza 6 or GTAV  with me on Xbox One, hit me up with a friend request at 'Yeloooh'

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  • 9 months later...

I support all people rights.


And for the love of God, let transgenders piss where they please already.

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I support all people rights.


And for the love of God, let transgenders piss where they please already.

Wish people could stop arguing about that. It has been debated ad nauseam, and if I have to hear about transgender bathrooms again I will seriously smash my face in.


That being said, I'm pro-LGBT as well. It's really weird to see homosexuals do all those intimate stuff, of course, but really, what someone does in the bedroom should not be anyone or anything's business, even if you're not pro-LGBT. 

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That being said, I'm pro-LGBT as well. It's really weird to see homosexuals do all those intimate stuff, of course, but really, what someone does in the bedroom should not be anyone or anything's business, even if you're not pro-LGBT. 


It's actually pretty funny that you say that.  It's pretty weird for me to see straight couples doing PDA.  :lol:

Whenever I see a gay couple doing PDA I typically have the reaction of, "D'awwww~".  Most of the time when I see a straight couple doing PDA I might be like  :diamondtiara:... 

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 5 weeks later...

I identify as queer! I prefer women, but I think I'd be ok with dating a man. It's kind of frustrating because I always have trouble with gray areas; I like solid, black and white answers. Maybe this is some cosmic way of teaching me to learn to accept the gray in life. *shrugs* It'll all happen the way it's supposed to!

  • Brohoof 1
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I might aswell share my story.


I thought in the beginning that homosexuality was gross (Not in the hateful bigoted sense) just that it wasnt to my liking, i didnt care so much what or who people were attracted too if they were ok people. Well having done lots of Roleplaying on Cloudsdale.org (when it existed, kinda miss that site) but that made me like being gay or well imagining it. But i have lost all interest in it now though. My parents are christians.


I personally am against harassment so i am neutral in support of that.


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  • 3 weeks later...

In the last year I have discovered I am probably bisexual. I am still a little confused, but am mostly sure. I haven't met any real people that I have liked, either sex, but I do have a lot of fictional crushes, some being male. XD For example I like Shining armor. Does it mean I am bi?

Edited by Namae
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Personally wouldn't date a girl, don't have any problems with them, but I just can't see myself in a relationship with one. That's why I love guys, something about them just makes me want to cuddle them and kiss them.


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  • 1 month later...

im gay so  i have been thinking a lot lately of who i really am either im bi or gay but ever so recently ive been thinking a lot that i am begging to like guys a lot more then i do with girls but im still in the closet  xD so in reality i support the community all the way !  : D


by stanford pines.

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im gay so  i have been thinking a lot lately of who i really am either im bi or gay but ever so recently ive been thinking a lot that i am begging to like guys a lot more then i do with girls but im still in the closet  xD so in reality i support the community all the way !  : D


Take your time. It takes a while to find someone to open up to. Many people both online and in real life are tolerant of LGBTs, though, so hopefully it shouldn't be too hard. 

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im gay so i have been thinking a lot lately of who i really am either im bi or gay but ever so recently ive been thinking a lot that i am begging to like guys a lot more then i do with girls but im still in the closet xD so in reality i support the community all the way ! : D


Take your time homeslice. I'm like almost to the point where I know I'm transgender. I'm taking my time as its a big decision to ultimatly make. There really is no rush either

  • Brohoof 3
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For me, my sexuality's a bit weird.

Some people who are bisexual like one gender a bit more than the other.

For others it's more 50/50.

My sexuality on the other hand seems to shift ever so often.

For example, I like to compare bisexuality using apples and oranges as resembling the different preferences.

Some days I'm in the mood for oranges and other days I'm in the mood for apples.

And ever so often I'm in the mood for both.

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