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Wait are anti bronies an actual thing

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This is kinda a sad topic! :( I wish people could just get along and not care what other people are into!

  • Brohoof 1


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This is kinda a sad topic! :( I wish people could just get along and not care what other people are into!

I have to agree here, people need to learn to accept others.

Zeusking19 - Poniverse Developer and SysAdmin


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If it's an Anti-Brony movement and not an Anti-MLP movement then I don't even blame them. Most Bronies are either insanely religious, stuck up assholes who think they know everything or they're just down-right weird and they never shut up about ponies, frequently referencing to them when no one gives a fuck. I put emphasis on the use of the phrase 'MOST BRONIES' before someone quotes me and types out a long ranting post that I just ignore.


I'm fine with an anti-brony movement. I understand why they dislike us.

Edited by EllEssEss

let's love for me


and lets love loud



and let's love now



cause soon enough we'll die


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I just have a simple phrase to sum up this whole brony and anti-brony warzone.


Angst leads to Aggression.

Strength leads to Silence.


It can apply to both sides of the divide. Including the divide. Why people see bronies as annoying is because all the truly strong ones are silent. The really angsty ones are what give the image people see. Same goes for the other side. People who are afraid will shroud it in a full out hate. People out there who accept us as bronies or respect our strength too, remain silent. 


and that is my answer to the life, universe and everything about conflict. Thank you.

Edited by skysweep


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I'm fine with an anti-brony movement. I understand why they dislike us.

But it all goes back to what I said earlier, why single out bronies? Many of the haters and trolls complaints are all things that every major fandom is guilty of so it seems stupid and pointless to single just them out especially when there are some fandoms that are far far worse behaved than bronies are. Bronies are just an easy target because since they are into a "girls show" which is seen as a bit strange and even deviant to some people which along with some bronies insistence on making this fandom into some kind of hive mind where they try to impose these arbitrary standard of behavior on the entire fandom where if you are into things like clop or grimdark than you are "making us look bad" or are "trying to shove it down our throats" or whatever other immature bullshit argument they can come up with and some bronies getting too defensive about being one is making bronies the hater/troll equivalent of a steak and lobster dinner.


Even with my annoyances at certain parts of the fandom though it dosen't justify all this blind hate, but I suppose as I have said many times on here the joke is on them because while they are busy hating on something that if they actually gave a chance some of them might actually like are wasting their time hating on people because of their own insecurities about their masculinity and sexuality. I am too busy enjoying my ponies to give a damn what these closed minded jackasses have to say.

  • Brohoof 2
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I always thought if you loved something you loved it and if you hated something you avoided it. So are there really keyboard warriors that go out of their way to basically E-bash bronies i would expect there to be anti movements for things like sexuality, religion, abortion etc but really we have anti movements for tv shows now.

Bronies can be highly annoying. Especially when it comes to ponifying everything in sight, and getting on people for not liking it.

I 100% understand.


Feld0 spelled backwards is illuminati


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Personally, it's people like this that have made me coin the term "anti-fanboy", which is someone so obsessed with hating a work or it's fans that they end up making just as much a part of their lives as the fans they hate.


Which if you ask me is even more pathetic that any fanboy could ever be.


Humorously enough when you ask me who I dislike in the fanbase, it's usually the kind of people that would be denying association with the fanbase and bashing other bronies that drive me mad.    



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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There's a buttload of 'em on dA. The funny thing is, none of them can actually draw well, and they really just waste everyone's time.

lol so true.


Click the link look at the comments.

*enough said* 


Click meh.

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I just searched "Anti Brony" on deviantArt and I'm feeling sick now. 

There are people who say the "became" anti Bronies because something they liked got Ponyfied and some have the weirdest excuses why they hate MLP and everything to do with it...

But arguably just as bad as those who use hours of their lives just to hate, are the Brony/Mlp fans who spam Mlp stuff everywere were it doesn't belong and who really annoy those who say they don't like us.

Why aren't the people just stopping with this whole thing?

It just gets really annyoing from both sides...

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Well, some Bronies are like Jehova Witnesses. Therefore it's somewhat understandable that there are Anti-Brony Movements.

Afterall, not everyone likes their favourite Game -and Movie characters ponified.

Couldn't they just ignore it and go on with liking what they like instead of hating on people though? 

  • Brohoof 1
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People are stupid and it's just the internet.. I mean sure there probably is anti bronies who express themselves in public but I really really doubt that there are many. 


On the topic of ponified? Sure.. people dont like when something they like is turned into something they dont know what it is but immedietly dislike it because its colorfull ponies. Lets get down to buisness if you're a true fan of something and you get the diagnosis ''butthurt'' because someone made frodo into a pony... then you probably cant take a joke and need to either get some humour or start taking butthurt pills.


Bronies being like jehovas witness? Fair question. Sure I talk alot about mlp fim with people I know and stuff, why? Because in my opinion its that F**KING good, and I like to talk to people about things I like ( I dont only talk about ponies) People like to share their thoughts on things they like. If someone doesnt want to hear about ponies then they should be polite and say they're not into mlp. 


But lets get real here.. people hating on the show and are anti bronies are either

1 Lesser evolved humans that lets society take a dump in their mouth and they just gladely swallow without question. 


2. People who still havent watched the show and still thinks its just a cartoon about pink horses having tea parties. Keep in mind that probably most anti bronies have not seen the show and refuse to do so becaue they're MEN and Jeresy shore is the only thing they can watch.


Bottom line is.. haters gonna hate ( that quote doesnt get old lol) but really.. people will hate things for no good reason.


WHY OH WHY do I kinda sorta think the hate was neccesary? Because the more you hate something the stronger it grows. We've grown stronger as a community and quite honestly is the best fan community in the world (my opinion). would we have had all these awesome things like ALL the music fanart etc etc conventions if there wasnt any hate against us? For example if there wasnt any hate what so ever against the brony community it probably wouldnt had been as big as it is now OR as special and awesome.


People who say you're gay or whatever has instantly lost their argument. 


Please anti bronies... tell me how much you hate me, I could use a good laugh. Thy hatred feeds me.


Dont like my ponies? too....fcking....bad. 


As long as im a brony ill deffend this community until death. To spread wisdom to the ignorant and the ones blinded by lies. 

Edited by SveciaDash




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I just have a simple phrase to sum up this whole brony and anti-brony warzone.


Angst leads to Aggression.

Strength leads to Silence.


It can apply to both sides of the divide. Including the divide. Why people see bronies as annoying is because all the truly strong ones are silent. The really angsty ones are what give the image people see. Same goes for the other side. People who are afraid will shroud it in a full out hate. People out there who accept us as bronies or respect our strength too, remain silent. 


and that is my answer to the life, universe and everything about conflict. Thank you.

But i thought the answer to life, the universe and everything was 42. But yeah i can see why people could dislike bronies if they are annoying ones. But i still don't get why some people go as far to make anti brony raps and stuff (which is apparently a thing).

People are stupid and it's just the internet.. I mean sure there probably is anti bronies who express themselves in public but I really really doubt that there are many. 


On the topic of ponified? Sure.. people dont like when something they like is turned into something they dont know what it is but immedietly dislike it because its colorfull ponies. Lets get down to buisness if you're a true fan of something and you get the diagnosis ''butthurt'' because someone made frodo into a pony... then you probably cant take a joke and need to either get some humour or start taking butthurt pills.


Bronies being like jehovas witness? Fair question. Sure I talk alot about mlp fim with people I know and stuff, why? Because in my opinion its that F**KING good, and I like to talk to people about things I like ( I dont only talk about ponies) People like to share their thoughts on things they like. If someone doesnt want to hear about ponies then they should be polite and say they're not into mlp. 


But lets get real here.. people hating on the show and are anti bronies are either

1 Lesser evolved humans that lets society take a dump in their mouth and they just gladely swallow without question. 


2. People who still havent watched the show and still thinks its just a cartoon about pink horses having tea parties. Keep in mind that probably most anti bronies have not seen the show and refuse to do so becaue they're MEN and Jeresy shore is the only thing they can watch.


Bottom line is.. haters gonna hate ( that quote doesnt get old lol) but really.. people will hate things for no good reason.


WHY OH WHY do I kinda sorta think the hate was neccesary? Because the more you hate something the stronger it grows. We've grown stronger as a community and quite honestly is the best fan community in the world (my opinion). would we have had all these awesome things like ALL the music fanart etc etc conventions if there wasnt any hate against us? For example if there wasnt any hate what so ever against the brony community it probably wouldnt had been as big as it is now OR as special and awesome.


People who say you're gay or whatever has instantly lost their argument. 


Please anti bronies... tell me how much you hate me, I could use a good laugh. Thy hatred feeds me.


Dont like my ponies? too....fcking....bad. 


As long as im a brony ill deffend this community until death. To spread wisdom to the ignorant and the ones blinded by lies. 

You know i never thought of it that way but you're right if we couldn't care less about all these haters they are just feeding the fandom.



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They are very much a thing, however most of them are just no-life internet junkies who have trouble holding an actual conversation... It would be kind of funny except for the fact that there are a lot of bronies that are the same way.


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anti bronies ya there real I was one for a long time fell like a terd for it now cuz I stabed a kid for being a brony :(

anti bronies ya there real I was one for a long time fell like a terd for it now cuz I stabed a kid for being a brony :(

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They are mostly cynicism extremists who try to enforce the idea that the world sucks and everyone is greedy and evil. When they see something peaceful, pleasant, and innocent like MLP, they go nuts, and start bashing the kind souls.


My main motivation to write my fimfic, this thought of nightmare always pushed me on.



"We've been shedding blood, sweat, and tears - all to fight off the haters. Crawling our ways through bloody battlefield dirt, all for ponies."

                                                                                                                                                                  "Laws" Vyacheslavovich Chalvron


One of the quotes from my fic hope it's not too bad XD.


But in the end, haters gonna hate. As long as they don't start threatening the innocent and keep the hatred to themselves and not spreading it, I'm fine with them.

However, the problem is: they spread the Hate, and DO threaten the innocent. I can't stand that.




anti bronies ya there real I was one for a long time fell like a terd for it now cuz I stabed a kid for being a brony  :(
anti bronies ya there real I was one for a long time fell like a terd for it now cuz I stabed a kid for being a brony  :(



I can see from your prev posts that you are now a brony and you are having a hard time with guilt.


The first thing you can do is stop spamming threads with guilt posts like these b/c

- We love and tolerate, you admit your fault and stopped being a troll, there's no point anyways XD

- If you keep re-mentioning your wrong doings, you will only worsen your situation.


You really feel like one of my characters in my fimfic, he's literally a representative of an ex-hater/ex-cynicist who's trying to achieve redemption for himself (see if you can figure it out though, didn't do it directly b/c it will be sort of awkward).


Hope you can feel better, and mark this, stop re-mentioning your wrong-doings on this forum, the best you can do is apologize to those you harmed, if they are true bronies/pegasisters, they will forgive you. We all do, and we all love you, and this world.

Edited by Solid Scorpion
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I find anti-bronies to be very idiotic. Some argue that they don't want their favorite show or character ponified. Well, you know what? How is that bothering you? It's not canon, it's just people having fun. Grow up you immature children. Of course, the same people who say this are also hypocrites because if their show is crossed with something else, it's perfectly okay.


While I can understand that some bronies are a major pain in the butt, there is a simple solution that these dimwits anti-bronies can do. Ignore it. When people don't like something, they ignore it and move on with their lives. Apparently, anti-bronies don't have the intelligence to do so.


Finally, I have seen some that said they aren't a fan of a show or game they liked anymore because it was ponified. Newsflash! If you don't like a show or game anymore because something from it was ponified, then you didn't like it anyway.



IF is best girl.

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They definitely are a real thing. I don't think there is a community of anti-bronies if thats what you mean, though. I've sort of been on the bashing-people-because-you-hate-what-they-like/love end of the spectrum before (although not with MLP), so maybe I can explain why some people spend their time bashing us. A lot of people are insecure about themselves, so to make themselves feel better, they put others down. There are some bronies that are really annoying and obnoxious (most bronies aren't like that though) and try to force it down peoples throat, and/or bring it up when its irrevalent. For example, my sister recently got into Doctor Who sometime last year. She kept trying to get me to watch it (the only reason I never gave it a chance was because of her constantly telling me about it) and kept talking about it. I don't have any interest in what the show is about, and her doing that to me (she finally stopped at one point though) has lead to me unfairly hating it (I use to bash her for watching it, but I don't do that anymore). Some bronies to this to other people, so they get annoyed, and start bashing us.


There are other reasons too of course. A lot of people only hear the stereotypes about us, and they think its wrong, or creepy. We get potrayed in a negative light in the media often, so they make their opinions about us based on that sometimes. Then there are smaller reasons such as thinking MLP is girly, and men/teenagers/adults shouldn't be watching it. The list of reasons are pretty much endless.


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They are a real thing. The list of reasons on why they dislike us and why they feel that watching a girls show is not normal at all, but sometimes we give our own fandom a bad name that they take advantage of that to use that against us. Some bronies annoy the haters to the brink of criticizing them, and some haters are so insecure that they enjoy putting others down.


You could say that both sides have a negative effect on each other.

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Anti-Bronies have existed since day one. They do go a bit over-the-top from time to time, but it's the same for us. There's always going to be an Anti-group with everything in life. Like they always say, you can't please everyone.

I'm a Y2K Survivor™ 


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