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Why Get A Class Ring?

Rainbow Skywalker

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So today we received order forms from a salesman for our 2015 High School Graduate Class Ring.  I'm not the type of guy to really wear jewelry (the farthest I would go is probably my shark tooth necklace) so I don't really think it is worth it.


Everybody else, on the other hand...


The ring is a total cost of at least $289 USD.  My immediate reaction is "HELL NO" but I'm interested to hear what you guys have to say about class rings.


Would you buy one/have you bought one and is it worth it?


I don't think it's even worth my time to look through the pamphlet to be honest.  I hate high school.  Why would I want a permanent Sterling Silver memory of it on my finger?

  • Brohoof 2


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I bought one last year and all I have to say is: Biggest waste of cash I have ever spent in my life. I hated high school with every fiber of my being and I have no idea why I bought that horrible reminder of it. I still have it, stored away. I should throw out a window, but I wasted so much money on it that I might as well keep it. It angers me when I just look at it.

Edited by SmartyPants



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I decided to buy one. I don't exactly like most the people in my school very much, or like the school itself, but for the few people that I enjoy being with, and for the teachers and and lessons I have learned their, coupled with the many excellent memories I have had, I felt that it was appropriate to have a trinket to remind me of all that.  I basically see it as an embodiment of memories and my respect to the knowledge I have gained.



  • Brohoof 1


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I wouldnt buy a Class ring the only thing i would probably buy is a Graduation/class shirt. With that money you could actually buy something that you can actually use EVERYDAY. Most people buy the rings for displays/memories and thats basically it. A shirt of my school would do just fine for me

Edited by Night Sky


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I dont wear jewellery, and my class is getting hoodies and pants anyways. I like my class, shocking right? but personally, I wouldnt waste my money on it if you arent a jewellery person

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It exists for when you get massive nostalgia for high school during your quarter and mid-life crises. It helps you look to your past. Honestly, there's no real benefit other than that. It really is a way of taking your money while also installing a sense of pride in the school.

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  • 8 years later...

I got one because the school paid for half...I don't recall where I put it though. (So for $80? It wasn't that bad)

I remember I wore it once, and promptly got it caught on something then put it in my pocket until I got home. 

Now that I think of it, I don't really know why I bought it.

  • Brohoof 1
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I was never given the opportunity to buy one. But if I had been, I’d never have even considered it. It’s a waste of money and what purpose would it serve? To show the world that I too went through a hell that nearly destroyed me as a human being and scarred me emotionally for years? No, that’s not the kind of trophy I need or want.

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I bought a ring when I graduated from university. It was expensive but it’s still on my finger a full ten years later so I think it was worth the price.

  • Brohoof 1

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I mean, I guess if somebody loved high school more than anything in the world, and also happens to be made of money, then okay, sure, I guess.  Whatever.  But I also hated school, and I don't see the value of class ring at all.  Complete waste of money to me.

Funny story, though--I actually have a class ring... of sorts.  When it was time for people to place their orders for rings, my mom asked me if I wanted one.  I said no, and she said she thought I might regret it if I didn't get one.  Later that day, when I was walking to class, I found this strange thing on the ground.  It was a... well, a ring, but not jewelry.  It was... like cardboard.  Or something similar.  Gray... foam, perhaps?  It had some stripped, rainbow colored fabric of some type around the outside.  It really didn't look like it was supposed to be pretend jewelry, though.  Looked more like some accessory to something else entirely, though I couldn't even venture a guess as to what.  But it happened to fit my finger, so I kept it, and I call it my class ring.  So, yeah, a piece of gray foam or cardboard with some rainbow fabric on it, that's my class ring.  And the funny thing is that it serves the same purpose--it's a memory, and a much more fond and humorous one than spending an unconscionable amount of money in a catalog would have been, so it's perfect.  I still have it in a box, almost twenty years later.  ...holy f*ckin' sh*t am I old...  :(


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 years later...
On 2022-06-25 at 9:05 PM, Clawdeen said:

I didn’t get one and I don’t regret it. It was very expensive and we were poor. 

My thoughts on the matter are still this. I couldn't afford to go to prom. We sure as heck weren't affording me an over expensive ring that I would have misplaced somewhere lol.

* Freaky Just Got Fabulous *

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