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Are you more attracted to modest girls?

Sweet Dreams

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I find that kind of sexy. To me it said she know what you want and how you want it.  Really if any girl would talk to me i would be happy with her, but i also like older woman to. :wub:

why do you work for Queen Chrysalis? A samurai duty is to serve his master, regardless of the kind of person she is .


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Pretty much what the title says. Do you find modest girls more attractive? By which I mean, girls who wear little to no makeup, dresses or skirts instead of short shorts, and no crop tops?

Asking this as a girl myself, I find it kinda gross how much skin is showing on women these days, and teenagers too. I think it's a really bad example to girls, showing them what they 'should wear'. I usually dress more modestly than most other girls my age, so I was just wondering.

I prefer when there is no or little makeup. I am looking for girlfriend, not a black metal band member wannabe (girls in Poland tend to soooo overuse makeup >< )


Dressing part- I don't really care that much tbh as long as girl does not dress like *CENSORED*. And I definitely agree about "bad example" part. In Poland even 10 years old tend to dress like that ;/ And I probably am considered "boring" or "old fashioned" because I don't wear pink trousers and some ridiculous shoes that would make me look like clown. 

  • Brohoof 2


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I enjoy when women dress in this modest clothing that you speak of, but mainly because I find clothing like short shorts and those stretched out collar shirts to look stupid. Like most of the people on here, I do not date based on looks, but I can't help but despise this "modern" clothing.




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I find girls that have an attitude to be very attractive.  :squee:

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Black Adam, on 12 Dec 2013 - 7:03 PM, said:

I have really gotten to like them more and more in part because I have a strong nerdy side so you know common interests and all and some of them give off the sexy librarian vibe which is hot. If I had to say what I am most attracted to in a woman I would say that I like women who are strong and confident enough to just be themselves and not care about the arbitrary double standards that society often puts on women. I keep hearing women say things like "I am fat" or sleep with some guy thinking it will make him love and it is all just so ridiculous.

This pretty much sums up my preferences.
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I can scarcely deny that scantily clad women are “hot,” but honestly, I don't find “hot” to be actually attractive. I tend to be greatly more attracted to women who don't feel the need to show cleavage or try to artificially accentuate their natural features. Sort of like how I drink black coffee, sometimes with a touch of honey, because I like the taste of coffee itself, I find women attractive without a lot of cosmetics or clothing designed to make them “more attractive,” because I think they're attractive in and of themselves. (That was probably a really terrible analogy, but I don't care. I'm leaving it.)

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Considering that I'm most attracted to this woman...


Who...  Doesn't normally wear clothes. x3


Oh, wait: Here she is wearing a cap:


Totally modest.

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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I believe women should wear what they're comfortable with wearing.  And shouldn't concern themselves so much with what others find physically attractive.  And though I'm certainly physically attracted to a certain lovely, rainbow-maned mare, it's also her personality that gets me swooning. x3


Here's a little "secret" about the typical hetero male: If you are a lady-type person, you are potentially attractive lol. xD  Respect yourself, do what feels right, and try to have confidence in your appearance regardless of how much - or how little - make up or skin-obscuring fabric you're wearing.  And revealing clothing does not a loose woman make; it's behavior that determines something like that.  And men are every bit as capable of being sluts; despite the fact that we ordinarily opt for greater skin coverage.  That guy in the fancy suit?  Who doesn't expose so much as his wrists?  Could be a massive slut.

Edited by Ziggy and Angelbaby

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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It sort of depends on the person and the context of the situation.


But in general, if you're being flirty with me, you're only going to make me uncomfortable. You won't accomplish much else.

  • Brohoof 1




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If she isn't modest to the point where I find her boring, then I usually am.


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I think a man or a woman should be free to wear whatever they want without being judged.


Saying that, people's clothing often tells a lot about them. Full tracksuits, shaved heads - not a person I want to know.



I hope some people get the joke ^^

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I'm attracted to most girls, as long as they're not homophobic, transphobic, racist, and so on. When it comes to make-up and revealing outfits, I think girls look nice, if a girl is wearing no makeup and prefers dressing in "less-revealing" clothing, that's cool too. Policing what a woman should wear is gross, as is calling them "sluts" just because you don't like the way they dress.

  • Brohoof 4


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People should be able to wear whatever they want without being judged and blabbity blah.  Yup, that whole thing.  Don't really need to go into depth on that again.


Personally, I'm attracted to women who stand out.  I want to be with someone who dresses uniquely, and doesn't let society tell her how to dress.  I'm attracted to women to wear a variety of interesting outfits.  I like women who can pull off a lot of different looks.  A revealing gothic outift can be gorgeous, and so can a western cowgirl look.  Showing lots of skin is beautiful, but a full coverage medieval gown is equally beautiful.  I just like unique and interesting.  But the key is personality.  I want someone who dresses with flair, but acts modestly.  Confidence is very attractive.  Arrogance is not.  I want someone who knows she's beautiful and likes to show it, but acts with grace and humility, and doesn't act like she's better than anypony else.

  • Brohoof 3


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YES!  :D

I mean . . .  :blush:


Honestly, yes. I prefer girls that are "ladies." Classy, polite, intelligent, reserved. Girls who take pride in their femininity, but not at the cost of their honor. Girls who, to use a metaphor, wouldn't be out of place as a lady of court or a classical southern belle.


A lady with a heart warm enough to shame the sun and give light to every life they touch.  :)

Edited by Steel Accord
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^ Ditto, this ^


I mean a girl who makes a point to be modest, and I don't mean dressing like a nun or any thing, But making an effort to keep her modesty in mind  shows a lot of class, and say much about her personality.


I know people say "I dress however I want!" but the way a person, any person, presents themselves says a lot about their personality. Like some one who dresses sloppy or does not bathe. Modesty is sort of the same way. 

Edited by whitetiger187
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Don't really care. Either way; modest or not, I can still be attracted to them. If a girl wants to dress revealing, I'm still attracted, if a girl wants to dress as if she's scared of the sun touching her skin, I'm still attracted. Clothing isn't really a big factor of attraction for me.

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Is "yes and no" a good answer? I don't particularly care for makeup but everyone is different and looks good in different things. No two women are going to look the same wearing the same outfit with the same hairstyle.

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Being a girl that is straight might make my answer a little pointless, but if I had to choose I would probably go for a girl who's more modest. Nothing's wrong with a skirt or a dress once in a while though.


I looked at a few of the other comments on here, while makeup can be used a little overboard by some girls typically females only use it to enhance their natural beauty. I myself wear foundation and powder to even out my skin and mascara to give my lashes a little more length even though they're already pretty long. Nothing else. Literally it doesn't even really look like I wear any makeup. I think some guys don't really understand that concept. They assume that makeup means a girl isn't confident and is trying to hide her true self, but that's really not the case most of the time.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm personally not attracted to anyone so NOPE.


but if I had to chose I'd say it would depend on who they were. Just because a girl is modest does not mean she isn't the worst person ever and just because they overdress that does not mean their human filth. so yeah...

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At the age of 19,
I feel due to the females I have had relations with in the past...were not modest not in the slightest...

I feel I was almost helpless to the fact I love to wear a suit and dress like a gentleman.

but oh do I never get to feel this love of being formal with no sweetheart.

So to answer you question, Yes I feel I am attracted to more Modest of the Females. :3

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