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Color Opinions


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Being an artist, i'd hate to live my life without color. Now out of the list, tell us what your favorite color is, and how other colors are viewed by you.





Fill out your opinion about each of these simplistic colors below! 














My opinions:


Pink: Is my absolute favorite color. It can be so soft and calming and yet so hyper and chipper and I love it to pieces. I dislike the stereotype of it, and I am only here to say I love the color, not to be stereotyped. 


Red: Is my second favorite color. I love the feel of red, the superiority, the brooding beauty of it. It's just a lovely, powerful thing to look at.


Orange: Is the color of a warm desert sunset, and the lovely tangy-ness of summer citrus sherbet! Orange is a quirky color, and I love it so. Basically my list goes down further in rank the farther it is from a warm color.


Yellow: Is a little too bright for me, but I still love the light of it. It's really quite actively mystic, and goes well as a sheen for white.


Green: Green is not my lucky color, but if it's a lighter more yellower green of summer trees, there's nothing more traditional. It is the color of plant-life.


Blue: Blue is kind and lucky to me, and it is the stunning color of the water and the high skies above. It is also the most popular color in the world.


Purple: Purple is the second most popular color in the world, and I find it mystic and mysterious. It has a dark feature to it, only regarding the shade of it, however.


Brown: Brown is the color of the past; and it is also a settled antique. It holds mystery and leaves the person wondering of where this color has been through at its hay-day.


Gray: Gray is a very ominous, lifeless color. It leaves me feeling on edge, making sure I don't slip into it's husky trap. It is the color of complete neutrality.


White: Which came first? Black or white? Either way, white is exposing, and feels more comforting. White is simply one shade of nothing.


Black: Is one shade of nothing. It is unforgiving, and hollow. It is a sign of closed atmospheres. Which came first? Black or white?

Edited by IncognitoKiwoy
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Oh boy, this is gonna be sorta a long post :P

And like an artist myself, without colour, life would be dull. Although some colours are dull, they bring life to... well... life!

Pink is like a happy colour, but sometimes it can get very bright, but, its just PINK! :lol:

Red is a very bright colour some times, if its light red. Its a sorta cool colour.

Orange has to be my 2nd favorite colour. I dont know why, but something about it is just... amazing.

Yellow is maybe my least fav colour. Light yellow is just to bright, and dark yellow is like a barfy colour.

Green is not, a creative colour! Jk :lol: Its my first favorite colour, since its like the colour of a beautiful meadow, paradise

Blue is the colour of the sky and ocean, beautiful.

I don't really understand brown, but I guess I can say I like it ^^'

Gray is a dull colour, but its still cool ^_^ 50 chades of gray :D

White is, well, clear. I really dont have words for it

And finally, black. Black is usually the best colour for me, only because its the main colour for drawings.

So.. there!

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The Long Post Inbound!


Pink: It is a happy color that I love.

Red: Very simplistic and colorful color.

Blue: It's my favorite color.

Orange: Very happy!

Yellow: Sunshine!

Purple: A color that intrigues me.

Brown: A very uh... okay color.

Gray: Dull color.

White: A very bland color.

Black: I guess it's a dark color of darkness.

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Yeahh! Artists unite! Form of, a bucket of paint!!!!img-1973708-1-vsTALhM.png  *splash*

Not gonna go through the whole color list, since color is pretty subjective and difficult to explain. But my favorite color is definitely purple! :3 I love how variable the color purple is. I know all colors can be dark or light, but purple looks really great both ways. Also Amethyst (which is purple) is my birthstone. I'm definitely a fan of the cooler color spectrums. I like purples and blues, and cool green. Hot colors are always nice too, they look their best the brighter they are. They aren't quite as fiery and intense when darkened, imo.

When i paint or color something, i usually use a pretty bright color palette and color with high contrast. (for example, the oranges and greens in my avatar pic hurt my eyes sometimes, lol)


Edit: I also actually really like the "colorless" colors, like black, grey, and white. They can have their own sort of otherworldly beauty to them. White and black are very bold colors. They pop out at you when put against another color. Grey is a bit different, its really really beautiful in tragic sort of way. Its very.....sad feeling to me. Grey and lavender are especially tragic next to each other. I love the color grey, but i wouldn't use it in everything.

Edited by crazitaco
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My third favorite color! I really like how peaceful pink is. However, I don't really like the more hot pink shades, and would much rather have a lighter shade of pink.


I'm pretty neutral on red; I don't dislike it, but I don't really like it either. It has a nice lively feel to it, and it's good for representing more distinct emotions.


Well, it's an okay color; not really one of my favorites, but it's alright. It goes really well with certain colors though, such as blue or red. It has a kind of warm, but vibrant feel to it.


Eh, I don't really care for yellow. It's a bit too light for me. I think it has an optimistic or happy feel to it.


I like green quite a lot. It has a peaceful nature, and it seems like a good color for describing nature. It also looks pretty cool.


Ooh, blue! :D My favorite color! I just really like how pretty blue is, and it is the color of the ocean and the sky. It has a peaceful feel to it.


My second favorite color! This color goes so well with blue, and it has a dark and mysterious feel to it. It's a really cool color.


I actually really like brown, just not to the point of it being one of my favorites. It just has a down-to-earth feel to it, and it comes off as being natural. It goes with pretty much anything, and I like using it with pretty much any color.


Eh, gray's a bit boring to me. I guess it has a bit of a futuristic feel to it.


I like white, and it can look cool, but most of the time; it's just too plain for my tastes. I think it has a divine feel to it.


It's just too plain for me, and too dark. It can look good in moderation though, or with a lighter tone.

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Color is what makes life vibrant to the eyes - and nature provides most of the definitions for us.

Pink tends to be a color that appears on non-harmful things in the world (flowers, butterflies, that sort of thing), and therefore is a relatively soft color.


Red is the color that is easiest for our eyes to take in, and thus is something that we immediately jump to (aided by society's use of the color red in warning signs). If you need instant light at night without waiting for your eyes to adjust, use a red filtered light.


Orange is that citrus-y color in between yellow and orange, and in my eyes, portrays "warmth" more than red does. Fires tend to have more orange and yellow than red.


Yellow is a color on the spectrum that is typical of anything bright. The sun, lamps, bees, etc., and is another one of those "warning" colors.


Green is a color that follows life and energy - almost a direct correlation between color and life.


Blue as a color is usually associated with water or air, but in terms of living organisms is something that's actually fairly rare to see in nature. It's more common as a synthetic color, and as we don't see it in nature much, it's the single most liked color in the world.


Purple in some respects is akin to twilight (not the character).


Brown and earthen tones in general make a space feel more like home. The color could feasibly be associated with time - trees, earth, etc.


Gray dulls vibrancy. Almost ominous - dark clouds tend to make us ponder what's to come for a brief moment.


White is a completely blank slate, something totally open and free to manipulate. It's pure, and very hard to keep pure if other colors or impurities enter the scene.


Black is more of an enigma. Things that want to remain hidden use darkness. In some respects, it's like white: a completely filled slate, and any vibrant colors will brighten it if the integrity of the darkness is maintained.


This is kind of a fun brain exercise - I'm glad you brought this up.

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Why not? :P



Pink: I really like this color, as long as it's not too flashy. I like pale pink.

Red: This one, for some reasons, when I look at it, it starts to flash and hurt my eyes. But it's one of my favorite colors.

Orange: I like this one, probably my favorite. Beautiful color on muscle cars.

Yellow: I really love pale yellow, but when it's too flashy, nope.

Green: Green... it bothers me a bit. I like this color in details, but plain green looks awful to me. Chrysalis amount of green is fine, not a fully green thing.

Blue: I sincerely hate this color, mostly purplish blue. It looks simply plain to me. Nope, my least favorite color.

Purple: I love this color, I even bought my bass this color. Also one of my favorite colors here: http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5139/5505800625_fe80718578_z.jpg (same color as my bass)

Brown: Brown... I guess I like it. Mostly this one: http://www.gtspirit.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Corvette-C4.jpg Pale metallic bronze.

Gray: One of the colors I dislike. It looks so plain 3: but well, it fits well on some stuff.

White: Beautiful color, but it may look plain sometimes.

Black: Black + green is just beautiful. It just needs to be added with different colors. :)



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Colors are pretty cool. The world would be pretty humdrum without 'em. That's why we should thank the sun for blessing us with it's colorful rays.


My favorite color? Well, I like all the colors of the Rainbow, really. But sky blue has always been a very pleasant color to stare at for minutes on end. I also like various shades of green, as most things in nature are green, and I love nature.

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Not that much of a fan of this color. Although pale pink is rather nice. However, if used with other colors, it could look awesome. But alone? No thank-you.



Out of all colors, this one is the one that I like the least. Not much to say other than that. Probably because of the sheer amount of red alicorn OCs.



Meh, this color is okay. I'm indifferent to it. 



This shade of yellow I particular dislike. If I had to pick, I'd say that pale yellow is the best shade of yellow. Think Fluttershy yellow.



I like minty green. Although the shade of green that the text is in reminds me a bit of plants. 



My favorite color. I've always liked blue, although I only truly realized it when I was around five. Still remember that moment. It's calming, and generally pretty awesome. 



This is my second favorite after blue. Although I prefer of a more blue-purple shade. 



Chocolate brown is nice, because it reminds me of chocolate(duh). But any other shade I'm indifferent to.



It's okay, I guess. It's a bit of a depressing color, and I see it much too often IRL. 



White with other colors can look rather good, but plain white is boring.



This is the color I wear the most, even though I don't consciously decide to wear/buy black clothes. It's an okay color. 

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Pink: Very gay, very woman-ish, it's a strong favorite. Why? Uhm, I actually like that people point out "UUH YOU LOOK SO GAY... UH YOU HAVE A GIRL COLOUR ON YOU!" Even if I don't actually wear any colours, but if I would buy new clothes, I'd definately buy pink clothes. 

Red: Better than many colours, but it's not a favorite. Blood, tomatoes, ketchup, Ford, lots of things I don't like has red on it. But then again... The Bible is often in the colour Red, so yea, it's not that bad. My Bible is teal though.



Green: grass, green, too male-ish, not my colour.

Blue: I like blue, really like blue, but I don't actually like to wear it or anything on clothes, but it's a nice colour, atleast the sky-blue colour is very nice.


Brown: Poop, what, brown, what a useless colour. Well, it's good for shoes I guess... if you want to go to a meeting or all dressed up, brown shoes is teh way to go! 
Gray: can be a nice hair colour on some. otherwise it's just... dull. Black/white coloured movies are usually "gray-ish" and I like that kind of movie, it feels more dramatic when it has no colour. 

White: White is good, it's christian and all!

Black: Black is darkness, darkness will consume you... No really, black is just... filling. Kinda boring.

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This turned out to be way longer than I thought at first...oops biggrin.png


Pink: This color reminds me of sweet stuff. When I think of pink, it never fails, cotton candy comes to mind. Especially the color of Fluttershy's mane (which is kinda funny since Pinkie is the one obsessed with sugary stuff). I wouldn't really wear pink unless it was about the same color as Fluttershy's mane. Anything pinker than that is just too much for my personal taste.


Red: Red makes me thing of heat (both hot food and hot weather--typical of a warm color), danger (warning signs and blood), and racing (especially red cars). It's also the primary color of my favorite college football team (Oklahoma Sooners--crimson). I like red and I typically wear red clothes. 


Orange: Orange makes me think of fruit (why must I always relate things to food...I guess I have my priorities lol). It's a pretty good color overall. Another thing orange reminds me of is the sunset. When the sun is on the tip of the horizon and the otherwise dark sky is painted at the edge with a dark orange. Kinda relaxing.


Yellow: Yellow is pretty alarming to me. When I see someone wearing yellow, it's a color that easily catches my attention. You'd think they're an outgoing person, even if they're not. It also makes me think of gold. Even if gold was cheap and everywhere, it'd still be a beautiful metal to me.


Green: It's a color that is calm and mellow to me. You can lie on the green grass in an open meadow and watch the clouds go by. Or in a game when your life bar is green and full, you just know everything's gonna be okay. When the stoplight turns green before you get to it, you don't have to worry about wasting gas to accelerate again (which is contributing to a greener planet). And turtles. "I like turtles because they're so chill. They don't hurt anyone. They're just like, 'Hey man, I want to swim, and maybe eat some lettuce. But I'm gonna take my time getting there, I'm in no rush. Because...I'm a turtle.'" 


Blue: Blue is my favorite color. Blue is relaxing like green but even more so. It makes me think of the stillness and coolness of the night, a time when I can drift away in the arms of sleep. And when I'm asleep, I don't have to worry and I don't have to care. Blue reminds me of the times I slip out of consciousness and out of the real world into a land of dreams. It makes me think of being cold, but comfortably so. Like, maybe down to 10°F or so (I've got a pretty high tolerance for cold when you consider I live in Oklahoma) but not much colder than that. It reminds me of the sky in general. I can look up into the vastness of the sky and think about how small I really am. When you do that, it's just humbling. You think about the largeness of the universe, and you just start to think about the size of your problems compared the the size of everything. And it just gets easy to write off your problems like they're not that big of a deal. And I also think of the blue oceans. It's a color that reminds me of sheer size. Blue is, by long, my favorite color. I wear it all the time. Especially blue jeans. Blue is just a beautiful color. 


Purple:  First thing that came to mind with purple was the fact that I'll never be able to wear a purple tuxedo because I'm not black. Let's face it. A white guy will never look good in a white or purple tux. I also think of grape jelly (yeah here we go back to food lol) when I think of purple. That's really all I've got here lol


Brown: It makes me think of wood. I love rooms made of dark wood that's been well taken care of. Wooden rooms are vintage. And I like vintage. It makes me think of a time when things weren't so dang complicated. I would have liked to live somewhere like Montana in the year 1836 in a log cabin when everything was made of wood or iron and everything was done by hand. When life was physically challenging, but simple. 


Gray: I think monochrome with gray. Colorless and lifeless. And black and white TV. Nothing is as good with no color.


White: I think of the white metals like silver, nickel, and platinum. Mostly it makes me think of snow and being very cold. To me white is much colder than blue. It also makes me think of things that stain or show other colors easily. Like my white car. If I don't wash it every week, it looks terrible. And being in college, I don't have the money to wash my car more than once a semester lol


Black: Black makes me think of a catastrophe that is now over with no way to go back to the previous state. For example, the soot and ash of the charred remains of a once great city. It also makes me think of the presence of absolutely nothing like the vacuum of space. But black isn't all bad. Black is a deep color. It's kind of a funny one. It is either the presence of absolutely no visible light (and therefore no color) or it is the absorption of all visible light (and is therefore all color). Hiding themselves within the shadows, people dressed in black make me think of someone with a few secrets. A person who is deeper than may first appear. Someone with a story to tell if you sat and listened to them. It also makes me think of funerals. I guess, to me, black is something that makes me think of the concept of death and eternity. 


Okay I spent WAY too much time on that lol

Edited by ThatOneBrony
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Pink:I like it, lately anyways. I prefer hot pink/reddish pink as to light pink. I don't really like wearing it on clothes. It reminds me of love.

Red:I like wearing red. My prom dress was red. It stands out and demands attention. It's a sexy, passionate color. I usually don't like red unless it's clothes, though.

Orange: Tied with Lime Green as my favorite color. It's fun, and energetic. But it can also been halloweenish. It puts me in a good mood.

Yellow: I like the brightness of it but too much yellow is usually a turn off for me.

Green: Also my favorite. I've always like bright green and orange. Dark green is calming but bright green is happy. Has a good balance. I prefer bright/lime green. :)

Blue: A good color for most everything. It reminds me of water. Which is beautiful. :)

Purple: Very pretty. I own a lot of purple clothes. It makes me feel like a princess. I really like it.

Brown: A good neutral I guess. Not something I'm drawn to unless it's hair/eyes.

Gray: Makes me think of a story sky. I like it. It's cool and calm.

White: Pure. But sometimes it makes me mad because you have to be careful not to mess up it's pure and cleanliness. Makes me think of snow and angels. :)

Black: I love black because it's a good contrast to everything and compliments things so well. Very useful.


Pink: Very gay, very woman-ish, it's a strong favorite. Why? Uhm, I actually like that people point out "UUH YOU LOOK SO GAY... UH YOU HAVE A GIRL COLOUR ON YOU!" Even if I don't actually wear any colours, but if I would buy new clothes, I'd definately buy pink clothes. 

Red: Better than many colours, but it's not a favorite. Blood, tomatoes, ketchup, Ford, lots of things I don't like has red on it. But then again... The Bible is often in the colour Red, so yea, it's not that bad. My Bible is teal though.



Green: grass, green, too male-ish, not my colour.

Blue: I like blue, really like blue, but I don't actually like to wear it or anything on clothes, but it's a nice colour, atleast the sky-blue colour is very nice.


Brown: Poop, what, brown, what a useless colour. Well, it's good for shoes I guess... if you want to go to a meeting or all dressed up, brown shoes is teh way to go! 
Gray: can be a nice hair colour on some. otherwise it's just... dull. Black/white coloured movies are usually "gray-ish" and I like that kind of movie, it feels more dramatic when it has no colour. 

White: White is good, it's christian and all!

Black: Black is darkness, darkness will consume you... No really, black is just... filling. Kinda boring.


What you said about yellow. OMFG I'M DYING. I literally lol'd for like 3 minutes. xD No I actually really like your descriptions... xD

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Pink: I don't really like pink. I find that a lot of people pick very bright shades of it, and it hurts my eyes. However, if it's a warm, deep pink like a salmon colour, then it's okay. I like the muted more natural shades, not stuff like hot pink. I don't think I own a single piece of pink clothing.

Red: Depends; again, not a fan of the really fiery shades, but red/brown mixes are really pretty. It depends on where it's used, though, and it can really add some pop to things.

Orange: Hands down easily my favourite colour. Orange, like purple, is incredibly versatile. It can range from eye-popping and bright to really dark and auburn, and that's probably why autumn is my second favourite season (even though it's winter eight months of the year up here, LOL). It makes me sad my skin tone is way too light to wear it, I look really gross with it on, but it's just such a pretty thing ^~^

Yellow: No words, I don't like yellow much unless it's a mustardy colour or darker.

Green: It's just okay. I mean, it's not ugly, but I like forest greens, not limes. If you cannot tell I really like dark colours, haha. It looks great when put next to other colours, though.

Blue: Meh. That's all. I like grey-blue but not blue on its own.

Purple: Purple is my second favourite colour, and it, like orange, has a lot of versatility. I like the really black kinds of purple. Thankfully my skin is pale enough that I look fine wearing it ^^

Brown: Am I one of the only brown lovers? Not just like, but ,love? Brown is one of those shades that is in everything, and it can really warm up rooms and clothing.

Gray: I really like grey; I find that it can be a little startling but the smokier shades are incredibly pretty.

White: Off-white is okay, but I find too much white can be really stark and shocking.

Black: Love it, my wardrobe is pretty much all black. It goes with everything, and it's pretty uniform in colour too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Debate Pit is for topics that are generally contentious. Since this is simply an opinion thread for colors, responses to which should cause nobody to take umbrage, it would be better suited to General Discussion. It has therefore been relocated.



Carry on then. ^_^

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Pink: it's purty, plus it's the color of bubble gum and other delicious things(like cotton candy!).

Red: One of my favorite colors, you can't go wrong with it on most things 'cuz it's so cool.

Orange: A good color too, used for a lot of good things.

Yellow: The color of bananas, video outputs, and C Sticks, gotta love it.

Green: Means go! And on sometimes, and stuff. Another good one.

Blue: Gotta be one of the most versatile colors, especially for pants. Adore it.

Purple: Probably my absolute favorite color, being the color of royalty and the manes of the best ponies.

Brown: Can't not like my hair and eye color, it looks good on me at least, maybe.

White: It's like every color, plus the color of many amazing and beautiful things, probably the most delicate color I'd say.

Black: Sometimes the abscence of color just looks good, and for me I'd say that's most of the time. Yay black!

Every color is unique and has its own purpose, in the end I love all of them. :)

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Pink: Never really liked pink, at least that dull shade of pink. It looks better deeper or darker (not hot pink), but otherwise I find pink ugly.


Red: I like red. In my opinion, it is one of the deepest and richest colors, but can look cheap at times, and start looking pink.


Orange: I use to like orange, but I think it is kinda ugly. I really like a bronze-ish orange, or bronze in general if you can call it orange.


Yellow: Yellow is a nice color. The only problem is half the time it's so bright it hurts my eyes, haha.


Green: Yes, green is my favorite color, for no perticular reason, other than it has been my favorite for my whole life. I just think it's a pleasent color. Literally everything looks 20% more attractive in green. When I buy clothes, I only see the green shirts, and I can't judge other shirts fairly. My wardrobe is almost entirely just shades of green. As usual, especially like deep and dark shades, but I also find dull shades appealing. The only shade I stay away from is really bright shades, but they're still not hard to look at.


Blue: Blue, I didn't always like blue, but that's because it was always my brothers favorite color. Now I think blue can be a very deep and rich color.


Purple: I really like purple. It can look bad in certain shades, but of all the colors I think purple is the richest and deepest color.


Brown: Brown? I like bronze-ish colors, as I've said before, but otherwise, I don't find brown a very "colorful" color.


Gray: Gray never looked good. I don't have much to say about it.


White: I love white. Looks great against any color. If I was a super hero, white would be my secondary color, regardless.


Black: Looked bad against most colors, in my opinion. Maybe against really dark colors, it can look okay.

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Pink: First of all, I'm not sure why it's a sterotype that pink is for females, I find it to be quite a nice colour, and it isn't exactly girly, it's quite a cheery one too

Red: Red, seems to be the colour to think of when angry, depressed, sad.

Orange: One of the colours that seem a bit... Odd to me, I don't really like it.

Yellow: Too bright for my liking, but it blends in with things.

Green: There's so much green around the world, I don't really mind it, but it's what can make things work.

Blue: Blue is just my favourite colour, I just adore it.

Purple: Purple, quite a good and elegant colour, and it works in in with plain colours well.

Brown: Hideous, though it works well with wood.

Gray: Dull, Dull and more dull.

White: It works, but not when it's used too much.

Black: It's a colour that can give depth to a picture, I love black.

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  • 1 year later...

Pink: It's my favorite color. I don't see anything negative with this color, it's the color of love, and is very pleasant and peaceful to see. Strangely, I find it a bit mysterious too.
However, I hate the stereotypes on it.

Red: It's an aggressive color, and reminds blood. Just like every color, I like it, but it's one of my least favorite colors.

Orange: It's a happy color, I like it.

Yellow: It used to be my favorite color. I really like it, it's kind of energetic.
But too much yellow can hurt the eyes... ;p

Green: I like everything green implies (nature of course). There are many different greens, some are beautiful, others are just meh.

Blue: I like it, one of my favorite colors. It's the color of the sea and the sky. It reminds me freedom for some reason.
Just like green, there are many different blues, but I like most of them.

Purple: I like bright purple and mauve.
Now, I'm a bit colorblind and that's the color I have the most difficulties with.

Brown: Ugh, my least favorite color. It's just not that pretty (except chocolate brown).

Gray: I think it's my favorite "monochrome" color, it reminds me of metal and futuristic stuff, and I just like how it looks.
I love it!

White: White is "clean", it's a nice color, although not one of my favorites.

Black: I prefer black to white, it's a serious, sober color. It reminds me of space.

Edited by Blobulle
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  • Pink: Overall, I like it, but on a more subjective level I am pretty picky with this colour. In my eyes, only certain shades of pink ever work, and at least for me, they best work in small amounts or for little details like eye colour.

Red: While not my favourite colour, I do think that it is a great colour that works in many things, especially for more active and/or aggressive things. I tend to prefer more orangey shades of red instead of pinkish shades.

Orange: I have mixed feelings for orange. While it does look nice, it has the same problem as pink, that being that for me orange works best in little details. It doesn't go well with many colours either. For me the only colour that works well with orange is green, but that's it.

Yellow: My least favourite colour. While it is certainly a happy colour and works well with more cheerful/lively works, it doesn't look too nice. There aren't many shades of yellow that I like, as well as colour combinations either.

Green: I like it! It's soft to look at, and is a nice representation of nature and peaceful/calm things. Aside from neon and olive green, I also like the amount of shades of green and how it goes well with many colours, like green/red, green/pink or green/orange.

Blue: My favourite colour. I love the many shades of blue, I love how it goes well with many colours and I love how it can work on its own as well. While I can't exactly pinpoint it, blue is a colour that I've always felt was different than the rest. It kinda seems masculine.

Purple: Yet another pretty colour. Although I only like a few shades of purple, I do love how sophisticated it feels and how it works with other colours.

Brown: On it's own, it doesn't look that amazing. But with other colours, it actually looks nicer. Brown has this sophistication behind it, so I think that it's best paired with other colours like black or blue.

Gray: My favourite of the monochrome colours. It has this vibe of cynicism and dryness, yet it also feels sophisticated and intelligent. It is kind of hard to pull off a good colour combination with grey, however.

White: Another nice colour. It has a vibe of pureness, but it also feels rather innocent. I wouldn't consider it one of my favourite colours, though.

Black: I used to like this colour a lot, but as time went on I've grown to like it less and less. It isn't a bad colour, and it does work when used properly, but most of the time it doesn't look right, especially if it's pitch-black.

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Pink: A pleasant color that can look pretty good.

Red: Generally Okay but nothing special.

Orange: Passionate

Yellow: Sometimes too bright

Green: I got nothing

Blue: Gentle and safe

Purple: Sweet

Brown: Has some kind of gross shades.

Gray: The color of metal.

White: The absence of color.

Black: Technically not a color

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Pink: It's abrasive, obnoxious and I can't stand it. I hate it for several reasons. First, it just hurts my eyes. It's just ugly to me. Second, being female agender, having this color I can't stand being associated with me and things people might give to me is super-obnoxious. Third, pink tax. It's just the worst.

Red: This color's alright. I prefer deeper reds, but bright reds are okay, too. I particularly associate this color with sports cars. Not bad. I think it's probably my favorite of the warmer colors.

Orange: Orange used to simply be a color I didn't really think too much about. I have a new-found appreciation for it in recent years. In terms of aesthetic, it doesn't do anything more for me than it did previously, but I'm now more willing to consider it when choosing a palette and overall, I just appreciate it more than I used to.


Yellow: I'm okay with most yellows. I'd say the electric variety is something I'm not a fan of and there are definitely inappropriate times and places for it, but it's okay. It's adjacent to my favorite color, which means that it goes well with it a lot of the time, so I'll often choose this color to go with green. I like golden yellow and butter cream colors the best of any yellow.

Green: This is the best color. I love green. I love almost every shade of green. It's just awesome. It's so versatile and has so many different looks to it. I really think my affinity for green is biological. One of my first memories is of me saying, "My first favorite color is green, my second favorite color is green, my third favorite color is green..." and so on. So from a young age, this has always been my favorite color. I suspect it might have to do with a certain conical makeup in my eyes. Because, as I said, pink hurts my eyes, and pink is complimentary to green. So, that's what I think. My favorite shade is this one. I love it.

Blue: Blue is my third favorite color. It's very easy to match. It goes well with just about anything. It's also very calming. I use blue a lot.

Purple: This is my second favorite color. Can you tell I like the cool colors? I like green and purple together. Also green, blue and purple altogether. But sometimes, purple can be difficult to match to other colors, so there's the downside, I guess. I prefer purples which are more bluish, like this one.

Brown: I like wearing brown. I've always felt it goes well with my skin, but I don't really know if that's true or just a notion I have. As for using it, I have difficulty. When it comes to skin tones, hair or eye colors, it's fine, but using it in a background or in the overall composition, I struggle a bit more with, unless it's something that specifically has to be brown, like tree trunks or something.

Gray: I really like cool greys for whatever reason. Like this. Another color I sometimes struggle with, but it has its uses. I seem to have a lot of grey clothes, for whatever reason...

White: Well, not a lot to say about this one, I guess. It has its purposes. Not one I pay all too much attention to, but a decent color. Also, white allows you to be sneaky ; )

Black: I really like black for whatever reason. Maybe because it goes with everything without feeling like negative space. I'd say it's probably my fourth favorite color. I also have a lot of black clothes. 


So, I guess that's what I think about colors. Yup.

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Pink: It's okay, but I only prefer salmon pink color. Other then that it's just meh to me.

Red: I like either dark or light shades of red, but just red is horrible to me. 

Orange: Not my favorite color, but it has it uses. I just don't really like it, as it's just basic. 

Yellow: Bright and hurts my eyes I don't like it one bit. It's one of my least favorite colors since it doesn't really go with anything in my opinion. Cars... maybe.

Green: Nature and my 4th favorite color. It's just a nice simple color that always looks nice.

Blue: My 3rd favorite color, it fits nice with things. It's a soothing color if that makes sense.

Purple: It's a very nice color. It's another color that brighten up things and make them looks cool. It's one of those colors that could fit with almost any other color you fit it with. 

Brown: Very simple and basic. No real opinion on it as it's just a color that's there. 

Gray: Another one of those smooth, cool looking colors. I'm very fond of it as it's the mix baby of the two colors that fight for the 1st. 

White: 1st favorite color that fights with black. It makes things look slick and futuristic. It's also a color that makes things look bright, new and cool at the same time.

Black: 1st favorite color that fights with white. It's the color that goes with everything. It makes things look cool, while not showing it's brightness. Everything is awesome (heh) with this color. 

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Pink: Bight, playful, mildly annoying.

Red: Rage, intimidation, power.

Orange: Juice, fruit, tasty.

Yellow: Caution, slow, bananas.

Green: Grass, relaxing, wealth.

Blue: Water, calm, cool.

Purple: Regal, important, stuck-up.

Brown: Bland, boring, dirty.

Gray: Truth, reality, all things in life.

White: False purity, cold.

Black: All consuming, false power, infinite.

  • Brohoof 1
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Pink: Feminine, joyful, wonderful. A personal favourite colour of mine.

Red: Evil, angry, harsh. Pink's evil twin.

Orange: Warm, homely, welcoming. The colour for warm, Summer sunsets.

Yellow: Bright, happy, good. The best of the warm colour family.

Green: Evil, gross, repulsive. Reminds me of fungi and vines.

Blue: Peaceful, slow, masculine. A calming colour which pleases the eyes.

Purple: Regal, wealthy, well-dressed. The rich colour.

Brown: Poor, bland, flat. One of the most boring colours.

Gray: Neutral, indecisive, calming. The most boring colour.

White: Pure, intelligent, positive. If God were a colour, he'd be white.

Black: Mysterious, unknown, scary. The only 'colour' which can create mystery.  

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